Community > Posts By > SM8

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Thu 09/24/15 08:27 PM


Are Child Sex Robots Inevitable?

Sex Robots: Here & On The The Rise

Campaign Against Sex Robots

Ban Sex Robots Before They Get Going, Says Robot Expert - Dispatch Times

Rise Of The Sex Robots:
Prepare Yourself For The Enviable

Pepper The Robot's Contract:
Bans Users From Having Sex With It.

All Hail Sex Robots:
Margaret Atwood New Book

Bring On Sex Robots:
That Can Even Have An Orgasm

It would be great if sex robots would take misogynists off the dating market, but it will never happen

As Sexbot Technology Advances:
Legal & Ethical Questions Arise

There are a few links that you managed to find :) I have actually never heard of sex robots.

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Thu 09/24/15 08:10 PM

Rat Zapper

The Rat Zapper is the perfect way to deal with the problem of rats and mice. The Rat Zapper uses sophisticated electronics to sense when the rodent is in the trap and delivers a deadly electric shock which is fast and mess free.

You simply bait the trap with some dry pet food and when the rat or mouse enters the device it is instantly detected and killed with a high voltage electric shock. The device is completely safe and works in much the same way as police taser does. However, the rodent is killed instead of stunned.

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Thu 09/24/15 05:17 PM
Usually parents are supposed to be given notice ahead of time for something like this. That way parents can decide if their child/children can stay out of class or attend.

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Thu 09/24/15 05:08 PM
I agree the video is of a different perspective . I'm not in agreement with it but everyone has their own thoughts :)

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Thu 09/24/15 04:59 PM
Um ok then , leaving you guys to your privacy .. ...

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Thu 09/24/15 04:41 PM

Mouse and rat phobia is the same

find that extremely strange

As I :heart: MICE
But hate and am very frightened of RATS

I'll do more research later in the day

No rush. Have a good evening .

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Thu 09/24/15 04:13 PM

As I was saying earlier,
I found mice
I can't find rats yet

Mouse and rat phobia are the same

Fear of mice and rats is one of the most common specific phobias. It is sometimes referred to as musophobia (from Greek μῦς "mouse") or murophobia (a coinage from the taxonomic adjective "murine" for the Muridae family that encompasses mice and rats), or as suriphobia, from French souris,

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Thu 09/24/15 11:12 AM
Edited by SM8 on Thu 09/24/15 11:14 AM

Professor holds boy, keeps teaching when single mom brings him to class

By Lori Mitchell
Published: September 22, 2015, 6:14 pm | Updated: September 23, 2015, 10:14 pm

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WKRN) – A single mother and student in Nashville had to bring her son to school with her, and the understanding she received was more than she could’ve asked for.

Amanda Osbon studies at DeVry University, located in south Nashville, and didn’t have a choice but to take her son to class on Monday.

“I was embarrassed. I had to swallow my pride and bring my kid to class,” Osbon told News 2 on Wednesday.

But she noted that school is like a job. “You can’t miss work, so you can’t miss school.”

Osbon said her son, who is almost 2 years old, got up during class and wanted to be held by the professor.

Professor Joel Bunkowske, who Osbon says “was amazing, patient and kind,” didn’t skip a beat.

He picked up little Xzavier and continued to teach his class.

“That made me literally start crying. I broke down. My classmates started hugging me,” Osbon told News 2 on Wednesday. “He went up to my professor and put his little arms up like that and without missing a beat my professor picked him up and kept teaching, and it was amazing to see that.”

Bunkowske, a local lawyer who teaches at DeVry’s Keller Graduate School of Management, said picking up Xzavier was natural.
DeVry professor holds boy
Professor Joel Bunkowske (Photo: WKRN)

“He came and he just help up his hands and looked at me with those eyes,” he told News 2.

Bunkowske said Osbon is “the best,” a 4.0 student. He says that if someone wants an education, nothing should stand in their way.

“If you’re going to miss class because you don’t have a babysitter, I’d much rather let’s find a way to accommodate that for adult working people.”

