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iam_resurrected's photo
Wed 10/16/19 02:53 PM
There is "joke" within academia:

biologists < chemists < physicists < mathematicians < God.

Of course, academics are too smart to believe in the Most High God, but it highlights the philosophical strength of pure mathematics.

let's do some addition here:

the post i quoted ^


Galileo did also say:

Mathematics is the Alphabet by which God created the Universe!!


Science proves the existence of God by way of using God's Alphabet, Mathematics, in everything they prove to disprove the notion of God.

it's rather comical to watch the likes of neil degrasse tyson claim each discovery lessens the idea of God's existence....where Galileo claims just the opposite occurs because the discovery is being enabled by God's Language, Mathematics...

iam_resurrected's photo
Wed 10/16/19 12:39 PM
Edited by iam_resurrected on Wed 10/16/19 12:43 PM
this is a collection from several tribes:

Ancient Race of White Giants Described in Native Legends From Many Tribes
By Tara MacIsaac , Epoch Times

Several Native American tribes have passed down legends of a race of white giants who were wiped out. We’ll take a look at a few such legends, including those among the Choctaw and the Comanches of the United States down to the Manta of Peru.

Horatio Bardwell Cushman wrote in his 1899 book “History of the Choctaw, Chickasaw, and Natchez Indians”: “The tradition of the Choctaws . . . told of a race of giants that once inhabited the now State of Tennessee, and with whom their ancestors fought when they arrived in Mississippi in their migration from the west. … Their tradition states the Nahullo (race of giants) was of wonderful stature.”

A Choctaw stick-ball player, depicted by George Catlin in 1834.

A Choctaw stick-ball player, depicted by George Catlin in 1834. (Public Domain)

Cushman said “Nahullo” came to be used to describe all white people, but it originally referred specifically to a giant white race with whom the Choctaw came into contact when they first crossed the Mississippi River. The Nahullo were said to be cannibals whom the Choctaw killed whenever the opportunity arose.

Chief Rolling Thunder of the Comanches, a tribe from the Great Plains, gave the following account of an ancient race of white giants in 1857: “Innumerable moons ago, a race of white men, 10 feet high, and far more rich and powerful than any white people now living, here inhabited a large range of country, extending from the rising to the setting sun. Their fortifications crowned the summits of the mountains, protecting their populous cities situated in the intervening valleys.

“They excelled every other nation which was flourished, either before or since, in all manner of cunning handicraft—were brave and warlike—ruling over the land they had wrested from its ancient possessors with a high and haughty hand. Compared with them the palefaces of the present day were pygmies, in both art and arms. …”

The chief explained that when this race forgot justice and mercy and became too proud, the Great Spirit wiped it out and all that was left of their society were the mounds still visible on the tablelands. This account was documented by Dr. Donald “Panther” Yates , a researcher and author of books on Native American history, on his blog.

Lovelock Cave: A Tale of Giants or A Giant Tale of Fiction?
Giant 7 – 8 Foot Skeletons Uncovered in Ecuador sent for Scientific Testing
The Establishment Has Already Acknowledged A Lost Race of Giants
Yates also writes of the Starnake people of Navajo legend, describing them as: “A regal race of white giants endowed with mining technology who dominated the West, enslaved lesser tribes, and had strongholds all through the Americas. They were either extinguished or ‘went back to the heavens.'”

In 1553, Pedro Cieza de León wrote in “Chronicle of Peru” about legendary giants described to him by the Manta indigenous people: “There are, however, reports concerning giants in Peru, who landed on the coast at the point of Santa Elena. … The natives relate the following tradition, which had been received from their ancestors from very remote times.

“There arrived on the coast, in boats made of reeds, as big as large ships, a party of men of such size that, from the knee downwards, their height was as great as the entire height of an ordinary man, though he might be of good stature. Their limbs were all in proportion to the deformed size of their bodies, and it was a monstrous thing to see their heads, with hair reaching to the shoulders. Their eyes were as large as small plates.”

León said that the sexual habits of the giants were revolting to the Natives and heaven eventually wiped out the giants because of those habits.

