Community > Posts By > iam_resurrected

iam_resurrected's photo
Mon 07/29/19 08:28 AM

actually you were contradicting yourself again and quantum leaping from Jehovah to Spinoza, which doesn't matter since according to you and Spinoza all men including Einstein are part of "The Borg Collective"

actually, my mind works to where it reflects to how someone like Einstein, being Jewish, was raised and then became Einstein might have been conducive to specific patterns. I could mention several aspects applied to Einstein and be possibly correct. I am just going off things I've read from him, what others have claimed of him, his friend Max who claims his views of God challenge what most think Einstein envisioned. He believes later in life Einstein applied God into other areas of his idealism. No one really knows.

But none of that removes or adds to his Genius

is that the same magical tape measure God use to measure Noah's Ark because how else would it be mathematical possible for two of all the animals in the world to be able to fit on such a small thing... i think someone caught a glimpse of bigfoot on the ark

in ancient mesopotamia times, cubit was an actual term for like how we say "yardstick," and it means 36 inches or 3 foot. this is actually ancient mesopotamia we are speaking about.

imagine if the term God was also mistranslated and was actually meant to mean Satan ...this is why to even suggest that one word in the bible was mistranslated would mean the entire Bible is incorrect

actually Satan, Lucifer are incorrect terms. these were the translated terms. in reality, the entity you speak about is called, "the Adversary."

the wind must be taken into consideration since it is part of the laws of physics..the laws of physics is not like the passages in the bible that people get to pick and choose which ones to follow or not follow

it's why Yeshua spoke about the wind to Nicodemus. he was explaining the Laws of Physics in terms of how to detect and see.

iam_resurrected's photo
Mon 07/29/19 08:12 AM

I hope I am not arguing, just attempting to explain my point of view. I wouldn't dream of trying to 'convert' anyone. Each to their own, but I have to contain myself when I see apparently intelligent human beings who appear to believe in these fairy tales!

my intelligence is based and graded off a curriculum designed by humans

my intelligence quotient is from knowing who God is that has given light to the subjects i enjoy most [Mathematics-Science-Idealisms-Philosophies-Doctrines]

iam_resurrected's photo
Mon 07/29/19 08:03 AM

Frankly, I find it amusing y'all need to argue about it?

it is amusing. the more i explain God, the more a certain poster has to announce his denial. it's funny to see how easily that poster is manipulated.

iam_resurrected's photo
Mon 07/29/19 08:01 AM

If you're going to quote statistics please be sure not to bias your quote to support your viewpoint. Here is the whole quote which gives a rather different perspective:

"A survey of scientists who are members of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, conducted by the Pew Research Center for the People & the Press in May and June 2009, finds that members of this group are, on the whole, much less religious than the general public. Indeed, the survey shows that scientists are roughly half as likely as the general public to believe in God or a higher power. According to the poll, just over half of scientists (51%) believe in some form of deity or higher power; specifically, 33% of scientists say they believe in God, while 18% believe in a universal spirit or higher power. By contrast, 95% of Americans believe in some form of deity or higher power, according to a survey of the general public conducted by the Pew Research Center in July 2006. Specifically, more than eight-in-ten Americans (83%) say they believe in God and 12% believe in a universal spirit or higher power. Finally, the poll of scientists finds that four-in-ten scientists (41%) say they do not believe in God or a higher power, while the poll of the public finds that only 4% of Americans share this view."

I polled correctly, And of course the general public and scientist are going to view things differently. That is rather obvious.

My poll was between scientist themselves. Amongst each/one/another, there is a stark reality of 51% of those scientist believing in a Personal God!!

iam_resurrected's photo
Sun 07/28/19 10:07 PM
who reads journals, when there are more than enough things that have happened in my own life and time I have witnessed/experienced that no one has an explanation for. I have given scenarios to gifted thinkers and not a single one, even the over 51% of Scientists who believe opposite of you that there is a God, one on a personal level still had no answer for me.

