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iam_resurrected's photo
Wed 10/02/19 10:49 AM

May I assure you that I believe everything I have said. I'm sure you believe all the nonsense you have spouted, complete with all those capital letters and all that bold type. Your reply is weird to say the least.

Let me repeat, there is no such thing as god, the idea was invented my man, and not the other way around. People who believe that nonsense are deluded and if I was sufficiently interested I would feel sorry for y'all.

I promise that I truly believe all of the things I have said in my posts. I assume you believe all of what you say? I cannot imagine why anyone would post something they do not believe in. What a weird idea!

so you believe the Universe and all life forms are here solely by Accident, not here for a Purpose and Reason?

so why are you on a Purpose that appears to be full of Reasoning in order to claim Life is just a Random Accident?

iam_resurrected's photo
Wed 10/02/19 06:58 AM

Now that I know reality what reality is - not following someone else's path while thinking it is my own - I too am at peace. When I die, that's it, no devils or angels waiting to meet me, not even a thousand virgins (boo hoo!).

I too am not scared of death, so long as it is quick, not slow and painful. A friend knew she was dying of cancer and when the doctors had given her all the available drugs they could she finally decided to stop taking the pills and two weeks later she was no longer with us. That was one brave lady, don't know how I would cope if that happened to me, as of course it might do one day.

I really didn't like having to go through my Father's belongings when he died and I don't want others to be going through my things when I'm no longer around. The thought of that is far more upsetting than the thought of just not being here any longer. I would feel that my privacy was being invaded. Maybe if I feel my end is near I should wipe the computer and lose all my passwords.

I am so pleased that the god delusion has gone from my life and of course I do feel pity for those who cling on to their beliefs. In particular, those whose faith is what I would call 'aggressive'. Sometimes, it is only because they want you to join their particular version of it. Look at the living style of the Mormons and JWs or in particular the cults that use religion to persuade you to join. That is easily enough to convince me that they are not really 'religious' groups at all. They are money making organisations, but the 'product' they are selling is 'eternal life for the good' which from a salesman's point of view is unbeatable. The 'product' will never be 'faulty' and require a return to the 'manufacturer'. A salesman's dream come true!

you really exemplify "circular logic" to a "T!!"

this must be the 20th post where you said the same thing basically word for word.

what i honestly believe you should do is copy/paste the best of Your 20+ rants, then print it out into a physical copy. then tape it to Your bathroom mirror.

You clearly do not believe a word You are sharing with us, SO, You better have it copied in hard format so You can at least read it every morning before lying to Yourself and then to all of us!!

iam_resurrected's photo
Tue 10/01/19 11:32 AM
Edited by iam_resurrected on Tue 10/01/19 11:33 AM

Live Science sums it up like this:

Earth is estimated to be about 4.5 billion years old, and for much of that history it has been home to life in one weird form or another.

Indeed, some scientists think life appeared the moment our planet's environment was stable enough to support it.

The earliest evidence for life on Earth comes from fossilized mats of cyanobacteria called stromatolites in Greenland that are about 3.7 billion years old. Ancient as their origins are, these bacteria (which are still around today) are already biologically complex—they have cell walls protecting their protein-producing DNA, so scientists think life must have begun much earlier. In fact, there are hints of life in even more primeval rocks: 4.1-billion-year-old zircons from Western Australia contain high amounts of a form of carbon typically used in biological processes. (7 Theories on the Origin of Life)

But despite knowing approximately when life first appeared on Earth, scientists are still far from answering how it appeared.

"Many theories of the origin of life have been proposed, but since it's hard to prove or disprove them, no fully accepted theory exists," said Diana Northup, a cave biologist at the University of New Mexico.

The answer to this question would not only fill one of the largest gaps in scientists' understanding of nature, but also would have important implications for the likelihood of finding life elsewhere in the universe.

Lots of ideas

Today, there are several competing theories for how life arose on Earth. Some question whether life began on Earth at all, asserting instead that it came from a distant world or the heart of a fallen comet or asteroid. Some even say life might have arisen here more than once.

"There may have been several origins," said David Deamer, a biochemist at the University of California, Santa Cruz. "We usually make 'origins' plural just to indicate that we don't necessarily claim there was just a single origin, but just an origin that didn't happen to get blasted by giant [asteroid] impacts."

Most scientists agree that life went through a period when RNA was the head-honcho molecule, guiding life through its nascent stages. According to this "RNA World" hypothesis, RNA was the crux molecule for primitive life and only took a backseat when DNA and proteins — which perform their jobs much more efficiently than RNA — developed.

"A lot of the most clever and most talented people in my field have accepted that the RNA World was not just possible, but probable," Deamer said.