The Paiutes are said to have an oral tradition that told of red-haired, white, cannibals about 10 feet tall who lived in or near what is now known as Lovelock Cave in Nevada. It is unclear whether this “oral tradition” about the so-called Sitecah giants existed or if it was an exaggeration or distortion of their legends made after the Paiutes were mostly killed or dispersed in 1833 by an expedition by explorer Joseph Walker.

Brian Dunning of Skeptoid explored Paiutes legends and found no mention of the Sitecah being giants. It seems there was, however, a people who practiced cannibalism and who lived in Lovelock Cave. Human remains have been found there, and a few of the human bones had the marrow removed, suggesting the marrow was eaten. Cannibalism seems to have been a rare practice among these peoples, however.

The remains do have red hair.


the Native American Indian term for God is "Great White Spirit!!"

the term for God by way of the Spirit of God has been known as "the Great White Spirit," which is adopted from the Native American Indians.

iam_resurrected's photo
Wed 10/16/19 12:33 PM
Mediterranean and Messeptomia, ( forgive my spelling )
Well again, that still leaves some rather large sections of the Earth, that are not part of these regions

this is why Yeshua commanded His Disciples, whom later became Apostles with Paul, to go and preach to areas beyond what they are familiar with

Question,- Where the native peoples of the Americas, better or worse off, since Jesus arrived with the Conquistador's?

actually, since i see where NOTBEOLD mentioned "Giants," the Native American Indians told Bill Hickock [who wrote in one of his Books}]:

Native American Indians recite a tale from their own ancestors where the American Lands were roaming with 15 feet tall, 6 toed/fingered red-headed (lineage of Esau as prophesied) Giants. the tales where they would run and catch a buffalo and bite its head off and were Cannibals. the Tale went onto say, those Giants were drowned by the flood (predicted Noah's Flood to kill the Giants [Nephilim]. said they climbed to the mountain peeks and and the water drowned them.

also with that tale, were pictures of 3 humans laying long ways making one big human side by side with several skeletal remains that were obviously taller

Sub question - just how did those pesky Incas cut those stones in Macha Picchu?
When after all, they were just primitive peoples with uncultured satanic religions?

who said they were Satanic?

iam_resurrected's photo
Mon 10/14/19 10:09 AM
My entire Immediate Family (Mother-Father-Sister-Myself) Members are/were all Like Believers.

We lived SAME HOME
the list is endless here of our Commonalities we share and are the SAME...

but yet, not a Single One of Us, SEE GOD the SAME way and we have enough LIKES that we should see God Similar.

BUT we DON'T!!

so, it is a GIVEN!!

iam_resurrected's photo
Mon 10/14/19 10:03 AM

So, just like you have no idea what my chair is, you have no idea what my God is but I assure you, its not the chair you choose and it also isn't the God you choose.
Its My chair and My God.
Try to wrap your head around this.

there are no two people who agree on a same Deity could ever be able to view it the same even if they both had same guidelines and directions.

that is a given so your tangent is at best, comical...oh chair and God...

for a person to accept the idea of a Force unseen, in Control of the behind the Scenes, and be labelled as Creator/God, that person can only believe as such from their specific Viewing and point of Believing.

the idea of who God is to ME, could NEVER be perfectly described by anyone, even like Believers.

that is just an automatic given IN THIS DISCUSSION

iam_resurrected's photo
Sun 10/13/19 10:31 PM

So, just like you have no idea what my chair is, you have no idea what my God is but I assure you, its not the chair you choose and it also isn't the God you choose.
Its My chair and My God.
Try to wrap your head around this.

there are no two people who agree on a same Deity could ever be able to view it the same even if they both had same guidelines and directions.

that is a given so your tangent is at best, comical...oh chair and God...

iam_resurrected's photo
Sun 10/13/19 08:26 AM

I have no problem with how you see God.
Why is it so many have a problem with how I see God?

