Community > Posts By > greeneyedlady42

greeneyedlady42's photo
Sun 03/07/10 09:19 PM
Very real and raw look at emotions....

You're such a great writer "T" because you are such a great person.


greeneyedlady42's photo
Sun 03/07/10 09:08 PM
Spanking should be spanking and not "hitting".
I have raised three children and they were spanked.
They knew WHY they were spanked, they knew I loved them when I was done spanking them and I had mom rules for spanking:

1. set amounts of licks according to severity

2. proper way to spank. (not chasing them with a stick swinging)

3. Always listen to my kids.

Spanking was a last resort for me but my kids will tell you - they have never been in trouble with the law. I have son a whos and Airman
just back from Iraq and a daughter whos a college grad, my youngest is Top student in high school graduating in June- They are all gratefull they had discipline and their friends have told me many times they wish their parents would set limits for them.

I have been a teaching parent in childrens homes and naturally we didnt spank those kids-
However you can see the difference the effect board of instruction has when applied to the seat of knowledge...LOL

greeneyedlady42's photo
Sun 03/07/10 08:58 PM
Over time, after
betrayals and rejections and down right disregard for any feelings you may have-
a person will "wall up" certain emotions. Emotions that at that time, seem better
left unused. ...and those emotions lay dormant for so long
you almost forget you had them and certainly your terrified to allow them freedom;
So you build a protection device the deflects the ability of another
true and caring heart to touch it. This leads to years of loneliness and further
"disconnection" eventually causing perpetual paralysis and even death.

But when I met you, something lit inside my soul. You opened me up so effortlessly
and I have come to adore you. I crave you, and find myself lost in the anticipation
of seeing you again. My chest pounds and a smile is instantly on my face and
in my heart at just hearing your voice. Your touch is calming and soothing in comparison
to an otherwise chaotic world that I come in contact with everyday. I want you to know
my level of certainty as I step into this with you, whole heartedly and eagerly watching
for the eveidence of the faith I have in you and in us to continue to mount in our favor.
You tell me with every action you have this faith in me too, and THAT is the key.

SO much time and effort has gone by to form me into the person I am today.
More confident in myself, looking for different things than I was 15 years ago and
made some bad choices, but each one of those things led me to this moment.
And while we can say we would've loved to have met years ago, we were different
people then and we may have not liked each other/or even ourselves very much.
But the people we have evolved into, Who share common goals and realistic
limits we have come together at the perfect time in our lives.

I cant imagine a more perfect moment than this one we're in, right now.

We are at the stage now where we can "enjoy" each other. And I enjoy being with you.
You are my confidante my lover, my best friend, my protector.

****Wherever you are is home to me.

greeneyedlady42's photo
Sun 03/07/10 08:45 PM
I laughed so hard at this I almost wet myself. I couldnt stop giggling. This is too halarious.
No one could make this stuff up- Its just too good!

greeneyedlady42's photo
Sun 03/07/10 08:38 PM
Romance is crucial- Romance doesnt have to be crushing or smothering. I find it a creative release. Each time I try to do something different, spontaneous, something origional for a date or just because....

It keeps the home fires

greeneyedlady42's photo
Sun 03/07/10 07:38 PM
I think its wonderful and I wish you the best love has to offer.

Hey I met the man Ive been waiting for, that I knew was out there somewhere- we met online. Its the best thing Ive ever done.

It does happen.......

You two be happy and Congrats!!

greeneyedlady42's photo
Fri 03/05/10 08:13 PM
My warmest thoughts and deepest prayers go out for you and all those who have family serving around the world...
I grew up military just outside Ft Bragg NC.
I have been a military daughter, wife, and now a military mother-

My heart knows the anxieties you feel. My son has done a tour "over there" and may be going back again soon.

God Bless and keep our service members- and give grace to those who await their safe return.

greeneyedlady42's photo
Thu 03/04/10 03:04 PM
What a wonderful collage of so many things most of us have noticed or enjoyed over time- but have long forgetten. That brought back
so many memories for me...

What an awesome spectrum of senses you engaged... "Hearing the spine of a new book opened for the first time"- WHat a dazzling write...

