Community > Posts By > iam_resurrected

iam_resurrected's photo
Mon 09/23/19 08:05 AM

Or is religion the occult?
Is there a difference in those 2 statements?
Is either correct?
Can the 2, ever coexist?
Or is it a case of either / or ?
Why does religion, claim to not like the occult and demonizes it?
Is this discussion even possible?
Is it the nature of the secrecy of the occult in society, that makes this discussion impossible or at least, more difficult than it perhaps need be?
It's a dichotomy I know, or is it?
Please discuss, any or all of the above

that is much like saying what is the difference between meditating in martial arts vs meditating in buddhist prayer?

there is a major league of difference.

self defense meditation is about your kata, prayer meditation is for the soul.

so the 2 are not even remotely close.

as would be the same for relationship vs religion/occult practices.

iam_resurrected's photo
Mon 09/23/19 07:58 AM

Religion is for adherents, people who need to be told how to act and what to believe.

society itself has been trained within each separate culture in ways one should behave based upon Faith beliefs.

until the just the past 20 years or so, the 10 Commandments once stood for Centuries to both Non-Believers and Believers since the 10 Commandments used to be on/in your local CourtHouse/Rooms. even some public school institutions displayed the Commandments for literally Centuries.

so American Society was already SHAPED by the idea of those COMMANDMENTS whether one accepts it or not.

look since there is no longer displays in PUBLIC SCHOOLS of the 10 Commandments:

literally 2 years after being FORCED to remove ALL REMINDERS of the COMMANDMENTS, we have Columbine, and now over 20 separate SCHOOL SHOOTING INCIDENTS, we have people 20 and UNDER grabbing guns and blasting highways, places to eat, movie theatres.




iam_resurrected's photo
Mon 09/23/19 07:08 AM

All that...LOL

Does God Exist?
OP: samawi30

iam_resurrected, You not only interject on every reply you are now replying to your own replies?
Twice in a row?

Good Job!

i just added things I normally mentioned but had not added to the first post(s). that is all.
instead of editing and making the post longer, i just quoted and continued.

iam_resurrected's photo
Sun 09/22/19 08:53 AM
Edited by iam_resurrected on Sun 09/22/19 09:00 AM

I was a Born Again Christian for 40 years, but now i am a Born Again Agnostic because I've experienced NO PROOF of a Loving Happy Helping God on this Planet Of Pain, Full of Evil Sad Sadistic Cruel People, and Wars and MENTAL and PHYSICAL ILLNESSES, NonStop Unending, etc!!!
If anyone wants to discuss this further here on this group chat, or One On One with me in private, just let me know by going to my dating member profile and message me please. Thanks and Have A GOOD Day.
..... .....

first of all, if you had the original hebrew torah, aramaic new testament, greek new testament, the first Disciple from Apostle and Beloved Disciple John (Polycarp), the church fathers notes...had all of this original documentation.

it would be impossible that any other god or deity could be even imagined as SAME DEITIES.

and it appears that your mind is way too out there to grasp that simple concept.

i also see you do not know that the Ancient Greek Historians, along with the other Mesopotamians and Ancient Historians of that Day (Arab - Roman - Asian) wrote of the Authenticity that the Person known as Yeshua (Jesus) was the Real Deal. from all 12 Historians of that area and time period and just past PROVE this Yeshua was real, did these Miracles no other could do, taught about Yahweh, was killed, 2 confirm that not only did He RESURRECT, but that He made SEVERAL APPEARANCES so it was KNOWN HE RESURRECTED...and that after He Ascended, His Followers kept the Faith.

and also what is ironic, by the time that the Greek Sataryst Lucian wrote his own work of that Day, he tells us about the first Generations of Followers from the Apostles to the Church Fathers themselves.