Remember, this is OMO
(One Man's Opinion).

i understand your claim by not being accepted by your views. in a sense, i somehow think i see God in like terms as You, but i also believe the differences exist in the idealisms of..."it's in the form of something personal, not evasive."

i see God as being accessible and not just is aware of my existence, but is concerned over it.
You seem to view it just opposite in blank stark reality.

iam_resurrected's photo
Thu 10/10/19 02:16 PM

12 historians, 12 apostles, spooky
You say these dudes never met, and came from different place's and such
Maybe that's true
But maybe they had a common agenda somehow
Maybe they did meet, or have some sort of communication
I mean it's possible
I know some people from other countries
Maybe I could get 12 of them, to document the miracles I have performed with cheese bread and a heat source
In a couple of hundred years, these documents could be found
And people would hear, of how the kettle told me to boil it, and pour it's watery contents onto a teabag, to infuse this liquid, with it's tea like goodness
I could be revered, I could be god
Maybe I am god, and I just don't know it
Maybe I'm moving in ways so mysterious, I cannot comprehend just how mysterious and god like I am, as I sip tea
This thread maybe found, and offered as Proof

i only quoted/mentioned those 12 due to their influences in other areas of our secular lives from their examples of Greco-Roman Cultures.

there were Arab, Jewish, all of the local Nations of the Mediterranean and Mesopotamia besides those Greeks and Romans who have impacted our today's Society.

iam_resurrected's photo
Thu 10/10/19 02:11 PM

Did you read what you just wrote?

some peeps view God as the Religion they are involved in, but in Religion, you must always be perfect, happy, the sun is always bright and shining, other words, VOID of Reality.

i view God as Son to a Father:
as a human being, i am the best i can be.
yes, i can improve and be better in mentality, physicality, emotionally. but overall, as one human being to another, i am wreck and mess like everyone else. i may have strengths where others are weak and vice a versa, but the "Beauty" of a Relationship between Father and Son is I don't have to pretend to be a facade, i don't have to hide who I am like so many do within their "Religions."

i tell my Father, this Pisses Me OFF and fix it!!

this is the kicker:

i then went on doing my own thing for days and the thing I asked my Father for, GOT DONE!!

not by me, by anyone i know, or any human because no one else knew what i went to God about.

you have the right idea about God not fully caring you even exist and all....but it is phrased differently in my view:

God only cares that I recognize Him (for existence purpose of Faith/only)!! I cannot believe i Recognize God until I first belief out of Faith He exists. This is the only point that matters.

being a human is being a human with mistakes, bad choices, some lie, some murder, some kill out of being obligated (some out of self defense),some steal, some commit all kinds of bad things while others are trying to be good.

being a good/bad person is important only that you realize treating others like you want to be treated is simply the act of "Respect."

God knows we are ruthless if forced and gentle if able.

My God and Father is not standing over me with His fingers pointed down at me. He is standing there with His arms open wide.

this is how i see God...

iam_resurrected's photo
Mon 10/07/19 03:39 PM
Edited by iam_resurrected on Mon 10/07/19 03:41 PM

So, research into heresay (isn't that what the courts call 2nd hand knowledge)?
I live first hand.
When someone else communicates with me, I know it.
Never been in a conversation with God.
Have you (or is it a one way dialog with you doing all the talkin)?


by Whom's opinion when we have documented Ancient Historian (12 separate Historians of that day) fact of Jesus (Yeshua) being a real person with the ability to do miracles no one could ever imulate.

i've been in life and death situations (and have heard "go left," or choose that door when there were multiple options). both times I was alone running for my life. had i been caught or within range, i no doubt would be typing this to you.. running, scared, tired, trying to catch my breath, and not enough ammo to stop and engage fire. during that, i have heard a voice just come to me and what direction was given literally "saved" my life

There you go again, including me in your delusion.
I don't even know what Darwin's Tree is let alone been near one?

the older Science Books included the "Family Tree" which Darwin was connecting all life forms to and by through his idea of Evolution, that TREE!!

It doesn't tell me to do things, makes no promises to me good or bad and frankly, probably doesn't even know I exist.

it would be impossible to be God and not know "Everything," which includes Your Name...

Hey, I am not mad at you or think any less of you, just voicing my own beliefs and offering reasonable alternative thinking to ponder.

why would someone like me need a God?
the life i have lived (with exception to cut and clear miracles) i did it all on my own merit.

nah, i do need God, but it's not for anything concerning life on Earth. what does however happen on Earth that is indeed the work of the miraculous, is watching the things i plant "SEED" into (not semen, not a plant or herb seed or garden variety, nothing physical or of monetary value) and then be blown away by "results" i never could have prepared for, planned for, even caused myself from my own effort.

