Community > Posts By > trunner69

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Sat 12/19/09 12:32 PM
sun shine and 65 degrees and Blue skys

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Sat 12/19/09 12:29 PM
Early morning

rain or snow?

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Fri 12/18/09 10:25 PM
you had all the money you need to move and no ties...?? And why would you choose this place??

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Fri 12/18/09 10:23 PM
nicely done

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Fri 12/18/09 10:22 PM
looks spooked or something

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Fri 12/18/09 10:12 PM
So many people are chasing the perverbial pink elephant tring to find what makes them happy, successful, and content. List the things in life that make you happy and suuccessfull in life. What do you strife for in life that make you happy and successful??

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Fri 12/18/09 09:49 PM

This is actually something kinda personal...but it's something that has been kinda bugging me lately.

Some of you who look in here may know that I have been writing a ( what I am planning on finishing as ) a book.

I have posted quite a bit of it here for people to see.

Before I say any more I want to point out that this is NOT, in ANY way, an attempt to get more people to read it. So please don't take it that way.

Now, some of the people who have read it have been people from the few that I truly consider friends. Some have been people who don't know me at all.

But the response, whether or not they know me, has been overwhelmingly positive. They have all told me that I have a talent.

The problem is this....

I cannot seem to bring myself to accept that they are actually serious. I cannot accept the fact that I may, indeed, have some talent.

It seems to me, in my head, that the people who have told me that they enjoyed my work, did so simply because they didn't want to discourage me, even if they didn't particularly like the writing.

I want to say, to everyone that has given me positive feedback, that I truly do appreciate it. My thoughts are nothing personal, or any indictment of your honesty.

It's just my own head that won't allow me to accept the idea that I could actually be good at something like writing.

All I can really say, to myself most times is, WTF is wrong with me???

Anyone have any ideas how to get past this crap???
Sometimes when your are having trouble with something you jsut have to take a break and come back to it

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Fri 12/18/09 09:41 PM

I'm sitting here listening to this guy on the comedy channel and
he is cracking me up...he is funny as hell and nasty, I love a good
dirty joke.
Yeah..Ron White is an Alcholic better is Halarious to watch though:smile:

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Fri 12/18/09 09:21 PM

trunner i beleive i did serve this country.. for when i was young and had my children there may have been 2 girls in the armed forces.. laugh :wink: anyhow i raised my 3 children to be good people.. because i "chose" to do somethig different than u did should not make me less american right? i worked when i was 14 yrs old... and all through raising my kids except for 3 yrs.. in that time i ran 2 girl scout troops on my own.. to learn to be a good citizen.. also did it for 4 yrs after that as well while i worked.. helped not ran but was there every meeting... and did extra for them as well..i have as well cared for a single fathers children while he was locally doing for the government what u do... so i know i have done my partflowerforyou but i chose to do so in a different way.. is all:wink:
Good for you..was not intended as a put down...was just a way of expressing one of my own high points in life. Looks like you definately have put in your time and I'm sure you made a difference in peoples lives...:smile: Maybe you should check into volunteer work I sure you could find good leads. There are some many that could use help these days..:smile:
for me.. i beleive that is what i am here for... yea i need a job for something like that.. but i have never had so called training for it.. or had the option to do so...

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Fri 12/18/09 09:14 PM

trunner i beleive i did serve this country.. for when i was young and had my children there may have been 2 girls in the armed forces.. laugh :wink: anyhow i raised my 3 children to be good people.. because i "chose" to do somethig different than u did should not make me less american right? i worked when i was 14 yrs old... and all through raising my kids except for 3 yrs.. in that time i ran 2 girl scout troops on my own.. to learn to be a good citizen.. also did it for 4 yrs after that as well while i worked.. helped not ran but was there every meeting... and did extra for them as well..i have as well cared for a single fathers children while he was locally doing for the government what u do... so i know i have done my partflowerforyou but i chose to do so in a different way.. is all:wink:
Good for you..was not intended as a put down...was just a way of expressing one of my own high points in life. Looks like you definately have put in your time and I'm sure you made a difference in peoples lives...:smile:

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Fri 12/18/09 09:06 PM

thinking one can trust the other,
as looking in the sky and watching the stars and moon
feeling there is more hope to share with one another, as feeling one can trust anyone, but not thinking with heart to the divine.
as you feel like your wondering away, as you watch yourself go separate ways, as i know that my dreams are a meaning, but yet deep down i know the truth, i can only trust myself, and the almighty of course,
i have found courage in myself, as where i shouldnt complain for who or what i am, i have found more compassion in who i am, as i have angels around me as my guides, which they have saved me of my innocent life, as my hero are my guides as they have brought me to see the new beganing of where i belong
So true to everyones life as well...