Osbon told News 2 she shared her story with us because she just wanted something good to come of the situation.

“My professor deserves all the praise in the world. He’s an amazing person; he’s just wonderful,” she explained.

She also said her unwavering hard work is because she wants to give little Xzavier what she never had growing up.

Osbon and Bunkowske’s story has now gone viral, reaching millions of people across the country since it was posted to WKRN’s Facebook page Tuesday night.

Presidential frontrunner Hillary Clinton shared it on her own Facebook page after the story began to trend on the social media website.

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Thu 09/24/15 09:53 AM
The Mermaids Child, Murder She wrote, Hollow City, Escape from Camp 14 and Beginners Guide to Butterflies.

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Thu 09/24/15 05:13 AM
Here is a bit from an article about fog catching for water.

Fog Catchers

Many ancient cultures collected water from fog by placing large pots under trees and shrubs. As the water from fog collected on these objects, the pots collected the water. This method of water collection was effective, but not as effective as collecting rainwater or other liquid water.

Today, engineers are working on more sophisticated ways to collect water from fog. The most effective way has been the development of “fog catchers.” Fog catchers are very large screens constructed in arid areas. As fog glides in, water droplets form around the thin screens and drip to the collection pools below. In one day, a single screen can collect more than a hundred gallons of water.

The village of Bellavista, Peru, relies on fog catchers. Bellavista is an area that has little access to liquid water—no rivers, lakes, or glaciers are nearby. Wells dry up quickly. Water for irrigation and human consumption is threatened. Every year, however, huge fogs blow in from the Pacific Ocean. In 2006, the community invested in a series of fog catchers outside of town. Now, the residents of Bellavista have enough water to irrigate trees and gardens, as well as provide for their own drinking and hygiene needs.

Engineers warn that fog catchers will only work in small areas. Still, engineers and politicians are working on ways to make more powerful fog catchers that will perhaps reduce the need for people to rely so much on groundwater.

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Thu 09/24/15 05:02 AM
I have found this article about sex robots treating pedophilia . My self I don't think the idea will work.

Could a child sex robot treat paedophilia?

What in the world?
Pieces of global opinion

18 July 2014

Robots are becoming increasingly lifelike

A review of the best commentary on and around the world...

Today's must-read

During a robotics conference last week, ethicists discussed the moral implications of using childlike-robots to help treat paedophiles.

The theory is that these machines would help provide a non-harmful outlet for an individual's sexual inclinations as part of a treatment programme. It's like providing methadone to heroin addicts, the reasoning goes.

Ronald Arkin, the mobile robot lab director at the Georgia Institute of Technology, was one of the participants at the conference who is in favour of pursing the idea. He told Forbes magazine's Kashmir Hill:

"There are no presumptions that this will assuredly yield positive results - I only believe it is worth investigating in a controlled way to possibly provide better protection to society from recidivism in sex offenders. If we can save some children, I think it's a worthwhile project."

Vice's Arielle Pardes says the logic of such arguments is straightforward:

"We realise that paedophilia isn't going anywhere, so we ought to find a way to deal with the lust for children in a way that keeps actual kids out of the equation. Hence, robots. It's child molestation, without the children."

But just because the idea may be good in theory, she writes, doesn't mean it could ever be implemented. First of all, current technology just isn't sophisticated enough to create a robot that "would be a passable substitute for real children".

Next is the concern that a child sex robot could encourage paedophiles to act on their impulses instead of serving as a safe outlet for them.

"If science fiction has taught us anything, it's that robots can be evil, but they don't have to be," she concludes. "People with deviant sexual desires are the same way. But we're not going to get anywhere with rehabilitating paedophiles if we treat them like monsters by encouraging them to go at it with weird, childlike sex bots."

Other commentators are less philosophical about the idea.

"As a mom and a woman I find nothing more vile than child predators and rapists, and even the idea of using metal and silicone computer humans to reform paedophiles upsets me," writes Eve Vawter for the Mommyish blog. "I'm not sure anything can be used to reform these people, and I have been known to say we should send them all to rat island where they can victimize each other and eat rats."