Things happen not because I am "Lucky" (you cannot have the streak i have had all of my life within the realm where i am 100% unable to do something or create a plane to cause a reaction in order to save my own life)(then the blessings from business adventures, and when a literal "DIRT FARM" as in soft silky dust becomes fertile and yields for profit) luck has not a single thing to do with any of it!!

iam_resurrected's photo
Sun 10/06/19 09:23 AM
Edited by iam_resurrected on Sun 10/06/19 09:25 AM

Is that supposed to mean something?
All I did was voice my opinion according to my own rational thinking.

just meant i agreed for most part with what you had posted and nothing more. if you feel the need to look into it more then grab a shovel and start digging.

All I need to do is survive.
All I can do is exist in reality.
I shouldn't need to research God at all.
If God were what y'all say it is, it would be evident in reality every second of every moment of life.
Why is your God so hidden that it requires research?

Research = read how God dealt with others.
some He spoke to in Person
some audibly
some through a message from someone else
some through a series of thoughts.
all of them through the Holy Spirit.
but it was not just 1 set way God communicates to us.
there are over 20 distinct examples of how.
oddly enough, we have things happen today that the Bible spoke about (deja-vu is a good example and other ways).
i don't mean go to the Library and begin researching...

So now you are assuming that what I do is for you...LOL, Really?
Can you say...narcissistic?

the part of "When You" happens to be referring to "Myself and experience," this was not or never about You!!

just like we use Darwin's Tree as an example of how we can go about our own researches and format theories...i gave an example of what takes place in my own life so you can see an example that's possibly relatable from your viewpoint.

Good for you, I am happy you are happy.
Personally, I'll settle for just being able to tie God to reality, which isn't and has not happened as long as I have been alive.

Then again, when it rains, your God thinks you stink and need a shower...

actually, when it rains, it rains on both Believers and Non-Believers...

i would bet you have had an experience but logically you have refuted it. God reveals Himself to everyone in a way that for a moment "puzzles them." because only they can be affected by it in a way that remains with them in memory. eventually, if you don't act on Faith, you will dismiss on Reason.

iam_resurrected's photo
Sat 10/05/19 09:13 AM

excellent points made as usual, lol

the more i learn the more i question. my walk in God is always a seeking one to keep it "warranted." as a believer, if what Science discovers does not relate to God, you need to research until it does and you can find logic and proof of it.

and when you finally discover that seeking proof, each time not just reaffirms my Faith, but it gives me the view that what Science finds next will definitely be revealed in how God utilizes it to me.

and today, i my walk in God, "I just know that I know!!"

and so far, Ive been able to tie Science, God, Mathematics and find the connection.

iam_resurrected's photo
Sat 10/05/19 09:06 AM

In electronics (my subject) I have many times said, "What if...?" which doesn't mean I have any belief, but does mean that I *think* there is a possibility...... so I need to conduct an experiment to find out. For example, is this transistor a substitute for the faulty one? I can think of reasons why it might be but before I solder it in to try, there is no belief that it will work, just a hope that it might. If it doesn't, nothing has changed, I don't have a failed belief, only a failed experiment.

Electricity also begins with a Source, it is not its own Source. and then it must be relayed to reach its destinations. from there, you are required to tap into it (plug/circuit).

i also work with 3-phase, standard 110, and general power around 200 Amps.

iam_resurrected's photo
Fri 10/04/19 08:32 AM
Edited by iam_resurrected on Fri 10/04/19 08:38 AM

you say God takes belief because He cannot be observed.
everywhere i look from what little bit concerning the Earth, our immediate Galaxy, the fact that just like Mathematics, PATTERNS enable us to understand we are surrounded by millions of other Galaxies.

then we examine the entire Universe the best way we can and it all adds up to Observation of God!!

have you ever wondered that Mathematically we can apply our theories, formulas, calculations, observe Patterns, and in the Oldest Book of the Bible, Job, around 8,000 years old on the Papyrus sacale, is God speaking about SCIENCE, MATHEMATICS, ENGINEERING, USING A TAPE MEASURE, UNITS OF MEASUREMENT.


Mathematics is about as true as it gets, it does have a few bumps here and there. but generally, Mathematics is the Best suitable Solution for all we do, observe, calculate, build, repair, etc.

