Community > Posts By > Quietman_2009

Quietman_2009's photo
Tue 04/06/10 07:47 AM
yup. cool

one of my fav songs too

Quietman_2009's photo
Tue 04/06/10 07:20 AM
Edited by Quietman_2009 on Tue 04/06/10 07:23 AM
I didn't know much about this tea party stuff and hadn't paid attention so I looked around and googled a bit

Politics and commentary, coast to coast, from the Los Angeles Times

For upwards of 12 months now members of the so-called Tea Party protest movement have been stereotyped, derogated and often dismissed by some politicians and media outlets.

They've been portrayed variously as angry fringe elements, often inarticulate, potentially violent and merely Republicans in sheep's clothing or disgruntled pockets of conservatives blindly lashing out...

Alas for stereotypes, they're convenient, often catchy. But not necessarily true.

Now, comes a pair of polls, including Gallup, that paint a revealing detailed portrait of Tea Party supporters in most ways as pretty average Americans. A Sunday poll -- actually three national phone surveys of 1,000 registered voters -- found that 17% of all polled, or more than 500, called themselves "part of the Tea Party movement."

The Tea Party adherents broke down 28% independent, 17% Democrat and only 57% Republican.

A new Gallup Poll out this morning of 1,033 finds nothing fringe about self-proclaimed Tea Party adherents; they are slightly more likely to be employed, male and definitely more conservative. But otherwise Gallup's Lydia Saad writes, "their age, educational background, employment status, and race -- Tea Partiers are quite representative of the public at large."

While the inconvenient polls may make media generalizers uncomfortable, it could also discomfit both major parties just seven months out from those crucial midterm elections. Congressional Republicans fare awfully in Tea Party minds, too, despite rhetorical efforts to catch up with the movement at times.

--LA Timss

this Tea Party movement appears to be more representative of mainstream America than either the Republicans OR the Democrats. I have the feeling that this constant effort to portray them as nut cases and racists is going to really alienate the mainstram voters and will hurt the Dmocrats in the 2012 elections

Quietman_2009's photo
Mon 04/05/10 08:55 AM
Edited by Quietman_2009 on Mon 04/05/10 09:03 AM

War sucks, killing sucks,, but Saddam knew his 'region' better than we ever will and had much more ability to keep it 'stable', however controversial his methods...

we should sometimes stay out of things that arent our battle,,,

"controversial methods"?

you mean stuff like the torture chambers built specifically to house 10 year old children? The chains on the wall were built at four feet high to hold their little arms. Then they were raped (boys and girls) in front of their parents. And their little bones were broken and electric shocked

that is pretty controversial to me

then there was Saddam's sons, Uday and Cousay. Who had the habit of showing up at every Iraqi wedding and abducting the bride. After about 48 hours of gang rape and torture her battered and broken body would be returned to the groom. That didn't happen just once or even ten times. It happened hundreds of times. Iraqis developed the habit of secret marriages to protect their women

that is pretty controversial

and there was Saddam's crusade against the Kurds in the north. His planes flew over the Kurdish towns spraying nerve gas killing over 5000 men and women and children. And destroying the health of an estimated 11,000 survivors

Survivors said the gas at first scented with the smell of sweet apples;[9] they said people died in a number of ways, suggesting a combination of toxic chemicals (some of the victims "just dropped dead" while others "died of laughing"; while still others took a few minutes to die, first "burning and blistering" or coughing up green vomit).[10] It is believed that Iraqi forces used multiple chemical agents during the attack, including mustard gas and the nerve agents sarin, soman, tabun and VX;[11] some sources have also pointed to the blood agent hydrogen cyanide (most of the wounded taken to hospitals in the Iranian capital Tehran were suffering from mustard gas exposure).[1]


that is pretty controversisal too

but, hey. he kept the region stable

except of course when he attacking Iran or invading Kuwait

Saddam's version of "stability"

Quietman_2009's photo
Sun 04/04/10 07:16 PM
Edited by Quietman_2009 on Sun 04/04/10 07:17 PM

sometimes it makes me laugh to hear the left wing extremists complaining about the right wing extremists

I see it all as something sort of like this

There is really very little difference between the left wing extremist propagandists and the right wing extremist propagandist

Quietman_2009's photo
Sun 04/04/10 07:11 PM
Edited by Quietman_2009 on Sun 04/04/10 07:12 PM
had to google it. I never heard of Kava. But I found this

Kava Danger: possible liver disease in users! This herb has become popular because of its calming effect, but recently at least thirty cases of severe liver damage were connected to kava in Germany, so several European countries have banned the herb. The FDA has also received reports of serious reactions. It may be best to stick with chamomile tea for a calming effect and skip the kava.

