Topic: obeying your husband
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Thu 10/09/14 10:37 AM

Without considering the moral side I don't see a reason to vow to obey anymore.

lay aside Morals and deal with facts , there is ( or there should be ) total equity between male and female in today's life , thus , the word obey has to be replaced by the word collaborate .

Men are so brainwashed to control women even today in 2014, women are told to obey's still a man's world.

Ɔʎɹɐx's photo
Thu 10/09/14 10:47 AM

Without considering the moral side I don't see a reason to vow to obey anymore.

lay aside Morals and deal with facts , there is ( or there should be ) total equity between male and female in today's life , thus , the word obey has to be replaced by the word collaborate .

Men are so brainwashed to control women even today in 2014, women are told to obey's still a man's world.

that doesn't apply to independent and self confident women , and when you still find women repeat over and over again that they will obey according to some religious belief or social tradition , then it's not men's fault anymore !

mom333's photo
Thu 10/09/14 11:53 AM

Maybe the word "obey" isn't meant to be taken so literally?

what other meanings does it have rather than to respond to someone's will either if that suits you or not ?
if its in the best interest of your family and the husband that is asking this of you has the same morals and is on the same path as you he wouldn't ask something of you that is bad or negative.
I stand by what I say because this statement is true. a lot of people think the same and its not beaten women or weirdoes these women are living examples that marriage with old values and vows can and does work. these women are not fragile little things with no thoughts of their own and their husbands don't treat them like doormats they work together side by side and have good lives. its not all bad experiences.

mom333's photo
Thu 10/09/14 11:55 AM

Maybe the word "obey" isn't meant to be taken so literally?

what other meanings does it have rather than to respond to someone's will either if that suits you or not ?
if its in the best interest of your family and the husband that is asking this of you has the same morals and is on the same path as you he wouldn't ask something of you that is bad or negative.
I stand by what I say because this statement is true. a lot of people think the same and its not beaten women or weirdoes these women are living examples that marriage with old values and vows can and does work. these women are not fragile little things with no thoughts of their own and their husbands don't treat them like doormats they work together side by side and have good lives. its not all bad experiences.
but I do respect any other views on this!!

navygirl's photo
Thu 10/09/14 12:11 PM

Maybe the word "obey" isn't meant to be taken so literally?

what other meanings does it have rather than to respond to someone's will either if that suits you or not ?
if its in the best interest of your family and the husband that is asking this of you ahs the same morals and is on the same path as you he wouldn't ask something of you that is bad or negative.

The definition of obey is to carry out (instructions or orders); comply with (demands). Obey is demanding; not asking. If someone asks you; you then you have the right to say yes or no; but if you obey; then you have no choice. Fos is correct that it means to respond to someone's will even if you aren't comfortable with it.

navygirl's photo
Thu 10/09/14 12:14 PM

Without considering the moral side I don't see a reason to vow to obey anymore.

lay aside Morals and deal with facts , there is ( or there should be ) total equity between male and female in today's life , thus , the word obey has to be replaced by the word collaborate .

Men are so brainwashed to control women even today in 2014, women are told to obey's still a man's world.

that doesn't apply to independent and self confident women , and when you still find women repeat over and over again that they will obey according to some religious belief or social tradition , then it's not men's fault anymore !

Agreed. If you aren't strong enough to stand up for yourself; then its your fault; not the man's. I have met lost of men who tried to control me and I just kicked them to the curb.

no photo
Thu 10/09/14 12:51 PM
Everyone has different interpretations. Maybe I'm wrong but I'm thinking obey means something else in a marriage. What about the way women are submissive to men sexually? It's in their nature to be that way. The word submit can also be taken negatively but it's not at all. I think feminists tend to over react and control men, and then many men are brainwashed to try to control women. So, how can a marriage work out unless 2 people compliment each other?

