Topic: Mental Illness - myth or science?
mangus60's photo
Fri 10/23/09 11:31 PM
What Greeneyedlady said! Do everything you can to make your body healthy and most of the symptoms of mental illness will disappear. Lots of veggies and water in your diet, limit processed foods, no stimulants [especially caffeine and alcohol] or pills and lots of sleep. Why wouldn't anybody want to do this?

Amoscarine's photo
Mon 11/25/13 10:12 AM
The only thing that makes any sense to me when I think about mental illness is the timing. Falling in love is a madness in itself, but if you have this at the wrong time, without one who is responding, there is a disorder present. Being hyped upped, being in a dopamine dense state, is fine if it corresponds with natural events, like seeing a nice friend or getting good news, or whatever is a stimulus leading to pleasure in the future. So I think that most of it is just too little development in relevant cortexes. It's when time plays tricks on us.

msharmony's photo
Mon 11/25/13 02:58 PM
the chicken or the egg?

I think we are all born with a blank slate and our experiences shape us,, I believe that our experience, coupled by how we choose to react can cause an alteration in us physically

I think 'science' and medicine commonly get it backwards, assuming the physical deviance they see is causing the behavior, instead of vice verse,,

no photo
Mon 11/25/13 07:07 PM

the chicken or the egg?

I think we are all born with a blank slate and our experiences shape us,, I believe that our experience, coupled by how we choose to react can cause an alteration in us physically

I think 'science' and medicine commonly get it backwards, assuming the physical deviance they see is causing the behavior, instead of vice verse,,

Speak for yourself. I was born with more than a blank slate.

Do you have any memories of your birth? I do. laugh Or at least it seems like I do. Memories, they say, are rewritten every time you recall them.

no photo
Mon 11/25/13 07:17 PM

The only thing that makes any sense to me when I think about mental illness is the timing. Falling in love is a madness in itself, but if you have this at the wrong time, without one who is responding, there is a disorder present. Being hyped upped, being in a dopamine dense state, is fine if it corresponds with natural events, like seeing a nice friend or getting good news, or whatever is a stimulus leading to pleasure in the future. So I think that most of it is just too little development in relevant cortexes. It's when time plays tricks on us.

I don't think falling in love is mental illness, but it is more like hypnotism, and its temporary. Infatuation is temporary. Same thing.

I wonder about mental illness too and what it means. There are schizophrenics, psychopaths, psychotics, and plain old dysfunctional screwed up thinking, etc. It could be physical, chemical etc.

People who hear voices in their heads telling them to do bad things, sounds like schizophrenic behavior, but if there are such things as demon possession, mind control, who knows.

I have known people who hear voices (not their own voices) in their head and have all of their lives. Some tend to think everyone else probably does too and its normal.

metalwing's photo
Mon 11/25/13 08:58 PM
About fifty percent of mental illness is genetic. The other half is acquired. I have seen it up close and it is truly sad.

Some of it is described as "evil". I guess that is a matter of opinion.

no photo
Mon 11/25/13 09:03 PM

About fifty percent of mental illness is genetic. The other half is acquired. I have seen it up close and it is truly sad.

Some of it is described as "evil". I guess that is a matter of opinion.

Yeh I guess not all psychopaths or sociopaths are "evil." (What ever evil is) Like Patrick Jane on the Mentalist. At least he is not a serial killer.laugh

no photo
Mon 11/25/13 11:48 PM
I have autism. Believe me, the damn things are real.

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Tue 11/26/13 03:39 AM
Kind of funny the OP seems to feel that the way society deals with ppl with mental illness is wrong and over the top.
I feel it should be far stricter and made possible by law to take legal action when dealing with such a person.
When someone hurts someone else physically, you can take legal action, when someone abuses someone else by non-physical means, there's nothing you can do. While the effects of mental/emotional abuse is just as bad as physical, maybe even worse.
I've lived with someone with a personality disorder and the damage they do to other people is unbelievable!
Had this been a physical crime, I could've sued him, and I would have. Now there's nothing I can legally do.
If you know what these ppl are capable of ... they should be locked up to protect society from them. Rapists, serial killers and pedophiles can't roam free, ppl with mental illness and personality disorders can. The amount of NPDs is astounding and they walk free in society, raping and killing other ppl emotionally and mentally.
So 'forcing' treatment upon them, I'm all for it if it's clear they have an illness/disorder. There is no treatment for NPD, so that leaves few options if you want to protect society.

Yes I'm focusing on one type, just to make clear it's not all harmless nor treatable.

msharmony's photo
Tue 11/26/13 06:20 AM
my nephew is autistic to, I don't think that's psychological

its a physical ailment , like having been born with one arm

but its more about having been born with something not developed in the brain

no photo
Tue 11/26/13 09:35 AM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Tue 11/26/13 09:36 AM

my nephew is autistic to, I don't think that's psychological

its a physical ailment , like having been born with one arm

but its more about having been born with something not developed in the brain

I wonder if autism could be a birth defect or brain injury like they discovered cerebral palsy was.

