Topic: Holy Hell! I have been proposed to!!!..never saw it coming!
mssilverfox's photo
Mon 10/20/08 06:37 PM

Yanno, I'm sure a lot of things running through ur head right now.......but, I think it boils down the the answer to this one question:

Would you be able to live with yourself if you didn't at least give it a go??? I'd still hold off on the marriage part for a year or more, and would be a little worried if she wasn't ok with that..........but other than that, ??????

I agree with Plainome, Go for it but would hold off on the marriage for awhile, see how it goes and if the feelings are still the same for both, then do might not ever get another chance! Best of luck flowerforyou happy

ashley_renee's photo
Mon 10/20/08 07:40 PM

Yes yes, but make sure the wedding is at least 1.5 years away so you have time to reconsider, feel things through, and to see if she is serious and not rushing for personal reasons

Will you marry me?

galendgirl's photo
Mon 10/20/08 07:55 PM
Maybe this is your talked about that in another thread, I believe. Maybe you have found her and whether you KNOW it or not, you might consider trusting your gut instinct :)
Good luck!

Roco's photo
Mon 10/20/08 08:58 PM

Wow! That's really awesome. Good for you dude. Go ahead. What do you have to lose?

Sorry, for being pragmatic, but..........he hasn't talked to her for sixteen years?? Has a date on the fly because she was in town, talks for two hours??? She wants him to move to China, and you ask what he has to lose??

His single life, as she wants him to marry her. The place he lives. Any friends and family visits, as he won't probably be able to make it back on a weekly basis.

I don't were in love with her........I'd say give the relationship a try, but I find it a bit over the top for her to ask her to marry you after a two hour convo. I broke up when you were 21.......have you had contact since then?? A lot happens and changes. I'd just hate to see you "go for it" and end up in China, and find out that.........well, she wasn't the "girl" you used to know.

But, then again, only you can say what you want.....

very good points..especially on the single i read about had to do with executives..(mainly men) that get relocated offshore..they bring their family..the statistics are real high..(65% if memory serves correct) that man and family will return before assignment ends..usually less than two years..main reason - strain on family..wife doesn't adapt. Perhaps your situation is different being that the roles are reversed...and maybe you can adapt and acculturate. In my opinion..i think she's rushing into things because she wants you there..she probably feels more comfortable having you there..don't want to sound sexist but if it was a guy..he would probably just take off on his own...


alonenotlonely's photo
Mon 10/20/08 09:09 PM

I am still in shock.

Saturday a.m....My cell rings at work and it is my first true love. We met when she was 13. I was 16. We dated until I was 21.

Fate seperated us and I hadn't seen or spoken to her in 16 years. She was in town and asked if I was willing to see her. I couldn't resist.

Seriously, it was like real magic. (Please bear in mind that niether of us ever lied to each other and had always been completely honest....even when we parted trust has never been an issue)

Within 2 hours of being with each other...she asked me to consider marrying her and moving to China (where she works).

She is not only beautiful, she is extremely intelligent and she is indeed my first real love. It just seems so over the top.

Weighing my options...(I swore I would never marry....buuuuuuuttttttt......)

I mean I am deliriously happy. But, still trying to think with a sense of practicality.

Any thoughts?

Man, . . . have you seen the movie "Face Off"? I'll make a deal with ya.

justmehere03's photo
Mon 10/20/08 09:58 PM
damn i wouldnt know what to do lol id be floored! hell man do what you think is right in you heart bro!!!drinker

AutumnLee21's photo
Mon 10/20/08 10:07 PM

Thats so cool, good for you do what your heart tells you to. Do what you think is best for you

justmehere03's photo
Tue 10/21/08 02:05 AM
talk about fate with you bro? read my post! been one weird day ha ha

scoundrel's photo
Tue 10/21/08 02:52 AM
Independence Day. Jeff Goldblum reconnects with his ex...and she's successful and she finally sees that he always was the true love for her.

