Community > Posts By > petenh

petenh's photo
Sun 08/26/18 07:52 AM

Liberal coolaid :joy: I don't think people who are more concerned about someone's sex life than they are job, economy, security, should be allowed to vote. It's almost like they don't want jobs.:thinking:

1) The jobs Trump is taking credit for are a result of 8 years of Obama's stewardship over a broken economy handed to him by the previous administration. If you LOOKED at the CHARTS, you could see that.

2) the investigation is not about a sex life (Trump's sex life and kinks are something I do NOT want to think about. Pee? Gross.), but it is about ILLEGAL CAMPAIGN DONATIONS, and COLLUSION with a foreign government to sway a US election.

3) You are now proposing violating the constitution regarding who should and should not be able to vote? Cool, I then propose we prohibit folks from voting if guilty of any one of the following:

-a) People who watch WWE (especially those who believe Trump's appearances on there were not staged)
-b) people who don't read (again, Trump states he doesn't read)
-c) people who don't know the what is contained in the Constitution, which is the document the president in his oath swears to follow.
-d) Any American who at the age of 70 does not know proper US flag etiquette, and has to be taught by his foreign-born wife
-e) Anyone registered to vote in more than one state (Trump voted for himself in NY and NJ)

petenh's photo
Sun 08/26/18 07:21 AM

You left out:

'UN contributions pay for wall'

Sometimes they are built to keep something out, while other times.....lets just say the UN agreed to pay for it.

aint nobody gittin out now
or is it a great big dome?

Actually, it will be another one of Donnie's promises coming true, Mexico will pay for the "wall", but it will be a wall of mines and Mexican troops not allowing US Refugees to spill over into their country. "You wanted the border sealed, gringos, we are just doing what you wanted."

Canada the same way. "Nope, our free healthcare is only for us. No more jumping up to Montreal to get a cheap Lasix surgery. Tell you what, you can keep Bieber, William Shattner, and Dan Ackroyd, but we will be taking back our hockey players."

petenh's photo
Sun 08/26/18 07:13 AM

To be fair, I think that there are a good many Trump supporters who do not behave like schoolyard bullies. Its the ones who feel comfortable posting in the forums that give the group a bad reputation.

I will add, however, that famous Dante quote:
"...the hottest places in hell are reserved for those who maintain neutrality in times of moral crisis"
Members of a group who allow blowholes to represent them, earn such a reputation by their lack of contribution that contradicts that reputation.

They are dealing with hate for people not like themselves, and a love of control over them.
Not reason and patriotism.
Some prefer willful ignorance, and oppression. Thats not a political party.

Thats just corruption.

Clearly, we have different views on what 'great' means, but we all want that for our country. We are all on the same team in that regard. Its too darn easy to forget that these days.

Excellent points. Love the Dante quote, wonder what he would say if he saw the US now.

I actually heard a fine line from my boss, when she said "for too long now we have been given a choice, and we base that choice on "who do I dislike less?" The 2016 election showed what two real lousy candidates can do to an election.

Is it time to put "none of the above" on the ballot? If "NOTA" takes it, the candidates on that ballot are mutually cast out of running, current president stays in office until a new quick campaign can be waged, and a new national election is done in 90 days.

petenh's photo
Sun 08/26/18 06:58 AM
Of course, taking the riots scenario just a little (ridiculously) further:

Trump whips up the idiots to riot. National guard troops are called up by the states' governors to restore order. Shots are fired in skirmishes, people on both sides are dead. (NRA sees massive profits from the gun manufacturers, Wayne LaPierre is recommended for sainthood) Massive civil war breaks out. Pro-dictator forces are called the Orange.

The UN (led by Russia) proposes that a US civil war is bad for world stability, Security Council votes to deploy peacekeeping troops to the US. Led by Russian military command and equipped with Chinese manufactured arms, our borders are now overrun by all sorts of undesirables, all jumping at the chance to put on a blue UN helmet and come to America. Canada and Mexico choose to NOT join the UN coalition, opting instead to deploy their troops along their borders to stop any illegal border crossings of refugees from the US into their countries. Instead of a wall, Mexico mines the Mexico-US border with Chinese-manufactured mines.