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Fri 12/18/09 09:03 PM

lol!!! all of u.. i agree with all of u.. but it is all stuff to think about huh?
It helps us to remember why we are Americans and to continue to push forward

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Fri 12/18/09 08:44 PM
Not bad...just cause the computer says does not you can continue to look

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Fri 12/18/09 08:40 PM

so do tell, what do you think makes America "land of the free"?
Tell me what makes you be proud being an american living in the land of free? do you feel that we americans really have it all that well? How do you think America differs from 25 yrs ago? What do you think that other countries think of America? and does America protray itself as it really is? Note no one is right or wrong here.. just asking yor thoughts on it all...
First of all, I think anyone who has been around a while could write a short story about this or maybe even a book. The freedom that our boys and myself have defended is so many things. (From the very small to some things that effect our everyday lives. Being able to work in whatever profession you want to practicing whatever religion you want. Saying what you feel and voicing your opinion...and the list goes on. I am proud to be an American cause I have pride in who I am and after serving in the Navy it something I can hardly explain being on a carrier and launching F-14s. You just have to be there to know the feeling. In the past 25 years some of our conservitive ideals have changed...And in this we are changed forever as it is always important not to look back but ahead. Some countries hate us and some thing we are great. Most of this is from overseas experience. It depends who you talk to. I think most still think we are still a Super power...But we are slipping fast and President Obama is being tested in so many ways.
i definately am not degrading any armed services to do what they are sent to do... and i feel u are much stronger than any government! sure americans can choose but doesnt that take money? if i so much chose to be a chef does that make me one? do i not need the 42 thousand dollars to go to school to be one? is that free? or does my cost only come from my hopes? also because i chose to do that does that mean i would get that one job in 2,000 allpying for the job?
Is the American way of competetion and everyone has to start somewhere...AS for the schooling...If you served our country they will pay for your education...GI Bill

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Fri 12/18/09 08:37 PM

what does land of the free mean? free to have babies here because someone is here in the country.. illegaly? do they do that to a american who pays their taxes? or hasnt been on healthcare because they worked all their life is having a baby at age 40 and happened to pay for their 2 cars they already owned from working and paying taxes for the 22 yrs they worked? is taking away that second car fair? is another example of land of the free?
Bringing a new life into the world is wonderful...even if it is from someone who illegally here. President Reagan opened pandoras box on this and we have not been able to shut yet. This is why we vote to do or best to prevent these from happening...when all else fails...write your congressman or woman and start your own petition is the "American" way you know..

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Fri 12/18/09 08:31 PM

mark here they arent small businesses not all of them... sure some do because the open a company dont know how to run it.. etc.. but many many big companies too that have been around for yrs and been successful.. do u not think it is the economy? because all the others lose their jobs and can not buy?
I here ya. I'm from Michigan the biggest loser in all this economy. And when they were pushing bailouts. They bought people out of their jobs, their unemployment. And the auto industry pushed everyones jobs. when the unemployment runs out. I dont know whats going to happen.
If you one of the many who are out on unemployment you should consider you options and do not be afraid to go outside you trade. Many skills that people have are transferable...I could go on but after being unemployed for once in my life now I had to make a change and it is working...and for sure it is a survival thing but it is what we must all do to take care of our families.

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Fri 12/18/09 08:21 PM

so do tell, what do you think makes America "land of the free"?
Tell me what makes you be proud being an american living in the land of free? do you feel that we americans really have it all that well? How do you think America differs from 25 yrs ago? What do you think that other countries think of America? and does America protray itself as it really is? Note no one is right or wrong here.. just asking yor thoughts on it all...
First of all, I think anyone who has been around a while could write a short story about this or maybe even a book. The freedom that our boys and myself have defended is so many things. (From the very small to some things that effect our everyday lives. Being able to work in whatever profession you want to practicing whatever religion you want. Saying what you feel and voicing your opinion...and the list goes on. I am proud to be an American cause I have pride in who I am and after serving in the Navy it something I can hardly explain being on a carrier and launching F-14s. You just have to be there to know the feeling. In the past 25 years some of our conservitive ideals have changed...And in this we are changed forever as it is always important not to look back but ahead. Some countries hate us and some thing we are great. Most of this is from overseas experience. It depends who you talk to. I think most still think we are still a Super power...But we are slipping fast and President Obama is being tested in so many ways.

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Fri 12/18/09 08:02 PM
I think tring to explain who you are on paper is more difficult than it is to let who you are to flow face to face. I do not think I sell myself short is just difficult to cover so much ground on who you are and where you have been in just a few paragraphs.

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Fri 12/18/09 07:56 PM
hello and welcomewaving

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Fri 12/18/09 07:55 PM
Yes, wear would you like the whip?? mam?:wink:

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