Topic: WOW
kerbear73's photo
Thu 10/23/08 01:29 PM
Republican HQ Manager's Home Shot Up Over McCain Signs
'Democrats Far More Aggressive in Seminole County,' Victim Says

POSTED: 11:26 pm EDT October 22, 2008
UPDATED: 10:45 am EDT October 23, 2008

LONGWOOD, Fla. -- The home of a Central Florida Republican headquarters manager was shot up and damaged over his support of Sen. John McCain, the man told police.

Rog Coverely said several pellets pierced his Longwood home. Coverely showed several spiderwebbed-holes in the front windows of his home.

The Republican manager said he is convinced he was targeted because of new McCain signs he added around his home.

"All I can tell you is this, I have a very good relationship with my neighbors," Coverely said. "I mow my lawn. The only thing that has changed is I have two McCain signs in my front yard."

Coverely said he has taken about 300 calls concerning stolen or vandalized McCain signs in the area.

"It says this campaign is getting vicious," Coverely said.

Coverely said it appears Democrats are becoming more aggressive in the county.

"I wouldn't say slipping, but I would say the Democrats have become far more aggressive in Seminole County because it is such a heavy Republican area," Coverely said.

Meanwhile, McCain was in Florida on Thursday.

The Republican presidential nominee spoke at Allstar Building Materials in Ormond Beach. Later he'll be in Sarasota for a "Joe the Plumber" bus tour rally at Robarts Arena.

Watch Local 6 News for more on this story.

And you Liberals say us conservative republicans get Violent.......

There is another story about a McCain Volunteer that was attacked and had a "B" carved in her face. Seems like Liberals are getting dangerous...

Spaceman2008's photo
Thu 10/23/08 09:26 PM

Winx's photo
Fri 10/24/08 10:25 AM
There sure are some crazy, mentally ill people out there.

It's happening on both sides.

no photo
Fri 10/24/08 10:30 AM
it's just an election

but people have turned this into some kind of a great culture war. too much us against them mentality and some of em take it TOO serious

even here in the threads

no photo
Fri 10/24/08 04:35 PM

it's just an election

but people have turned this into some kind of a great culture war. too much us against them mentality and some of em take it TOO serious

even here in the threads

Ive noticed that myself...kind of scary...scared

tngxl65's photo
Fri 10/24/08 04:38 PM
A lady in town here had her Obama signs stolen, then returned spray painted with racial slurs and threats.

Winx's photo
Fri 10/24/08 04:42 PM

A lady in town here had her Obama signs stolen, then returned spray painted with racial slurs and threats.

Awww..that poor lady.:cry:

JasmineInglewood's photo
Fri 10/24/08 04:45 PM

ah so there are known cases of idiocy on both sides.
just stop taking the election so seriously folks, we all just need to respect differing views and pity dumb people. no violence necessary.

cutelildevilsmom's photo
Fri 10/24/08 04:53 PM
Yes give us stupid peeps some pity and a check!!:banana:

MirrorMirror's photo
Fri 10/24/08 06:03 PM

no photo
Fri 10/24/08 06:19 PM
Let's wait 3 days.....we may find out he shot up his own house to get attention. Just like the McCain campaign worker that lied about an attack.

The campaign is desparate! laugh

tngxl65's photo
Fri 10/24/08 06:22 PM

Let's wait 3 days.....we may find out he shot up his own house to get attention. Just like the McCain campaign worker that lied about an attack.

The campaign is desparate! laugh

Well, I was wondering if it might turn out to be a 'relationship' issue. But I think, sadly, it's likely what they say. Some people are just nuts.

Winx's photo
Fri 10/24/08 08:08 PM
In my area some people are burning down the Obama signs in people's yards.

krupa's photo
Fri 10/24/08 08:22 PM
Glad I don't live where you guys live. Around here, if someone is messing with your neighbors shoot first...then call the sheriffs dept.

Lynann's photo
Fri 10/24/08 08:39 PM
My folks live in an old money conservative neighborhood in a college town. She liked to call it the last bastion of decency.

Now every house on the street except theirs has an Obama sign in it.

Suddenly she feels she cannot socialize with her neighbors because they support "that man" When I asked her if her neighbors had been rude to her in anyway she admitted no their behavior hadn't changed at all. Still, the appearance of those signs meant she didn't really know her neighbors of nearly thirty years after all.

Last week, someone tore all the signs down. She called me delighted to tell me about it. I asked her if she'd done it. Keep in mind she is over seventy. She laughed and told me of course she hadn't but she might have considered it if she was younger.

My mother is one of those people who to borrow an expression, wouldn't say **** if she had a mouthful. She pretty strictly observes rules of etiquette still, there she was, so motivated by her distrust of Obama that she admitted that she'd considered vandalism.

Seeing my mothers reaction to all made me makes me cry too. What are people thinking?