Community > Posts By > Quietman_2009

Quietman_2009's photo
Tue 03/30/10 03:52 PM
"That bumper sticker that maybe you'll see on the next Subaru driving by -- an Obama bumper sticker -- you should stop the driver and say, 'So how is that hopey, changey thing working out for ya?'"

-Sara Palin

Not that I'm a big supporter of hers or anything but that made me laugh

Quietman_2009's photo
Tue 03/30/10 03:26 PM
Edited by Quietman_2009 on Tue 03/30/10 03:31 PM
John Hinkley was eating breakfast at McDonald's. As he ate, he composed a letter to the actress Jody Foster. He said in his letter that he hoped to impress her with what he was about to do. He dropped the letter in a mailbox and went to the Washington Hilton Hotel where President Ronald Reagan was delivering a lunch address to the AFL-CIO with Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau

Reagan had been President exactly 63 days.

At 2:30 PM Reagan left the hotel and stopped to wave at a crowd of admirers.

Hinkley pulled a Röhm RG-14 .22 caliber pistol from his coat and fired six shots in three seconds

The first bullet hit White House Press Secretary James Brady in the head.

The second bullet hit District of Columbia police officer Thomas Delahanty in the back.

The third bullet hit a building across the street

the fourth bullet hit Secret Service agent Timothy McCarthy. who had leaped in front of the President, taking the bullet in the abdomen.

The fifth bullet hit the window of the Presidential limousine

The sixth bullet bullet ricocheted off the side of the limousine and hit President Reagan in his left armpit, grazing a rib and lodging in his lung, stopping nearly an inch from his heart.

Secret Service agents pushed President Reagan into the limousine and agent Jerry Parr ordered the driver to take them to the White House. Moments later Reagan began coughing blood. Blood had spattered his chest and chin. Agent Jerry Parr immediately ordered the driver to divert to George Washington University Hospital.

Reagan tried to walk into the Emergency Room but he collapsed and dropped to his knees. Nancy Reagan arrived at the Emergency Room moments later and Reagan said to her, "Honey, I forgot to duck."

Right before he went into surgery President Reagan said to the head of the trauma team, Dr. Joseph Giordano, "Please tell me you're a Republican."

Giordano, a liberal Democrat, replied, "Today Mr. President we're all Republicans."

Ronald Reagan remains the only President to survive an assasination attempt

Quietman_2009's photo
Tue 03/30/10 08:06 AM


and because it doesn't 'friggen' matter to you, it shouldn't friggen matter to anyone else either? frustrated

There are too many things that really do matter. Why argue about the BS that really doesn't matter? When you get involved with someone you have to take the good with the bad. If leaving socks on the floor is as bad as it gets I'd say you found yourself a good man.

It seems a good number of women want to throw the baby out with the bath water. As I've said before, if he or she does or doesn't do something that bothers you take a minute and decide if you can live with it or not. If you can never mention it again. If you can't get out of the relationship.

Do you really want to spend your energy fighting about socks or some other little thing? It just doesn't make sense to me.

let me rephrase:

if he wants a blow job, he'll pick up his socks. bigsmile

I pick up my socks

I even go buy more socks just so I can pick em up

Quietman_2009's photo
Sun 03/28/10 01:10 PM
Jim Beam?

Quietman_2009's photo
Sun 03/28/10 01:09 PM
If I were God I would be too busy with the really important stuff to be bothered with you insignificant little specks of protoplasm

Quietman_2009's photo
Sun 03/28/10 01:06 PM
hola! bienvenidos y mucho gusto

Quietman_2009's photo
Sun 03/28/10 01:03 PM
An Open Letter to Scott Ackerman and Fiona Posell, VPs of eHarmony

[To eHarmony staff who read this, would you please forward it to your VPs.]

Dear Mr. Ackerman and Ms. Posell:

I am here writing to you to bring your attention to the eHarmony complaints page at The URL is

Right now there are 317 complaints on that page, dating from March 2004. Yes, I counted.

At first glance the page looks like a shoutbox for frustrated eHarmony customers. At first glance, one may say, “Hey it’s the Internet. The Internet is anybody’s shoutbox.” That’s what I thought, too, for the longest time. This page is not a shoutbox. I want you to click the FAQ link on that page and read the site’s FAQ. It explains how ConsumerAffairs gathered entries for the eHarmony page all these years.

Ms. Posell, you probably remember because its correspondent Joseph Enoch interviewed you last July regarding Nigerian scams on online dating sites.