--Taken from A Woman’s Guide to Good Health by Carrie Carter, M.D. Used by permission of Fleming H. Revell, a division of Baker Publishing Group, copyright © 2006. All rights to this material are reserved. Materials are not to be distributed to other Web locations for retrieval, published in other media, or mirroried at other sites without written permission from Baker Publishing Group.

Carrie Carter, M.D., has been a primary-care physician for over fifteen years. She is an award-winning author of two books, a magazine columnist, and a national speaker, and she has appeared as a medical expert on over one hundred national and regional radio and TV programs.

Quietman_2009's photo
Sun 04/04/10 06:46 PM
sometimes it makes me laugh to hear the left wing extremists complaining about the right wing extremists

Quietman_2009's photo
Sun 04/04/10 06:43 PM
we don't gt much Kava in West Texas

but we do have xanax. that is pretty relaxing too

Quietman_2009's photo
Sat 04/03/10 10:32 PM
well, he did rise after being dead for three days.

isnt that the definition of a zombie?

Quietman_2009's photo
Sat 04/03/10 10:25 PM
Edited by Quietman_2009 on Sat 04/03/10 10:25 PM
I know that its bad and I pray for forgiveness

but its funny

Quietman_2009's photo
Sat 04/03/10 10:14 PM
it's okay

the Chinese will pick up our slack

Quietman_2009's photo
Sat 04/03/10 10:07 PM

how do u keep yo mind of yo ex,tha one person that u knw has your heart? how can u move on?

you need to pop a cap in his melon. then you can move on

Quietman_2009's photo
Sat 04/03/10 09:45 PM
here is what you need

Quietman_2009's photo
Sat 04/03/10 09:39 PM
I tried this but it just gave me a bellyache

Quietman_2009's photo
Sat 04/03/10 09:36 PM
Edited by Quietman_2009 on Sat 04/03/10 09:36 PM

Quietman..feel better...xoxoxoxo

thag you veddy buch

Quietman_2009's photo
Sat 04/03/10 09:23 PM
I use Bounty paper towels. the quicker picker upper

I blow holes right through Kleenexexexs unless I triple layer em

I've been using Afrin nose spray but it quits workin after awhile. And if I use it too much it runs my blood pressure up

the only relief I get is eating really hot jalapenos and that makes my nose run and my sinuses clear

Quietman_2009's photo
Sat 04/03/10 09:16 PM
I wonder if anyone can find a single instance of an American wiring himself up to a bomb and blowing himself up in a marketplace or a mosque or a school and killing innocent people?

Quietman_2009's photo
Sat 04/03/10 09:12 PM
Edited by Quietman_2009 on Sat 04/03/10 09:13 PM
Had also been texting a friend about him, and it accidentally sent to him, not her. I got a basic "ur texting the wrong person" for which I apologized and haven't heard a thing since.


Quietman_2009's photo
Sat 04/03/10 09:07 PM
Edited by Quietman_2009 on Sat 04/03/10 09:08 PM

Does it hoot an have a tempoochew??laugh

Doh. Dust weally stuppy. ad mu dose itches ad I cain't quid sneezin

uh oh

Kristi id gibbin be da ebil eye

I godda go blo by dose

Quietman_2009's photo
Sat 04/03/10 08:58 PM
Edited by Quietman_2009 on Sat 04/03/10 08:59 PM
the US used nukes. not as punishment but to end a bloody vicious war.

Truman was against using the nukes until after the battle for Okinawa. The Japanese considered surrender to be cowardly and fought to the very last man. When the US forces finally had them backed up to the sea, the Japanese calmly jumped off the cliffs to their death.

In the Battle for Okinawa Japan lost over 100,000 troops and the Americans lost over 50,000. That was for one island. The Generals estimated that taking Japan island by island would cost over 500,000 American lives

Truman was not willing to lose that many Americans so he gave Japan an ultimatum. Surrender or we would drop an atomic bomb on Hiroshima. And they refused so we did.

Then he gave them another ultimatum. Surrender or we would drop one on Nagasaki. Still they refused

After Nagasaki they surrendered unconditionally and that terrible bloody war was over.

Some people try to make it sound like we capriciously nuked Japan for the fun of it but that is far from the truth. Truman resisted it until there was no other choice

Quietman_2009's photo
Sat 04/03/10 07:14 PM
yeah back then we had a LOT of imported Michiganders and Wisconsinites and stuff.

The rest of the country was in recession and the oil embargo. But West Texas oilfields were booming so they all came down for work. I met several really nice people from Michigan

We told em they were really Texans that they just got there late

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