RNA is very similar to DNA, and today carries out numerous important functions in each of our cells, including acting as a transitional-molecule between DNA and protein synthesis, and functioning as an on-and-off switch for some genes. (Extreme Life on Earth: 8 Bizarre Creatures)

Either it happened the obvious way that most scientists believe, or for some reason there was a magical wizard that nobody has ever seen who decided to 'create' all this. Why? For her own amusement? Bizarre!

The deluded believers think this being exists, others think that life just happened. Take a few chemicals and a bolt of lightning and you can start it yourself!

My question is, does it really matter? Maybe this being did all those things claimed of it, but why would it matter to any of us humans? Why would it make a difference? As I've said, personally I believe that the simpler answer of "it just happened and here we are" is the more likely. Would it make a difference if I was wrong? I doubt it but I don't have the time or interest to speculate on the "what if I'm wrong" idea. No point at all in doing that because nobody can prove an answer! I will just carry on enjoying my life. If others choose to have some sort of belief, then good luck to them!

first of all, to calculate the wave (micro) into years of time, we use red lines.

but, we are skipping the first 2 RED LINES WITHIN OUR OWN GALAXY when Calculating. if we add those Red Lines (like they should be), the radiant is Calculated only around a couple Billion years old.

but if you IGNORE THOSE FIRST RED LINES, you can Calculate around 14 Billion.

but hey, you GOTTA PAY ATTENTION to know you are getting MISINFORMED!!

that is where the true intelligence lies at, not from the OPINIONS of others!!

iam_resurrected's photo
Mon 09/30/19 07:34 AM
Edited by iam_resurrected on Mon 09/30/19 08:02 AM

Unfortunately there are none so blind as the deluded who just will not see!

if you actually understood formulas and the intricate workings of Mathematics, plus understood the complexities of Singularity and Energy, you would know that the process DARWIN spoke about takes TRILLIONS of Years to develop.

the Reason DARWIN stated Billions of Years was due to the fact he was not yet aware of EINSTEIN's Theory of Relativity. the Astrophysicists from Stanford had Einstein's Theories, plus knowledge of today's equations and formulas. And with the PROPER TECHNIQUES used in Mathematics, especially Calculus (Physics), it becomes OBVIOUSLY CLEAR we have EVOLVED 800 Billion years too soon. which MEANS LOGICALLY, MATHEMATICALLY, and FACTUALLY, our existence is currently IMPOSSIBLE at this stage of Evolution!!

it has taken the Universe 13 Billions years to reach it's limits as of now. but, we know it is still expanding each day. so even the UNIVERSE has not yet fully EVOLVED, because we are 800 BILLION years too soon in the Factual Process of Evolution.

800 Billion years from now, the Universe most likely will no longer be on a continual expansion, it will have reached its max optimal. and then this is where LIFE should NOW BEGIN (800 Billion years from NOW).

so we know why DNA is far more Advanced than the rest of what else is still evolving. there are way too many indicators and monkey wrenches creating literally MILLIONS of Questions that Biologist have NOT, nor EVER will be able to answer.

and that has to do with the Fact, LIFE EXISTS currently, when it is literally Mathematically 800 Billion Years too soon in the Darwin's Process of Evolution!!

and since we are 800 Billion Years too soon in the Process of Evolution, it's quite obvious we have a Maker Who never did require humans to be no more than humans, animas to be no more than animals, and the bacteria we share because of how we DIGEST-BREAK DOWN-DECOMPOSE does not make us related at all!!