Dictator Donnie then attends the next G7 summit and asks for help. Andrea Merkel and Emanuel Macron actually pee their pants publicly, they are laughing so hard at him. The picture of their wet crotches is run on the front page of every news website in the world, except for the "Official State-sanctioned News Source of the USA", Fox News (Fox has changed their tagline from "fair and balanced" to "any other news source is subversive") Libraries and US web sources are purged of any information or history relating to any other president, even though Donnie still can't help measuring himself against Obama

Donnie is happy, and goes on Fox to say he is doing better than A+ work. He claims the riots are finally getting the first phase of his infrastructure "first 100 days" promise off the ground.

petenh's photo
Sun 08/26/18 06:08 AM
Charles, the "people will riot" thing is fearmongering. You and I are already painfully aware that there are people who are brainwashed into thinking that Trump can do no wrong, that he is the next incarnation of Jesus, Elvis and Dale Earnhardt, all rolled into an orange package. Rudy is planting the idea into the rational folks mind that "If you make moves on Trump, we will tell all these idiots that it is OK to go tear up Main Streets, steal TVs from Best Buy, shoot off every round of ammunition the NRA told them to purchase and hoard, and trash any car not sporting a MAGA sticker."

I mean, half these idiots believe that the result of a successful impeachment is that Hillary will become president to serve out the Cheato's term. (These are the same folks who throw out the line "Boo hoo, WE won the election, you lost", like they PERSONALLY won the office ) It is going to be real easy for Donnie and his team to whip these dopes up into a frenzy.

Impeachment will crush Donnie's huge ego, and I am scared what he will try to stay in the office... I would not put it past him to get us in a troop conflict somewhere so he can claim "You can't impeach a wartime president".

petenh's photo
Sat 08/25/18 09:24 PM

The biggest threat from Canada is they will let anyone into their country and from there the sneak into the US.

You are joking, right? For the past 40 years, Canadian Immigration has been vigilant about just this practice, with people thinking they will come into Canada and then sneak into the US. Because, if the US catches them or otherwise refuses them, Canada is stuck with them. An old friend was Canadian Immigration: as far back as 1985 when I first met him, Canada has required immigrants to have means of support, and if they were carrying large sums of cash, Canada would confiscate and wire it back to their originating country for them to pick up there.

Can you please cite your other facts? Bieber being deported back to Canada sounds like an SNL gag. Church groups bringing in refugees without regard to US State policy? BS. Native Americans being sent back to the reservation? More BS. How many Somalian and Etheopean people have you actually met to slate them as "the rudest and most disrespectful"?

petenh's photo
Sat 08/25/18 09:03 PM

As Donald says I prefer my hero's not to be captured. He was doomed until they found out his dad ranked high in the military, he broke down and gave up info before he was finally released.

This is the problem, a dodger (fake bone spurs, but the spurs didn't keep him from playing tennis) criticizing a hero who served his country, someone who risked his life in uniform and endured documented TORTURE in the Hanoi Hilton... I mean, Donnie gave up US Intel freely WITHOUT being tortured. (documented, to Israel, and to Russia)

And yet, you back this guy? Not for nothing, but do you see the HYPOCRACY of what Donnie said about McCain?

Holy smokes

petenh's photo
Sat 08/25/18 08:50 PM


The F.B.I. report on the Gangster Disciples. 50,000 -70,000 strong

Page 26 is interesting

New Member Initiation:
New members to the gang must drive down the street with their headlights off. The first car that signals them that their lights are off ( good Samaritan) must be followed and the occupants...shot and killed

Regardless if it is woman or children

And every new member is issued a weapon
And they don't know this is wrong to do? or they don't care..........


20 year old FALSE story.... The REAL "Fake news"

petenh's photo
Sat 08/25/18 10:17 AM
TxsGal, I agree. Knowing brain cancer survivors, they have told me about the treatments, and holy smokes....

McCain also has against him his age, and a body abused by the Vietnamese while he was in the Hanoi Hilton.... It has to be a doubly tough fight.

The man is an American Patriot. I have disagreed with his policies and positions in the past, but I wish we had more politicians of his stature today

petenh's photo
Sat 08/25/18 10:06 AM

must be the paralegal training in me

drinker I am glad someone got it.

Like I said, you are playing chess while some are playing checkers.