So, for you to think God is fake, the Ancient Historians claim there FACTUALLY was a man named Yeshua, who did things no other ever nor still can do in how He did it, and He claimed He was God (I AM), was murdered by Crucifixion, THREE WRITE SPECIFICALLY THAT WHEN YESHUA DIED THE SKY TURNED PITCH BLACK AND THEY WERE IN GREECE AND ONE WAS IN TURKEY AT THIS TIME (THAT IS BLACKNESS FROM ISRAEL TO GREECE AND TURKEY AND NO DOUBT IT WAS EVERYWHERE BECAUSE THIS WAS AND IS GOD!!) was Buried in a Tomb, and Arose and made APPEARANCES before He Ascended.
if any of that is true, you are so far gone you won't even realize the magnitude of it

iam_resurrected's photo
Sun 09/22/19 08:30 AM

let's look at the Jews.

most Jews stay with other Jews, the Jews that marry non Jews typically only had 1 parent who was Jew.

those from 2 Jew parents typically marry Jews only.
this is where the genetic issue lies at.

did you know that genetically, JEWS carry certain viruses that NO OTHER RACE has?

did you know that African Americans (Black People from USA) suffer from more heart attacks, diabetes, and other issues more than ANY OTHER RACE?

each RACE, CREED, sub Species of the Hominid, have their own genetic DEFECTS.

now, in EVOLUTION, it would not understand this is a JEW so they get this virus, this is a BLACK PERSON so they get this disease...NO EVOLUTION, PROVEN BY DNA STRUCTURE, which is a PROGRAM (means the genetic CODES were PROGRAMMED into us, not by accident or spontity like evolutionists want us to believe.

since our Genetics ARE PROGRAMMED, when we mix we bring our virus to those we breed with. and vice a versa, they bring their viruses to us. and our offspring now suffers from MY VIRUS and from the Mothers virus genetically programmed into each sub Species of the Hominid.

evolution could never formatted that Jews suffer from this and Blacks suffer from this, and Asians suffer from this....AND EACH VIRUS IS DIFFERENT FROM THE, the Reason we have separate viruses naturally among Races is due to PROGRAMMING IN OUR DNA BY GOD!!


19 Jewish Genetic Diseases | Nicklaus Children's Hospital › medical-services › the-victor-center
Nicklaus Children's Hospital helps children and adolescents with Jewish Eastern ... It is possible to be a carrier of the gene without having the genetic disease. ... seizures, enlarged liver, and blindness, and ultimately suffer an early death. ... It can be present in the immediate newborn period through the first year of life with ...


Every year, Americans suffer more than 1.5 million heart attacks and strokes. Nearly 44% of African American men and 48% of African American women have some form of cardiovascular disease that includes heart disease and stroke.
African American Heart Disease and Stroke Fact Sheet|Data ... › dhdsp › data_statistics › fact_sheets › fs_aa


Cystic Fibrosis Among Asians: Why Ethnicity-Based Genetic ... › dnascience › 2017/07/06 › cystic-fibrosis-among-a...
Jul 6, 2017 - A hypothetical heterosexual couple living in the US or UK takes tests to learn if they are carriers of the more prevalent recessive diseases.

you can go down the list and each SPECIFIC RACE suffers greatly from something DIFFERENT than the NEXT RACE suffers from.



iam_resurrected's photo
Sun 09/22/19 08:19 AM

let's look at the Jews.

most Jews stay with other Jews, the Jews that marry non Jews typically only had 1 parent who was Jew.

those from 2 Jew parents typically marry Jews only.
this is where the genetic issue lies at.

did you know that genetically, JEWS carry certain viruses that NO OTHER RACE has?

did you know that African Americans (Black People from USA) suffer from more heart attacks, diabetes, and other issues more than ANY OTHER RACE?

each RACE, CREED, sub Species of the Hominid, have their own genetic DEFECTS.

now, in EVOLUTION, it would not understand this is a JEW so they get this virus, this is a BLACK PERSON so they get this disease...NO EVOLUTION, PROVEN BY DNA STRUCTURE, which is a PROGRAM (means the genetic CODES were PROGRAMMED into us, not by accident or spontity like evolutionists want us to believe.