iam_resurrected's photo
Sun 09/29/19 10:05 PM

I appreciate ur thoughts , , ,iam_resurrected , , , as Paul Harvey would have said , , I do have ,.,.,The rest of the,story , , ,first of all , let me say I don't drink or do drugs , any more , ,from 21 to 44 I became a good alcoholic , I,'ve never had a vehicle accident that hurt anybody else , thank God , but I,'ve had a couple that should have killed me , , ,an both times , hardly a scratch , , , ok about 4 or 5 yrs ago I was traveling on my way for a goose hunting trip , in a motel the first nite , I had my German wirehair dog , Chip in the room with me , , ,an I had a conversation with , , , somebody or something , I,m not sure if Chip could hear the other side of the conversation or not , , I don't think he could , , cuz he was concerned for me , , , he new I,wasn't talking to him , , ,he,d look at me odd , twist his head , like to say , who the heck u talking to dad , then lay his head in my lap , , he was actually worried for me , , ,anyway , an I didn't see anything . , no lights , no shadows , no ghosts , nothing , just heard a voice , , ,this voice brought up everything that had happened to my mother , an to me , , ,no one could know the things this voice knew , , , ,an it talked about , my ghost story , witch is what it was , untill that evening , , ,according to the voice that was a Guardian Angle , , ,there for my mother , ,an just messed up. , or wanted to be seen , , ,whatever , , an my mother was married to a jerk , ,she had some really strange things happen to her that nearly took her life , ,, an this voice said it was that angle that kept her from dieing each time , ,an the voice talked about my 2 accidents , , an actually ask me , , ,do u really think ur that lucky to have serviced both those times , , , I am a member of AA , , for close to 20 yrs now , , ,an before this evening , I would say I believed in God , ,an I,d pray now an again , , ,an believing in a higher power (God) is kind of a big deal in AA , , ,but deep in side me , , ,I really didn't know , , for sure , , , ,This conversation I was having was long , ,.over an hour I.d say , , ,sometimes I,d cry , , ,my poor dog Chip , ,when I,d sit down a cry , ,he,d try to crawl onto my lap to comfort me , ,he weighed 101 lbs, solid muscle , , ,an ME , ,, I,m about thinking . , man I,m looseing my mind , , , having a break down , ,something , ,this can't be real , , , so I just start agreeing with everything like I believe it's really happening , ,I just want it OVER , , ,finally it seem to be over , , , , I compose myself , , , , assured Chip I was ok , ,I stood up walked to a table that was in the room , reached for a bottle of hand lotion sitting on it , ,an just before I got it , , that bottle slid about a foot an a half away from my reach , , ,I just looked at it , , ,then I heard that voice again , , ,NOW U BELIEVE ME ??? I said , , yip , , I,m good , , , ,An haven't seen or heard anything strange since . , ,but I can tell u this , , ,I don't have a problem with believing in GOD now , , ,, an AA is easier now !!!

well, both the evil spirit and the good angels are the same beings, they just follow different orders.

but the fact this thing you saw just stood in the shadow and you could see it could have been a good or bad thing either way.

but now we know it was your Mother's Guardian Angel.

so, since we know this is not just angel, but it is a good angel from the side of God, who do you think was talking to you, the voice you heard, since it knew first about the thing you saw before it related it to being your Mother's Guardian Angel (and you did not tell it about this thing you saw long ago - it just already knew this had happened to you)?

do you think it was a higher ranking Angel, or the voice of God?

iam_resurrected's photo
Sun 09/29/19 08:04 AM

from Wikipedia:

Occam's razor (or Ockham's razor) is a principle from philosophy. Suppose there exists two explanations for an occurrence. In this case the one that requires the least amount of assumptions is usually correct. Another way of saying it is that the more assumptions you have to make, the more unlikely an explanation. Occam's razor applies especially in the philosophy of science, but also more generaly.

As I said, this principle states that the simpler of two explanations is more likely to be the correct one.

yes, and if your observation is not skewed, you can definitely conclude Program over Accident.

but then, that would mean Reason, and we don't want anything that has a Reason to exist!!

iam_resurrected's photo
Sun 09/29/19 07:57 AM

I do indeed have a very relaxed view of life, and I enjoy it very much.

I am not in the slightest bit convinced about the reasons for the relatively recent shootings that are taking place, even here in England, but nothing like as much as in the USA. I think you are comparing apples with oranges here. The one is not the cause of the other. :smile:

but i never claimed this was about where you exist.

you interjected that reality into this conversation.

iam_resurrected's photo
Sun 09/29/19 07:56 AM

The fact that you're alive and have the breath of life is enough reason to know that God exist


it is a great tragedy to think of the Universe in its whole, impossible to fully comprehend, impossible to even guess where the limits begin to know if Space is limitless or not, coupled with the fact that the Universe is literally expanding every second ticking on your clock growing to limits beyond our reasoning.

and then, a single planet (that we know of, we believe other planets showed trace of life, but not necessarily life like what we are experiencing and living) that sits just exactly where the Sun cannot bake it, burn it up, but yet this Planet is able to not just use this light, but this life requires this light on this Planet. so the TWO have to work together.

