In a dating site, it essential to understand and work on sexual orientation and gender identity. We break the preconceptions and notions that exist about these categories. In this sense, we must recognize our views of it. And how it acts is due to constructed prejudices.
Sexual orientation
Sexual orientation is the emotional, affectionate and sexual attraction towards people. These people can be of the same, or a different gender or more than one gender. That is, it has to do with who we like, who attracts us, with whom we want to be. This can change or remain the same over time.
Sexual orientation also called “erotic desire orientation”. It refers to the focus of the need for our erotic satisfaction. Usually, it occurs in the same direction as our emotional bonding needs, although not. It is usually directed towards people of the opposite sex (heterosexuality). While in others, it is towards people of the same sex (homosexuality). It also can be towards either sex (bisexuality).
The heterosexuality is the unquestioned sexual orientation. It highlights the emotional and/or sexual attraction of men with women and vice versa. But it is not the only one. There are thousands of ways of living and expressing sexuality, as many as there are people in the world.
The lesbians and gays are people who get attracted to people of the same gender. In the case of lesbians, the links are between women, and in the case of gay, men.
Gender identity
Gender identity refers to individual experience of gender as each person feels it. This may or may not correspond to the sex assigned at birth. Which includes personal experience of the body. It has to do with how we feel, how we perceive or identify ourselves as male, female, transvestite. Sometimes, the sexual identity of a person does not match the identity. Such as attributed to him by the rest of society. It is clear in the case of transsexual people.
In many dating sites, the term trans encompasses transvestite, transgender, and transgender identities. These categories are not completely exclusive. For different reasons, their meaning varies. It varies between countries, even those that share the same language.
A person who does not feel identified with their biological sex. This is why many undergo medical interventions or body transformations. Such allow them to feel coherence between. This is between their gender identity and their biological bodies.
A person who does not feel identification with their biological sex. In some parts of the world, this term stands as a synonym for transsexual and transvestite. Trans people are generally those whose gender identity do not match. Or whose expression does not correspond to the gender assigned at birth. This does not imply the need for surgery or other body modification interventions. In some cases, they are not identified with any of the conventional genders (male or female).
Refers to a person who makes a temporary transformation of their gender. Their transformations usually have to do only with external aspects. Such as clothing and makeup. It may also be a term used to talk about those who wear costumes designed for other sexes. Some do it for pleasure, others for work such as the Transformers and Drag Queens. Transvestite identities are usually identified with a female identity. They are people who have male sexual identification at birth. But, build their gender identity according to different expressions of femininity. Such often include body modifications from hormones, silicones, etc.
According to the Latin American Network of LGBTI education. Within the concepts that are part of gender identity we also find:
Intersex people are born with genitals that do not respond. To accepted patterns (and medical sciences) for men and women. The total population of intersex people reaches 1.7% of the world’s population.
Gender Queer:
Also known as Non-Binary Gender. It corresponds to a person who does not feel identified. Such as with the traditional spectrum of what we understand. As masculine and feminine. Thus, it is between the two.
Gender Fluid:
On the contrary to Gender Queer. Gender Fluid refers to someone who feels both male and female. Their gender identity and sexual orientation can flow between them.
During the 28th of June, the rights of Sexual Orientation are also claimed. This is with an understanding that it is the right to choose the person with whom we want to establish. Such as emotional, emotional or sexual relationships. Which occurs regardless of the gender identity we have.
A person who feels attracted to someone of the opposite gender.
Other terms associated with sexual orientation and gender identity include:
Homosexual behaviors or practices:
When there are erotic relationships. Which is between people of the same sex. This could be men or women. It is important not to confuse what one does with what one is. And also understand that although these practices occur among homosexuals (gays and lesbians). Or among heterosexuals (or heterosexuals). It can also sometimes have relationships with people of the same sex.
Heterosexism or heteronormativity:
Refers to the establishment of heterosexual relationships. Usually in a given society. This poses as the norm to follow. Today, the society in which we live is full of heterosexism. Thus, a heterosexual orientation is always presupposed. And other types of orientations are often left aside.
Gender perspective:
Refers to the power relations that exist between men and women. This recognizes the fact that, in general, these have been favorable to men. There is also discrimination and unequal treatment suffered by women.
All these concepts are essential to address the prevention of violence. It addresses violence based on sexual orientation and gender identity since early childhood. Parents can start working with them. This is to encourage their free expression and respect for others.
Gender stereotypes:
Gender stereotypes are models of expected behaviors for men and women. In our society, traditional stereotypes associate women with home care and upbringing. While it associates men with work and family support. These stereotypes also reinforce the identification of women with frailty and emotional attitudes. And also the identification of men with strength and courage.
These statements are not only based on myths and prejudices of dating sites and society. But they have generated situations of discrimination. This is how many years of women exclusion from the right to vote. And from access to university education. They were also denied access to decision-making spaces. Also, men face the discouragement of being able to express emotions. Such as affection and vulnerability. Although there have been modifications in many of these prejudices. But there are still a large number of gender expectations. And expected behaviors for men and women that are discriminatory in everyday life. Many times, there is a reproduction of these expectations because they are inborn.