since our Genetics ARE PROGRAMMED, when we mix we bring our virus to those we breed with. and vice a versa, they bring their viruses to us. and our offspring now suffers from MY VIRUS and from the Mothers virus genetically programmed into each sub Species of the Hominid.

evolution could never formatted that Jews suffer from this and Blacks suffer from this, and Asians suffer from this....AND EACH VIRUS IS DIFFERENT FROM THE, the Reason we have separate viruses naturally among Races is due to PROGRAMMING IN OUR DNA BY GOD!!

iam_resurrected's photo
Sun 09/22/19 07:59 AM
Edited by iam_resurrected on Sun 09/22/19 08:06 AM

I was a Born Again Christian for 40 years, but now i am a Born Again Agnostic because I've experienced NO PROOF of a Loving Happy Helping God on this Planet Of Pain, Full of Evil Sad Sadistic Cruel People, and Wars and MENTAL and PHYSICAL ILLNESSES, NonStop Unending, etc!!!
If anyone wants to discuss this further here on this group chat, or One On One with me in private, just let me know by going to my dating member profile and message me please. Thanks and Have A GOOD Day.
..... .....

that is because you do not ask for the correct response concerning God.

is God killing people during WAR?

is God the reason that 1 out of every 3 persons suffers today from some form of Delusional Issue that causes them Mental Problems?

is God the reason why some Mental Insane person takes a semi-auto and blasts 40 peeps at a time in a movie theatre, place to eat or church or club setting?

the blizzard that the weather channel gave warning that 200 peeps end up stuck in and die because they did not listen to the weather that God's fault for not listening to the weather report and end up dying over it?


if all of these tragedies are created by HUMAN BEINGS, how is it God's fault for not fixing YOUR MORONIC PROBLEMS?

iam_resurrected's photo
Sun 09/22/19 07:54 AM

but 2,000 years ago, Yeshua began the tearing of the RACES down to makes us ALL ONE!!

About 50 years ago Martin Luther King Jr. did the same thing?

Human beings are a social species.
A social species strives to create unity.
ANY fool know this. 2,000 years ago, 50 years ago and today.

The utoptian plateau of any society is complete unity.
Realistically, in a chaotic Universe, complete utopias and complete dystopias can not exist.

Unity of all human beings would be a societal complete utopia.
Unrealistic in the real Universe.
As long as chaos exists in the Universe, a perfect utopia cannot exist.
One that would assume so, would technically be considered as 'unsane' or as you like to put it, 'insane'.
Only a person with delusions would expect a perfect utopia (or a perfect dystopia).


You're right.
It has EVERYTHING to do with rational thinking.

and 50 years ago, Martin Luther also had 2 prominent reminders we once valued and kept hollow to our oaths...the Pledge of
Allegiance and the citing of the 10 Commandments.

and ironically, for the past 1200 years, the 10 Commandments has been a STAPLE in our everyday society.

nnow, whether people were somewhat naturally good or the FACT they had a CONSTANT REMINDER of the 10 Commandments...but since the 10 Commandments has been has noticed a DECLINE in humanity towards helping, caring, and going beyond NORM to help others.

ironic that Science has noticed this decline. they are not placing value upon the 10 Commandments, but they noticed a removed REMINDER of how to treat others has led to humanity in decline!!

iam_resurrected's photo
Sat 09/21/19 09:11 AM
and 10+ more generations of mixing and creating greater issues is only going to cause the human population to slow and turn on itself.

iam_resurrected's photo
Sat 09/21/19 09:06 AM
Edited by iam_resurrected on Sat 09/21/19 09:09 AM
and here is what is faulty about evolution.

each human genetic technically should be spot on.
we are all the same up to 99.3%
we differ at .7%

that .7% is actually specific to origin race. each jew have certain genetics, each asian and so forth. but when you mix them is when the occurrence of spontanty occurs. it really is not evolution but humans playing God with their genetics. but by now, we are all so meshed, we also have the problems related to each original genetics per Race.

if evolution worked, we would be all the same UNTIL we bred out of it. but if we come from the SAME COMMON ANCESTOR, then we will actually NEVER have bred out of it.

