Community > Posts By > Wiitard

Wiitard's photo
Mon 12/03/07 04:57 PM
Now, before you write this off as some cheesy advertisement, it's not. Last night, I was really feeling down, like to the point where I just felt despair. I couldn't even sleep. I just felt alone in the world.

I went to YouTube, and typed depression. The second hit is called Tapping. Copy and paste this URL.

I swear, I felt better after about the 2nd time he goes through it. I don't know why it works, but I was curious enough to Wikipedia it. It turns out it's a form of self-hypnotizing. You will fee really corny doing it, but it's better than feeling sad, right?

Anyway, it worked for me, and I just thought I'd share it with the community who might be feeling down, and can't find a way to get up.

Give it a try, and post if it worked for you or not. It's the weirdest thing, that it actually worked!

Wiitard's photo
Sun 12/02/07 10:57 PM
Maybe that's what I need to do...but, barely making ends meet as it is, makes it hard to go out anywhere. Everything costs money.

Wiitard's photo
Sun 12/02/07 10:19 PM
Lately, like tonight, I've been feeling sad, but I can't really say for any reason. Just a feeling of loneliness and despair.

Wiitard's photo
Sun 12/02/07 07:24 PM
That in mind, I think it's a good idea to encourage people to lose their accounts.

If they've lost their account, or been inactive for a long time, it means they've found happiness in a relationship. drinker

Wiitard's photo
Sun 12/02/07 07:24 PM
With all the networking available on here, it's possible (s)he met someone that they wanted to pursue on a more exclusive level.

If not on here, than on the other tens of hundreds of dating sites available; or real life.

Wiitard's photo
Sun 12/02/07 07:23 PM
OK...I get it...I said battery, but you all know what I meant! explode

Wiitard's photo
Sun 12/02/07 07:00 PM
I would guess your battery needs to be replaced.

Wiitard's photo
Sun 12/02/07 06:56 PM
So...this is a list of games we are currently playing?

Then I guess my list goes:
F.E.A.R. (finished it long ago, but still playing it)
Diablo II LoD (started playing this again after 2 weeks ago)
Warcraft III: tFT
Starcraft BW
Dungeon Siege 2
Star Wars: Empire At War
Hellgate: London
Mario Teaches Typing
Project 64

Super Mario Galaxy

MarioKart DS

Final Fantasy Tactics

Wiitard's photo
Sun 12/02/07 05:24 PM
Find me white girl, I find you Asian woman!

Wiitard's photo
Sun 12/02/07 05:22 PM
That would be embarrassing! laugh

Wiitard's photo
Sun 12/02/07 02:14 PM
A 13 year old boy in Vietnam murdered an 81 year old woman in her own home. He strangled her to death, and stole $6.20 USD. He then buried her in his front yard. When authorities had questioned him about the attack, he said he needed the money to play online games, and decided to kill and rob the woman.

This is disturbing to me. Not only was it a PRE-MEDITATED attack, but it was planned out to the point of what to do after the killing. Furthermore, he didn't do it in a way that would be impersonal. He strangled her to death, meaning he saw her till the very end.

Vietnamese authorities are not going to send him to jail. They feel he is too young. Instead, he goes to a re-education camp where he will be released if he shows good behavior...I hope it's like the camps we saw in class when they captured American POWs.

Sorry, if that last line was "out of line," but something about this article really bothers me. Murdering and stealing in order to play a video's not like trying to get food or something necessary.

Wiitard's photo
Sun 12/02/07 01:16 PM
I'd want to remake Hellgate London so that everything isn't instanced.

STR for heavier weapons and armor are a good idea
ACC is a bad idea in that game, how accurate you are should depend on the skill of the player
STA for maximum HP is a good idea

I guess what I really wanted out of Hellgate: London was a First-Person Shooter with RPG elements, instead of a RPG with FPS elements.

Wiitard's photo
Sun 12/02/07 12:59 PM
Yeah...I don't really like it...can't jump, and you're restrained to paths. Sometimes you can't save yourself 20 seconds by jumping down maybe a 1 foot drop, and instead have to run all the way around.

Wiitard's photo
Sun 12/02/07 11:55 AM
That's why I didn't like GuildWars too much.

Expansion, expansion expansion.

Level 20 cap, you can reset your talents and skills...everything is instanced...good for a free game, but cannot be compared to games like WoW and EQ.

Wiitard's photo
Sun 12/02/07 11:36 AM
because it's boring!

Wiitard's photo
Sun 12/02/07 11:33 AM
Is that how most MMORPG's go? Because with WoW I had a lot of fun up until about level 30...then I started getting bored.

To spruce things up, they give you a mount at 40, but your joy quickly wears off, and you are bored again. When you finally get to 60, you have so much to do...but still boredom.

Wiitard's photo
Sun 12/02/07 11:30 AM
I think you're also allowed to re-download 5 times...

Wiitard's photo
Sun 12/02/07 10:21 AM
Maybe WoW spoiled it for me...first MMORPG I ever played (unless you count the Diablo series), but I'm just not feeling the addiction to this game (maybe a good thing).

Is there a certain point where I will just fall in love with this game?

Wiitard's photo
Sun 12/02/07 09:41 AM
I'm on Vox Server.

Wiitard's photo
Sun 12/02/07 09:19 AM
Sorry, for double post, but another question popped into my head.

I do 30 min. cardio first, then 1 hr. of lifting. If I cut out the cardio, will that help me get large, rather than ripped?

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