Flukes and miracles were the only 2 explanation ideas given. And the 2 flukes was not even supported, it was the other option to miracle.

By the way, in 2019, 51% of today's Scientist, whom you get your beliefs from, believe in the Creator God and personal Lord and Savior of their personal lives and families!!

iam_resurrected's photo
Sun 07/28/19 12:38 PM
Edited by iam_resurrected on Sun 07/28/19 12:40 PM

Again you make things too complicated! It's quite simple. As I have said the laws of physics are laws that can't be broken. Newton's laws had to be modified to take account of new discoveries that he could not possibly have made when he was alive. I can assure you that laws have not been broken. Never. There is no such thing as a 'secondary law'. Physics does not get 'redirected'. If you think that's true, can you give me the reference for several peer-reviewed journals that explain this? I think it's something you've just made up!

I speak of the LAW that created the Laws to which Newton spoke about. the LAW that spoke and the "BANG" took place. and from that "BANG," Astrophysicists confirm the Laws of Physics took shape.

Are you noticing a pattern here, yet?

First the BANG
Second the Laws of Physics

the ONE who caused the BANG to happen in order for the Laws of Physics to take shape and begin what they were designed for, would be that Secondary Law, Greater than All of the Laws, who redirects the Laws of Physics in the case of a true miracle. one to which there was nothing possible to stop the outcome, which should have been sure death, and one to which at least one of the Laws of the physics applied and were involved short circuited during the exact moments as the miracle took place.

iam_resurrected's photo
Sun 07/28/19 11:05 AM

I am delighted you do believe in miracles!!

But no circular flat Earth here on my end, I love science and Mathematics too much not to see where its truths are found.

I believe the miracle is much like you said, breaking the Laws of Physics. But the Laws of Physics were Thought and Designed by God, and He can break His Laws any moment He desires. And that is where the unnatural occurs, when God breaks a Law and your miracle is provided.

You and I cannot defy these Laws, we are conformed to them. So for all of the miracles happening, equals to the Laws being broken, resulting in the unexplained, unprovable, connection between Creator and creation.

I actually said the opposite of that. I believe in 'miracles' - defined by me as 'things we do not yet understand'. It is not possible to break the laws of physics. The clue is in that word 'law'. When something quite unexplainable happens we can call it a miracle until such time as science has caught up and offered a perfectly clear explanation. Then we can say that until recently, we used to call this phenomenon a miracle, but now we know better. There is no god involved, that sort of woolly thinking is nothing more than ascribing to a god all those things we don't yet understand. One by one these 'miracles' are demolished until one day the god concept is no more than a footnote in the history books describing something that used to be popular and is now discredited, just like the belief in a flat earth was popular until we learned better.

There is no need to invent a god concept for all the things we don't know about. That is very lazy thinking. Just accept that we understand some things and do not yet understand other things.

it's not possible for us to break the Laws, I agree with you 100% But in my experience, miracles are clear interference of what is taking place real time but you find yourself in a different place going to be ok. Now only, with a story of an experience that only You can understand. And you can think of it however you like. But the Laws were more than just broken, there were moments when an obvious Secondary Law was redirecting Physics itself.

iam_resurrected's photo
Sun 07/28/19 09:15 AM

...miracles are real and happen more often than none. only the close minded will not be able to detect differences and one from another because they don't believe they can see.

An interesting concept. If (in your opinion) someone's mind is 'closed' does that mean they cannot see what you can see? Sounds like the circular flat earth arguments to me!

I am delighted you do believe in miracles!!

But no circular flat Earth here on my end, I love science and Mathematics too much not to see where its truths are found.

I believe the miracle is much like you said, breaking the Laws of Physics. But the Laws of Physics were Thought and Designed by God, and He can break His Laws any moment He desires. And that is where the unnatural occurs, when God breaks a Law and your miracle is provided.