That's what this sounds like.

Now...the spaceship is scheduled to rendezvous with the Mother China...when?

It's adventure and new life.
I'd do it in two heartbeats. But I'm hot on adventure and new life. That's just me.

Besides, once you're over there, living the dream of Indiana Jones and Cleopatra, what's to worry about living a storybook life?

Best wishes, whatever you are destined for. drinker :banana:

scotty1964's photo
Tue 10/21/08 02:56 AM
bro, thats sounds so know whats rite.....

no photo
Tue 10/21/08 10:38 AM
lots of reasons not too., only reason,
which is more important to you?
If you make a mistake you can always work on it later, if you take no action you will live with the "what if" for the rest of your life....

Duffy's photo
Tue 10/21/08 10:52 AM
um i am an old lady, but my gut instinct says don't do this.since you had a long time apart, have a longer engagement together say like 5 years, before u go to China.
and learn to speak the language before you go. use that as your excuse,...u have to learn Chinese...first.

Texanese's photo
Tue 10/21/08 10:55 AM
Well, since we're quoting movies here, as Tom Cruise said in Risky Business - "Sometimes you just have to say what the fudge."

I also would counsel holding off for a while on the marriage, but if you have vacation time coming, why not go for a long visit? See if the euphoria lasts, if it does great! If not, you gave it a shot and tried, at least you DID something about it.

NIGHTTRAIN99's photo
Tue 10/21/08 11:00 AM

Two words: Slow down.

Three more words: Think it through.

There's a reason why some wise man, probably Greg Louganis, said "Look before you leap"....
Hahahahaha....thats fricken hilarious man!....good post!....laugh

NIGHTTRAIN99's photo
Tue 10/21/08 11:01 AM
Trust your Gut.......

Tazz42's photo
Tue 10/21/08 11:02 AM
Krupa, I know this is going to sound redundant, but.....
If you don't take the chance you will live to regret it! Life is that way.
This was suppost to be if she has stayed in contact with your parents and asked of you often.

Your family is always going to be there for you no matter what.....but the love of your life isn't.

Take a may be the only one you get....

happiness is NOT found it is created.....

Best of luck to you and her! Lucky girl!

krupa's photo
Tue 10/21/08 04:07 PM
Thanks soooo much guys! Every last one of you make really good points...but Duffy, she teaches and interprets as well as writes corporate contracts for chinese and anglo business ventures in Tianjin. So the "I don't know the language" won't fly.

I have no children. My one real tie to Texas is a really good job ...well, that and Texas is both of our home. She really wants to come home as soon as her son's semester ends...(wants him to have the American teenager experience.

My one hesitation is quitting a really good job and then find myself back here in a year or so and find myself unemployed....she definitly IS moving back....

I have been an absolute distracted wreck up at work. Yet my friends and now my family say they will support any desiscion I make.

I absolutely will marry her. It is the temporary move that concerns me at this point.

mistarr's photo
Wed 10/22/08 06:52 AM
Go for it. I sure would.

krupa's photo
Wed 10/22/08 04:40 PM
Ya got nooooo Idea how bad I wanted to board that plane with her Mistarr.

She boogied out today and is currently winging out to Tokyo for a 1 hour layover befor Tianjin.

Let's face it, if I was an unemployed bum with no obligations I would have just bailed....But, I still need to attend my responsibilities.

I don't think I ever ached more when I let her go and had to walk back to my car.

It felt like that body length hug and that kiss would last forever. At least in my head, it is burned in like a mental tattoo. Posting a pic of her in my profile pix...I just gotta look at her...check her out! The woman is soooo fine.

I have spoken to her and I feel it would be best for me to stay and prep up living arrangements for Her, her son and Myself...(Giving up the bachelor style messy house is gonna be tough but, I can manage for this one.

SitkaRains's photo
Wed 10/22/08 06:58 PM
Check your inbox my friend in a few. I have a story for you