so, this is not evolving by evolution.

this is creating problems by mixing the races and their genetics.

even though we all begin the same, environment and how our life style dictates our choices affects our genetics. we have created our own weaknesses. so when we mix, our weaknesses become even greater.

not that mixing is wrong, i have an african american daughter (my genetics and her mothers african american), just that mixing is creating genetically greater issues.

iam_resurrected's photo
Sat 09/21/19 08:56 AM

so you are saying that if just 2,000 years ago they allowed strangers into their homes, fed them for no reason but out of goodness, even gave them clothing, was friendly to all they saw walking down the dirt roads WOULD NOT BE A GOOD IDEA TODAY because this is 2,000 years later?

you are saying that the kindness and generosity bestowed upon strangers 2,000 years ago would not IMPROVE TODAY'S CURRENT SOCIETY?

What I'm saying is those things still happen right now but they are not because of religion.
Acts of kindness and caring is not automatically due to religious belief.
To assert the only people able to manifest these traits must be religious is insanity.

the stigmas behind generational breeding is compounded every time your genetics becomes entwined with someone else's. we are basically mutts genetically today compared to our common ancestors.

You are acknowledging evolution.
That's how evolution works.
Which came first; the chicken or the chicken egg.
The chicken egg was first.
It was the mutt which became the chicken.

From what I have read from you before, you dismiss evolution because we can't create spontaneous life. Gotta remember, the compounds that resulted in life on this planet took a billion years or so to come together in just the right combination, in just the right temperature and pressure.
Life is the end result of a billion different combinations.
We can't possibly understand everything about spontaneous life generation because we have not had time to try billions of different combinations.
A model is not a model unless there are instructions on how and which sequence the parts go together.
We know the required components needed for life but we can't spontaneously generate life because we have not yet discovered the instruction sheet.

By you own admission, evolution is real and actual.
It makes sense to the reality we experience.

Many parts of religion do not make sense to the reality we experience.
People care about other people, animals, plants and things.
Does this make them religious?
People sacrifice for others.
Does this make them religious?
Can someone, not religious, care for something other than themselves?
Sacrifice in favor of someone else's benefit?
It happens all around you.
You may assign it a religious value but they may not.
Perhaps, they think its just the right thing to do.

The rest of what you wrote is just cynical.
I don't believe we are doomed.
I don't work that way.
The end is not upon us.
We are a very young, immature species but we are reasonable and I personally believe we are intelligent enough to out grow immature beliefs before they destroy us.

Dinosaurs lasted a couple hundred million years, humans have been around 2 million. If we make it a couple hundred million years it would be interesting but we are not doomed in a thousand or ten.

How depressing it must be to live in a world that is doomed.
Lighten up dude.
Try enjoying life right now.

the point is when Yeshua wanted Hebrews and Gentiles to be one, this where the problems began. the Hebrew thought they were special, better than all. to now accept those you once felt permitted to **** on was going to create war. and Yeshua create war on Race!!

even today Race of people play a defining role in separating or meshing.

so it's not just acts of kindness i speak about, its seeing everyone as you speak about in your post concerning WOMEN.

but 2,000 years ago, Yeshua began the tearing of the RACES down to makes us ALL ONE!!

that is Awesome!!

and when actual Ancient historians from all over that area took notice and wrote about it, it clearly was not the NORM of those days that EVERYONE WAS EQUAL TO THE NEXT PERSON.

but that was what Yeshua did!!

so yes, He kicked something off that most hated then, and seems still hate now.

and that has NOTHING TO DO WITH BELIEFS, just who each person mentally see;s other people of different ethnicity than themselves.

