Community > Posts By > greeneyedlady42

greeneyedlady42's photo
Tue 10/13/09 07:40 PM
Internal waste from exteral sources
Feeling the blows from lifes tangled forces
I settle down to quiet my mind
But there's no solice, no peace can I find...
Where love once dwelled- just empty places
battering rams masked behind the faces
Beauty that shattered eons too soon
My mind echoes franticly to end this gloom
A black hole lies where my heart once beat
I hide in the shadows to find a retreat
In the recess of rock, my fortress I built
While effort lies heaped up -next to my guilt.
The cold damp stone has beccome my home
Hunched over withered, damp and alone;
Inward fortress With walls think and strong
Will I ever find a place to belong?

greeneyedlady42's photo
Tue 10/13/09 04:14 AM
To be so simple and so involved at the same time. How do you do it?

greeneyedlady42's photo
Mon 10/12/09 03:57 PM
Lovely words...From a lovely heart...

greeneyedlady42's photo
Mon 10/12/09 10:09 AM
Im so sorry about your little friend-
Our pets are such good companions...

My thoughts are with you while you mourn this loss...

BIG HUGS>>>>>>

greeneyedlady42's photo
Mon 10/12/09 07:07 AM
Healing goes through "stages" at least it did for me...
1st stage was shock and dismay..
then came hurt, followed by anger and resentment until finally
I was left with the "indifference" stage....That is for self preservation I guess.

greeneyedlady42's photo
Mon 10/12/09 04:43 AM
This is very heartfelt - when I read what you write it is like a current of emotion...Absolutely hanging on for the next one..

I have no doubt that you are just a big sweetheart-

Excellent as always

greeneyedlady42's photo
Mon 10/12/09 04:38 AM
My ex was the mose un creative person-EVER!

Bless his heart, he got me one of those wire baskets and put 40 (yes I said 40) of those king sized butterfinger candy bars in it.
The bad thing was I was trying very hard to lose weight and be healthier.

I slowly and discreetly gave them away.

greeneyedlady42's photo
Sun 10/11/09 09:56 PM
Very nice KC-

Your description is elloquent...

greeneyedlady42's photo
Sun 10/11/09 05:52 PM

Theres another great one. The imagery in this is fabulous...


greeneyedlady42's photo
Sun 10/11/09 05:47 AM
Here is a show Red skelton did in 1969- Its probably the most
serious thing he ever did...This was sent to me by a good friend of mine..

greeneyedlady42's photo
Sun 10/11/09 05:43 AM
Maybe he cant work up enough courage to call you when he's sober.

greeneyedlady42's photo
Sun 10/11/09 05:30 AM
Now THAT is remarkable writing!

Very well expressed --so many things Im sure everyone has felt.

Welcome- its good to have you here..

greeneyedlady42's photo
Sat 10/10/09 09:25 PM

Thank You Heavenlyboy
and Id like to thank the Academy of Drive thru Nobel peace prize Awards for this honor- I will gladly print one out and pass it out to all my friends, neighbors and anyone I pass in Walmart. Especially the greeters-

greeneyedlady42's photo
Sat 10/10/09 09:15 PM
"pull my finger"--
Sorry -I couldnt resist

greeneyedlady42's photo
Sat 10/10/09 09:14 PM
Cleaned house- cooked dinner and chased crickets all day.
Im not sure why but lately Ive had an over aboundance of crickets in my house...
I'd scoop em up and toss them back outside. Not sure if it is a whole cricket community or if the same one keeps sneaking back in and messin with my head.scared

Some body told me they were good luck, so Im glad I didnt flush 'em

<<Hey I need all the help I can get.

greeneyedlady42's photo
Sat 10/10/09 09:45 AM
Very nice-

greeneyedlady42's photo
Sat 10/10/09 09:04 AM
Edited by greeneyedlady42 on Sat 10/10/09 09:06 AM
Personally, I think most people get married with the attitude of what they will get from it- not what they will put into it.
Marriage is not 50/50 its 110/110 and most people go in with the mentality if it doesnt work out I can always ...(fill in the blank)

If people focused as hard on all the ways to keep it from failing as they did on what I can do when it fails- well divorce would not be so prevelent.

My grandparents were married 55 years, they made it thru a gambit of serious issues over the years. Because they chose to. There was no escape route planned ahead of time. They both said many times they would do it all over again even knowing at the end what they would face because the good times were so many.

Marriage can be and is a beautiful thing, if both people enter in with the right frame of mind. However it is unfortunate that most will look for the 20% they are missing and risk the 80% they already have waiting at home.

Married people cheat because they get the stability and security of a steady relationship, and the excitement of the outside relationship..

I say -If the grass looks greener on the other side its time to water your own lawn!

greeneyedlady42's photo
Sat 10/10/09 08:28 AM
You did the right thing, for sure- most of all you did what was right for you and that is the important thing.
You know what you are looking for and building a firm foundation is
a positive start of any relationship, be it friendship or otherwise.

Speaking purely from my point of view - the way you conducted yourself was very respectable, and any true lady will really appreciate that. For me that would be a "trust builder" and that is always a plus!

greeneyedlady42's photo
Sat 10/10/09 07:21 AM
Thank you- Sad to say but it is true- Im sure Im not the only one to know ....

greeneyedlady42's photo
Fri 10/09/09 07:58 PM
That big blue F150
came rolling down the drive
And you hopped out and grabbed your bag
And strutted on inside.

I greeted you with a kiss
arms flung open wide
and you picked me up and we laughed
Too much love to hide

Dinner was already on
nothing left to do
But follow my man like a pup
God, how much I loved you

We'd load that old truck tent and all
and find that perfect spot
we'd build a fire and snuggle up
Those nights sure did get hot

We'd talk about nothing & everything
that came across our mind
Love like that doesnt come everyday
We were just running blind

Money didnt matter
The only thing I knew
Was that I wanted to spend
All my days with you-

The truck got sold,The tents long gone
And everything has changed
I havent seen you but the fire burns
Tho our lives have re-arranged

You used to call but now you dont
I cant say I dont care-
Im stuck in what used to be
For nothing else compares.

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