Earth is located the only place where life could exist within its Galaxy. it had to be just where we sit from the Sun to sustain life at all (this was proven Mathematically be Stephen Hawking that just a few MILLIONTHS of an INCH closer/further away we would not exist nor be able to exist like we do),

ALL of this factual data and just how incredible it is we are located as we are because 1 way or another and pooooooof...just blows me away they would see this PRECISENESS between Earth and Sol, and not conjugate the connection of Purpose over Accident..

the Laws of Physics from gravity, inertia, the location of other planets, their moons, and other stellar existence, to electromagnetics have kept the Earth from being like HAWKING MENTIONED, literally MILLIONTHS of ONE INCH from existing and not existing.
they choose to see this miracle in action (Einstein) as the work of an ACCIDENT!!

and then DNA just sets even more apart of how we are definitely not an Accident, but Programmed.

look at the Human Species = you and me

did you know that EVERY RACE/CREED have their own kind of Genetic defect that the other Races do not?

the Jews suffer from 19 know Genetic defects that Irish, German, African descent, Asians, all other Races do not suffer from.

and the African descent have their own that the others do not suffer from, just like Germans have their own and so forth.
that is IMPOSSIBLE for an Accident to be so Random that it could separate an individual Species genetics into categories and then distribute defects.

in other words, evolution has to do what Mathematically it cannot, which is to evolve that fast to generate genetic defects within 15,000 years of current human existence.

how the genetic is broken to Race, and then from there to specific defect according to each RACE, is not a RANDOM ACT at all, that is a definite PROGRAM that generates according to RACE!!

keep Your Faith, Brotha!!

iam_resurrected's photo
Sun 09/29/19 07:30 AM

Your description might apply to Americans but it certainly does not apply to those in English schools when I was at school.

If something is random, it is not programmed (no need for boldface or capitals, those are considered to be shouting). On the other hand if something is programmed, it is not random. Those words are near enough opposites!

Believers in some sort of faith would say that what happened from the dawm of time has all been programmed by the fantastic being they believe in. People like me say the opposite. The universe was created by random acts, which clearly do not need trillions of years. The very meaning of the word random is that something might happen tomorrow, or not for a very long time. What actually happened is that life formed in a random way over the number of years that it took to happen, nothing more, nothing less than that.

I can't understand why some people behave like conspiracy theorists and just cannot accept that what happened is what happened, and was not 'created' by some amazing being. If I find I'm wrong and I get to meet this being, my only question would be, "Why?"

Apply Occam's Razor to this situation - the simplest explanation is most likely to be the correct one. I go along with that!

occam razor is a REPEATING of itself and then reduced to simplest terms. very much different than how you are using it.

the european culture itself seems too relaxed in general, as if time had a meaning of its own and when time is finished i'll know.

and i would imagine the school systems even in American Catholics Schools would be different than the one you attended.

but it is true what i say:

when the 10 Commandments was displayed in schools and courthouses/room, there was not once an incident of a student coming to school with the intention of killing every person.

since the REMOVAL of the 10 Commandments, over 20 SCHOOL SHOOTINGS: Young men 14 - 19 of age shooting up churches, mosques, people driving by on the highway, places to eat, movie theatres, sporting events... the point that 14 to 19 year olds have killed more people, where people WERE ONCE BASICALLY GUARANTEED TO BE SAFE FROM THIS TYPE OF BRUTAL MURDER...than all of the lives on both sides of the current 15 years + Afghanny War!!

iam_resurrected's photo
Thu 09/26/19 07:46 AM
Edited by iam_resurrected on Thu 09/26/19 08:12 AM

I guess things are a bit different here in England. I was sent to a Catholic school and that is where I learnt human values. These were of course wrapped up in the Catholic system but somehow that all went over my head and when I left school I stopped going to church or having any belief in it. My parents and teachers managed to teach me the right and wrong things to do and once I grew up after school I was easily able to discard the Catholic part of my upbringing and continue leading a normal life.

I think it is naïve to suggest that the increase in general violence around the world is the result of a change in the policy of the shool you attended! As far as I know the school I went to has not changed its policy in that respect at all, but it hasn't stopped the worldwide violence we sadly see these days. I do believe that these two are not in any way connected, at least not here in England.

these young males, have been diagnosed as those who at times, aren't on the same level mentally as the rest of the world.

and their Mentality is trainable.

like putting post it stickers on your mirror with written notes for encouragement.

these males are the type of people you tell go drill a hole in the parking lot and next thing you have the sewers unearthed.

they do as DIRECTED because that is their mentality.

when they decide to kill others, it's because they find somewhere that instructs them this is a good thing and they follow it.

SO, IT IS VERY POSSIBLE WHEN DEALING with IDIOTS LIKE THIS THAT A SIMPLE 10 COMMANDMENTS REMINDER could be the thing these types of Young Males follow and STOP KILLING one another...because the "MESSAGE SAYS, "DO NOT KILL" they would read EVERY DAY!!


and when you have a generational gap that DOES NOT RESPECT the rest of humanity, including NOT respecting their own peers, SOMEONE MESSED UP SOCIETAL WISE if OUR YOUTH have no LIFE VALUES toward one another.


iam_resurrected's photo
Thu 09/26/19 07:32 AM

Levinthal's paradox, to me, stands for mathematical proof that life did not evolve on its own in this Universe, because it would take much more time than the universe has existed for simple building blocks of life to happen by random chance.