You and I cannot defy these Laws, we are conformed to them. So for all of the miracles happening, equals to the Laws being broken, resulting in the unexplained, unprovable, connection between Creator and creation.

iam_resurrected's photo
Sun 07/28/19 09:04 AM

You say don't go to church. That is contrary to all the Christian religions which all build churches for their faithful to fall on their knees once a week. You say that is not necessary, the religions say it is a requirement. It is a 'mortal sin' (the most serious kind) for a Catholic not to go to church every Sunday.

And whoever said the format, by which the Catholics use, is the example from God suffers from great DELUSIONS.

No, the church (body)(people) met at one another's houses, they they broke bread together, they were a body that supported things beneficial to humanity.

Buildings are a place so you can gather in greater numbers, nothing else.

I can guarantee you if I picked through the scriptures on what we are supposed to do, the Catholics are doing it the opposite. The Apostles baptized you submerged under water, Catholics sprinkle you. And there are so many examples of what those in Acts did that the Catholics do just the opposite, like they baptized trinity.

iam_resurrected's photo
Sat 07/27/19 08:39 AM
Edited by iam_resurrected on Sat 07/27/19 08:43 AM

first you claim you didn't say it now you claim you did say it but meant the spinoza God when at first you claim that Einstein would revert back to the Jewish God, your posts appears to be a host of contradictions drench in encrypted parables that had to be decipher and points to a concept known as "The Borg Collective"

i meant how you perceived my meaning, i was trying to present the opposite. somehow, we got off an tangent that doesn't mean squat.

the Borg a race of assimilated species including humans manufactured into cyborgs on the sci-fi series "Star trek the next Generation" in which all the minds of its members are linked together as a "Collective" and all lacking individuality but supplied with thoughts and ideas from an External Cause or Consciousness (that you refer to as being God) but in this case is known as "The Borg Queen' [NERD ALERT OVER}

if you disagree with my assessment ...then explain your concept and I will point out how it relates to The Borg Collective ....

but if you don't... then you will be assimilated, resistance is futile, WE ARE BORG

nah, i just see how you are taking my words, that only requires a different approach, nothing more.

learning a new trade or trait is not's adaptation

i never claimed it was genius. i deal with a couple of people who clinically are Narcissist/Psychopath. both believe i am fooled by their abilities to hide their flaws. but it's when they try to break you down, even just by peeling the smallest area in order to get into your thought process, they give themselves away. both of them have very robotic reactions in their body language. it's not a fluid motion like you can see in someone running, swimming, or gymnastics. here are 2 people, legally insane, trying to hide the one flaw that keeps them from society, living in the middle of society, controlling their own lives from family to final say on what can be bought on purchases, destroying the life of the person they are with because they are emotionally void, breeding their fouled genetics into their offspring, and polluting society with their continuous vile of personal insanity.

both are Engineers and responsible for much of what can be done in some pc types, both brilliant in Mathematics, both pretending to be like the other natural flowing humans, and their poison can come without warning. these people are literal walking time bombs in the process of destroying lives who had a chance at normalcy.

there is absolutely nothing genius about that or especially them

what can't be found in scripture are biblical einstein like people working on nuclear fusion notations... but what can be found in scripture is that the earth has four corners and when shaken so does it's pillars shake ...suggesting that God was feeding people the wrong information that the earth was Flat resting upon pillars

the 4 corners are directions and flow of the wind patterns. if you watch the direction of the wind, it will tell you how the Laws are working in that scene.

in Job God describes engineering, using a tape to measure, Mathematics. but none of what you are suggesting. and i see i need to inform you again, the English translated Bibles have many incorrections. It's why I go to the Hebrew, Aramaic, Greek versions. Those misinterpreted English explanations are not found in the versions 3,500 and 1,700 years older than the English Translation

factor in the wind or the lack of it into the equation and all you've done was described the laws of physics.... not a miracle ...there are no miracles

the wind is a constant, so I am not taking the wind into consideration of my claim. miracles are real and happen more often than none. only the close minded will not be able to detect differences and one from another because they don't believe they can see.