Let's get Trump to state his position on Dihydrogen Monoxide... I will bet he is against it, and will probably blame Obama for our inaction on banning it

petenh's photo
Sat 08/25/18 10:01 AM

The week Trump's own words caught up with him.
in what way did it catch up with him. . Is this another " we got him now " moment? Lol. Lol. Don't hold your breath. His war of words are like music to my ears. It's about time we have a president that doesn't munch words. He telling all Americans just how destructive and hypocritical the democrats are. From they're unpopular rants of open borders, high taxes,socialism, to their non-support of limits on abortions, only legal citizens voting the flag, and traditional genders. Roles. Etc. My point being that Trump is telling the people like it is. Democrats are the cancerous growth on this country . War of words , Ha, more like words of wisdom to the people that are proud to be Americans.


No, in this latest gaffe, Trump is rattling off what he thinks is a justification that his activities were legal, but if we take him as telling the truth this time, he just seriously implicated himself MORE, instead of helping his cause. He has NO CLUE as to what he is arguing about

You say "It's about time we have a president that doesn't munch words" (I believe you are referring to the idiom "mince words" but I digress). This guy is just telling the folks what they want to hear, because it strokes his ego. The guy waffles about virtually every topic he speaks on, as proven by when the press secretaries have to say "what he MEANT was..."

If he does that to Joe Six Pack, what do you think he agreed to with Putin or Kim? He had to BEG Kim to come to summit with him, because he already had the commerative coins minted that said "May 2018", do you think he made promises that the public has not heard about, just to make Kim "like" him enough to come to the summit?

He is vilifying the Dems, but what has he dome in the 18 months of his presidency to change anything? He promised healthcare change but delivered nothing, he promised to roll back every one of Obama's unconstitutional executive orders, only to find they were all constitutional and sound, he has done nothing on the infrastructure, he is bogged down in coal because he thinks "clean coal" is just coal that has been washed... The whole thing about having Mexico pay for his wall was laughed at by Mexico... yet he said yesterday that his work so far rates an A+.

I knew kids I grew up with who were "long on promises" like this guy: everybody was their friend because they wanted to go to all the parties he was promising, etc... Everybody found out he was a BS artist, and dropped him like a hot rock.

And if Dems are the evil in this country, why was Trump a Democrat for so many years? He is just as much the cancer you speak of.

petenh's photo
Sat 08/25/18 09:32 AM
Edited by petenh on Sat 08/25/18 09:33 AM
"Leftist radical David Hogg"? Jeez, the kid lived through something as a high-school student (an active-shooter event) that would have left MOST of us at that age a quivering mess.

Some of those survivors, facing "survivor's guilt", will no doubt turn to drugs and alcohol to try to take the edge off the nightmares that might never go away (If you doubt me about the nightmares, just ask some Vietnam veterans you know if they still occasionally get the "tough nights")

Some of these survivors, like David, are going to try to see that "something like this never happens again". He is asking his elected representatives where they stand on the issue. This is the same thing Mothers Against Drunk Drivers did, 9/11 families did, hell, what McLain and Stockdale did for POW awareness. All these activities were started under the idea "so ___ did not die in vain"

The article you cite (I am guessing you did not write the piece) sounds like it was penned by the NRA. Of course, they have every reason to vilify a survivor, because he is cutting into their profits.

Not sure if the title "Democratic Suicide Watch" was their title or yours, but it over-sensationalizes an article full of emotional hot buttons. They are not good students of history either, as Kennedy's line in today's politics would be considered "right leaning"

petenh's photo
Fri 08/24/18 10:42 PM

This may not be the right place for this topic, but I'll see. how do you feel about using slang and not the proper word. I think there are some other countries may not understand. In my life, I'm trying to say yeah and yep less, and I use "yes" more. What do you think?


Real good topic for discussion

Me, I feel that slang is lazy talk, and it gets trite the more it gets overused. A prime example of overuse is "ROFLMAO", which thankfully died out... How many people who used it actually ever hit the floor? I personally wish LOL would go the same way; people overuse it,and sometimes I wonder if it is just an acknowledgement of the last line instead of an indication that the person actually laughed.