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Wed 09/23/15 09:10 PM

Well honestly I think this is ridiculous and as usual money from the Taxpayers will be spent .
And I have one question whom is going to get the money if Peta wins?

I could see if an Animal was being treated cruelly to not allow someone to make a profit off it . Yet by their own ads that state they are bringing awareness to the plight of poor animals, they are intentionally making a profit off of those pictures. I mean they are bringing to our awareness of what is going on as they solicit money from us. IMO

No different than planned parenthood selling the body parts of aborted babies

Selling body parts of aborted babies?

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Wed 09/23/15 03:46 PM
Edited by SM8 on Wed 09/23/15 03:47 PM

Snakes are pretty scary too . I fear mice more though.

Hi ais69 waving

I was about to post on the mice fear. But i wasn't sure if there was a difference with fear of mice with fear of rats. Coz I'm fine with cute little mice. Rats freak the hell out of me

Here I found it...

Fear of mice

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Jump to: navigation, search

Fear of mice and rats is one of the most common specific phobias. It is sometimes referred to as musophobia (from Greek μῦς "mouse") or murophobia (a coinage from the taxonomic adjective "murine" for the Muridae family that encompasses mice and rats), or as suriphobia, from French souris, "mouse". Dr. Genna Crosser is believed to be the first to have witnessed a patient with this disorder. She later also suffered from the phobia she studied.[1]

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Wed 09/23/15 03:37 PM

1 and 3.

Snakes and height
waving girl

Snakes are pretty scary too . I fear mice more though.

Hi ais69 waving

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Wed 09/23/15 03:25 PM
1 and 3.

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Wed 09/23/15 01:51 PM

Crazy people

Which ones?

Was referring to PETA....but after reading some of these posts.... laugh

Starting with RebelArcher :tongue:

Well you know how that goes never a dull moment Lol

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Wed 09/23/15 01:48 PM

Crazy people

Which ones?

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Wed 09/23/15 01:41 PM

I belong to PETA, which for me is People Eating Tasty Animals. If it has a face, it has at some point in time hit my BBQ.

In this case, the primate did not have explicit permission to use the camera, and so has no 'rights' to gain from a picture it had no permission to take. Man, some lawyers are stupid.

Using PETA's idiotic logic for a moment though, ok let's give the monkey picture rights. It makes say $500. Where does the cash go? PETA says for care of the animal and habitat improvement. Ok. HOW do they KNOW what the wishes of the monkey are vis a vis his habitat?

Maybe he wants a hot tub, and a dozen bikini clad females. Can PETA get THAT for $500? If they can't, are they not now teasing and damaging the animal's psyche by not providing it enough cash for it to realize its dreams??? What if the monkey wants the money to go for a bag of weed or a bottle of Jack Daniel's?? Will PETA prevent the monkey from exercising free will, or will they encourage alcohol and drug use amongst the lower primates as personal primate choice?

Sorry, it's nothing more than the camera version of the old adage about enough monkeys sitting at typewriters would eventually wind up randomly typing out the Bible. All the monkey did was press the right button on something it picked up.

The whole thing is really silly . But I am sure that some of the lawyers are making money out of it and unfortunately it is making news.

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Wed 09/23/15 08:30 AM

I think it's a conspiracy by PETA.

Get the monkey a copyright.

Then offer the monkey a banana for the copyright.

Make money from copyright.

Use money to
go eat a bag of dlcks....

Free range dlcks.

What ever you guys are doing with your free time that's up to you. But really free range di... lol

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Wed 09/23/15 08:25 AM

Well honestly I think this is ridiculous and as usual money from the Taxpayers will be spent .
And I have one question whom is going to get the money if Peta wins?

I could see if an Animal was being treated cruelly to not allow someone to make a profit off it . Yet by their own ads that state they are bringing awareness to the plight of poor animals, they are intentionally making a profit off of those pictures. I mean they are bringing to our awareness of what is going on as they solicit money from us. IMO

I agree this is a waist of money . I think this is the second suit being filed .

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