Community > Posts By > Dawn713

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Tue 10/27/09 08:53 PM

"We have no right to ask when sorrow comes, "Why did this happen to me?" unless we ask the same question for every moment of happiness that comes our way."

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Tue 10/27/09 08:47 PM

It really is all about confidence and if YOU feel sexy/sensual and are proud of who you are. Men gravitate to women who are confident in themselves.

I have been a size 6-8 for many years now...
but during my early 20's I was much heavier (over 100 pounds heavier), a size 22. Even back then, I never had trouble attracting men to me.

True beauty (that matters) is within...- focus on that and be proud of who you are...share that person with others, and think positive.

Attitude has a LOT to do with attraction.

The best of luck to you...(and everyone else) :smile:.

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Tue 10/27/09 08:35 PM

We received our papers back today in class, and I scored a 94 on mine.

I am still researching much regarding this subject, but I'm glad the paper is complete and graded!


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Sun 10/25/09 08:12 PM

i see so many posts,,women bitchin about men, men bitchin about women, and lumping all of them in the same catagory because they're bitter over past hurts..
the truth is its not man or women its people...theres plenty of good men and women out there..and theres lots of a~@holes (men & women )
the worlds full of them...
it what/who we choose that reflects how we are on the inside...if i dont really like me, i end up with a psycho gf, because thats what i attract

so true...

As with everything in life - there is good and bad.

When I was in my early 20's I had a few bad relationships. After the second one ended I thought "What is wrong with me that I put up with this stuff?" Swore off men/dating until I figured it all out...wasn't easy to take a long hard look at who we are, what we are about....but honestly it was one of the best times of my life...which led to the best relationship that lasted for 12 years.

When you truly love the person YOU are, you simply do not allow anyone in your life that shouldn't be there...because it is better to be alone and wait for the good relationship than settle for one that is wrong.

Life is way too short and precious to spend it whinning about much of anything...

"If you don't like something, change it; If you can't change it, change the way you think about it."

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Sun 10/25/09 07:12 PM

-admiration for Joe Biden, the man-

He is definitely a survivor of much tragedy in his life.

He had a stuttering problem in his childhood and early adult years; practiced poetry in front of a mirror for hours to overcome it.

1972- Lost his wife and one son to a tragic car accident, cared for his other two sons who were injured.

1988- had a intracranial aneurysm, then complications from the surgery - a priest had read last rites. He did not work for seven months while he was recovering.

He helped to improve the National Domestic Violence Hotline

To me, he seems like a good, kind-hearted man.

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Sun 10/25/09 01:30 PM


That Minnesota/Steelers game was rough...

oh well, 6-1 is still a great start!

But must admit, my viking-heart feels a little woundedbrokenheart,ha

Until the next game, then it will be all good again!:heart:

:wink: Faithful-Minnesota-Fan

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Sun 10/25/09 09:54 AM


i am indeed indebted to those whom it may offend...

i thought it needed, as MY WORDS WERE TAINTED AND TIED TO SOMETHING THAT IS ABSOLUTE IDIOCY OF LOGIC to me, and all that i am, is my words, and anything that try's to tie or attaches itself to me, doing so by using my words, well...

since such action was created by the response to my post, it demanded a why, how, what, where and when, of whyt i DO NOT endorse, nor subscribe to, or see any merit in such inferior malicious blanket ideologies as was written...

the best interest of all is my guide, and what i heard spoken was detrimental to this individual's own life as being healthy, and positive, mentally and physically, AS THE "KNOWING" IN THE MIND BELIEVED, DETERMINE HOW ONE'S BODY "FEELS", and HOW ITSELF REACTS, so controls ALL OF ONE'S OWN FATE, AND DESTINY, and as such, i hoped that perhap's such notion's based on partial data, and of personal bias, i might persuade him to lay aside, for the common good of himself, and for all, by plainly trying, no matter how bad of a job, to show how such is not logical, nor actually even realistic, so than probably FAR FROM THE WHOLE TRUTH, in any case of any reality...

I understood why you wrote all you did. You are obviously someone who will stand by what you believe in, that's not a bad quality to have.