So Mathematics, like what God spoke to Job about, is the Perfect Method to measure distance from Moon to Earth, to the Sun, to the Constellations and beyond.

but how can our most PERFECT METHOD, Mathematics, fit the Universe and be able to calculate it by using the Language of Mathematics, IF THE UNIVERSE WAS JUST A BIG OLE ACCIDENT?

Mathematically, we are proving that by the Series of Patterns, the formations, the Flow of the Universe, and WHAT we can observe proves nothing is Random at all!!

EVERYTHING is a SOURCE to something else by DESIGN!!

we die and feed the whatever we are near when we decompose. Our bacterias are able to rejoin other Bacterias and formulate new colonies that feed plant life and the combination of them + water/sun makes it blossom.

Everything has a perfect Order to it, like a Design.

the only thing not in Order, are those within humanity who are mentally unstable.

But in All honesty, God is VERY EASY to Observe!!

You just don't know how to find and seek Him is all...

iam_resurrected's photo
Fri 10/04/19 08:15 AM

Tom, I also checked a number of references, attempting to find something about 'red lines' but I too found nothing at all. Looks like our friend has found the possible evidence for a younger (or older!) universe and confused that with the well known red shift and then decided it was a conspiracy by some scientists! What a load of old rubbish from a conspiracy theorist. The answer is as simple as I have said.

ummmm, you do realize the Red Shift do look like Red Lines in the Spectrum as they count the distances between each Red Shift.

i said it correctly just was using the WORD (LINE) instead of (SHIFT).

iam_resurrected's photo
Fri 10/04/19 08:13 AM
Edited by iam_resurrected on Fri 10/04/19 08:16 AM

it's these Red lines they count to calculate how old the Universe is (13.8 Billion Years Old).

No they don't.
They do use what is called "Red Shift" to determine if objects are moving away from us.
Age is calculated by measuring the distances and radial velocities of other galaxies, most of which are flying away (redshifted) from our own at speeds proportional to their distances.

Researchers who determined that light from the galaxy known as EGS-zs8-1 has spent more than 13 billion years traveling to reach us here on Earth.

Perhaps this will help:
Electromagnetic waves are categorized according to their frequency f or, equivalently, according to their wavelength λ = c/f. Visible light has a wavelength range from ~400 nm to ~700 nm. Violet light has a wavelength of ~400 nm, and a frequency of ~7.5*1014 Hz. Red light has a wavelength of ~700 nm, and a frequency of ~4.3*1014 Hz. Visible light makes up just a small part of the full electromagnetic spectrum. Electromagnetic waves with shorter wavelengths and higher frequencies include ultraviolet light, X-rays, and gamma rays. Electromagnetic waves with longer wavelengths and lower frequencies include infrared light, microwaves, and radio and television waves.

Science is trying to define our Galaxies Red Line as Pink in order to skip past them.

the spectrum colors are typically red and blue, but pink has now become the issue.

it's Red lines (counted as Red Lines) but now determined to faint for Red and must be Pink.

The most distant objects are found by the `dropout' method, where the high redshift of a galaxies means that the blue portion of its spectrum will have very little luminosity compared to its red light. ~

What has actually been found is that there is a possibility that a different measurement could come up with a different answer.

I explained this here in one of the science threads awhile ago.
It has to do with occluded objects and object beyond our instruments ability to see.

Astronomers from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) said on May 18, 2017 that they’ve created the largest and most detailed three-dimensional map of the universe to date, using bright quasars as reference points. ~

Also have a look at ~

If you think about it, the Universe's shape should be a stickyball.

The so-called 'big bang' or 'creation' is at the center and the Universe radiates outward on all tangents from that point.
Our view is within one of those suction cups.
We can't see (detect) the other suction cups or their stems because the only thing we can detect is light spectrum that actually hits our detectors. Like a needle oreinted point first in the flow of a raging river. Our actual view is relative to us.
If we moved our observation point a billion or so light years in any direction, our view would change.
The 13.7 billion year age is the "Observable Universe". It is the limit of our observation ability at this time.

As for the expansion rate.
I also addressed my thoughts on that in our science forum.
Has to do with anti-big bang and contracting instead of expanding.
All based on relativity and observation.

Like I said time and again, there could be a God that created everything by setting something in motion, I just know it has nothing to do with human religion.

