Community > Posts By > Dawn713

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Sat 10/10/09 09:29 PM

Not funny at all johnboy...

okay, maybe a little - but only because you are not beside me!

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Sat 10/10/09 09:25 PM

Vampires (correction: those who believe in vampires and pretend to be them)

Other than that, nothing.

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Sat 10/10/09 09:20 PM

takes bubble baths every night, by candlelight

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Sat 10/10/09 09:09 PM

Oh no! Not the monkeys!!!

ha, that was cute

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Sat 10/10/09 09:06 PM

cropped out Hugh Hefner and all the playboy bunnies so nobody knows where she's been hanging out at...

shame on you galendgirl!

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Sat 10/10/09 08:59 PM

I truly believe that the best way to have/find love is by giving it away to others...

Open your heart to help others out who truly are in mentioned abuse in your past...So why not find a domestic violence shelter or similar to volunteer some of your time. Through every hardship we endure in our life there is some good that comes from me.

It took me many years to really realize that, but it's so true.

Not just 'talking' here... my heart was shattered a few years ago when the man I love died in front of me after 22 months battling brain cancer. For a very long time I was numb, full of sadness and feeling we were cheated out of a wonderful lifetime together...

Then I remembered something he asked me to promise him...

He asked me 2 days before his death to promise him that I would continue to do volunteer work, to help those who are hurting in this world, to not allow my heart to shut-off or be guarded; but to share it...

He said, "Those who are good need to share that good, or all that remains is bad."

So I began volunteering again, and slowly but surely the sadness faded and hope and love returned within my heart.

Love, munchiebellic, is not something that can be put into words truly...not real love. It is something so strong that nothing at all can diminsh it's effect in your life. Please do not give up on having it in your life....because it's so worth believing in.

Give it away - and it comes back to many ways.

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Sat 10/10/09 07:22 PM

so when Bush was President:

"And next time you talk about the President of the United States a little respect is in order."

Did those words apply as well?

You really don't need to answer the question.

I've never once talked disrespectfully of any President, period.
Because I do believe, it's wrong to do so.

Take care.

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Sat 10/10/09 07:17 PM

Do open doors, it's just nice...

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Sat 10/10/09 07:15 PM


Of course it will...

poor babies in soap operas always have a rough time!!

THEN, when they are healthy they are taken for a bit...and then in a year or so they are 15 years old and little punks! ha

Gotta luv it!

Actually....the Carly situation I think will be more around her...I think they are going to have her get very sick, maybe even be in a coma for a while...which, of course, will mean someone else will be helping Jax out with the new baby...Hmmmm....who could it be?? Kate? Olivia?

and then we ALL know what happens next...

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Sat 10/10/09 07:02 PM

I think Tracy is hilarious...

oh man..that whole bringing Laura back once a year or two thing is getting annoying, right?

They get us all thinking her and Luke will be together again, then send her off to France... waste of romance to keep that going I's lost the 'true love' feel...definitely.

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Sat 10/10/09 06:47 PM

I think Max & Diane are so cute!!

Diane is my favorite woman on the show...

speaking of which...where has she been lately??

Her attitude just cracks me up!

Isn't it weird that the person who plays Claudia used to play Carly years ago...? I remember when she left I was all upset thinking nobody else could ever take her place - now it's hard to remember her even being Carly!

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Sat 10/10/09 06:37 PM

the only 2 shows I will not miss ever are Survivor each week, and General Hospital. I DVR them so I can fast-forward through the silly stuff, ha.

I used to be one of those people who made fun of soap operas, then this one place I worked at all the women watch GH during lunch and I got sucked in!!

Yea, that was 20 years ago... ha

This new Dante/Dominic guy is something huh ladies? Whew!! ha

I'll admit though, my man on GH has always been Sonny. Even when he yells he's all kinds of sexy!

Oh see what you did Betty, got me all GH-riled-up! :wink:

SO....what do y'all think...what will happen when Sonny finds out the truth about Dante/Dominic?

The annoying storyline to me is the Nicholas/Elizabeth one...I mean many times do they have to make Elizabeth the unfaithful cheating woman? & with Nicholas of all people... It's just too out there (even for a soap opera! ha)

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Sat 10/10/09 06:10 PM

ha...sorry about that PATSFAN!


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Sat 10/10/09 05:57 PM


(well my very favorite is my dog Korkie...she is 12 years old, have had her since she was 2 months old. She's soooooooooo cute!)

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Sat 10/10/09 05:54 PM

Okay y'all...we'll see...

I've been making football bets (real money) and playing fantasy football for years and have a pretty good record overall.

My "money bets" this week are:

Parlay bet:

Minnesota -10 1/2

Cincinnati + 8 1/2

Arizona -5 1/2

Detroit +11 1/2

Denver +4 1/2

Tennessee +4 1/2

Then I have a separate parlay bet with just Minnesota, Cincinnati and Arizona.

OH...went for Tennessee because I feel they are due to have a great game - and that game will happen at home...and why not have it happen against one of the best teams/QB's? I also predicted the Lions win a few weeks ago, made some good $ on that one...and believe they will at least keep the game within 11 1/2 points...the Steelers are not the Steelers of last year. Plus, my 'gut' tells me that Mr. Culpepper will be starting for the Lions - if so, they will win.

Love football!!

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Sat 10/10/09 03:30 PM

Also ratings as well:

Pittsburgh@Detroit - Detroit 1 point:wink:

Oakland@NY Giants - NY Giants 13 points

Cleveland@Buffalo - Buffalo 8 points

Dallas@Kansas City - Dallas 6 points

Minnesota@St. Louis - Minnesota 14 points

Cincinnati@Baltimore - Baltimore 10 points

Washington@Carolina - Carolina 2 points

Tampa Bay@Philadelphia - Philadelphia 12 points

Atlanta@San Francisco - San Francisco 11 points

Houston@Arizona - Arizona 7 points

Jacksonville@Seattle - Seattle 3 points

New England@Denver - Denver 4 points:wink:

Indianapolis@Tennessee - Tennessee 5 points:thumbsup:

NY Jets@Miami - NY Jets 9

Let me know what you think!

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Sat 10/10/09 02:44 PM

I confess I still sleep with someone's pillow...he died over two years ago...I've moved on in life pretty well..

but the pillow...

Not ready to put that away just yet...

makes me feel he can at least still somehow be near me in my dreams.

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Sat 10/10/09 02:03 PM

That she is too weak to be brutally honest with the guy...

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Sat 10/10/09 01:41 PM

Watch it but no longer do.

I noticed at the end of every show I felt so down, the show made me cry and re-live too much from my 'real life'...

So I no longer watch it.

Moving forward in life, for me, it's best just not to.

(lost a man I loved dearly to brain cancer, went through two years of it with him...maybe that explains why...)

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Sat 10/10/09 01:07 PM

Putt-Putt or bowling

great ice-breakers because you laugh at each other the whole time!