Community > Posts By > Darknight1981

Darknight1981's photo
Fri 09/04/09 07:03 AM

Was that English?

I'm sorry but that was really hard to follow, much less understand. Maybe that's part of the problem, miscommunication flowerforyou

Tu hable espanol? me no speaky english!!!!! lol rofl

Darknight1981's photo
Fri 09/04/09 05:51 AM

Nice guys are out there...some are confident...but a lot of the time nice=shy.

How many women on here ever had a 'male friend' that was with them every time this A$$hole or that A$$hole broke up with them? The friend who always told you, that you deserved to be treated better than that..blah blah blah....but that you never gave a second thought at...only to find out later that he had a huge crush on you but was to shy to tell you? ....I'd have to say most.

But on the other hand...he probably lacked the confidence to approach you directly and by the time he developed it...normally from someone else showing him an was already to late because he was now permanetely stuck in the 'friend zone'...that SOO many woman say "Well I wouldn't want to screw up our friendship'...which honestly translates too.."I'm just not attracted to you on an intimate level'

Sorry, I just don't like to bang my friends. If that makes me deviant, oh well.

I'm not saying you in particular...but you know what I mean...and then you see/hear girls asking 'where are the nice guys at?'...when they already know..but are just not interested.

I've never wondered where the nice guys were and none of my friends ever did either. However, I've never sought out "nice guys," I like men I can have a conversation with that doesn't start out, "why do all women______!!!!" But like I said, I'm deviant.smokin

Why do all women______!!!!

Except for you, you're love love smitten

love love love smitten

Now I'm all atwitter. I like it.blushing love love love flowers

Me too, and I haven't even eaten anyone today.blushing love flowers flowers

I must be rubbing off on you. Ooohh, I like the idea of that, rubbing off on you. :wink: love Well, I'm sure the people under the stoop are glad for my influence.

You two should get a room! haha! rofl

Darknight1981's photo
Thu 09/03/09 01:49 PM

To ask a girl to lose some weight?

you fool

never ever ever ever tell a woman she should lose weight

I agree with Quietman... I think this guy is looking to be single for a long time rofl

Darknight1981's photo
Thu 09/03/09 12:36 PM
Can anyone tell me how to post an image in a message? flowerforyou

Darknight1981's photo
Thu 09/03/09 09:51 AM
You got my prayers :heart: flowerforyou :smile: :angel: winking

Darknight1981's photo
Thu 09/03/09 09:40 AM

But if you think about it, thats like that everywhere you go, such as racism and separation amongst people but if people learned how to cope with one another and respect the fact people are different. Maybe this world could be a better place. But I do agree with the one religion thing, because it will bring more people together instead of segregation.

Yes, it is like that everywhere you go. People have a pack mentality, we all want to be part of a group of like-minded, like-looking, like-believing people. As long as we all are different, this is the case. Therefore, people will never really learn to get along, because there will always be someone somewhere wanting to be better or more powerful.

However, this thread was specifically about religion. If you look at religion from a historical perspective, you will find that almost all religions, especially Western religions, instill an "us against everyone else who doesn't believe as we do and if they don't believe as we do, we'll make them" mentality, Christians over the last 2000 years being the worst of the bunch. If you look at every war, you will find most had at least a minor cause in religion.

I look at what is, not what I wish it was.

And, to go off-topic, I don't believe that organized religion brings people together, I think it's highly divisive and it is designed to be that way.

Wow! i'm intrigued by that post, that's deep.

Darknight1981's photo
Thu 09/03/09 09:28 AM

Since the dawn of time religion never brought peace. If you take a look most wars are because of religion.

I disagree, i happen to believe it is the people within the religions that cause the war, not religion itself..

Those people are fighting in the name of their religion/God. Most religions advocate an "us against them" mentality, therefore, when people fight in the name of their religion/God, it is because of the religion's principles themselves.

But if you think about it, thats like that everywhere you go, such as racism and separation amongst people but if people learned how to cope with one another and respect the fact people are different. Maybe this world could be a better place. But I do agree with the one religion thing, because it will bring more people together instead of segregation.

Darknight1981's photo
Thu 09/03/09 09:20 AM

Since the dawn of time religion never brought peace. If you take a look most wars are because of religion.

I disagree, i happen to believe it is the people within the religions that cause the war, not religion itself..

Darknight1981's photo
Thu 09/03/09 08:32 AM
Sad Movies make me tear sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad

Pursuit of Happiness, Seven Pounds, Big Fish, Click...List goes on!