One section of their FAQ says,

Shouldn’t companies have a chance to respond?
We’re happy to publish responses. There is a response form companies can use to submit their response.

Mr. Ackerman, in interest of world-class customer care, and coming to you as one of your customers, I request that you respond to and its 317 published complaints. You have every reason to.

1. They are happy to publish your response.
2. They will be happy to supply you with the originals, including names and contact information, if that will assist you in resolving these complaints.

If you would like to contact them, I believe Ms. Posell has their number.

Mr. Ackerman and Ms. Posell, I hope this wouldn’t get any more out of hand. That webpage is unconscionable.

Sincerely yours,

eHarmony Blog

Quietman_2009's photo
Sun 03/28/10 12:52 PM
Edited by Quietman_2009 on Sun 03/28/10 12:53 PM
I don't like fish

it tastes...


so when I go fishing I just dont buy any bait. Throw the hook in the water and sit around drinking beer all day

if you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day

if you give a man a pole and teach him to fish,

he'll just sit in the boat and drink beer all day

Quietman_2009's photo
Sat 03/27/10 08:22 AM
Edited by Quietman_2009 on Sat 03/27/10 08:22 AM

Isn't that how the whole Viet Nam War started? One of our ships supposedly was fired on? The captain of the ship never reported he had been fired upon? Yet we got dragged into a war? We still are at war with N Korea technically! There is only a cease fire treaty between us. Like Operation Desert Shield left unfinished business so is N Korea. Looks like we will be seeing mushroom clouds soon folks! I hope like hell Obama has not disabled our Anti Missile systems yet! We need those Standard Missile 3s more than ever now! China needs to step up to the plate now and put N Korea in place but they haven't got the nuggets I bet. I really think they are using N Korea to keep us off balance and play the way they do, tight lipped! My question is that if N Korea does use a nuke on S Korea or us what will China do? Nothing me thinks. They will squawk like hell when we nuke N Korea back. Has China condemned their ally for their remarks? Hell no! So if we have to Nuke N Korea because of a preemptive strike should we also nuke China too for their complacency with N Korea's actions?

We just need to man up and finish this problem once and for all instead of letting it fester to nuclear holocaust! The regime of N Korea must end and Korea unified! PERIOD. We should have assassinated Kim Jong Ill A LONG TIME AGO! I bet his cabinet would have fought like wolves among themselves back then once he was out of the picture.

same with the Spanish American War. The USS Maine had a boiler explosion in Havana harbor and the American papers and media reported it as a bomb and stirred up the people to demand war

Quietman_2009's photo
Thu 03/25/10 08:41 PM

Quietman_2009's photo
Thu 03/25/10 08:10 PM
Edited by Quietman_2009 on Thu 03/25/10 08:11 PM
I think you should be like the Geico...

Oh wait!

you said wizard not lizard

Quietman_2009's photo
Wed 03/24/10 07:10 AM
Luckenbach is one of the coolest places in the world much less Texas.

love love love the Hill Country

Quietman_2009's photo
Wed 03/24/10 07:08 AM
speaking of speed of light, I was reading about a project to develop transporters like Star Trek.

They were putting a photon into the system and it was coming out on the other side of the room BEFORE they put it into the transmitter

it's been quite a while since I read that. I don't know where they are now on it

Quietman_2009's photo
Tue 03/23/10 03:08 PM

The American people will not allow a corrupt machine to dictate their future.
History says otherwise... can you say bush? LOL slaphead :laughing:

or Tamany Hall

or the Teapot Dome

or the Santa Fe Ring

Quietman_2009's photo
Tue 03/23/10 02:35 PM
Every Picture Tells a Story

Quietman_2009's photo
Tue 03/23/10 02:31 PM
Edited by Quietman_2009 on Tue 03/23/10 02:32 PM
Trapeze, Black Cloud

Quietman_2009's photo
Tue 03/23/10 02:28 PM
Edited by Quietman_2009 on Tue 03/23/10 02:29 PM
11. hang him from a tree and stuff him full of skittles and tell the kids it's a pinata

Quietman_2009's photo
Tue 03/23/10 02:26 PM
hahaha I was just looking for that

Quietman_2009's photo
Tue 03/23/10 02:20 PM
you really didn't post a John Travolta song

shocked noway shocked noway shocked noway shocked noway shocked noway shocked noway shocked noway shocked noway

Quietman_2009's photo
Tue 03/23/10 02:17 PM
Republicans are pissed off that they're not in charge!!!

people in general are pretty pissed off