Community > Posts By > knoxman

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Sat 11/24/07 05:32 AM
I wouldn't, I'm the worlds worst singer.

Would you, while Christmas shopping, let a stranger give you a foot massage if your feet were hurting?

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Sat 11/24/07 05:20 AM
I wouldn't, I look horrible in tightslaugh .

Would you, on a dare, walk around the mall in a full Santa suit?(women or men)

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Sat 11/24/07 05:16 AM
I wouldn't, I never return clothes, unless they don't fit.

Would you, on a dare, go to the mall and walk around in an elf costume?

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Sat 11/24/07 05:14 AM
Don't know if I've died and gone to Heaven...But I know I AM in Heaven right now!:heart: love

Hi Chelleflowerforyou

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Sat 11/24/07 05:13 AM
I would.

Would you admit to people that you ate the whole carton?

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Sat 11/24/07 05:10 AM
Oh, and "trashing the White House" was PROVEN to be a planted story.

Planted by Matt Drudge on the net, because he "wanted to see who'd bite".

And, of course, Fox News, which has a HORRIBLE reputation for running with Internet stories that fit their agenda, not wasting time on things like, you know, CHECKING THEM OUT FOR AUTHENTICITY!

Of course, CNN, MSNBC, the networks, and most American newspapers ran with it, too.

And once it was proven to be a hoax? Well, you were lucky to see it buried on page 10 of a handful of papers, and a passing mention on CNN.

Kinda blows away the fantasy of a "liberal media" that neocons cling to like a fading wet dream, doesn't it there, Jura?

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Sat 11/24/07 05:04 AM

Both Hilary and Bill should be in prison if not brought before a firing squad for treason of the highest order. They sold our nations national security to the communist Chinese, they let Bin Laden go not once, but twice. They offered little meaningful response to terrorism against our nation and our service personnel. They wrecked the healthcare system and we are still paying for that. They trashed the Whitehouse on their way out and stole items that belong to us, the American people.

I am fed up with people defending these two because Bill was impeached for LYING TO CONGRESS, not for a blowjob. Its about time the let it go already. Face the truth. The Clintons were a disaster the first time around, America will be doomed should they be reelected. You want to see an economy like we had during Carter? You want to see radical Islam take over? Go ahead, vote for them. Anybody but a Republican? Really? Anybody? Please, if your that ill informed, don't vote at all.

Uh, dude, Bill was impeached for lying to Congress ABOUT a blowjob.

Little different than, say, lying about WMDs in a country that "could mobilize a nuclear attack on the US in a period of 45 minutes"....D.Cheney, Fox news, July 2002, speking about Iraq.

Of course, I never sais I'm voting for Hillary. but, please get your facts straight.

Oh, and as for your last sentence? Jura_Neat, I beg of you..PLEASE practice what you preach in 08. Uninformed people such as yourself are the reason we're in a mess today.

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Sat 11/24/07 04:30 AM
From the files of "I thought this would never happen":

Ole Knox has a date today!!!!!!!

Amazing, isn't it? I hardly believe it myself!laugh

Hope I kept my notes from my last date! It's been so long, I need all the help I can get!laugh

I'll post afterwards and let you all know how it turned out:smile: .

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Sat 11/24/07 04:27 AM
Best revenge: Move on and live your life.

"Revenge" is petty and doesn't make things right.

*sigh* It seems like ole Knox has to give advice to everyone this morning. Think I'm going to start charging.

Remember the words of ole Knox(the world's foremost authority, with apologies to Prof. Irwin Corey):

"Those who spend their time attempting to get even will never get ahead."

no photo
Sat 11/24/07 04:23 AM

i think it would be better if they brought back
big poppa pump,brock lesner,nwo

And therein lies the problem. WWE and TNA are in a race to see who can bring back "old acts".