But Yeshua wanted the Jews to become unbiased and non-racial to the Gentiles because they were egyptians, romans, greeks, babylonians, all peoples of the Past Present and Future. and the jews hated it because they loved being RACIST!!

iam_resurrected's photo
Fri 09/20/19 02:39 PM
Edited by iam_resurrected on Fri 09/20/19 02:42 PM

That needs to be proven. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence

let's break this down...

let's say, when you come to that point in your own reasoning concerning if God exists or not, you happen to be one who somehow can see the possibility of the type of God being mentioned really existing.

you did not know you had this type of belief in you, where you have not seen evidence, but still can see the possibility.

this is exercising Faith. and we do this in ALL MATTERS of life/death/reality/Sense. and we have all stepped beyond what we knew was not there and by Faith it came to be. Most, who never had the privilege of learning about God, pass this off as a "Fluke," but to those who believe through their Faith, understand this is a point at which God is interceding and making what was not ever possible, now suddenly possible.


let's just put it this way.

what if those who believe by Faith are given their Proofs that only they know could be the intercession of God.

and since God ultimately honors the true Act of Faith, those with NO FAITH will never get a sign, because they believe it's impossible for a sign to ever be given...

iam_resurrected's photo
Fri 09/20/19 07:50 AM
Edited by iam_resurrected on Fri 09/20/19 07:52 AM
John's most famous Disciple was Polycarp!!

iam_resurrected's photo
Fri 09/20/19 07:46 AM
Edited by iam_resurrected on Fri 09/20/19 07:49 AM

Yep, all good, brother.
God bless you. waving

Years ago I upheld the Gospel above the other letters from Disciples and the Apostle Paul. I was studying Damascus Road, where Yeshua blinds Paul on his way to kill more followers of Christ, The Law Breakers of that day.

i even studied deeper into Peter's comment of not always understanding what Paul claims, but is fully aware that what Paul claimed was directly from the Holy Spirit.

that led me to Paul eventually making his own claim of all he wrote, all he said, all he did was by direction and direct order of Yeshua.

to me, that became a DOUBLE BLESSING, Yeshua words in the Gospel and His example of how to be can be compared and confirmed by Paul's 13 letters, because those 13 Letters are directly what Yeshua told Paul to write.

this gave me 17 Books of Yeshua.

I mean, if we technically took the Old Testament, especially burning bush, and compare what God said (Elohim and I AM THAT I AM) to what Yeshua said in John 8:58 that He was "I AM," making Him the Elohim at the Burning Bush with Moses...we can tie Yeshua all over the Bible.

but the 17 Books in the New Testament are Him speaking Directly to us...that to me is as big of a blessing could get. God took 17 Books before closing that level of communication to talk to us, ima loving it!!

thank You, Brother waving

of course, due to those known as the "Church Fathers," we have a connection to the New Testament from then to now. the Disciple John lived to be a very old man (like Yeshua had predicted before Peter - all Disciples and Paul tortured and murdered, but John survived Patmos and lived to be well into his 120's like Genesis once promised the life span of man to be on average before sin took over) and had his own Disciples. these men in turn had their own students/Disciples. and they kept that lineage record and we know all who were students and kept the Word of God alive throughout the Centuries.

iam_resurrected's photo
Fri 09/20/19 07:40 AM
Edited by iam_resurrected on Fri 09/20/19 07:40 AM

Yep, all good, brother.
God bless you. waving

Years ago I upheld the Gospel above the other letters from Disciples and the Apostle Paul. I was studying Damascus Road, where Yeshua blinds Paul on his way to kill more followers of Christ, The Law Breakers of that day.

i even studied deeper into Peter's comment of not always understanding what Paul claims, but is fully aware that what Paul claimed was directly from the Holy Spirit.

that led me to Paul eventually making his own claim of all he wrote, all he said, all he did was by direction and direct order of Yeshua.

to me, that became a DOUBLE BLESSING, Yeshua words in the Gospel and His example of how to be can be compared and confirmed by Paul's 13 letters, because those 13 Letters are directly what Yeshua told Paul to write.

this gave me 17 Books of Yeshua.