Thank you for sharing - who could not enjoy reading this?

greeneyedlady42's photo
Wed 03/03/10 05:52 PM
Thank you sweetie!
You know Im your biggest fan "T"- You have always been So important to me
I appreciate your thoughtful words.

((( hugs)))!!!!!!!!

greeneyedlady42's photo
Mon 03/01/10 07:06 PM
blushing Thanks you guys--
I always love your support and encouraging words!!

greeneyedlady42's photo
Mon 03/01/10 03:21 PM
You are right Roco-

It is not the vice you choose- it is the void that needs filling by what ever measure you choose to do it by...that place inside you that is lacking and dark and lonely that needs to be quenched (drowned is a more accurate word) because it is never quenched.

Once within your borders it steals ,kills and destroys with no remorse- I grew up in it and it took me a long time to learn I didnt have to choose that as an adult...

It is a painful matter what "name" it goes by.

If you are free from it it is my prayer you remain free- if your not free yet, know YOU CAN BE- I am proof of that...
Hugs to all

greeneyedlady42's photo
Sun 02/28/10 09:53 PM

The color of love is evident, even tho we are the only ones who can see its brilliant hues...Share its shimmering delight.
A divine intervention of 2 hearts that thought they were long past the puppy love phase but feel as giddy as teenagers caught up in the unexpected whirlwind of romance.

I feel the whispers of the breeze -hear the softness of a heartbeat
that used to pound to break free of its shell. The music plays
as you brush across my heart setting in motion something that cannot be contained.

greeneyedlady42's photo
Sun 02/28/10 09:44 PM
Excellent writing - I think I need a cigarette on that one!

greeneyedlady42's photo
Sun 02/28/10 09:41 PM
Very nice- I think I need a cigarette now LOL

greeneyedlady42's photo
Sun 02/28/10 09:39 PM
Hey "T"
Great expression of your observation of mans in humanity to man-
Seems sadly enough it is in abundance these days.
There are some really good folks left but their light seems to be snuffed out little by little as the darkness appears to be growing.
Fortunately we still have people like you in the world, helping it seem not so ugly.

greeneyedlady42's photo
Sun 02/28/10 09:32 PM
Absolutely, amazing writing!!

Im all choked up with emotion....

This is beautiful.

greeneyedlady42's photo
Tue 02/23/10 04:22 AM
Very, very true....

greeneyedlady42's photo
Thu 02/18/10 06:53 PM


I wanted to sit down and write you a love letter-to tell you how much I adore you. You have taken a heart wrapped in stone for so long and just melted me. It has been said of me that I have kept people at arms length. It is sad but it had become true...It was just safer that way. So I chose to be alone rather than to settle for less than I deserve.

Then you came into my life, just a chance meeting that two strangers would become so alive from the very first jolt of caffine, and the very first twinkle in our eyes as we talked about -everything-...
You opened me up, like a flower and made me want to be loved. Thats a feeling I really thought had died. All of a sudden for me it was like a perfect Spring day. And I feel wanted and beautiful with you. And even tho Im strong, its nice to feel
protected, and I feel safe with you.

I cant wait to feel your arms around me, and see the way you look at me. When you smile at me and hold me with your gaze,
I see the wonder of love. When you kiss me, I feel you all through me almost raging thru my veins. Ive never craved anything so bad. I love the anticipation of knowing Ill see you. I love The build up of emotion that rares up inside of me when I know its time for us to meet.

Thank you for the love....



I wrote this for the man I have been seeing and he has quickly become a very important part of my life- This may be "it" guys-Seems to be getting serious.

wish me luck!

greeneyedlady42's photo
Wed 02/17/10 04:03 AM
I think street preaching is an awesome thing- it depends on how you go about it that really pulls people in. Many times we have seen souls come to Christ as a result and there is no greater feeling than the expansion of Gods Kingdom... I used to give away Bibles to the homeless with a $5 bill inside and the look of amazement over the bible- half of them didnt even care about the money- it was the fact that some one cared enough to give them a bible...It made me cry everytime. It will really make you realize how fortunate you are- it is a very humbling experience.

greeneyedlady42's photo
Tue 02/16/10 07:03 PM
Be safe Terry- prayers for patience with those crazy drivers out there- I just drive a regular car and they really *%$# me off.. I can only imagine being in a rig and dealing with their shananigans.

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