Well, here's the irrefutable truth about those "old acts":

Old acts are good for nostalgia value only. Thing is, you can only do it once. Look at Miss Elizabeth or Ultimate Warrior when WCW brought them in after a few years of retirement. They got over in their first appearance. After that--no one cared. Once everyone sees a nostalgia act once, the value is gone. You can't count on having old acts on top. Look at Sting in TNA. First appearance--good ratings. Second appearance--ratings down to pre-Sting levels.

In the words of ole Knox:

"You can never move forward if you keep looking back."

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Sat 11/24/07 04:11 AM
It's page 36 now, Dragon.

Please feel free to contribute when you have something meaningful to add.

Repeating the same post over and over might be easy, but it shows a lack of insight.

To be honest, I was every bit as bored with your groundless accusations when I read them on page one as I am now.

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Fri 11/23/07 05:51 PM
Edited by knoxman on Fri 11/23/07 05:52 PM

I will not stop calling the information posted on the orginal post racist/prejudice propaganda designed to promote Nazi style roundups of humans in America today and I will be here until this is locked to call it that, as I do not want anyone to read this post and believe that they are getting an American point of view from it. It is racist/prejudice propaganda designed to rouse the masses into a lynching mindset. People should be ashamed of themselves to even publically announce they promote this sick agenda.


We could end this a lot quicker if you'd answer questions other posters, including myself, bring up, as opposed to repeating the same "you're all racist" garbage you've been spewing for 35 pages now. Change the CD, please!laugh

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Fri 11/23/07 05:29 PM
It's funny. I don't have any tattoos myself, but I find them INCREDIBLY sexy on a woman.flowerforyou love :heart: smooched blushing :smile: :wink:

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Fri 11/23/07 05:05 PM
Happy belated Thanksgiving, Winnieflowerforyou

Had to work Turkey Day(gotoff in time to see the Cowboys) and today, so I haven't been on much.

Good luck against those Pats this weekend. If they're gonna lose a game(and Dallas had their chance), I'd like it to be to someone in this division--so, GO EAGLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Winnieflowerforyou , thank you for thinking of me in your Thanksgiving wishes:heart: .

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Fri 11/23/07 04:55 PM

Short of al qaeda themselves having a nuke, what could be more dangerous than iran having one? Hopefully whichever Republican presidential candidate that ends up winning (F. Thompson!) will have the stones to do what it takes to prevent such a nightmare scenario.


That's if Thompson bothers to show up to make the decision. He may "have the stones" to do what it takes--I'm from the state he represented as a Senator. Trust me, Matt, he doesn't--but what good is it if he's too lazy and uninterested in doing anything?

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Fri 11/23/07 04:51 PM
I agree with Fantadrinker .

John Edwards seems like the best of an unusually bad lot.

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Fri 11/23/07 04:49 PM
Can't wait to see Vince McMahon squirm in front of Congress. I'm not usually a big fan of government, but in that case, I think I'll make an exception.laugh

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Fri 11/23/07 06:15 AM
Isn't it sad that the game of the year in the NFC is on a channel that less than 50% of homes in America are even able to get if they wanted it?

Look, in my opinion, the NFL Network is for hardcore football fans only. You know, the fan who'll watch ANY game the NFL shows on it on Thursday nights. Hell, they'd watch St. Louis vs Miami if they offered it.

My point on this--and both Cowboys and Packers fans will agree on this--is that one of the three biggest games of the year(Dallas v NE, NE v Indy being the other two)needs to be on a station/network that at least most of the US is able to get.

GO DALLAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Thu 11/22/07 10:44 PM
DAMN, AM I LUCKYflowerforyou love :heart: smooched blushing :smile: :wink:

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Thu 11/22/07 05:46 PM
Edited by knoxman on Thu 11/22/07 05:47 PM
Bugs Bunny
Woody Woodpecker
Tom and Jerry
Daffy Duck
Screwy Squirrel(old Tex Avery cartoon, freaking hilarious)
The Jetsons
Pink Panther
VERY old Popeye(1930s-mid 40s)

New Stuff:
South Park
Johnny Bravo

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