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Thu 10/09/14 01:18 PM
Edited by realcarebear on Thu 10/09/14 01:17 PM
Okay first of all I'm not a brain washed, dependent woman also my confidence gets better everyday. I'm very open-minded and appreciative of others views and beliefs. I choose what I believe based on what I have learned just by living And observing. I see nothing wrong with establishing roles in a relationship. I think they re important because I don't think two people can be truly equal in a relationship. They can work as a team. My mother vowed to obey my father and he is the head of our family. He honors my mother and never put her in a position to make her break her vows to him. He kept his and she's kept hers. Shes not his slave. They work together and compliment each other. They've been married for 40 years.

mrld_ii's photo
Thu 10/09/14 01:19 PM
Edited by mrld_ii on Thu 10/09/14 01:18 PM
Those dammed feminists...screwin' up EVERYthing, ruining marriages and families AND brainwashing men into having no choice BUT to take control over women!!!



no photo
Thu 10/09/14 01:20 PM
co dependence

navygirl's photo
Thu 10/09/14 01:22 PM

Everyone has different interpretations. Maybe I'm wrong but I'm thinking obey means something else in a marriage. What about the way women are submissive to men sexually? It's in their nature to be that way. The word submit can also be taken negatively but it's not at all. I think feminists tend to over react and control men, and then many men are brainwashed to try to control women. So, how can a marriage work out unless 2 people compliment each other?

I don't like generalizations about feminists trying to control men. That is BS at its worse. Submitting is equally bad as obey and no its not in every woman's nature to be that way as that is another form of brainwashing on how a woman should behave. I wouldn't submit to sex but would agree to have it. Submit means accept or yield to a superior force or to the authority or will of another person. In other words he wants sex but you don't; then you submit which is more like rape. Its all in the wording. If I am overweight; I don't want guy saying I am fat but maybe word it that I need to lose a few pounds. Its all about respect and I want to be respected as an individual; an equal; not inferior to a man.

navygirl's photo
Thu 10/09/14 01:27 PM

Okay first of all I'm not a brain washed, dependent woman also my confidence gets better everyday. I'm very open-minded and appreciative of others views and beliefs. I choose what I believe based on what I have learned just by living And observing. I see nothing wrong with establishing roles in a relationship. I think they re important because I don't think two people can be truly equal in a relationship. They can work as a team. My mother vowed to obey my father and he is the head of our family. He honors my mother and never put her in a position to make her break her vows to him. He kept his and she's kept hers. Shes not his slave. They work together and compliment each other. They've been married for 40 years.

Everybody is different. My friend married a feminist and they make decisions together as well as taking on each other's roles. They are truly equal in their relationship and have been married for 28 years. He openly admits he is not head of the family as they always make decisions together. I know of yet another couple like that and even take seperate vacations and going on 32 years.

no photo
Thu 10/09/14 01:33 PM
Women's bodies are softer than men's so in that sense they are submissive, not that they will have sex against their will, there is a difference. Men can tell when a woman is interested or when it is rape. I am just observing the nature of women and where this idea of obey may have come from other than the way it's being presented by the feminist view that obey must be made to do something by force. Obey can mean following the man's lead like in a dance.

mom333's photo
Thu 10/09/14 01:33 PM

Okay first of all I'm not a brain washed, dependent woman also my confidence gets better everyday. I'm very open-minded and appreciative of others views and beliefs. I choose what I believe based on what I have learned just by living And observing. I see nothing wrong with establishing roles in a relationship. I think they re important because I don't think two people can be truly equal in a relationship. They can work as a team. My mother vowed to obey my father and he is the head of our family. He honors my mother and never put her in a position to make her break her vows to him. He kept his and she's kept hers. Shes not his slave. They work together and compliment each other. They've been married for 40 years.
this is the exact reason marriages lasted and still do if this is what is happening in the marriage, this is the ideal a lot of people have on a marriage. it is true men and women are not equal not at all we are completely different and in a marriage it does come to light. if you go into a marriage with the mentality of "well he cant tell me what to do and I can do what I want, im my own person, the marriage is doomed from the start because there will always be a battle of the sexes. women submitting is not a weakness' its the woman saying to herself and to her husband "I will let you take the lead as I trust that you love me and will take care of me, and I will take care of you.