iam_resurrected's photo
Fri 07/26/19 05:52 PM
Edited by iam_resurrected on Fri 07/26/19 05:54 PM

sorry but you did, you stated that Spinoza stated that man's ideas do not come from himself but from an "external cause" ...and I asked you flat out what was the "external cause" feeding Einstein his ideas and who was this deepthroat?" ...and you said think in terms of God

And I also meant that I believed einstein followed spinoza's Theory of God as being connected to everything, not what spinoza was thinking philosophically. I am sure einstein had his own questions as to some of the things spinoza was thinking, but on terms of everything being connected in a harmonious flow, I believe einstein accepted that portion of spinoza's view.

why do you insist on linking mental disorders to genius many people have you met throughout your life that didn't have any mental disorders ..of course other than myself

people who understand some of the issues they deal with, they tend to think in terms of learning a new trait. they learn a trait that hides something obvious. that ability to correct and adapt is also part of the learning ew trait by removing old habit.

yep..back in those unscientific biblical days Einstein would probably be leading the charge that the Earth is Flat resting upon pillars

nowhere is that view found within scripture.

a Miracle would be a happenstance that cancels out the laws of physics you know of any?

if the Laws of Physics trigs out to hitting an object guaranteed to kill you by slowing the process down or speeding it up in order to make contact with something like younger fern trees; a miracle exists within that moment of that person's existence

iam_resurrected's photo
Fri 07/26/19 02:23 PM

Some people can't see a joke!

"Richard Dawkins himself has joked about atheists possibly being 'despairing neurotics driven to suicide by relentless cosmic angst' because they lack the emotional and psychological consolations of religion. However, emerging evidence suggests that convinced atheists may derive consolation from a certainty of belief in their own solidly-held worldview, leading to similar mental health to the highly-religious."

It's so easy to find a quote to support your particular viewpoint. The Pew Research Center supports my viewpoint here:

"Interestingly, Pew Research Center surveys indicate a growth in the 'nones' as a proportion of the population. A 2014 survey indicated that 23 percent of Americans identified as a 'none,' significantly higher than the 16 percent observed in 2007. Within these 'nones' are a growing number of atheists.

Indeed, the Pew Research Centre reports that 'the share of Americans who identify as atheists has roughly doubled in the past several years', now making up 3.1 percent of the population, compared to 1.6 percent in 2007. Interestingly, young white educated men make up a disproportionate number of atheists."

Which could> of course suggest that less susceptible people are more likely to be aetheists, while in contrast the more gulllible are more likely to follow one of the many religious alternatives available. As far as I can see, most religious people (but certainly not all of them) follow the religion of their parents. A simple explanation: Parents teach their children right from wrong and religious parents include religious ideas in the mix. Didn't happen too much in my situation because my Mother was a Catholic and Father was Anglican (Church of England). There was no strict teachings of right and wrong because they belonged to two different versions of Christianity.

When I left school I started to think about these things and gradually realised that I was more of an aetheist (convinced there is no deity of any kind) than agnostic (don't know if there is or there isn't). Only a few years ago I came across the humanist movement, people who believe in ethics, kindness and treating others as they would like to be treated - but with no expectation of reward or punishment after death. I think that's the important point: treat others kindly but understand that at the moment of your death you totally cease to exist. As human beings there will be memories and possibly sound recordings, video clips and stuff like e-mails left behind but certainly nothing 'spiritual' that's just part of the God Delusion :thumbsup:

yes, just as ingrained in your thoughts, from the point it takes someone to literally believe, is to the same degree opposite it is to disbelieve. But to reach either point, there is a peace of mind and comfort. This is where "Sound Mental Health" gives us the assurredy within our thoughts and making our thoughts be what we are.