Darknight1981's photo
Thu 09/03/09 08:25 AM
I just want to say thank you to all the women who shared their thoughts about this. It has helped me in more ways others don't think. Thanks Calleigh, Myka(the maneater)lolwinking, and all to those who have shared they're positive thought on this subject. You women rock! shades

Darknight1981's photo
Wed 09/02/09 03:28 PM

why is it when you find someone your interested in and you say hi and they just blow you off. do you continue to be nice or blow them off too. i find it hard to be nice sometimes. but i do anyway.

If you're interested in someone and they're not into you, you're supposed to leave them alone. How would you feel if it was reversed? Would you want someone you're not into still bothering you? Um, no.

I have this girl that i'm just not interested in but she continues to provoke a relationship with me..grumble

Did you tell her to back off?

Many times calleigh, many times, but not in a bad way.. Just in a nice way that i'm not interested in her but it's not working haha... Should i but more firm about it?

Darknight1981's photo
Wed 09/02/09 03:13 PM

I'm learning new stuff about some guys too! embarassed

If nice guys/gals are whiny - low self esteem due to abusive relationships demanding control over another or feeling lost and under appreciated & bad guys/gals are selfish/sly/out for themselves/and are desperate too. indifferent

If nice guys are last to get in a relationship because of being too whiny. Then it does have a lot to do with insecurities within themselves. I.E. (:angry: not happy with life, grumble things doesn't go your way, rant pointing blame on others, not facing and learning from their mistakesfrustrated .

If the guy is bad. It usually gets boring because its the same attitude every time. I.E. arguing/fighting/never changing for the one he/she choose to stay with. devil Its always been a control issue with those types. pitchfork

Also if his/her family isn't connecting and their always rude to people rant (I only notice bad people being rude to others causing problems because they want attention focus on them) shades Its very rare when bad/good people has any self control or respect over themselves and can earn the respect of everyone else around them.shades

Then We all feel the negative/un-positive/unsure truth of who to trust, be friends, and who to fall in love with. The only difference between us all is the sex organs.laugh

I know I am meblushing . Everyone can judge in their own wayfrustrated , but the final choice is left up to me! To change huh or to be respected for who and what I am:angel: .tongue2 winking

I thank you all for letting me speak my mind on this subject...:thumbsup:

I appreciate your expression! :thumbsup:

Darknight1981's photo
Wed 09/02/09 03:06 PM

why is it when you find someone your interested in and you say hi and they just blow you off. do you continue to be nice or blow them off too. i find it hard to be nice sometimes. but i do anyway.

If you're interested in someone and they're not into you, you're supposed to leave them alone. How would you feel if it was reversed? Would you want someone you're not into still bothering you? Um, no.

I have this girl that i'm just not interested in but she continues to provoke a relationship with me..grumble

Darknight1981's photo
Wed 09/02/09 02:06 PM
Sexy people never have that problem shades

Darknight1981's photo
Wed 09/02/09 11:13 AM

Being nice has nothing to do with letting people walk over you. You can still be nice and grow a pair... just sayin.

Just make sure you grow 'em down low and not up high.

LOL that too.

I personally can't handle a "nice" guy because well I'm not that nice myself. I can be sweet, kind, loyal, caring and understanding but at the same time I won't put up with your ****... get it? I need someone who is strong enough to take what I WILL dish out from time to time when its deserved and not just call me a b!tch when they don't like what I have to say.

Edit: and whining about being a nice guy that nobody wants is just pathetic.

Which is why nice guys don't can't say you are a nice guy, that is for someone else to say. Kind of odd all of these self-professed "nice guys" and not one person is agreeing they are even nice, much less that it would be the reason they can't find someone.

A: You are going after the wrong people, just because you are attracted to a Barbie does not mean that Barbie should be attracted to you.

B: You cowar and agree with everything she says, no one likes that and it gets quite annoying after awhile. Along with the constant "you are beautiful" or any other statement along those lines that is repeated entirely too much to the point where it is no longer believeable.

C: It is in fact you.

Well said and case closed shades

Darknight1981's photo
Tue 09/01/09 12:17 PM
This isn't even my thread anymore, the sharks busted in and took ova!!!

Darknight1981's photo
Tue 09/01/09 12:16 PM

where's a nice guy?what

They all got scared and ran away from this thread rofl

The sharks got to em!!

rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

Darknight1981's photo
Tue 09/01/09 11:21 AM

where's a nice guy?what

They all got scared and ran away from this thread rofl

The sharks got to em!!

Darknight1981's photo
Tue 09/01/09 10:38 AM

Basically, just don't be easy. Women like challenges so if you sound like you aren't going to be a challenge for them to get to know. Like if they can read you like an open book, you're screwed. Be mysterious, keep them guessing.

I'm always mysterious, but the duct tape usually scares them away.

LoL Kinkehhh!!! dude some like that stuff...

Darknight1981's photo
Tue 09/01/09 09:55 AM