So if life was not created in this universe by chance, where did it come from?

a once prominent, now no longer among the living Astrophysicists from the University of Stanford (he was considered a Genius) in the 1970's confirmed that Billions, as in 13 Billion years was NOWHERE long enough to even format the Universe from our own capabilities (high powered telescopes + satellites) (the portion of the Universe we are able to observe would take longer than 13 Billion years to be as developed as it appears currently).

he claimed according to the formulas and calculations, that Mathematically, Evolution would take literally TRILLIONS of years because everything is Random.

even though DNA proves otherwise, everything is PROGRAMMED!!

iam_resurrected's photo
Wed 09/25/19 12:35 PM
Edited by iam_resurrected on Wed 09/25/19 12:37 PM

the truly brainwashed victim adopts a singular point of view towards a
given subject, and insists that their point of view is the absolute truth and
all other explanations are false...

the exact opposite of a person with
an open mind who desires new ideas...


is that like hating going to COURT and PUBLIC SCHOOLS reading the 10 Commandments and believing WE ARE too brilliant to need simple reminders on how to be and treat other Humans?

i was raised in an environment where i respected and knew all of my neighbors and was friends of their children as a child myself.

we said Pledge of Allegiance and had 10 Commandment reminders daily in PUBLIC SCHOOL SYSTEMS.

IRONICALLY, people began thinking these 10 Commandment reminders were forcing views upon THEM and that ALL HUMANITY was capable of doing as these Commandments were implying WITHOUT there having to be an idea concerning GOD!!

Suddenly, those reminders were gone from CourtHouses/Rooms and Public School Systems.

WITHIN TWO (2) YEARS of removing these COMMANDMENTS from Public School Systems, Columbine took place. and SINCE THEN, 20 LATERS, more shootings by 20 year olds and under have taken the lives of TEACHERS-STAFF-STUDENTS-POLICE OFFICERS-OTHERS INVOLVED than all of the lives lost in the current Afghanny War and Al Quaeda.

it would appear, that the YOUNGER GENERATION is not CAPABLE of knowing what those Reminders them COMMANDMENTS gave.

it also would appear, that NON BELIEVING wisdom has literally brought a steady stream of VIOLENT DEATH UPON HUMANITY.

you are literally KILLING US DAILY!!

maybe you should begin with, "you are not as wise as you choose to believe you are," before making a claim and pushing a vote on societies better half!!

iam_resurrected's photo
Wed 09/25/19 10:45 AM
Edited by iam_resurrected on Wed 09/25/19 10:58 AM

Actually, I was replying to Tom4uhere's point about all these things being somehow the same with what I have heard, not necessarily that I agree or disagree. This is simply a discussion.

but it's your initial reply that created a standard for yourself. and i agree with Tom concerning those definitions relating all groups with certain stigmas and like appearances, and then also to the general idealism behind the reason for each group.

and much like a young boy joining cub scouts and journeying to eagle scout, the group is fulfilling because a void that was missing seems to be solved for those moments.

but just like those other groups of religion, the occult, and like, the Scouts System is designed to help those who belong.

but once the meeting is over, the Scout Adventure has ended, then filling the void falls back onto the member because those groups cannot be-represent-or fill the role of Relationship.

Relationship with yourself, your idealisms, your reasoning, your rationality, your inner self and core alone (no groups - no religions - no occult practices - no thought control - no meditations - no hokey pokey) just you and God. that is what these Groups are not, cannot, will not, and can never be and fulfill.

when i coached and taught i was part of those groups. when i was a father and husband to the wife of my children i was a part of that group.

when i scratch while sitting upon my porcelain throne...i am part of that group too..

but none of that is what matters because those groups are not Relationships.