Just as peaceful that you are in your state of Denial, I am that peaceful in my state of Belief.

iam_resurrected's photo
Fri 07/26/19 11:44 AM
Edited by iam_resurrected on Fri 07/26/19 12:23 PM

so far you're the only one claiming that Einstein ideas didn't come from him but from God ...if God is giving him all the answers to all the tests then Einstein is not a genius but a cheater or a ringer ...and you offer zero evidence beyond fantasy that God has done this...

I never made any such claim. You from the beginning of this discussion made your assumptions. So, you believe most of what I have been saying is related to your initial thought. No wonder you don't get me and what I am saying, you have no idea what I've said and for which reasons. Who cares how he ended up being a Genius, the fact of the matter with most Genius' they tend to exceed in their Gifted Areas and the rest of them is as if no one even exists. Psychological Disorder like forms of Autism, Skitzo, Aspergers, multiple disorders, etc, etc. Those are forms of mental illness. Every genius has something about them that is not how it should be.

Paul was persecuting followers so he clearly wasn't a Genius and a biblical education doesn't anyone a genius ..but anyway since in the biblical days Einstein would have been incapable of offering up any of his "scientific (blowing up the world) notations" he wouldn't been consider a genius but just a normal average joe

No but, he might had been in the Book of Isaiah which details the same stars we look at every night we look into our little area of Space. Even Galaxies are mentioned and there are many areas where it takes a special kind of knowledge to see how their Mathematics, Engineering, work order progress. Einstein would have excelled here.

Faith is the ability to turn one's delusions into one's reality ... funches 3;16

If it touches you in the physical realm you live in, but cannot be found in the physical realm you live in, it allows you to be more objective that should not happen like that. And if it happens on several occasions because you have learned to understand it, the extreme impossible becoming a reality right in the moment of true need. It means you have seen a glimpse of the unnatural, but in a way that wants to benefit you as a person.

Miracles that happen once leave a reminder always, miracles that happen more than logic would claim if it believed in such, become expected and you even claim a miracle when you know you are facing a crisis bigger than you are able to solve. I have no reason to mislead you at all, but you would be amazed at the miracles I have been a sole part of, a group part of, and a reality awareness moments that actually peek your logic and make you choose.

That kind of living experience is part of why the Pew Research Poll, conducted by Scientists, claimed people who have a Faith and they trust in God were "Mentally Sound" VS non-believers who can never find peace which leads to more suicides and other forms of physical death.

Even Richard Dawkins said more Atheist kill themselves because they are not a part of belief Faith system

iam_resurrected's photo
Thu 07/25/19 10:49 PM

actually it requires a super processor to process the memory and according to you Einstein had long as you have Einstein hook to an "External Cause" feeding him all the right ideas...he can not be labelled a's the "External Cause" that's the genius and Einstein becomes but a robot Drone are you ready to finally cut the "External Cause apron strings" from Einstein so he can get Genius status

You have a very box like view and there is no practical sense taking place at all. The fact is, whether Einstein thought about his teachings growing up or by denouncing literally just put those thoughts away and choose to ignore them until they fade from your memory...Einstein was a Genius!!

perhaps he would have been Judas

or Paul who had the best Jewish education of that time from Rome, Greece, Turkey, and his own Yiddish Law!!

can you name any Faith based belief that wouldn't fit that criteria?

Yes, Faith is the key word to it all. Most beliefs are not about Faith, but about belonging. Belonging is good in the right structure. Faith on the other hand, places you in a position to witness the impossible from a front row view with the complete understanding that what just took place, was literally the impossible.

iam_resurrected's photo
Thu 07/25/19 01:32 PM
You are talking 2,000 year old facts, that is how long science has been an idea an institution. That is the last 2,000 years of 4.6 Billion years, numerous stages the face of the Earth has changed and become polar opposites a million years later.

