Community > Posts By > tombraider

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Tue 06/25/19 01:54 PM
Edited by tombraider on Tue 06/25/19 01:57 PM

The LACK OF EVIDENCE about the Trump Russian Collusion proves that it was the Democrats and their followers who were spreading the propaganda..

Robert Mueller’s declaration of NO COLLUSION between President Trump and Russia proves that the independent media was right all along

*** And once again, the independent media has been shown to be the reliable and honest ones when it comes to reporting the truth, as opposed to fake news outlets like CNN and MSNBC which actively conspired to spread the “Russian collusion” conspiracy theory far and wide for more than two years without a shred of evidence to support it.***

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Tue 06/25/19 01:23 PM

If the Dems aren't importing votes except for the few die hard trump haters..then they attempt to buy votes by claiming they will forgive student loans..Well then how about this a show of good faith ..why don't they forgive them now..because they can't ..and if they were lucky enough and rigged the election and get into office..they won't forgive the loans and blame the Repulicans for it ..and their TDS followers won't have a clue that once again they were DUPED again..because most won't read what is being said..they only hear what they want to..because their loans won't be forgiven ..just those of PUBLIC SERVANTS...laugh

2020 Democrats want to overhaul a student-loan forgiveness program for public servants

I do agree we shouldn't put down those with special needs by comparing them to Democratic candidates..rofl

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Tue 06/25/19 12:34 PM
Edited by tombraider on Tue 06/25/19 12:53 PM

WHERE'S THAT RUSSIAN COLLUSION..spock THERE WASN'T ANY.. One would have thought once that accusation wasn't proven to be true that the Trump haters would have GOTTEN A CLUE..Where's that obstruction of justice..THERE WASN'T ANY..but more than that WHERE'S THE's a clue..THERE ISN'T ANY..and that's why there's no impeachment..But by all means if there is any evidence PRODUCE IT! ..(((crickets)))..Good Luck with that because even after a two year investigation Mueller couldn't even PRODUCE IT!..SOooo what'cha got..A BIG FAT NOTHING BURGER ..unless of course you think you know more than Mueller...laugh

All the Trump haters produce is hate backed by a BIG FAT NOTHING BURGER..constantly fed by the mockingbird media..would ya like some fries to go with that..

Mueller's Big Nothing Burger

and I'm the conspiracy theorist..laugh

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Tue 06/25/19 10:20 AM

Just be yourself..

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Tue 06/25/19 09:57 AM

I prefer more modern day subject matter far as any of those subjects sounding familiar or books on conspiracy's a thought I don't embody those "three principles"..I guess by that definition I can't be labeled a conspiracy theorist..But what do you have that's more relevant to present day..wanna play?..spock

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Tue 06/25/19 12:39 AM
Edited by tombraider on Tue 06/25/19 12:41 AM

While there are those who would praise Obama and or Hillary as for months I have tried to tell you all they are traitors..let me supply you all with a piece of evidence from one of my better sources ..This is also part of what we the people and our president are up against here in the states..A short clip and a good source to of me favorites that I don't usually share ..but you all need to see where part of our tax money is going..You need to know this..also remember the term "muslim brotherhood" and those who in our government are still connected to it..
This should end anyone's praise of Obama and the Witch Clinton herself...This is also why they FRAMED GEN.FLYNN...this is on bitchute..since youtube wants to censor conservative views like Google who has recently been exposed as of late for doing the same..and attempting to help rig the 2020 election.. but that's another story..DO THE RESEARCH..


The more you look the DEEPER the rabbit hole goes..time to erect a gallows built for two..or three..and from what I'm finding out..those gallows would be well worn by the time we got done..smokin people there is no debate here we dodged a major bullet when we put Trump in office..I just wish that more people knew what I have been uncovering..I have so much more to send you all ..I just hope this janky lap top can last..This is not fear mongering..but what really causes me fear is how many people that don't know this..We have got to make sure that Trump wins in 2020 ..We don't just have the governmental swamp to worry about but we have major groups of sleep cells in this country..just waiting for the word..This is REAL BAD folks...

This is the stuff that keeps me searching and up all night..and I have barely touched on all the pedophilia..and that too is another story..

Charles the more you search the more you will realize why they wanted Trump out..and unfortunately for the millions of people who tune into the nightly news the media is complicit in covering up all of this..And Mueller as well as a whole host of others are guilty of covering up all the misdeeds and framing Trump...and you won't find the truth in the main stream media..