As far as slang like "da bomb" and "da s--t", etc, I am not from the hood, and I am no longer young, so I don't try to make myself out to be someone from there. Besides, when I use slang, I feel like this guy

petenh's photo
Fri 08/24/18 10:09 PM
This is what scares me about this man as our leader; he doesn't think through what he he is going to say before he says it, and he insists on negotiating directly with other world leaders, without diplomats around him to temper his words. We don't know what he promised Putin in Helsinki, HE doesn't know what he said in Helsinki... But if Putin scored a point in Russia's behalf, you know Putin has Donnie's words on tape to hold against us

We don't know what he said to Kim either, but today's news ( shows that THAT summit yielded nothing positive for our interests, and that Kim has not reversed his nuke strategy. Trump's play to get a Nobel prize by de-nuclearizing N Korea seems to have evaporated.

petenh's photo
Fri 08/24/18 09:48 PM

So now you are on to Chicago and black people on a thread started about cars.

Told you my take on it, the others who got duped can surely make up their own minds.

I won't feed your scam thread.

Scam thread? She stated one illegal procedure and one solution as a lens to look at another illegal procedure and a proposed solution for that.

This is the same "lens comparison" used by the Supreme Court to decide the constitutionality of one liberty vs a proscribed behavior, such as the baker not making the gay wedding cake.

It is just when logic can be used as an argument against your opinion that you drop the hammer on it as a "scam thread", much as evidence that comes from anything other than Fox News these days seems quickly dismissed as "fake" (Maybe we should rename FoxNews "TASS USA"?)

Just because she is playing chess and you are playing checkers, MsHarmony is automatically wrong. Wow.

As far as the "petition", Greeneyes, you might want to read about the "Dihydrogen Monoxide Hoax" (, done by a high school kid to encourage critical thinking and logic. Ms, as soon as I saw "petition" in the thread title, I laughed, anticipating where you might be going

petenh's photo
Wed 08/22/18 03:29 PM

Wrong Charles .someone did say something about the EVIL QUEEN Hillary ..I did at the bottom of page one..DO you not read your own thread..spock And I also tried your yahoo link but for some reason my computer can't find that page..But no need to worry about the mid terms..the numbers are up..and as far as what was that Ms.H were you referring to Obama getting rid of the orchestrator of 9/11..When did Obama get rid of the CIA..and George W.?..

And you're right maybe some of the things Trump says aren't politically correct but come on people all those who may claim to be HOLIER than thou can all of you honestly say that there aren't things you have said that you wouldn't want recorded..Give me a break "FAKE PEOPLE"..hmm I should coin that phrase...smokin

This is what makes discussions with moron Trump supporters so much fun.
Instead of defending your boy when "the left" (Charles, are YOU "the left"?) makes a point, you have to deflect, and bring up Hillary, or Obama, of the CIA, or W, or 9/11, instead of telling "the left" DIRECTLY why the POTUS had to lie, or why he reversed his position, etc.

But then again, this is how Trump himself pulled the wool over his supporters' eyes. When something is good, he takes credit, when something goes bad, SPIN the big wheel and use what ever comes up, like "Blame Obama", "Say 'Fake News'", or simply "go Baghdad Bob and tell folks the bombs are really not falling on the palace"

Sure, we KNOW that Trump is a bully and a lout, and a cheat, and that maybe admirable traits for a Commander in Chief in your eyes. The folks who despise Trump sort of thought that America deserved better from their POTUS. One thing for sure, Trump makes Pence look GOOD, and that is just a scary realization.

petenh's photo
Wed 08/22/18 03:15 PM
I go away for a while and all this great stuff comes out:

I'm getting in the shower. The economy is booming and I have a 10 hour work day ahead of me. You democrats should take advantage of what Trump has done for our country instead of complaining.

I am not a Dem, but exactly WHAT has Trump done for the country? I am remembering all his promises, but he has done NOTHING but get in a member-measuring contest with Obama. I seem to remember his "first 100 days list somewhere, what ever happened to that? Here are just the ones I remember:
- "Infrastructure improvements." Where?
- "Repeal Obamacare" The health insurance lobby smartened him up real quick, did you know there are more insurance lobbyists than for Big Tobacco?
- "Hillary in jail" Wow, you would think that he had enough time to prove that... instead they are finding HE, not Hillary, was colluding with the Russians
- "Get Mexico to pay for the wall". Mexico is STILL laughing at him trying to stick them with the tab "too much tequila, Mr Orange!"
- "Fix ISIS" No progress at all
- "Fix N Korea" Trump got Kim all stirred up, so he could make it look like he fixed the situation, and so he could get a Nobel like Obama has. Didn't quite work, Kim is laughing at us.
- "Drain the DC Swamp" The news is full of swamp creatures he hired getting in trouble. He is well on his way to top the number of Cabinet folks dismissed, disgraced, or jailed. (The previous record is held by Reagan, I believe... and i voted for Reagan)

[Speaking of Reagan, did you know that the MAGA line was stolen from Reagan's campaign? Of course. now MAGA stands for "My Attorney got Arraigned"]

I know I am missing a bunch, but I am sure I can find more of the empty promises.