iam_resurrected's photo
Wed 09/25/19 09:16 AM

Ok people , I,m not big on this forum idea , I got on this site to actually get to know an meet lady's from the LaPine/ Bend Oregan area , , ,but I do have a story that actually happened to me , , ,my daughter's love to hear me tell it , , ,I,m 61 now , I was 15 an had a learners permit for driving , we lived in the country on a ranch , I was driving an I,m sure I was going the speed limit 65 , my mom was beside me in the front seat , 2 guys Jeff Sellers an Allan McCull were in the back seat , they were staying with me that weekend , we 3 all worked in the hay field for my uncle , but it was Rodeo time , we were all headed to my home that nite after the dances had gotten over , so it would have been about 2 am , there must have been a good moon that nite cuz u could see a good distance without the headlights , ,an I had my lights on bright , ,I was passing an old house nobody lived in , it was about 25 yards off to the right of the highway , , ,the ditch on the left was steap , , all of a sudden , a figure came out of the ditch on the left an passed rite in front of us . I hit the brakes hard , ,tires squeeled ,the car swerved a bit , an came to a screeching stop , I nearly hit this figure , it crossed the highway in my headlights an stopped rite behind that old house where it stopped , then it kinda hunked down like it was trying to hide , all 4 of us were looking at it , an nobody said a word , , ,there was a shadow behind the house an it was in that shadow , but we could still see it's shape , hunched over trying to hide , , , ,why didn't I turn into the drive way to my right an put the headlights on it , ,but I didn't , ,we sat there stairing at it for I'd say 5 minutes , then I slowly started back down the highway , I got to our county road turn off , I stopped the car on the gravel road , turned the car off , , an said , ,ok , ,what did u guys see ? An we all agreed , we all seen the same thing , this figure was tall. , 6 feet or so , we didn't see arms or even legs , ,an we could actually see through it , sorta , the color was whiteish , an it was like a White ish flowing sheet trailing , mainly towards the bottom of it , where feet should have been , but wasn't ,an here's the real kicker , ,it covered that distance in 3 arking jumps , an they weren't actually jumps , , it flowed over that distance , , ,quickly , , I came so close to hiring it , , ,but looking back at it , I,m pretty sure I would have passed through it !!! Jeff an Allan were city boys , , we all slept upstairs that nite , ,every little sound , tree noise , coyotes any sound at all those boys were scared out of there minds , , ,U tell me , , WHAT DID WE SEE ???

most confirmed ghost sightings are a time in history that repeats itself throughout time. but that would mean your figure passes by, disappears, hours later passes by the same spot again. and repeats this course of action until time is no more, or the Earth.

since your figure passed by, stopped, hid itself, that is NO GHOST!!

that is definitely a Spirit Body.

but, it seems it walked before you to frighten you. then hid from you as you looked at it. that to me is proof of That Spirit being Evil. none of its intentions made you comfortable, they made you scared, unsure, even you weren't sure what to do immediately because of it. so none its actions gave you comfort. that was an EVIL SPIRIT.

here is the kicker, if there are EVIL SPIRITS existing, that are not human, were NEVER HUMAN, always existed in SPIRIT FORM, there are definitely GOOD SPIRITS existing.

and those SPIRITS have a Creator.

you know what you SAW!!

God gave you a clue so you would always know He is real by the existence of a WORLD UNSEEN to us that at time EXISTS parallel to us on this very same Planet, EARTH!!

i definitely believe in LIFE after death..

iam_resurrected's photo
Wed 09/25/19 08:52 AM
Edited by iam_resurrected on Wed 09/25/19 08:54 AM

I've heard it said that objectively, the only difference between a cult and a religion is size and if you want to be unpleasant.

technically, the boys i grew up with and became friends, remained friends, still are friends to this very day, could be called an occult or religion.

we only do what we enjoy doing.
we only let in those who we know and trust.
we only allow our ideas to rule.
and when we gather, we do it by interacting just between us and no one else, no outsiders, no one but members of the pack, the circle, the group, the klan, the occult/religion.

the fire fighters, the police, government = separated groups of people working together for one cause. they must be a religion or the occult because arresting people is just flat out injustice. especially when i believe people know how to act on their own even since TWO YEARS AFTER REMOVING ALL MEMORY OF THE 10 COMMANDMENTS, 20 year olds have now killed more people in past 20 years of KNOWING HOW TO TREAT ONE ANOTHER ON THEIR OWN (since 10 Commandments removed) on AMERICAN SOIL THAN AGAINST THE BODY COUNT OF AFGHANISTAN AND AL QUAEDA combined!!

yeah, we know how to behave on our own SINCE we have now allowed more teachers, children, school employs DIE in past 20 years than our current Afghanny War + whomever!!

iam_resurrected's photo
Wed 09/25/19 08:37 AM
How to use dowsing rods for water?

In the classic method of using a forked stick, one fork is held in each hand with the palms upward . The bottom or butt end of the "Y" is pointed skyward at an angle of about 45 degrees. The dowser then walks back and forth over the area to be tested.Dec 9, 2016
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^ this is the method i am doing:

iam_resurrected's photo
Wed 09/25/19 08:32 AM

A densitomer?
A metal detector?

Do your rods levitate when they spin or do the break your fingers when they spin?