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Sun 06/23/19 09:41 PM
Edited by tombraider on Sun 06/23/19 10:00 PM

So what you are saying is that the IRA does the same thing to Americans that our own media does to us..Let's face I'm sure we do the same thing..and worse like funding CIA backed why does this come as a shock to some..weren't we doing the same thing in Venezuela ..we don't just take out ads..we take you out..

So who are we to complain..spock

Let's face it if nothing else these last two years have shown us one thing that we can be assured of..and that is that our government is as shady and as corrupt as other governments..and probably has been since the beginning of time..and it doesn't look like it's about to change any time soon..the only thing that changes is the party that's in control..smokin

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Sun 06/23/19 08:56 PM

I hope you all are enjoying the show..We will not be going to war with Iran..Nope not any time soon.. ..the maestro is too smart for these two low I.Q Dems..sorry Charles..not gonna happen..As far as the others in the Iran deal..they can stay in and still obtain the same outcome..after all if any of them get Iran to concede it's just as well if we did..NO?..

But we'll see how things go..after all Trump seems to be a man of peace..and of course after the destruction of the CIA black site..things may be looking better than we are led to perceive..Dang shadow governments seem to be everywhere..we really are just spectators in the Greatest Show on Earth..of course we don't know it..might as well head back out to the concession stand and see what other goodies they got..getting a little tired of pop corn..and the show isn't half over yet..just paused for commercial break..

Trump does have a mouth that I will grant you that and his rallies are far more entertaining than others..glad I bought a ticket..Yea life of the president can be more difficult when you have the whiny losers crying all the time the subversives and lets not forget the traitors..but they do provide material for not a complete waste

I see the new cry for reparations/racial divide is at hand..and while I am one who believes in justice..and as they cry about the white man..and all his oppression funny how there's no mention of how white men also helped to free the slaves..must of forgot to write about that in the history books..or one's myopic view doesn't allow for the big picture..but here we go again..seriously Dems need a new play book..or better actors than Smollett..but if they want reparations ..and if they feel they should receive recompense..then by all means they should seek the guilty parties..perhaps the white men could be kind enough to lend them a shovel..because I think a whole lotta diggin' is going to be at hand..I hope the graves are well marked...

As far as some of those allies ..some were spying on him prior to being president..but we'll see ..seems that the traitors are well connected still to some extent..who knows maybe NXIVM buddies..time will tell..

I suppose we would be best to remember all the talk about North present things don't seem to be going so bad..weren't we set to go to war with them when Trump first got into office..people don't want to give him credit altho it's way over due..they are just happy Trump still has them foaming at the mouth and TDS 2.0 is just a newer version of an old theme..I suppose they have to have something to take them into 2020..

All the world's a stage..

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Sun 06/23/19 01:06 PM

he knows what is coming will destroy this nation like they have been working on for years,,that's what will be coming..Your cities and states will be overrun with immigrants living off the tax payers dime..what's coming is more of what's already here and if we don't stand together WE ALL LOSE..United we stand divided we fall..and they want you divided by any means necessary even if it means overthrowing yout government..which is what they are trying to do with the assistance of the main stream media..There was NO RUSSIAN COLLUSION it was all FRAME UP..and this has already been proven..

And now what do we have another woman from 30 years ago claiming rape..haven't we done this once already..The Dems need to write another play book..But in the mean time prepare because what's coming to ALL of us is PAIN..and it's already here,,but the main stream media is going to cover it up until they can't..and by that time for some it will be TOO LATE...


And if ya think I'm wrong ..ask yourself why would they allow this...spock

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Sun 06/23/19 06:23 AM
Edited by tombraider on Sun 06/23/19 06:42 AM

Impeached for what..standing up to a COUP..Don't people get it..they don't want Trump impeached because he committed crimes..they want him out of the they can flood your cities and states with Illegal immigrants that will take your jobs and keep wages low..and with those will come sickness and death as we are already seeing ..with those will come grooming gangs who will rape your children..with those will come a strain on your resources and your this what you may want to give this some serious thought..and if you think I am wrong than you need to DO THE RESEARCH..Do you think that what is going on in other countries isn't going on here .DON'T FOOL YOURSELVES..just because the MSM isn't reporting this..we already know they're not to be trusted..

The people who are funding their BS ideology are they funding the test and screening that needs to be done are they securing our borders to make sure those who would DO HARM aren't getting in or are they just indiscriminately funding whoever..are they funding them after they get here and providing them with services and housing..NOooo..the tax payer is..and what about the crimes many will commit are they funding the justice system to see they are brought to justice..or are the just funding their BS ideology and putting families at risk in doing so..