Throughout all the conversations/debates on various controversial topics, the one thing I think we can all agree on is we should be thankful that we are allowed to have our own opinions and beliefs.

It can be frustrating when someone believes something that makes no sense to our own way of thinking. I do think it is important that we at least can acknowledge their right to believe how they wish as well...regardless of how we personally feel.

Which, is always, easier said than done.

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Sun 10/25/09 09:02 AM

(last few messages have been creepy, to me)


If anyone else has any other opinions regarding the Death Penalty that you would like to share, please do so.


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Sun 10/25/09 08:54 AM

Friday was good ..hope you got to see it!

I'm glad Jason finally has evidence to prove Claudia's guilt in the shooting. Next week is going to be good!

Also, really liking the Dominic/Dante and LuLu thing - it is cute.

They need to get going already with this new 'bad guy' on the show though - ending every other show playing eerie music and showing us that code is getting annoying.

OH, and I was glad to see Diane and Max playing their stubborn selves this past week too - we all know they will end up back together, but it's cute when they argue. Funny.

Patrick and Robin are almost "too cute" now, ha... You know what I mean -- they have them being so lovey-dovey lately that it must mean one of them is about to do something really stupid (again), ha. I believe it is Patrick's turn, so we'll see what happens.

The Lucky-Elizabeth-Nicholas thing is boring too. I agree with what some of you have said on here; they need to make up their minds about Elizabeth's role on the show...for months she's the sweet/good hard-working single Mom that everyone goes to for advice. Then she's sleeping with men she's "never really going to be able to be with" and hurting the same man over and over again. Next thing we know they'll have her and Sonny get together! I think that's one of the few men she hasn't messed with (yet) on the show.

Hoochie woman, ha ha.

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Sat 10/24/09 10:50 PM

Please be careful with the words you choose to use...

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Sat 10/24/09 08:23 PM

hey Dawnie, out of curiousity, what other political issues do you discuss? I'm passionate about politics myself so feel free to PM me about them and I can send some interesting links if you like

Actually, I will participate in political discussions at times - but not much these days. The bickering by both sides is beyond annoying to me.

Also, I do not PM at all, but thanks for the invite.


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Sat 10/24/09 08:00 PM

Other topics some of my classmates chose were:

Stem-cell research
Medical Marijuana
-many political subjects
-many on the War with iraq and how suspected terrorists are questioned.

We've had some very interesting discussions in class the past few weeks.

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Sat 10/24/09 03:39 PM

I personally think of it this way:

If you are there in the moment with the criminal, it is considered "right" to kill them in order to save someone else's life, correct?

Someone is about to kill you or your loved one, but you are able to kill them first - you would be thought of as a hero.

(by the majority of people)


If, sadly, nobody is there - and an innocent person is killed by some evil twisted soul, "WE" as a society should pity them, forgive them, and pay to keep them alive year after year?

I would rather give my money to a cause that some good could come of it...

Instead of writing about how "wrong" it is to murder any person, etc...please go research some -- read about those on Death Row, look at their faces, read what they did.

Most are just plain evil, their eyes look empty - literally many gave me chills to get a tiny glimpse of who they are.

Say what you want...but I think, if given the chance, most would feel no sadness if someone was about to or did take away someone you love, about ending their life too.

Feel for the victims and their loved ones, not the criminals.

The more I research it, the stronger my beliefs are about this.

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Sat 10/24/09 03:20 PM

Also will be researching those who actually confessed to what they were convicted question of their guilt.

Having a confession does not guarantee they are guilty.

I didn't say they were 'coerced' into a confession or any wild suggestion like that...

I mean those who flat out confess, no question of their guilt.

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Sat 10/24/09 03:02 PM

OH...speaking of researching state-by-state.

-started in Texas because it's where I live.

While going through everyone on Death Row here, I saw one name that was familiar to me. Clicked to read her story and was shocked to see this woman is still alive.

She killed a 6 month old baby while she was babysitting. She had been friends with the childs parents for years, so they trusted her. She claimed she accidentally dropped him, then was nervous about what happened so she buried him somewhere and fled the state.

I remember this case so well because during that time they were asking for volunteers to walk through fields to help find the baby. I was one of hundreds of people who spent hours walking through different places, all nervous of what we may find; always had that painful feeling inside too.