The economy is on good footing, but that is a "Thanks Obama". Unemployment is good, another "Thanks Obama"

I give up, exactly WHAT Trump accomplishments am I supposed to be happy about? His gold score improving?

petenh's photo
Tue 08/21/18 06:23 PM

Interesting that constant berating wasn't an issue for FOX with the previous president. Odd how standards go back and forth depending upon the WHO instead of the WHAT.
Lol , really ! Do you really think that Obama got as much disrespect as trump. Is that the belief you come away with after watching your liberal propoganda stations. If you think that than I rest my case about msnbc or cnn. Fake news reporting

from Fox news? Unprovoked? Absolutely.

Much of what Trump gets is because Trump fishes for it and provokes it. He makes media the enemy and the media responds in kind.

Ms, you are correct. Trump has admitted as much (the citation evades me at the moment), as a defense for when he gets called on reversing his position. He states that he does it to get a rise out of people... Fox never calls Trump on it (although they have called the same tactic if done by Obama or Kerry "waffling" or "flip-flopping"), and of course when CNN calls him on it, he just declares American jihad on CNN.

Also to consider, there is the new coarseness that Trump himself brought into American politics during his campaign. He introduced things like dirty debating (i.e. criticizing his opponent through interjection as a "nasty woman" instead of criticizing her points during his allotted time). By degrading the civility of the position and the procedures, he has encouraged others to fight at his level.

Obama is cited as not following his critics into the mud (the quote Obama's team used is "When they go low, we go high"). By Trump engaging in cheap name-calling ("Pocohontas", "Nasty Woman", "Rocket Man") or school-boy tactics, he is encouraging the opposing viewpoint to go just as low and petty.... but then when it is done, the Trump supporters call that "bashing".

Obama took just as much (possibly more) berating from Fox than Trump does from CNN.... the difference is, Obama was much more classy

petenh's photo
Tue 08/21/18 06:01 PM

t-Rump needs to be kept in the news.. the man is a moron. I hope Manafort and Cohen sing like canaries. There is NOTHING good about him.. If you watch the body language of his wife... She doesn't even want to be around him... Anyone that is ok with what he is doing.. should move to Russia. We will get our Country back and fix what damage has been done by that whiny twitter happy jerk.

Caasee, though this country has faced in the past similar times of utter division, at least we did not have as mentally vacant a guy as this idiot in charge. Obviously the Civil War presidents and Hoover oversaw times as trying, but men like Kennedy and Nixon faced similar problems. (We must recall that Kennedy was facing a tough re-election bid when he was killed, times were that bad). Nixon is not remembered for the pluses in his term, but even he had the political accumen and experience to succeed in foreign affairs. The current POTUS is morally bankrupt and totally clueless in foreign relations, and talking pipe dreams with domestic policy. (A guy that thinks "clean coal" is a fuel that has been washed is quite frankly, a buffoon)

Don't underestimate this guy, he might just be able to do enough damage to this country that we might not be able to fix his screw ups.

I am not sure whether to enhance my Russian language skills, or get busy learning Chinese from scratch.

petenh's photo
Tue 08/21/18 05:40 PM

Fell for the snare did ya.
Don't worry or fret .
You only have 6 and a half years.
Then there is Pence....

Wow, the craftiness of your argument is awe inspiring!

In 6 years under this guy, we will all be speaking Russian.

Unless Dear Leader ticks off the Chinese enough that they call in the notes on the debt he is still running up (after campaigning on lowering the debt, another empty promise), and we have to learn to speak Mandarin. What is the debt now, 20 Trillion?

Pence (in 2019) is scary, but at least he has a brain and won't get outthought by Putin. And even with the incumbancy, Pence getting re-elected in 2020 is long odds.