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Topic: Who Taught You About Love?
Ladylid2012's photo
Tue 04/19/11 05:00 PM

I learned about unconditional love and forgiveness
from my sons. My childhood lacked in love and
respect so it was my children who taught me.
If your childless and didn't grow up in a loving
atmosphere, who taught you about love?

motowndowntown's photo
Tue 04/19/11 05:16 PM
I was lucky. My parents taught me about love, though I didn't know it at the time I was learning.

My dog taught me loyalty.

The military taught me duty.

Grade school taught me to read.

College taught me to think.

Working for a living taught me life.

And in case you are wondering an older woman
taught me about the finer things in life.

Ladylid2012's photo
Tue 04/19/11 05:18 PM

I was lucky. My parents taught me about love, though I didn't know it at the time I was learning.

My dog taught me loyalty.

The military taught me duty.

Grade school taught me to read.

College taught me to think.

Working for a living taught me life.

And in case you are wondering an older woman
taught me about the finer things in life.

is why your soooo awesome :thumbsup:

motowndowntown's photo
Tue 04/19/11 05:20 PM
A Bangkok whore taught me modesty.

But that's another story.

Dragoness's photo
Tue 04/19/11 05:24 PM
I would have to say it has been my children also. Even the love my parents gave is conditional.

But my children love me even when I am wrong, sick, etc....

Totage's photo
Tue 04/19/11 05:33 PM
Edited by Totage on Tue 04/19/11 06:05 PM

I learned about unconditional love and forgiveness
from my sons. My childhood lacked in love and
respect so it was my children who taught me.
If your childless and didn't grow up in a loving
atmosphere, who taught you about love?

I would have to say my mom mostly.

I find it interesting that you learned about unconditional love and forgiveness from your children. Though, I can understand how so, having and raising children will do that to you. lol

You seem to have a lot of love.

josie68's photo
Tue 04/19/11 05:48 PM
Edited by josie68 on Tue 04/19/11 05:49 PM
Hmmm, My family has always loved me just for me, but I guess they dont have a choice. They have loved me since I was a child and put up with things that I am different in. But I guess in some ways I dissapoint them as I dont have goals and am happy with how things are in my life.
My children love me, but as I am their Mum they have to..

I do treasure this love as I have been blessed, and it is only because of tall the people who have loved me that I find it so easy to love.

But it has only been recently that I have truly felt loved for myself and that is by Anacondaarms. Not loved because I am related or because I am his Mum and look after him.
But just loving me for who I am, for How I look talk and just the dumb things I do. For accepting and loving my faults and my differences, for the things that can be annoying but are me.

fireflysgirl's photo
Tue 04/19/11 06:00 PM
My parents to start with (my Dad delivered me so I felt a special bond right outta the womb), my siblings (my sisters are some of my closest friends), Gramma for sure (also taught us manners!), my friends that I have known & loved for decades, my exs taught me much about love (or what I thought it was, my animals (unconditional happiness there), my mentors that never gave up on me and convinced me that I can become something that I once feared even trying!

ArtGurl's photo
Tue 04/19/11 06:04 PM
My first dog taught me about loss

The stranger when I was 12 years old taught me about fear

My high school sweetheart taught me about romantic love

My father taught me about betrayal

My ex-husband taught me about forgiveness

My mother's death taught me about life

My inner child teaches me joy

The world teaches me appreciation

All who I have known, will know and random strangers on the news teach me about compassion

...and love :heart:

lilott's photo
Tue 04/19/11 06:06 PM
I had to learn on my own and I still haven't got it right.

TheShadow's photo
Tue 04/19/11 08:20 PM
I would say right now that my son is teaching me another type of love. Other then that, I think as you grow through life you learn as you go along.

TxsGal3333's photo
Tue 04/19/11 08:24 PM
Humm would say it is something you learn from family as you grow up. As well as what heartache is.....Then when you have kids of your own you learn about a different kind of love and you start to understand what it means to love someone that you truly would give your life for in a heart beat without a doubt....:heart:

fireflysgirl's photo
Tue 04/19/11 08:27 PM
I have definitely learned a great deal reading posts right here in the forums...people finding love, people running from it, and those willing to help others learn to let go of it when the time comes :)

Jess642's photo
Wed 04/20/11 12:00 AM
Edited by Jess642 on Wed 04/20/11 12:02 AM
Ironically, my parents....I KNEW whatever it was with them....was not love....I KNEW what it was supposed to look like, feel like...from a tiny child...I didn't experience it there, but had glimpses of it.....they created the gaps with which to recognise it ...for my entire life.

The complete undying love for a favourite teacher....the break your heart wide open for the scruffy dog, that looks at you with liquid chocolate eyes and gently licks your hand..

The intensity of a first best friend...

That moment, where you see your newborn's face for the very first time....and you finally know this is what you were made for..

The lover....who I 'knew' before I met him...the recognition of someone I had loved my entire life when meeting him for the first time in the physical....whom I still adore and love without condition...who I can cheer on in his endeavours of life and the heart as if it was my own.

Stillness and silence have taught me much...and how to touch the love that runs through us all..

Complete strangers have reminded me what love looks like...

LIFE....this life, teaches me daily.

Beachfarmer's photo
Wed 04/20/11 12:01 AM
everyone including me

Beachfarmer's photo
Wed 04/20/11 12:03 AM
BTW Lori, this is one of the best questions/evocations I've seen "here" for a long long time:heart:

Jess642's photo
Wed 04/20/11 12:06 AM
Me too!

(and by the way....that gorgous woman up there....with art in her veins, and the sand agriculturist, have taught me love.):heart:

Beachfarmer's photo
Wed 04/20/11 12:26 AM
Edited by Beachfarmer on Wed 04/20/11 12:33 AM
the veinity of these women (The OP...and...the one above)

DOH....and of course those in between.flowerforyou

ArtGurl's photo
Wed 04/20/11 12:30 AM

Me too!

(and by the way....that gorgous woman up there....with art in her veins, and the sand agriculturist, have taught me love.):heart:

:heart: and you ...I :heart:

...and that guy up there too :wink: flowerforyou

Beachfarmer's photo
Wed 04/20/11 12:46 AM

Me too!

(and by the way....that gorgous woman up there....with art in her veins, and the sand agriculturist, have taught me love.):heart:

:heart: and you ...I :heart:

...and that guy up there too :wink: flowerforyou

flowerforyou It's nice to learn of love from both north and south!!!!

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