The day we found out they had found the babysitter and she told them what happened it was so sad. She drew them a map to where he was buried at.

When the medical examiner performed the autopsy he said there was no way the baby died from being dropped 4 feet. Stated the entire back of his skull was shattered, as if he had fallen from a two story building.

I typed in this womans name in google and found a website dedicated to her, asking people to write to her and where they post letters written from her. Out of curiosity I did read a few, but that's all.

She went on and on about how rough life is for her, asking people to please add money to her account there because the people in Texas do not take care of inmates as everyone thinks. Talked about things she has missed out on, daughters graduation for one.

Talked about God and how strong her faith is; (which, yes, in my opinion - after reading MANY letters from other inmates that can be found online - they ALL "find religion" once they're on Death Row -- too bad they didn't find Him earlier, right?)

Honestly, the website, letters, people posting nice words TO her, about her, just seemed so wrong to me. I did email the person who is running the website and, well; you can guess how that went.

All I could think of was the baby's parents, family and friends the days right after they learned their child had been murdered. It was 1994, but I remember that time as if it just happened. Was heartbreaking for everyone involved...

The person who runs this website actually had the nerve, at one time, to put the parents address on it. She asked people to write to them, to ask for forgiveness to the woman who killed their baby - to help get her off Death Row. (yea, can you believe that??)

There was a small notation that at the parents request their address was removed.

It was just one of MANY websites out there dedicated to those on Death Row.... portraying THEM as the "Victims".

It's shocking.

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Sat 10/24/09 02:34 PM

wow...I haven't checked this in a few days, wasn't aware anyone was still posting about this.

I turned in my paper this past week - should receive my grade on it this coming tuesday. It was an 8 page paper, and 30% of our final grade, so hoping for an A of course! Which I should get - I put a LOT of time and research into this paper.

It was very interesting to do, to "have to be biased". Our Professor told us that she shouldn't be able to tell which side we are on by reading our paper - we had to be that unbiased.

As stated in an earlier post, I was intrigued by much I learned, so I am still researching more...

Going through, state-by-state, to see how many are on death row in each state - how many years they have been, stays-of-executions, etc.

Also will be researching those who actually confessed to what they were convicted question of their guilt.

Will take quite a bit of time to do all this, but it is interesting.
(to me)

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Thu 10/22/09 08:21 PM

Natural Born Killers, by far...

Really? Oh! I loved that movie! Woody Harrelson and Juliette Lewis were amazing -- they really earned their acting chops. drinker

I also loved the cinematography and creative script. It was intentionally disturbing.

Oliver Stone does an extraordinary job behind the camera, and the editing is totally hallucinating; it was one of the most visually dazzling films at the time.

I think it was sick and twisted...

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Thu 10/22/09 08:20 PM

Cincy over chicago.Your doing it wrong.I'll be there:banana: .Go Bears

well, we will see. If the game was at Chicago I would have picked them with low points... but, since it's at Cincinnati and they just lost to Houston last week - I have a feeling they are going to have a good game.

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Thu 10/22/09 07:40 PM

San Francisco@Houston - Houston 5 points

Minnesota@Pittsburgh - Minnesota 13 points

Indianapolis@St. Louis - Indianapolis 12 points

New England@Tampa Bay - New England 11 points

San Diego@Kansas City - San Diego 1 point

Green Bay@Cleveland - Green Bay 6 points

Buffalo@Carolina - Carolina 2 points

New York Jets@Oakland - New York Jets 3 points

Atlanta@Dallas - Dallas 8 points

New Orleans@Miami - New Orleans 10 points

Chicago@Cincinnati - Cincinnati 7 points

Arizona@New York Giants - New York Giants 9 points

Philadelphia@Washington - Philadelphia 4 points

3 different Parlays:

Parlay one:
Indianapolis -14
Minnesota +4
Houston -3

Parlay two:
New England -15 1/2
New Orleans -7
New York Giants -7

Parlay three: All six combined in one parlay

:heart:the NFL

no photo
Thu 10/22/09 07:27 PM

Natural Born Killers, by far...