Ɔʎɹɐx's photo
Thu 10/09/14 02:02 PM

My mother vowed to obey my father and he is the head of our family. He honors my mother and never put her in a position to make her break her vows to him. He kept his and she's kept hers. Shes not his slave. They work together and compliment each other. They've been married for 40 years.

social concepts are in continuous development , what used to be common some 50 years ago doesn't have to be the same now , as it wasn't the same 100 years ago and so on .... take example the women's right to work , or vote .... say that 100 years ago , or even less and you may be considered enemy of the community in some countries !
same applies to many other sides of the human community like civil , homosexuals and Abortion rights ....

blueeyes2000's photo
Thu 10/09/14 02:05 PM
I would write my own. Everyone's got a different opinion of what 'obey' means in the sense of husband and wife/partners, but it doesn't mean you becoma a slave to your husband.

no photo
Thu 10/09/14 02:31 PM

My mother vowed to obey my father and he is the head of our family. He honors my mother and never put her in a position to make her break her vows to him. He kept his and she's kept hers. Shes not his slave. They work together and compliment each other. They've been married for 40 years.

social concepts are in continuous development , what used to be common some 50 years ago doesn't have to be the same now , as it wasn't the same 100 years ago and so on .... take example the women's right to work , or vote .... say that 100 years ago , or even less and you may be considered enemy of the community in some countries !
same applies to many other sides of the human community like civil , homosexuals and Abortion rights ....

Yep the world is ever changing. Doesn't mean the old ways are wrong. Just proves. There is more than one way to accomplish a goal. More than one definition of a successful relationship/ marriage. I try keep an open heart and stay true to myself. My actions are the only ones I can control.

navygirl's photo
Fri 10/10/14 12:37 AM
Edited by navygirl on Fri 10/10/14 12:40 AM

Women's bodies are softer than men's so in that sense they are submissive, not that they will have sex against their will, there is a difference. Men can tell when a woman is interested or when it is rape. I am just observing the nature of women and where this idea of obey may have come from other than the way it's being presented by the feminist view that obey must be made to do something by force. Obey can mean following the man's lead like in a dance.

The definition of obey is to carry out instructions or orders; comply with demands. This is not a feminist view; this is a dictionary definition. Try reading this for yourself instead of attacking Feminism. Its obvious that you haven't a clue about Feminism as it is about women's rights; being treated like a human being. Maybe you need to observe the nature of women in the military, as firefighters, or police officers and you will see a whole new side of women. Read what Fox wrote, "lay aside Morals and deal with facts , there is ( or there should be ) total equity between male and female in today's life , thus , the word obey has to be replaced by the word collaborate."

no photo
Fri 10/10/14 01:05 AM
Edited by realcarebear on Fri 10/10/14 01:28 AM
You know what I am not in the military, I'm not a fire fighter or police officer. I view myself as a strong woman. I stand up for women's rights. I have managed both men and women in my career more than 50 employees. At one time I worked a full time job, a part time job and attended school full time. Now I work full time as a manager. I work a side job from my home. I run my household. Keep a clean and safe home. I raise my children. Without the help from any man. Ive made mistakes in life and struggled. I am a survivor of abuse. I've been knocked down by men... I always get up. With that being said I still don't have a problem vowing to obey my husband if I ever get married. This works for me because I don't lay aside my morals.... I don't think that makes me a weak woman who is brain washed, not confident and dependent. Also just because you acknowledge someone as an authority figure and vow to obey doesn't mean you don't collaborate with that person. In the military, fire rescue and police jobs every one is obedient at some point. It keeps you safe, keeps the team in order and makes the individuals and team stronger. BTW...I totally understand and respect why others would choose not to take that vow.

Ɔʎɹɐx's photo
Fri 10/10/14 01:53 AM
Edited by Ɔʎɹɐx on Fri 10/10/14 01:56 AM

This works for me because I don't lay aside my morals....

when i said lay aside morals , i just meant that it's not the topic of our discussion , we are not valuing the moral side of the issue , i didn't mean that women should lay aside their morals to be equal with men .

In the military, fire rescue and police jobs every one is obedient at some point. It keeps you safe, keeps the team in order and makes the individuals and team stronger. BTW...I totally understand and respect why others would choose not to take that vow.

in the military , or in any similar establishment , obedience is based on differences in professionality and success in one's career , it's not and shouldn't be based on sexual , ethnic or religious bases .... that what keeps order and unity .