Then there is the old time practice of mapping out intallations and using simple geometry.

My sister has a horse farm.
They installed piping for exactly the same reason.
They need no rods or 'magic' to find the pipe they laid.
They have what is called 'blueprints' that shows them exactly where their underground pipes are.
There's no guessing, no need for divining.
The "Know" and it doesn't get any simpler.

Even if you don't know, thre are far better tools available in the real world than divining rods.
So what's the point of my response to your reply?
Yer full of it buddy.

look mr obvious, i bought the property from someone else who done this work.
so i only had word of mouth, some vague references, and some knowledge where the water company ran water to the residence, nowhere else once the previous owner put up buildings and then ran pipe that needed water to them.

so i used those rods and then i dug where those rods crossed and i found existing piping.

you really ain't as bright as you believe you are ..

iam_resurrected's photo
Tue 09/24/19 04:29 PM
Edited by iam_resurrected on Tue 09/24/19 04:32 PM

In shipping navigation, an occulting light is mostly lit, with one or more regular short periods of darkness, in a continuous cycle.
The opposite of a flashing light, you get a blank of dark.

But most religions are mostly darkness with short periods of enlightenment.

Religion is more like a club, with particular rules and etiquette.
'Occult' is a general term for anything mysteriously out of the ordinary, or unexplained.

Some may consider dowsing as occult, and unexplained, like fortune tellers' skills.

If there was a satanic witch and a white witch, which one is more occultist ?

very good point.

and something else, as a farmer and someone when the house grows, or when we add animals, i need to run underground water to get a hose to fill their bins.

even though i typically mark somewhere, as to where the location to those underground pipes are. sometimes the markers get moved over time.

i have rods (SAME KIND OF DIVINING RODS USED IN WITCHCRAFT AND OCCULT PRACTICES), that i walk along the area where i think i remember where those underground pipes were located.

when i get close to where those pipes are (somewhere to 5 to 7 feet below surface), those rods will spin in my hands and the long ends will spin and stop just after crossing over one another just above and over where the pipes currently running water are.

some might say, you believe in God and use these rods that witches and occult' use?

the rods i have NO WITCH or person of the OCCULT has ever used or touched in the first place.

and secondly, there is NO BETTER WAY above ground to find running water than using those rods..

iam_resurrected's photo
Mon 09/23/19 04:14 PM
you can love an idea but an idea cannot love you

you can love religion but religion is incapable of loving you back.

but if you find the Source to Life itself, then you can build and establish an Relationship. a Relationship is where you LOVEm and then Whom you love loves You back. But the Source has Loved you before day one. so, when you have a Relationship with the real and actual Source, your love is meeting where the Source's Love has been waiting. and when you finally Connect, you know what Love is because you begin trying to love all others in your own way. that is greater than Religion in itself...

iam_resurrected's photo
Mon 09/23/19 08:10 AM

Or is religion the occult?
Is there a difference in those 2 statements?
Is either correct?
Can the 2, ever coexist?
Or is it a case of either / or ?
Why does religion, claim to not like the occult and demonizes it?
Is this discussion even possible?
Is it the nature of the secrecy of the occult in society, that makes this discussion impossible or at least, more difficult than it perhaps need be?
It's a dichotomy I know, or is it?
Please discuss, any or all of the above

R2d2r2d2, interesting philosophical discussion topic.
I once did some light research into occult as a forum moderator for a horror film community.
The way I see it.
Religion is a cult.
Cult: a system of religious veneration and devotion directed toward a particular figure or object.
Occult: supernatural, mystical, or magical beliefs, practices, or phenomena.
Religion: the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or gods.

During my research I came across some terminology that actually pertains to your question. Think about the following as to how it pertains to religion as well:

Religious practices based on the belief that all living things and natural objects have their individual spiritual essence or soul.

A visual appearance (cf. hallucination), often of a person or scene, generally experienced in a waking or hypnagogic / hypnopompic state.

A field of energy believed by some to surround living creatures. Certain clairvoyants claim to be able to see the aura (generally as a luminous, coloured halo).

Cerebral Anoxia
Lack of oxygen to the brain, often causing sensory distortions and hallucinations. Sometimes used to explain features of the near-death experience.

Receiving messages and inspiration from discarnate entities.

Clairvoyant Medium
Or clairvoyant. A person who obtains information paranormally (often by spirit communication) without the need to enter into a trance state.

Cosmic Consciousness
A blissful experience in which the person becomes aware of the whole universe as a living being.

Words spoken or written in order to influence others paranormally, causing them harm.

Daemon (Daimon)
A guardian spirit who communicates inspiration and advice.

