Community > Posts By > Myrrdin

Myrrdin's photo
Thu 02/05/09 12:21 PM
Subspecies (The first)

Myrrdin's photo
Thu 02/05/09 12:18 PM

....or in English....

Each galaxy has 6 billion billion stars. In each star there are two forces at reactive force pushing out and one gravitational pulling in. This process takes a very long time to stop. The reactive process occurs with the hydrogen atoms until they turn to helium, carbon, etc....the star increasingly becoming composed of heavier and heavier atoms. It's a multiphasic process that never just ends abruptly. And that's just one star. We have an "astronomically" huge system at work just in this one galaxy. It contains a great deal of mass and is, itself, part of an even greater system.

This process you're asking about? Don't wait around for it.

The reason the moon's orbit is increasing in size is basically that the earth rotates faster than the moon travels around the earth. The earth, in a sense, pulls the moon along, trying to speed it up to catch the same time, the moon is pulling back on the earth....on it's tidal bulge trying to "slow it down". There is a friction created and in a nutshell, it stretches by a very small amount, the orbit of the moon around the earth. It has almost nothing to do with the burnout of other objects in our galaxy.

The earth's rotation is also slowing down due to this effect....just FYI. happy

lol very nice summery smokin flowerforyou

Myrrdin's photo
Thu 02/05/09 12:12 PM

Darn... how can I not say okay now? laugh

But only if we agree to disagree as I am not nearly as, well, not at all in agreement with your secret ingredient!

Agreed flowerforyou :banana: :thumbsup:

Myrrdin's photo
Thu 02/05/09 12:07 PM

Awww, thanks darling!

Myyrdin, sorry to say but you dissed Dr. Phil and that puts you in a bad spot....

smokin wasn't meant as a dis hon, I actually really admire Dr. Phil and his wife. And I didn't disagree with his assessment, just found it to be lacking an ingredient that's all flowerforyou drinks forgive me?oops

Myrrdin's photo
Thu 02/05/09 11:49 AM

I think bitter and anger mean I give him head space, and normally I do not. I am not hanging onto those feelings of negativity. However, when I talk to him do I feel a bit ill? Sure. Do I want to spend time with him or in his vicinity? No......

When it comes to other people I really have only one rule of thumb, trust my inner instinct like it was god. Hasn't been wrong yet smokin Using that as a rule, probably a good thing to avoid him then flowerforyou

Myrrdin's photo
Thu 02/05/09 11:35 AM

Sometimes people do grow and change.

Oh, I agree. But sociopaths rarely do. They just pretend they've changed to manipulate.

I am going to TRY and keep an open mind... but as Dr. Phil says, "The best predictor of future behavior is relevant past behavior".

I think that is is an incomplete assessment, while its true 'part' of the best predictor of future behavior is relevant past behavior, current choices and real lifestyle changes taken into consideration can lead to a whole different picture.

Myrrdin's photo
Thu 02/05/09 11:27 AM
tommy170> 'rocious

Myrrdin's photo
Thu 02/05/09 11:13 AM

Your handsome. I would have thought the woman would be swarming over you.

i wonder why people think this.

i also wonder if women think this about me.

i'm not really fishing here, just wondering.

it's one thing to assume that when you see people together that they may be together, but to just look at someone and assume that they're taken, that confuses me.

I think it is the mentality that if a person is "hot" (which btw I'm by no means in my own eyes smokin ) they probably have a lot of attention and therefore a higher chance of meeting someone they will click with. Truth is, since I've been back I've gotten maybe 4 or 5 responses and no first contacts.

Myrrdin's photo
Wed 02/04/09 12:32 AM


Nice to see you again!

Nothing wrong with taking a break. I do it too!

I wonder sometimes if it kills my law of chance though }P-Y

Nah, this isn't the only way to meet people. Every time you step out into the world, there's opportunity.

the 'james dean pose' photo in your profile is hot tho... just sayin' love

blushing flowerforyou

Myrrdin's photo
Wed 02/04/09 12:27 AM


Nice to see you again!

Nothing wrong with taking a break. I do it too!

I wonder sometimes if it kills my law of chance though }P-Y

Myrrdin's photo
Wed 02/04/09 12:21 AM

Your handsome. I would have thought the woman would be swarming over you.

flowerforyou you pretty lady are way too kind, but it was very sweet smokin

Myrrdin's photo
Tue 02/03/09 11:08 PM

Lol then all is well 4 smokers. but when i want a kiss an she smokes its like ugh! i mean she could b very attractive but smoking shoots that down 4 megrumble

I used to be like that when I was younger and didn't smoke (didn't start till I was 23 smokin ) It totally turned me off, until I was a smoker, it's harder for non smokers for sure. But a smart smoker will be conscious of how their breath smells, and do something about it.

Myrrdin's photo
Tue 02/03/09 11:04 PM

If my guy did smoke, I won't kiss him while he has it lit.....sick

If he really wants a kiss, do something to get that taste out of your mouth first.....drink something, chew gum.....

Mentos, the fresh maker smokin

Myrrdin's photo
Tue 02/03/09 11:03 PM
That I take a break from the site now and then? I don't mean like a week here or there, I mean like months between being active. I dunno, I guess you reach a point where nothing serious ever happens and you wonder what the hell your doing. Am I alone here?

Myrrdin's photo
Tue 02/03/09 11:00 PM
I smoke, so them smoking isn't an issue smokin

Myrrdin's photo
Tue 02/03/09 10:57 PM


You get that from Myrrdin, or didja cheat and read the profile smokin

Myrrdin's photo
Tue 02/03/09 10:55 PM

I have this guy friend who I really like...when we hang out he opens the car door for me every single time and he pays for EVERYTHING...he will NOT let me pay he being friendly? or does he want to become more then friends? the reason im so confused is because when we do "hang out" he comes off as very distant...he doesnt talk much and it makes the situation he shy? Guys, would u pay for everything for a girl who was just a friend to you?

Absolutely, it shows a level of "caring" coming from a guy. I even do this kind of stuff with the wives of my friends, totally platonic, just a gentleman thing.

Myrrdin's photo
Tue 02/03/09 10:53 PM

Myrrdin's photo
Tue 02/03/09 10:50 PM
seriously? don't sell yourself short man. EVERYONE is "dateable", it all depends on the person your looking for and whether you are the person they are looking for. There's no "magick" look, or type of person, except that one that is right for you.

Myrrdin's photo
Tue 02/03/09 07:09 PM
mariposakc> absolutely smokin flowerforyou

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