This is just a small view into what could be going on in the U.S..and that which is ALREADY GOING ON in the UK..Trump and a few others are the only ones standing in the way..SOooo we may want to think about wanting Trump out so badly..
..again if my link don't work..type it in to youtube

Secret Sources

Operation BOLLOCKS They Knew

What are grooming gangs?


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Sat 06/22/19 03:08 PM
Edited by tombraider on Sat 06/22/19 04:04 PM

Trump needs to start deporting these ILLEGAL immigrants ASAP..HERE IT IS folks just like I told ya..Give this a listen..Say I tell half truths and lies ..this is the PROOF I have been deep diving for..Give it a listen before it too is deleted..Oh yea ..not to forget..this is the BOOOM!! to end all BOOOMS!!!..Delivered straight to you from the Tombs.. NO denying this one...

The Real BPEarth Watch
3 Ebola Cases in Texas After Congo Migrants Cross Border

Straight to you from the wall...BOOOOOOOOOM!!!!!!...And they are CONFIRMED..I wonder how many they missed..spock ..Still think my theory on AGENDA 21 is off?..

again if my link don't work ..type it in to YOUTUBE

*** a DHS insider eposed to us Congo migrants have made it to the USA with "CONFIRMED" cases of ebola 3 are in custody in Laredo Texas and 6 in Laredo Mexico and in Juarez next to our wall..Brian Kolfage May 31 2019***

Brian Kolfage is a veteran of the United States Air Force and founder of the organization We Build the Wall which has begun construction of a privately-funded barrier on the US-Mexico border. Kolfage is a triple amputee with some articles claiming that he is the most severely wounded US airman in history. His injuries resulted in the fastest medevac to the United States from a war zone. In December 2018, Kolfage initiated a $1 billion fundraising campaign for U.S. President Donald Trump's....

... WWG1 WGA

.. ps..This might be the reason Mexico is helping us..because they know this as well..spock This also might be why they had the border guards sign NDAs..I wonder how they will try to cover up this one..someone had told me that BPEarth Watch had been banned...makes me wonder..but then again a lot of things on the internet make me ev1..DO THE RESEARCH ..

..(thanks Charles for the conduit)

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Sat 06/22/19 10:58 AM
Edited by tombraider on Sat 06/22/19 11:54 AM
Trump is "Getting them Outta here..drinker

They are pulling my sites left and right..they are not letting anything out..saw where the WHO (World Health Organization) is not calling this ebola outbreak a national emergency for "economic" reasons..economic reasons?..are you kidding me..since when do we hold back calling national emergencies because of economy..shouldn't the WHO be more concerned with..oh I don't know.."LIVES"..not going to be much of an economy if the people are dead..When we see the amount of diseases that are coming over the border not to mention the resurgence of those which were nearly eradicated why would anyone allow them in..When there are outbreaks should we not be distancing ourselves..why no..we should invite them in with open arms..doesn't matter who they are or where they come from..since when does that not matter..

Wonder why these migrants especially the Congolese are being flown or taken into Texas..notice the infectious disease centers there..remember when they said these ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS weren't bringing diseases with them..when there was Russian Collusion..and yet we go back to the same media outlets expecting what..the truth?..I think they call that INSANITY..There is no doubt in my mind that ebola is here..the odds after all are in my favor..what.. it's like every disease under the sun is walking through our border..but not ebola..odd how that they just test the Congolese for it as if what they are being isolated from everyone else in the caravans..

But hey let them in after all the elites are paying for them..for them to drive down wages take over our jobs and stretch our resources that "we" paid for until they break..and still the MORONS go after Trump and anyone connected with him..HELLOOOO..

Listen up.. there was NO RUSSIAN COLLUSION..Russians weren't taking out ads to help Trump they were making it look like he was working with them..There is no obstruction of justice simply because there was no was a frame job and a soft coup what did he obstruct..a COUP..where is the justice for the investigations when the warrants were "ILLEGALY" obtained..but anyway I digress..

