Community > Posts By > TheresMyFriend

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Wed 03/03/10 10:36 PM


Makes me want to "draw-up" real tight!


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Wed 03/03/10 10:28 PM
Just a little further, you almost there!

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Wed 03/03/10 10:23 PM
Ahhh, there you go...a little more to the right now...yea, good!

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Wed 03/03/10 08:49 PM

Still working out the details.:smile:

Rob Peter to pay Paul

Dave the Librarian writes: Fable has it that the phrase alludes to the fact that on 17 Dec 1540 the abbey church of St Peter, Westminster, was advanced to the dignity of a cathedral by letters of patent...but ten years later was joined to the diocese of London, and many of its estates appropriated to the repairs of St Paul's Cathedral. But it was a common saying long before and was used by Wyclif about 1380: 'How should God approve that you rob Peter, and give this robbery to Paul in the name of Christ.--Select Works, III, 174...."found in Brewer's Dictionary of Phrase and Fable. This is but one of a number of reference books that can be found to give explanations of sayings, aphorisms, slang, etc. that can be found in any good public library and many school libraries.

Hope that helps!

drinks drinker :banana:

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Wed 03/03/10 07:55 PM

After they make Styrofoam, what do they ship it in?

what :laughing: drinks

What if you're in hell, and you're mad at someone, where do you tell them to go? laugh laugh

ah guess th' next stop on th' way down,'d be Hell's basement! Fry mah hide!
drinks :laughing:

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Wed 03/03/10 05:48 PM

Kissy kissy Deb!!!!!drool drool

Lookin damn good!!

Got my walks up to 4 miles!! Yaay

my legs and butt look tight!! Yaay:heart:

Wet the owd wabbit wwangwew of the west take a wook and see what you awe tawking about!

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Wed 03/03/10 09:56 AM

drinks waving

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Tue 03/02/10 09:10 PM

It's harder than you think. I know it's very good for you in so many ways...but it's like my body actually craves it. Silly, eh?

Nah...not silly!

I think that our cravings become more pronounced, the more we are deprived of it's enjoyment either by necessity or choice.

That was a mouth full (no pun intended)...but I do love chocolate!

I think I am fixing to turn in for the night, and watch my soaps. Have a good night, and God bless you and yours.


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Tue 03/02/10 08:25 PM
Hello Reg...may I interest you in some dark chocolate?

no photo
Tue 03/02/10 07:31 PM

you really are bored tonight, aren't you?laugh

Yes mam... I sure to goodness are/am!!

How could you tell?


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Tue 03/02/10 07:17 PM
Why is it called tourist season if we can't shoot at them?

no photo
Tue 03/02/10 07:03 PM

Or...why dont they call eyebrows...eye mustaches?

Your deep tonight man.

It's called "boredom"!

drinks :banana:

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Tue 03/02/10 06:47 PM
Why don't they call mustaches "mouthbrows?"

drinker :laughing:

no photo
Tue 03/02/10 05:38 PM
Who was the first person to see an egg come from a chicken's butt and think, "I'll bet that would be good to eat?

laugh drinker what

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Tue 03/02/10 05:28 PM

Just a little bored are we?

rofl rofl rofl

Looks that way, huh?

no photo
Tue 03/02/10 04:43 PM
Do you realize how many holes there could be if people would just take the time to take the dirt out of them?

what drinks waving

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Tue 03/02/10 04:33 PM

I know that sounds about right, so it would be safe to say that there is also, (somewhere) chicken fried okra, chicken fried potatoes, chicken fried fish, chicken fried dill pickles, etc, etc... chicken fried anything!!!!!

Now you're making me hungry :banana:

Never let it be know that I let you go hungry...enjoy!

no photo
Tue 03/02/10 04:29 PM
Do Roman paramedics refer to IV's as "4's"?

what drinks :laughing:

no photo
Tue 03/02/10 04:23 PM
Do people in Australia call the rest of the world 'up over'?

drinks :laughing: what

no photo
Tue 03/02/10 04:03 PM
After they make Styrofoam, what do they ship it in?

what :laughing: drinks