So, you’re sitting in a movie theater waiting for the flick to start, next to an amazingly hot number, and you are suddenly tongue-tied. Sound familiar? Weak conversation ensues after you both realize the previews won’t start for 15 minutes. “Do you like popcorn?” you ask, thinking this gives you a chance to escape the situation for a minute. “No, I’m eating low carb”, your date replies. You sigh and scramble for something intelligent to say.
Relationship experts say that people who are dating are most likely to pair up only after they find their date trustworthy and likable. But how can you establish likability while feeling annoyed with your date’s dislike of popcorn? What do you really need to know about this person before you decide to start a relationship? Here are the critical questions to ask for an awesome first date kick-off.
What’s the funniest thing you’ve heard recently?
Why you should ask this: learning what your date laughs at shows a lot about who he is inside, and whether you are compatible. If you can’t laugh at any of the same things, you may have a tough time establishing trust in your relationship.
What do you like to do on weekends?
Why you should ask this: believe it or not, arguments over how to spend free time often break up otherwise congenial relationships. There’s always going to be some give and take, but if he wants to spend every Saturday night bowling and you like absolutely hate bowling, you might want to think about it before you fall head over heels in love.
What are some of your goals?
Why you should ask this: finding out a person’s goals is like a window into the soul. Are they driven and passionate about their career? Do they care about relationships? Do they like to have fun?
What are the best things about dating?
Why you should ask this: you’re going to find out what a person doesn’t like as well as what they like. Do they like spontaneity, do they like the excitement of the unknown, or are they always looking for someone new? Are they a romantic, looking for their soul mate? The answer to this question will help you determine if you’re looking for the same things in this relationship.
Who influenced you most when you were a child?
Why you should ask this: you’ll learn about their childhood and family life without appearing to pry, and you can also learn about how they formed lifelong goals.
What’s your biggest pet peeve?
Why you should ask this: if you really like this person, you’ll know how to avoid their pet peeves! Everybody has a few, even if they’re hesitant to admit it. If your date lists off about 40 pet peeves, this might be a warning sign that you’re with an easily annoyed person.
What’s your favorite place to be?
Why you should ask this: maybe your date is a traveler, or maybe he’s a homebody. Perhaps she likes culture and you are bored out of your mind at the very sight of a museum entrance. These are good things to know right off the bat!
What’s the best movie you’ve ever seen? Why?
Why you should ask this: you may not have seen this movie, or even really wanted to, but your date’s answer will give you to one more key about his or her likes and dislikes. If you have seen it, presto! You’ve got something in common, and that’s a start. If not, why not set up a movie night for the second date and watch it?