It could also be a result of the dangerous food and drugs Americans consume.

Amoscarine's photo
Tue 11/26/13 10:28 AM

I don't think falling in love is mental illness, but it is more like hypnotism, and its temporary... (So a few years? I think it just depends on how long the person needs it. Kind of off topic, But I wouldn't suggest marraige to myself or anyone unless they thought it'd still be benificial for over about 20-30 years)

People who hear voices in their heads telling them to do bad things, sounds like schizophrenic behavior, but if there are such things as demon possession, mind control, who knows.
(I heard that a guy studying some ethnic group asked them to explain why some girl who heard voices and ate a goat, forbidden meat for a female, was insane when they heard voices during their ceromonies. It was finally said to the guy that she heard voices at the wrong time. People hear good voices, the ones taht say do it to positive matters, so it's considerations like these that I think timing comes up.)

I have known people who hear voices (not their own voices) in their head and have all of their lives. Some tend to think everyone else probably does too and its normal.

(I'm feeling more compelled the more I look into schizo and brain matters that the properly functioning brain is really insane, that all is a hallucination. The trick appears to be to see the right things for the right occasion, so to have controlled chaos, in a sense. I think that it goes along with feeling crazy and drugged on the inside, but functioning rationally and completely coherently on the outside that characterises good mental health, however odd that sounds.)

Good thoughts here Jean.

Amoscarine's photo
Tue 11/26/13 10:35 AM

I wonder if autism could be a birth defect or brain injury like they discovered cerebral palsy was.

It could also be a result of the dangerous food and drugs Americans consume.

I really think that this stricks the main of the issue. People eat poorly with elements of unknown affective power, are exposed to tremendously different environments than what homo sapiens evolved in and also consume more experimental drugs than is wise. Think of the amazing increase in anti-psychotics being prescribed to youths with behavoir problems, up more than 40% recently in Canada, according to something Gabor Mate said. Besides, I personally know nearly a whole family that are on anxiety meds. If there are vast numbers of ways a brain can be affected, can fire synapses, develop and interact with the environment, this is to the extent that almost all that may be said may affect the mental health of a group or society.

no photo
Tue 11/26/13 12:00 PM
This thread is BS on soo many levels.

no photo
Tue 11/26/13 12:10 PM
To suggest that it needs to be perfect straight off the bat is wishful thinking. For somebody with such overwhelming expectation, I suggest you **** into one hand and wish into the other and see which hand fills up first. Give science a chance and then give the system time to catch up. What a cop out.

no photo
Tue 11/26/13 01:25 PM

To suggest that it needs to be perfect straight off the bat is wishful thinking. For somebody with such overwhelming expectation, I suggest you **** into one hand and wish into the other and see which hand fills up first. Give science a chance and then give the system time to catch up. What a cop out.

Since this thread is 14 pages long and the O.P. was posted in 2009. No one has a clue what you are ranting about, or two whom you are talking. So your response makes no sense.

Care to elaborate?

no photo
Tue 11/26/13 05:42 PM
You should spell check before you post. People will undoubtedly get a bad first impression.

no photo
Wed 11/27/13 05:23 AM
If mental illness doesn't exist, then why is it so hard to pop our thinking back into "logical mode"? I try to reason with the thing I suffer with so many times a day, that I end up feeling like a teacher teaching myself. Yet I can never complete it alone. It needs a professional expert. I even thought about contacting a well-known illusionist, because he deals with mind control. I watch his tv show's, and thought maybe he could teach me something about my agoraphobia. I try to reason with it. It's like wrestling an unseen bully.

Just before anyone start's pointing out that I "should just get over it", don't assume it's ever as simple as that. I do try. And it's tough work. And if I was after attention, I'd probably talk about it way more than I do. Plus I'd post constant dramatic threads. This is simply me explaining whether I think mental illness exist's. I think it does.

TBRich's photo
Wed 11/27/13 09:25 AM
Mental illness is real and the DSM-V, aka the Book of Woe is a necessary evil, ie- insurance payments, who is gonna pay for a diagnosis of "person is unhappy"? May I suggest that people who are in need or interested explore the psychiatric rehabilitation and recovery models because people can and do recover from mental health issues.

no photo
Wed 11/27/13 10:07 AM

Mental illness is real and the DSM-V, aka the Book of Woe is a necessary evil, ie- insurance payments, who is gonna pay for a diagnosis of "person is unhappy"? May I suggest that people who are in need or interested explore the psychiatric rehabilitation and recovery models because people can and do recover from mental health issues.