Nobody knows how big or how old the Universe is. We just don't have the ability to know for sure.
Nobody knows if a God exists. We just don't have the ability to know for sure.

The Universe however is reality because it can be observed, tested and measured with reproducable results by independent observers.
Your God requires agreement and belief first. It is not able to be observed, tested and measured with reproducable results by independent observers.

yes Red Shift, but you can see the spectrums of red lines, blue lines, and now they claim Pink lines.

i said lines, but it is still is a RED LINE when viewing it within the spectrum.

AND, there are articles that are speaking about what i mentioned.

red lines/red shift...get over it, i still am saying it correctly and there are articles making same claims as i did to MK..

iam_resurrected's photo
Thu 10/03/19 12:18 PM

Just had a look at google and it seems I was wrong. Scientists are not dishonest after all. What has actually been found is that there is a possibility that a different measurement could come up with a different answer. The universe could actually be older, or younger, than the generally accepted figure of arounf 13 billion years old. These findings are nothing whatsoever to do with scientists 'trying to skip past' things they don't like. You sound like a conspiracy theorist! The truth is that nobody knows for certain and there are several different ways of making this measurement.

A Harvard astronomer, Avi Loeb, has said the latest research is an interesting and unique way to calculate the universe's expansion rate, but the large error margins limits its effectiveness until more information can be gathered.

In other words, we're talking here about ongoing research and certainly nothing at all to do with scientists 'pretending' that things are different from their calculations. They have just discovered there are other ways of making this measurement and are not yet certain, due to error margins, which is the more correct.

As always, a very simple explanation, nothing to do with conspiracy theories and nothing to do with this thread!

i knew that, but they suddenly discovered this idea when they were being called out for the Red Line fraud i brought to Your attention.

You believe as you like, but you have proven you don't keep up with Science enough to know what is what and then preach like they are the intelligence we need for all things in life and on life.

you did not even know that Science had been proven wrong concerning this issue and why the importance of a newer way to calculate was called for.

and now they are saying it, the Universe, and that means everything else, might be like I had mentioned, YOUNGER!! way younger!!

Your acceptance of Science is befuddling!!

iam_resurrected's photo
Thu 10/03/19 09:59 AM
Edited by iam_resurrected on Thu 10/03/19 09:59 AM
Science is trying to define our Galaxies Red Line as Pink in order to skip past them.

the spectrum colors are typically red and blue, but pink has now become the issue.

it's Red lines (counted as Red Lines) but now determined to faint for Red and must be Pink.

this is done in order to keep the Universe OLDER than it factually is!!

iam_resurrected's photo
Thu 10/03/19 09:49 AM

I don't know anything about 'red lines' in your context. I quote from the generally accepted date for the start of the universe, which of course has nothing to do with the topic of this thread. I don't comment on things I don't understand.

so, you admit to accepting the findings, so-called discoveries, and Theories presented by the Scientific Community, but You literally have no idea what they are saying, concluding, or if they could be wrong.

from Big Bang, the Blast, to the outer edges of the Universe, there are Red Lines within the microwave spectrum. it's these Red lines they count to calculate how old the Universe is (13.8 Billion Years Old).

but, and a few have admitted (probably because 51% of those within the Scientific Community believes in GOD) they have intently skipped past the Red Lines within our own Galaxy.

and if these lines were Calculated in, the Universe now becomes "LESS THAN" on a severe scale, like around ONLY TWO BILLION YEARS OLD!!

those are the Red-Lines i keep speaking about..

iam_resurrected's photo
Thu 10/03/19 09:05 AM

Nanotechnology sounds great, but the thought of people not dying while new children are born is scary. Many say this planet is over populated. Hopefully if we reach that stage, we will have expanded to other planets and even settled on them.

Onward and upward!

you have all together completely avoided the fact i mentioned to you concerning our own TWO RED LINES within our Galaxy NOT BEING COUNTED in the radant spray calculation of the microwave expansion.

if correctly and properly counted, the Universe is barely 2 Billion years OLD, with Evolution taking place Mathematically about 800 BILLION YEARS TOO SOON, it's factually impossible and literally incorrect for you to assume Science is even remotely close to being right.

Mathematics alone does not equate and support their Theories. if they have no REAL SOLID FACTUAL PROOFS MATHEMATICALLY, why would someone accept their word as fact?

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