Here's a small list of just a few of those diseases we are enduring (first video) ..and the second video has a list of some of those involved in NXIVM..ya might find it very that little "Chucky Schumer and the Evil Queen Hillary herself..this rabbit hole goes deeper than most realize..still think the video on A. Weiner's lap top labeled "insurance policy" is that the demon Epstein Island..what does he represent..maybe Slick Willy Clinton knows..I'm sure he does after all he's been there over 20 times..Like I said "a lot deeper"


NXIVM Update 6-22-19

Ya know eventually people have to ask themselves ..why are there so many connections to the Satanic cult and child trafficking among other things..and the evil one Hillary..and why would anyone be going to great lengths to protect the sick witch..unless of the end of the second video there is a list.."give it a might be surprised..

..and again if my links don't work just type it in to YOUTUBE..doing the best I can with what I got..until I completely fry this janky lap top...

tc ev1..and remember.."DO THE RESEARCH"..then discern and validate for yourselves


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Fri 06/21/19 10:49 PM
Edited by tombraider on Fri 06/21/19 11:05 PM

Believe all the main stream media BS you want..and no I don't think the guy was cleared and didn't have it..Nor do I believe these people from the Congo are being tested properly for ebola..simply because in some cases it doesn't matter if you test them and the results are negative..they can still have it..In some cases there is no way to be sure..Trump is right they do want to destroy our country..just like they were trying to overthrow our government with this COUP attempt..

All one has to do is ask themselves why would you leave the borders open when you know those coming in can be terrorists or carrying diseases that will not only make people sick but could kill them as well..and why is the witch Hillary still walking around and running for president in 2020..a traitor running for president..are they serious

There is no sure fire way to test for ebola some can be carried in the male semen for years and that person test can even be carried in ones eyes and tho they would test clean when you test the fluid in their eye could show positive for ebola..not to mention incubation periods..Do I think the guy in Philly had ebola..yea I still do no matter what they said.. I think there are people in hospitals right now with it..and they censor it

This is their agenda..and I know what she's talking about because I've seen some of the video clips she's talking about..give it a listen..a very smart and articulate woman..her site on youtube is Amazing Polly..and this is their TRUE AGENDA..But by all means continue to believe the same main stream media lies after all it is a free country..for now

Sustainable Development is a Con Job

If the link doesn't work ..and it should then just type it in ON YOUTUBE

They are censoring everything as far as these illegals are concerned..and speaking of ILLEGALS why are they here..when they didn't come here legally..they shouldn't be what's this the new normal..just come right in and we'll pay for everything on the tax payers back..maybe the people who are funding this destruction of out nation should pay for all their needs as well..I wonder if they realize that when this kicks off..there will be those who will not waste their time fighting n the streets but instead..HUNTING THEM DOWN..:angry: probably why Gates is building all those bunkers they can scurry away like the swamp rats they are..

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Thu 06/20/19 09:09 PM
Edited by tombraider on Thu 06/20/19 09:51 PM

If you all don't listen to the first video..definitely listen to the second one..because the media is blatanly lying to the we haven't heard that before..and we can thank the democrats for what will soon be coming our PLEASE listen to these videos..and then continue to DO THE RESEARCH.. another video 2 check out...not to mention..what about the ones sneaking in..

Where they say they are testing the Congolese what about others they have come in contact if what these people are kept isolated from everyone else before they get here..doubtful..but yet they just talk about testing the Congolese..not to mention its not just in the congo..there's hour Dems putting everyone at risk..just a matter of time..Pelosi and her minions should be charged and made to pay for anyone who gets sick, killed or is raped by any illegal that comes through our border


Tombs ev1

ps..once you go through these videos you,yourself will be able to see they are lying to you..Ebola is not just in the Congo..DO THE RESEARCH

Florida Maquis


Anne 411

these are my main sites..follow the rabbit after that you're on your

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Thu 06/20/19 08:03 PM
Edited by tombraider on Thu 06/20/19 09:01 PM

NO RUSSIAN COLLUSION over..time to put those traitors in jail starting with traitor Obama and traitor Hillary..and then go after Pelosi and the rest of her traitorous cohorts for allowing these illegals into our country and not protecting the citizens from ISIS and the disease carrying ILLEGALS..especially those coming into the U.S from the epicenter of the latest ebola outbreak..they are playing political games with people's lives..If I were Trump I would tell them all to Kiss My AZZ..NO RUSSIAN COLLUSION either start jailing these traitors or start hanging them..either one..but first shut down this illegal immigration BS..NOW!..before it's TOO LATE..and it may be already..noway ..of course the crooked main stream media won't say anything until they can't cover it up..they too should be tried as well for complicity..noway

PAY ATTENTION! "THIS" Is About To Knock Us All Out Cold ...LITERALLY

We Know Why "THIS CITY Was the HOT ZONE Event Destination

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Thu 06/20/19 06:14 PM

Why do people hate America?..I don't know why do claimed they what's the answer..I mean surely if you know they hate us ..then you should know why is it..why ask us..