Scientists do not have the first clue as to what is going on. They have ideas, they have separated and categorized those ideas, they have defined some of those ideas, and they have so many unknown probabilities they cannot even categorize or create Genetic Names for it all. They are stabbing a fork into the light socket hoping to not make contact but get a lead that finally gives them some real definitives.

Not sure why all of what the Universe consists of, even Science claims we are all relative to it all, that throughout the harmonious flow of it all, you fail to see God that 51% of Science claims exists according to Pew Research, the Poll solely conducted by Scientists themselves..

iam_resurrected's photo
Thu 07/25/19 08:34 AM

Proof of something requires tested evidence. There is no evidence of any kind to suggest that there might be such a being, as we call 'God'. There are many people who believe in these myths and fairytales, but they all have a different answer when you ask them, "What is this 'God' that you speak of?". After all these years, there is no simple clear definition. The various Christian denominations disagree on on the details, others like the JWs and Mormons claim to believe in God but disagree fundamentally on what She is and who we are supposed to 'worship' her. Others like Hindus and Muslims even have a different name for this amazing deity.

Belief in these fictions is an example of how easy it is for the human mind to be confused and to reach the wrong conclusion. Fortune tellers will tell you your future in such an ambiguous way that whatever happens will seem to have been 'proved'. Such nonsense does not stand up to any attempt at rigorous scientific study.

Some people have said here that we are all God. In that case, as God, I treat everyone as I would like them to treat me with no expectation of reward or punishment after my death. The very last thing I would want is for anyone to 'worship' me. The very different forms of such worship suggest that there cannot be a God in reality. If there were, she would laugh at the detail of these types of worship and how each group claims that they are 'doing it right' and all the others are wrong.

My viewpoint is 'humanist' - be kind to others but when I die, that's it, same as for other animals. It is arrogant to think that we are any better than animals and that somehow the essence of us continues to live. That is the stuff or fairy tales and people should grow up and accept that what we have is all there is.

For being so miserable towards those you disagree with, you stir up enough of your own waste to fuel fires. But to think you are going to convince someone there is no God, especially you, having a Grandfather who lived and preached about there is a God.

The more you post confirming your disbeliefs, the more how obvious it is you are trying to separate yourself from your Grandfather. Your own inner demons lead to posts ^ like the one of Yours I have quoted

iam_resurrected's photo
Thu 07/25/19 08:26 AM

wouldn't his I.Q.been the same whether as a child or an adult or with molded thoughts especially since you claim that the ideas were not of his own and was from an external cause're basically saying that Einstein heard voices

Memory is the biggest component to having a genius IQ. To achieve enough Memories to format certainties is solely based upon each individual. But his 160 IQ had enough storage that remained and could be easily located at will.

so the hebrew God is the external source that was feeding Einstein ideas the same as with Abraham and Moses ? are you saying that Einstein was a Hebrew Prophet?

I am saying Einstein might had been a Biblical Character had he been born in that time period. Since he was not, we know him as we know him.

mixing science with Faith makes Einstein a Scientologist ...

Scientology has nothing to do with either Faith or Science. It's a mental scam for suckers needing to be controlled.

in that case there is only a handful of people on this planet that's not geniuses...but generally it's religion that acts as a litmus test for those that may have questionable mental issues

There are always possibilities of something being more. Even the truest Atheist confirms as such.

iam_resurrected's photo
Wed 07/24/19 09:49 AM
Edited by iam_resurrected on Wed 07/24/19 09:50 AM

but you said that Einstein defined his own beliefs based upon the Deity of Spinoza and then you quoted Spinoza as stating that man’s ideas do not come from himself, but from some sort of external cause which is it Einstein a Genius or is he getting his genius ideas fed to him by an external cause ...because it can't be both

I also assumed you would be able to understand that I was imposing the thought that we understood there are differences from a boy to a middle aged man in how his thoughts are molded. But that is not reflected in your thought processing.

that would depends on the "External Cause" you are referring to that fed Einstein his ideas ...I'm still waiting on the big reveal..who is Deepthroat?