I mean, if we technically took the Old Testament, especially burning bush, and compare what God said (Elohim and I AM THAT I AM) to what Yeshua said in John 8:58 that He was "I AM," making Him the Elohim at the Burning Bush with Moses...we can tie Yeshua all over the Bible.

but the 17 Books in the New Testament are Him speaking Directly to us...that to me is as big of a blessing could get. God took 17 Books before closing that level of communication to talk to us, ima loving it!!

thank You, Brother waving

iam_resurrected's photo
Fri 09/20/19 07:19 AM

I live today.
I don't live 2,000 / 5,000 or 6,000 years ago.
Things in life are very different today.
The clergy (for simplicity) are ineffective at providing guidance for the modern age using examples, writings and routines that might have been effective thousands of years ago.
While basic common sense and basic human compassion apply at anytime, those things are not specific to religion.

Value and sanity are not paired.
All enjoy the technology from individual minds that some may deem insane.
When applied to a mind that considers others as insane, are we all not insane? Consider the scientist that discovered antibiotic properties. Perhaps they dress their pets in suits and allow them to sit at the dinner table.
That behavior would be insane to some but completely sane to others. The significance is the fact that the insane mind discovers / invents something that all benefit from. Not just their believers, all.

Clergy can sometimes make you feel better about life.
When you feel fine about life, their contribution is lost.
Their 'product' is not universal as many scientist's 'products' are.
Their product requires your belief to be effective.
Their sanity is dependent on your belief.

Real science requires confirmation from separate procedures.
It attempts to disprove everything and when it holds true despite the testing, it doesn't matter how sane the original thinker is, many others have confirmed it.

Wherever possible there must be independent confirmation of the “facts.”

Encourage substantive debate on the evidence by knowledgeable proponents of all points of view.

Arguments from authority carry little weight — “authorities” have made mistakes in the past.

If there’s something to be explained, think of all the different ways in which it could be explained. Then think of tests by which you might systematically disprove each of the alternatives.

What is vague and qualitative is open to many explanations. Be specific.

If there’s a chain of argument, every link in the chain must work (including the premise) — not just most of them.

Occam’s Razor
This convenient rule-of-thumb urges us when faced with two hypotheses that explain the data equally well to choose the simpler. Always ask whether the hypothesis can be, at least in principle, falsified…. You must be able to check assertions out. Inveterate skeptics must be given the chance to follow your reasoning, to duplicate your experiments and see if they get the same result.

so you are saying that if just 2,000 years ago they allowed strangers into their homes, fed them for no reason but out of goodness, even gave them clothing, was friendly to all they saw walking down the dirt roads WOULD NOT BE A GOOD IDEA TODAY because this is 2,000 years later?

you are saying that the kindness and generosity bestowed upon strangers 2,000 years ago would not IMPROVE TODAY'S CURRENT SOCIETY?

you are right and want to know why?

the stigmas behind generational breeding is compounded every time your genetics becomes entwined with someone else's. we are basically mutts genetically today compared to our common ancestors. and now with Science claiming as a whole that just about every other child born today, is born with some form of Psychological Issue (not to confuse those born into a home that creates this mental illness due to surroundings). just compounds the sanity of humanity together.

SO NO, you probably don't want to let a serial killer or psychopath into your home, since in today's world, 1 out of every 3 people are narcissistic or suffer from like issues that border on the line of pure bat shyt crazy.

but we still can be like those 2,000 years ago when we are out and about mingling and passing others on our adventures.

it would be nice if more men kicked the dude's ball-sack whose hitting, abusively belittling, or physically assaulting his woman in public before all. makes me puke seeing people walk around or crossing the street to avoid seeing a woman with a bloody nose and the man still hitting her.

today's society suck.
there is no hope for it.
it's guaranteed to crash and burn.
it's just a matter of time.
once the next generation takes over, we will be so animated, technology will literally separate and eliminate many societal activities, it will be a literal dog eat dog world then!!

that is as about as far from the example we have 2,000 years ago. we are DOOMED, LITERALLY!!

iam_resurrected's photo
Thu 09/19/19 03:26 PM

I don't know about all that... I'm not a Paul-ian, I'm a Christ-ian laugh
Between Paul and Yeshua there wouldn't be a choice for me, it's Yeshua's teaching over anyone else in my book (no pun intended).