Generally understood to be the extinction of an organism's life. Many doctrines assert some form of mental or spiritual survival of physical death.

Drop-in Communicator
An uninvited communicator who 'drops in' at a sitting.

A religious or quasi-religious rite to drive out evil spirits.

Originating outside our normal space-time reality.

Extrasensory Perception (ESP)
Paranormal acquisition of information. Includes clairvoyance, telepathy and precognition.

Fortean Phenomena
Strange phenomena, especially those which challenge conventional scientific knowledge. Named after the American researcher and writer Charles Fort. Fortean phenomena include those generally considered paranormal, but also bizarre non-paranormal events such as monsters and prodigies, extraordinary coincidences, and unusual rains.

Popular term for an experience believed to indicate the presence of the spirit of a deceased person.

Unintelligible speech generally uttered in a dissociated or trance state. Also known as "speaking in tongues".

A spirit who is believed to assist a person's spiritual journey

I Ching
Ancient Chinese "Book of Changes". It describes 64 hexagrams (patterns of 6 broken and unbroken lines) which are used in a divinatory practice involving the throwing of yarrow stalks or coins.

Various beliefs based on the assumption that some aspect of personal existence survives death.

Inexplicable lack of decay in a corpse.

Summoning benevolent spiritual beings.

Hindu and Buddhist ethical doctrine of "as one sows, so shall one reap".

Luminous Phenomena
The experience of strange lights or glows, often around objects or people.

A sacred sound or sacred syllables used in meditation.

A person believed to act as an intermediary between discarnate entities and the living.

A beneficial event attributed to supernatural or divine intervention.

(a) A person who has mystical experiences.
(b) Used loosely to refer to psychics, mediums or romantics.

Near-Death Experience (NDE)
Experiences of people after they have been pronounced clinically dead, or been very close to death. Typical features of the NDE are an OBE, life review, a tunnel experience, light, coming to a boundary (marking death), seeing dead friends and relatives, experiencing a loving or divine presence, and making a choice (or being told) to return. Occasionally NDEs can be frightening and distressing. NDEs often have profound effects on the person's later life.

Occam's Razor
The principle that we should always prefer the simplest explanation of events.

Esoteric systems of belief and practice that assume the existence of mysterious forces and entities.

A sign that foretells events.

(a) An answer to a question, believed to come from the gods.
(b) a shrine at which these answers are given.

Ouija Board (weeja)
A board with letters and numbers on which messages are spelled out by unconsciously moving (with the fingers) a glass or planchette.

Out of Body Experience (OBE, OOBE)
A fully conscious experience in which the person's centre of awareness appears to be outside of the physical body.

Beside or beyond the normal. Inexplicable in terms of our ordinary understanding or current scientific knowledge.

Refers to cases in which a person's body is apparently taken over by another personality or entity.

A sincere attempt to communicate with a spiritual being or power.

An experience believed to foretell future events.

A subjective feeling that a person, animal or discarnate entity is present.

A term used to encompass all paranormal abilities. Includes both ESP and PK abilities.

Obtaining paranormal knowledge using a physical object as a focus. Also known as object reading.

Sceptic (Skeptic)
A person inclined to discount the reality of the paranormal and to be critical of parapsychological research. Generally seeks rational or scientific explanations for the phenomena studied by parapsychologists

A witchdoctor or medicine (wo)man who communicates with spirits while in trance and who has the power of healing. May also show other paranormal abilities.

The spiritual element of a person, generally believed to be immortal.

(a) a discarnate entity.
(b) soul
(c) Divine essence.

Subliminal Perception
Perceiving without conscious awareness.

A special deck of cards (usually 78) used in fortune telling.

Magical practices which aim to contact and communicate with the gods.

Transcendental Meditation
A technique of meditation taught by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, involving the repetition of a sound (mantra).

A religious apparition.

A spiritist and ancestor religion, originating in Africa, and now found predominantly in Haiti, Jamaica and Cuba. Magical rites, trance states and possession all play a major role in Voodoo.

White Noise
A hiss-like sound, formed by combining all audible frequencies.

System of witchcraft, especially as practiced today in western countries.

The ability to speak or write in a language that has not been learned.

All definitions in this Glossary have been composed by Michael Daniels PhD.
For more detailed coverage and analysis, we recommend Michael A. Thalbourne's Glossary of Terms Used in Parapsychology (Second Edition, 2003).

since i've seen you mention Occam's Razor twice, once to me, you know we use this practice on our calculators all of the time. the answers that look like .1368888 where the 8 continues, generally its a 6. that continuation is the point i use Occam's Razor philosophy and round my first 8 to a 9, or generally 6 to a 7.