Community > Posts By > EquusDancer

EquusDancer's photo
Fri 04/06/12 01:18 PM
Yes. Unless it's something I want to do. LOL!

EquusDancer's photo
Fri 04/06/12 01:15 PM
Amazon is pretty much it. I'll research elsewhere but get in lots of trouble there. LOL!

EquusDancer's photo
Fri 04/06/12 01:08 PM
I want to see Scotland and the Isle of Man, then the rest of Britain. Hungary and Australia, and then Europe.

Don't care about Central and South America, no real interest in the Middle East or Africa.

EquusDancer's photo
Fri 04/06/12 01:04 PM
It is. After you figure out how, you basically learn to tweak and control your dreams. You can also wake up without knowing you're awake and the dream still follows you. Basically, you haven't grounded yourself, or REALLY snapped yourself awake.

EquusDancer's photo
Fri 04/06/12 01:01 PM

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh he's a pretty one.

Is that a fort or big old pipes?

He is a handsome chap! And knows it. laugh

Old culvert pipes dad brought home YEARS ago. He planned on reselling them, hasn't, and the goats use them for shelter and to play on.

EquusDancer's photo
Fri 04/06/12 12:47 PM
Edited by EquusDancer on Fri 04/06/12 12:48 PM
So, I shifted a section of fence the other day. I had "help"! LOL! Gentry helped hold the fence.

And line it up.

Then he proceeded to try and snag the wire in my pocket that I used to tie the fence to posts, and the pliers too. Almost got them. I couldn't get him to help drive T-Posts however.

But I got back at him for pestering me. He finally gained enough wait that the saddle fit nicely. I was concerned about having to teach him to be ridden bareback, especially with no arena. I've been working him with the saddle, and will add in the bridle shortly. Then get on him.

EquusDancer's photo
Fri 04/06/12 12:24 PM
Practice, no. Interested in, yes.

EquusDancer's photo
Fri 04/06/12 12:23 PM
Agrees with Filmfreek on a form of lucid dreaming.

The closest thing to dreaming as I wake up was actually laughing out loud in my dream, and apparently laughing out loud literally, which woke me up.

EquusDancer's photo
Fri 04/06/12 12:17 PM

I hate to read so I always wait for the movie.

There's a lot of excellent books that still have, and may never get film adaptations, won't knock ya for not liking to read, but you're missing out on some good stuff.

Reminds me of my brother, who has an exceptionally high IQ.

He's an avid reader, but refuses to watch foreign films because he doesn't wanna read the subtitles.

LOL! Takes all kinds... I just find subtitles distracting, unfortunately. I want to see the picture, not have to be reading it as well.

EquusDancer's photo
Fri 04/06/12 12:04 PM
Not just you! laugh

EquusDancer's photo
Fri 04/06/12 11:56 AM

The movie John Carter was fun, really liked it. Went and bought the first 5 books, and didn't care for them as much, definitely liked the movie better.

I grew up on the books, so they'll always have a special place in my heart. Haven't seen the movie, but it was a huge(as in one of the biggest) financial flops so there most likely won't be any sequels.

Well, they were definitely interesting. And for when they were written, no problem.

But I liked Dejah Thoris kicking butt in the movie, rather then wimpily expecting him to save her.

EquusDancer's photo
Thu 04/05/12 03:46 PM
I hate reading and then seeing the movie.

I do way better seeing the movie, then reading the book. Usually. Newer books/movies, not so much.

The movie John Carter was fun, really liked it. Went and bought the first 5 books, and didn't care for them as much, definitely liked the movie better.

EquusDancer's photo
Tue 04/03/12 11:38 AM
I'm reading about 2 books a day, which is why I'm not posting. I'm starting another romance shortly, and then Age of Aztec by James Lovegrove.

EquusDancer's photo
Tue 04/03/12 05:15 AM
I graduated with Aaron. We went out a couple of times as friends after I'd moved back to Ennis, 7 years ago. He always talked about his son. I'm still trying to work my head around this. Totally floored and appalled!

EquusDancer's photo
Tue 04/03/12 05:09 AM
Why would anyone want to be around someone who broke their word first? A vow to love and honor, yet the person takes a swing at you? Forsake all others, yet the person cheats on you? As examples...

It's not like one would really be able to trust that person again. And the whole issue of forgiveness really only works if the person is genuine about not doing it again. Otherwise it's just a joke.

EquusDancer's photo
Wed 03/21/12 06:06 PM
Bratty, bratty children! Well, my black lab mix is a lovely old lady, as she's 12. LOL!

EquusDancer's photo
Mon 03/12/12 08:18 AM
All the dogs are chipped, I need to get the horses done. I have no problems with it on some of the animals though not on, say a herd of cattle.

I wouldn't have a problem chipping an older family member, especially with memory issues, alzheimers, etc.

EquusDancer's photo
Sun 03/11/12 04:40 PM
Good movie, but should have netflixed it.

EquusDancer's photo
Fri 02/24/12 04:43 PM

Hey, Kendra. waving

I know you are not a "spells" kind of person. So, do you just use crystals for the energies they have?

I don't use formal spells (as in ceremonial magic or circle casting). I use crystals for their energies and then sometimes in a folk magic kind of way. Or, I will sometimes add them to a mojo bag or oil for anointing candles.

Pretty much! :-) I tend to pick them up when I need a certain vibe. Pietersite is known as tempest stone and absorbs energies positive and negative without needing to be cleansed (though I do). It's a gorgeous multi-color stone that literally looks like a tempest.

Malachite is another fave too, and definitely helps with dreaming for me.

EquusDancer's photo
Thu 02/23/12 07:30 PM

I think tumbled vs. not is what one is drawn to. I prefer opal in the raw rather then tumbled. I haven't been able to find pietersite raw, but love my tumbled pieces.

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