Canadians think Donald Trump is bad..are we speaking about all Canadians..are you their spokesman..I personally will speak for myself when I say I think Trudeau is an idiot..Do I think that the number of countries that hate America will increase..personally "who cares"..when they say the majority of residents..did they take a poll and everyone replied..doubtful..because let's face it they never ask everyone..and if they did..doubtful everyone their numbers could be

15 of 135 countries..don't like us..that's like what a little over 10%..not bad..But how could they have possibly asked ALL those people in 135 countries..truth is they didn't..I don't put much faith in polls..I mean after all the polls said Trump would lose in 2016..see what I mean..spock

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Thu 06/20/19 05:38 PM


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Thu 06/20/19 03:20 PM
Edited by tombraider on Thu 06/20/19 03:58 PM

Nothing could point to how corrupt our system is then when a TRAITOR and child trafficker like Hillary can run for president as well as how corrupt the DNC is to support it..Could it be any more blatant than this..If that vile witch was president our borders would be wide open child trafficking would be at an all time high with her heading it..and every secret the U.S has would be on the auction table for sale to the highest bidder..perhaps she should get a logo hat as well..saying "Make America a Third World Country"..


SETH RICH?..spock


ps..the article listed above is a spot on good read

pss.GOT EBOLA..yet..give this a listen

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Thu 06/20/19 08:14 AM
Edited by tombraider on Thu 06/20/19 08:42 AM

Here's a thought for ya... We know that Hillary was involved in getting 20% of our uranium to Russia why considering Hillary was bought and paid for would they want Trump in office..truth is they wouldn't..and Trump was never working with the Russians.. it was all made to look like he was..

The Russians along with Clinton were making it look as if he was so that he "WOULDN'T" get elected..or would get impeached soon afterwards..think about it..spock .. the Russian ads were never meant to help Trump..they were meant to hurt him..get it..spock

Operation Infektion: How Russia Perfected the Art of War


The ART of War..the ART of Deception..

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Wed 06/19/19 10:54 PM
Edited by tombraider on Wed 06/19/19 11:36 PM

Prosecute Trump for what Russian Collusion..LOL..and they're not going to talk about Trump much ya want to bet... as if they can just turn off their incessant whining and bytching and sore azz loser crying like they have been doing ever since Trump was way ..I gotta see this..of course watching them speak will cost me quite a few brain cells ..Are they going to talk about how they keep putting traitors in far as healthcare are they going to talk about how their fearless traitorous leader Obama promised we could keep our doctors and lied..immigration are they going to talk about how they're handing out our money to ILLEGALS and putting everyone at risk for sickness and death because they want open borders..

..and climate change are they going to talk about all those nano particulates the government is putting in our atmosphere known as chemtrails to combat climate change..I wonder what's in that schitt..are they going to talk about how the DNC rigged the election in 2016 for a TRAITOR..and then tried to frame a duly elected president..maybe they will just sit around and stuff their faces with greasey KFC as they wait their turn to bore us to death..maybe that's it their big covert plan..they will overdose the republicans with so much boring stupid BS we'll kill over...

I mean if these idiots were serious about climate change maybe they should quit spraying our skies with nano particulates ..or cap off Fukushima..maybe they should do something about all the ILLEGALS that we're having to support..maybe our tax dollars should go to our health care rather than flying our money over to Iran like Obama did or handing it out to people who shouldn't be in our country or the unvetted muslims that their democratic leader Obama smuggled into our country..or take that money that Killary another democrat traitor took for selling our uranium or the billions in bad trade deals they made for us that we've been losing year after year..that surely would help to bring down the price of health care or the money we wasted on the witch hunt bogus investigation..

. or maybe they will talk about how they are going to give reparations to all the fanilies of the soldiers who were either injured or killed in all those false narrative wars that Obama and Bush both democrats had us in whatta ya ya think they will talk about this..or just bore us to tears in hopes that their incessant drivel will drive us to "Arkancide" ourselves..spock


PS..And since we're on the subject of government..Give this lady a listen..this may open a few eyes...Her name is Deborah Tavares

ALERT! Corporate Government Plans REVEAL Covert Weather Weapons And Economic Warfare

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