Community > Posts By > soxfan94

soxfan94's photo
Mon 07/21/08 08:29 PM

It has been applied in many different areas not strictly biological, although you are correct in the fact that it has never been applied to human interaction or behavior. I just used it to illustrate my observations throughout the years.

If this thread is still around tomorrow, I will tell a story that happened to me today which once again confirmed my belief. I'm not disposed to talk about it today. It is too emotionally charged for me at this point.

Right, there are mathematical and other applications to it, but I still feel that all it proves is that all actions and reactions within a controlled natural system (earth, math, smaller systems, etc.) are all related to each other. First of all, I don't think that this proves that there is any reason for any of it. And secondly, I don't think that it's applicable to humans since the introduction of self awareness, responsiveness, and emotion changes all of the underlying premises which the Chaos theory needs. It's like using a robot to depict's just not compatible.

I'd be interested in hearing your story whenever you might get around to posting it...the thread will be here.

soxfan94's photo
Mon 07/21/08 08:22 PM

Did we narrow it down to only emotion?

No not at all, I was just using emotion as an example that the Chaos theory may not cover all of the situations being discussed. I used emotion as an example because I think that when most people say that everything happens for a reason, they are often referring to interactions between humans and generally emotional things such as love.

soxfan94's photo
Mon 07/21/08 08:18 PM

My point of view is most easily explained by the Chaos theory. Things that seem to be random have an underlying order.

Chaos theory, if I recall it correctly, has no relevance to human interaction...rather it pertains to the underlying chemical and biological interaction of all existing matter. That wouldn't necessarily have any impact on anything involving cognizance or emotion.

soxfan94's photo
Mon 07/21/08 08:10 PM

Your position is understandable and I would not expect to sway you. However, I've seen and experienced enough in my life to believe events are not completely random. There is always a pattern even among seemingly random events.

First, thanks for the civility and let me be clear that I'm not trying to tell anyone they're wrong or change anyone's mind. This is all opinion.

I'm curious though about these patterns that you find. What about times in your life where there were no patterns when it seemed like there should be? What about times when the pattern only fit because you were simply looking at the instances which fit the template of the pattern instead of realizing all of the instances which were outliers to the expected pattern?

I just don't think you can pick convenient patterns and claim that everything has a pattern. The outliers don't prove the rule.

soxfan94's photo
Mon 07/21/08 08:06 PM

I believe in The Higher Power AND the free will given to man.

The belief in free will seems pretty incongruous with the notion that everything happens for a reason. Unless the "reason" that it happened was for the promotion of free will, which would be circular and nonsensical.

soxfan94's photo
Mon 07/21/08 08:03 PM
I strongly disagree that everything happens for a reason.

In order to accept that proposition, it's necessary to believe in a higher power and to disown the concept of free will...neither of which I'm comfortable doing.

soxfan94's photo
Mon 07/21/08 07:59 PM
I think you're right in your post about what love is...but I don't think you can accurately assess whether those feelings are true or not if you never see each other in person.

soxfan94's photo
Mon 07/21/08 07:52 PM
I started mine an hour and a half ago, but my POS dryer still hasn't put a dent in the wet clothes! explode

soxfan94's photo
Mon 07/21/08 07:49 PM
Have you ever met or spent time in person? A month is short, but it can happen if you spend a lot of time together that you know you're in love with someone after a month. If it's only online or over the phone, though, then it's not a very accurate predictor...

soxfan94's photo
Mon 07/21/08 07:47 PM

Well what are your views on this?? Yes for plants no for anything else? or yes to everything?

People write entire books about this sort of thing. (See: Peter Singer) There's no simple answer to display a viewpoint. Everything will be affected by context. Killing plants is fine sometimes (but what if it affects an ecological habitat?). Killing flies is fine (but what if they provide an important biological process?). Etc.

My morals for human interaction is most closely aligned with a Kantian viewpoint, although I sometimes stray from that when pressed in certain specific situations.

soxfan94's photo
Mon 07/21/08 07:44 PM

Does a plant have feelings??? It does wilt back when fire is near it right? Or not?

If not then if a plant doesn't feel then it is okay right?

Yet does a insect have feelings? It does run when it is threatened so it must have feelings that it doesn't want to die at the moment.

How do we know whether or not a plant has feelings? Anatomically, it may simply be prevented from a noticeable reaction to pain. More likely, though, you're right that they do not feel pain.

But is the simple infliction of pain an absolute barrier to the righteousness of something? (I'll try to avoid the word 'sin' since it's ridiculously subjective). We execute killers and consider it just. We often inflict very small levels of pain to enforce a point. Where does it change from justified to unjustified? To me, it's ridiculous to argue that you have to pick a black or white opinion...there needs to be a sliding scale. Sometimes inflicting harm on some organisms, human or otherwise, is justifiable.

soxfan94's photo
Mon 07/21/08 07:40 PM

extrapolate it further to a microcosmic level you feel bad when you hurt/kill plants?

Wow! Haven't seen you in, like, forever! Or maybe I've been out for a while too.

Hey chicka, it was me that left for a while. I popped back in, but it's not so great in the forums any more from the looks of don't expect me for long, haha.

soxfan94's photo
Mon 07/21/08 07:39 PM

extrapolate it further to a microcosmic level you feel bad when you hurt/kill plants?
Yeah, like I was told plant's feel pain........sure buddy. Flie's are disgusting.

He asked if it is a sin to kill anything that's living. Plants are living. It's a legitimate extrapolation according to the initial terms.

soxfan94's photo
Mon 07/21/08 07:19 PM
extrapolate it further to a microcosmic level you feel bad when you hurt/kill plants?

soxfan94's photo
Mon 07/21/08 06:11 PM
For the record, CNN broke this story.

soxfan94's photo
Thu 07/17/08 08:38 PM

soxfan94's photo
Thu 07/17/08 08:34 PM
Edited by soxfan94 on Thu 07/17/08 08:35 PM

edit: medial

soxfan94's photo
Thu 07/17/08 08:34 PM

If I was faced with someone wanting to kill or rape me, damn straight there'd be a felony committed...probably more than one. :tongue:

Technically it wouldn't be a felony then.

soxfan94's photo
Thu 07/17/08 08:17 PM
Edited by soxfan94 on Thu 07/17/08 08:17 PM
wait, isn't it supposed to end in -al ?


soxfan94's photo
Thu 07/17/08 08:13 PM
Not much, honestly.

A tense situation could lead to an impromptu decision, or an overall lack of a bearable and prosperous future could lead to a well thought out crime.

Just telling it like it is. So now you know if I fail out of school to lock your doors or I'll rob you.

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