To me, the Law is engraved in my mind and Yeshua's teachings are engraved in my heart. Again, to me, Law and Christ's teachings go hand in hand.

How many times did Yeshua quote the Torah in which the Law is clearly spelled out? I don't have the time to research that right now but I know He quoted it numerous times. Clearly, Yeshua held the Law in HIGH esteem and I don't see any reason why I shouldn't.

the Law was established to show that with how we are as humans, the choices we are willing to make, the decisions we make due to being selfish, would hurt others if not themselves. the Law showed you your flaws and sins compared to what is Holy and Upright.

Yeshua upheld the Law mostly, He did break it saving an animal stuck on the Sabbath, broke it when He healed someone on the Sabbath, but then explained how what He did we all should be doing even if the Law states NO on the SABBATH!!

and then Paul, gives us another view of YESHUA/JESUS outside the Gospel view because both are Christ in charge and leading the action we read in both the Gospels and in what Paul writes and ESPECIALLY THE BOOK OF ACTS!!

iam_resurrected's photo
Thu 09/19/19 03:10 PM
i'm hoping that response was not taken as a smart *** response but as an informative one.

basically, Yeshua, who claimed to be God in human form, was killed, buried, and then claims and even by Ancient historians confirming Yeshua Resurrected and made several appearances before "Ascending..."
blinded Paul on a mission where Law breakers were found and Paul was going to be judge-jury-executioner for almost 2 weeks.

during this time, Paul writes, Yeshua explains this is Yeshua who you are hearing in your mind. you who know the Law, are the BEST LAWYER, are going to now follow Me and do what i want for direction of my Followers and followers to come.

and eventually, Yeshua would lead Paul, the best attorney around, truest of all Pharisees, could recite the Torah forward and backwards, educated beyond norm to "Abolish the Mosaic Law!!"

God got himself the best Lawyer and today there is no Mosaic Law!!

iam_resurrected's photo
Thu 09/19/19 02:47 PM
Edited by iam_resurrected on Thu 09/19/19 02:50 PM

Yeshua came to remove the Law and establish the beliefs as ONE for all peoples, not just Muslim or Hebrew.

"Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them." Matthew 5:17


I'll stop here or it's gonna get ugly scared

my favorite verse in Luke is Yeshua saying, i suppose you think i come to bring Peace, NAY, i come to bring Division!!

no, i like what you are doing. because Paul claimed he was being personally led by Yeshua during Paul's entire ministry, it gives us NUANCE to believe knowing (after the fact) that the Law was abolished by the following of Christ.

and Paul, who was a wealthy child and whose own father was a Pharisee, had the very best education of that day and Paul's own Law Professor was classified as the best of that time and before that time in his knowledge of the Law.

so Paul, followed the Law, obeyed the Law, lived and forced the Law became a person claiming what he spoke and wrote was first told to him by Yeshua. and that he was repeating Yeshua to us which would be 25 years AFTER YESHUA'S DEATH..

Paul would later teach to abolish the Law.

but if Paul is doing what Yeshua is directing and telling him to do, then it is technically Yeshua WHO is abolishing the Law by direction of Paul.

iam_resurrected's photo
Thu 09/19/19 02:34 PM

yes. Muslims wrote about Him (the 3 wise Men mentioned were Muslim origin)...

The "wise" men were't Muslims as Islam didn't exist in time of Yeshua, it came about 400yrs later.

Here is what is known about those characters who visited Yeshua at his birth:
Melchior hailed from Persia, Gaspar (also called "Caspar" or "Jaspar") from India, and Balthazar from Arabia.
Their gifts had special symbolic meanings as well: gold signified Yeshua's status as King of the Jews. Frankincense represented the infant's divinity and identity as the Son of God. Myrrh touched upon Jesus' mortality.

This was just a parenthesis in this debate...carry on drinker

correct, i use the term Muslim as reference to where they come from, but no one called those people Muslim back then.