To think in terms of God, I would believe Einstein would revert to man's idea of interpretation of what the Hebrew Scripture refers to.

But in terms of God, Einstein saw the Universe as being God itself. How it continually expanded away from him. And everything we can see and witness from pictures, included throughout the entire Universe; if there was and end to end view scope, this was Einstein's idea of God being Everything and working in its own Harmony.

So yes, he had 2 very separate idealisms of God. But he deducted by his terms of Reasoning that God was too busy being Creative as in examples of new stars erupting into life while some smoke out waiting to be consumed for energy. New life living off of the old life. The Same Concept works from the furthest point away, to the Laws in action enabling Earth to be, and past Earth to where that ending point may be. New life living off of the old life

actually a genius is anything but omniscient which means one can be a genius in one area and dumb as a brick in another ..everyone is born with a special set of skills that would qualify them as being a genius in a particular area ..they just have to figure out what it is.. and that is why Einstein was just a normal person ..imagine if he as a jew existed during the biblical times...what area would he be a genius in that wouldn't get him stoned

Typically a genius suffers from a form or two of Psychological Disorders. We all see the same picture. Some however see that picture in their own way of understanding the meaning of that picture. This is where the fine line of Genius dances with the deception of Insanity and the view has 2 views where a choice is made. The majority of the time, the Learned Traits hide the few select Traits that give themselves away. But each one still has something quirky about them that can be spotted a half a moon away.

I do believe that Einstein was actually born into the lineage of the Hebrew People where he might be a spokesperson. More than just a Rabbi, but someone who Envisioned God being in touch with humanity like Einstein envisioned God being the togetherness that held the Universe together in a working order that no one will ever know the full meaning to it all

iam_resurrected's photo
Tue 07/23/19 04:55 PM

Nice Resource!
I have never looked at The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine before?
Interesting resource, very interesting.

While it is a nice resource for published materials, I notice there is no actual interactive chat with anyone?
However, I might be attempting to contact some of the authors of the papers that are published.
I've done that a few times in the past and while some get no response, I have talked real-time with a few scientists.

There's a tremendous amount of published material on many subjects at the source.
Its not the same as the cutting edge real-time ideas but it does establish an understanding according to the published view.

Thanx again!

Cool, you will see things that catch your eyes from the many areas it chooses to discuss. You are able to get the think tank approach, the mathematics, the cost, all probabilities. I am always clicking when I am in search. Just trying to catch what the webpage looks like. I've found a few of these off/insider sites that discuss similar thoughts.

Definitely Enjoy!!

I'll drop more addy's when I remember them.

iam_resurrected's photo
Tue 07/23/19 04:48 PM

if a baby cries when someone is chopping around the family jewels it can be deem a sign of concern ...but anyway ...if Einstein was already circumcised and refuse to break his covenant with God which means he would stop referring to himself as a jew .. then what else could he have done to denounce his Jewish tradition when circumcision and a covenant with God was the only two things that matter

Einstein had an IQ around 160, I doubt he got up like other boys his age and thought like the other boys were thinking. I am sure the reason he was a tinker, thinker, problem solver, inventor, genius enabled him to excel in his earlier educations. School back then would be easy to handle gifted children unlike today's system. Today, you will learn more after all of your education just by surfing the web, and reading other thoughts and idealisms towards your questions.

But I hardly doubt Einstein was too involved in his biblical reading, although he had them memorized, he just had other views towards them. You are making him normal and caught up in foolishness. A genius is anything but normal

unlike Einstein ...Tesla's Approach wasn't to have his inventions dropped on Hiroshima ,Nagasaki and Bikini Atoll in relations (according to your theory) to Spinoza's God ...the god of anarchy

I'm sure the money he made off the patent, schematics, efficiency, success, was a nice chunk of change to help further his work.