Community > Posts By > Drivinmenutz

Drivinmenutz's photo
Thu 10/10/13 10:11 AM

Seriously? I am so amused at some of the moronic thought processes.

Some folks really think its ok to hold the economy hostage to get what you cant get by winning elections? We can talk about this after we default on our republican created debts, perhaps then reason may set in for some of you.:wink:

oh that will be OBamas fault too,, as it will be when those repubs are voted OUT for being such an unproductive congress,,,,

THE CONGRESS HAS A DEMONCRAP MAJORITY, the house has a repulsicon majority and yes, they do control the purse strings, but they ARE NOT responsible for this crap!

The problem is a psychotic potus who wants to play god and put himself above the constitution and the peoples house and congress!

of course not

Sept. 27: The Senate votes 79-19 to end conservative efforts to derail the bill preventing a shutdown, with all Democrats and most Republicans opposing the conservatives. The Senate uses a party-line 54-44 vote to remove the House-approved provision defunding Obamacare, and an identical 54-44 vote to approve the overall bill. The bill, financing agencies through Nov. 15, goes back to the House.

Sept. 29: Just after midnight on Sunday morning, the House uses a rare and lengthy weekend session to shift its demands for restricting Obamacare. By a near party-line 231-192 vote, the House votes to delay implementation of the health care law by a year. It also votes 248-174 to repeal a tax on many medical devices that helps pay for the health care overhaul. The votes send the revamped shutdown bill back to the Senate.

Monday, Sept. 30:

—2:20 p.m. EDT: By 54-46, the Senate removes the House provisions postponing Obamacare and erasing the medical device tax. The shutdown bill moves back to the House.

—8:41 p.m.: The House approves a new shutdown bill 228-201 with different demands on Obamacare. It would delay for a year the requirement that individuals purchase health insurance, and require members of Congress and their staff to pay the full cost of health insurance, without the government paying part of the costs. The measure bounces to the Senate.

—9:37 p.m.: The Senate votes 54-46 to strip the House provisions on individual health insurance and federal health coverage subsidies for lawmakers and staff. The bill returns to the House.

—Shortly before midnight: White House Budget Office Director Sylvia Mathews Burwell sends memo to agency heads stating that a shutdown seems unavoidable and telling them to


Seems you don't even know why the repulsicons aren't budging either! It's not because of obozocare, it's because they said until the potus has a discussion with them about an out of control spending problem and the lack of a demoncrap budget, show how obozocare will be funded during a sequestration, they will not take a vote and the shutdown is unavoidable

85% of gov't is still running, there is already enough to pay the interest on the debt to keep from defaulting, SS and medicare, but the potus wants more and without a budget, the repulsicons say NO!

lol, of course,, before they pay the bills which is their JOB,, they insist the president cow tow to t heir demands,,,Im sure none of which have suggestions about cutting ANYTHING not having to do with healthcare reform,,,

and his reluctance to agree to their attempts at sabotaging the reform makes HIM Responsible for their holding the budget hostage,,,

got it,,,

because, you know,, the repulscions have a newfound dedication to being proactive on the debt ceiling that they were more than willing to budge on under BUsh,,,

That was before Obozo tripled the deficit thru unfunded liabilities

or not

deficit bushs last fiscal year,,,1539.22 Billion Deficit

deficits in the years since

2010 $1386.92 Billion Deficit D D D

2011 $1350.31 Billion Deficit D D R

2012 $1120.16 Billion Deficit D D R

2013 $759 Billion Deficit D D R

So hard to find good reliable sources these days. May take me some time, but deficits and budgets on government spending are something I will be trying to find...

I do have to point out though, that in 2008/2009 there would have been the largest deficits as a result of government bailouts, would there not? Was the bailout money given in large lump sums or short term payments?

Drivinmenutz's photo
Thu 10/10/13 09:46 AM

Logic is not a trait of being a republican ........ we all know thislaugh

Nor is it of being a democrat....
True but you will not find the level of cognitive dissonance in a democrat or progressive many find the corporate serving democrats to be as vile as the republicans.

Take the shutdown as an example. The republicans took a stand on something Obama was re elected on, the supreme court upheld etc etc.

The republicans have no health care plan they are totally content to see prices rise ten percent a year ............forever. I welcome any government control on this health insurance fraud. Its a foot in the door to reigning in the bastards who would take food from kids mouths to line their own already over stuffed pockets .

I don't want to get into a debate on whose worse, i think you will find that "cognitive dissonance" runs at least equal in that of democrats. For instance, republicans may seek tax refuge , deregulation, etc. for the wealthy, but democrats will flat out pay them large sums of tax payer money and strut around like they are heroes for doing so...

That being said:

The ACA carries with it flaws that may send out healthcare spiraling down faster than before. These flaws have not been addressed. Yes, more people who didn't have health insurance will now have it. However the new taxes on medical equipment will increase costs, not letting doctors deny insurance will increase costs(doctors actually lose money with certain insurances), insurance being used more frequently will also increase costs (as we are adding a third party who all need to get paid), more paperwork will decrease the amount of care provided to patients (doctors already spend several hours per workday on paperwork for medicare/medicaid). With increasing costs and decreasing efficiency, who will float the bill? I worry because there aren't provisions that I am aware of, that will protect doctors salaries (or any other healthcare provider by that matter). Lower salaries = less doctors + more patients = lower quality of care, and higher burnout for healthcare workers.

I do agree we need to do something, but the philosophy of "lets pass it to see whats in it" can be quite dangerous. I would argue that perhaps to do nothing would have been a better approach than pushing through this particular bill.

We need more debate, more research, and less political games.

Drivinmenutz's photo
Tue 10/08/13 07:30 PM
Edited by Drivinmenutz on Tue 10/08/13 07:31 PM I've discovered a whole new level of disgust. They have gone too far.

Drivinmenutz's photo
Tue 10/08/13 07:44 AM
Edited by Drivinmenutz on Tue 10/08/13 07:48 AM

Bary once again showed his lack of class and inexperience. He couldn't wait to announce what military unit that conducted his this raid, Delta Force the most classified unit in our military. Why did he need to announce what unit did it? All's he had to do is say our military. He just marked these guys, just like he did to the Seal Team that got Osama Bin Laden raid and got over 30 of the same unit killed right after the raid by announcing who did it.

Also no one talks about Delta Force or their missions, especially right after they happened! The only other President that did it was an equally inexperienced one, Bill Clinton but at least he did do it until 25 years after the missions happened. Obama cant wait to give away classified information!


The spec ops communities of all branches (at least Navy and Army)are definitely no fan of the current administration. This is with good cause. Spec ops are supposed to be under the radar for many reasons, one of which, is the protection of these soldiers' family members. This behavior is quite offensive.

Drivinmenutz's photo
Tue 10/08/13 07:36 AM

Just FYI...

Canada 2010 Marginal Tax Rates

Alberta (AB) 39.00%
British Columbia (BC) 43.70%
Manitoba (MB) 46.40%
New Brunswick (NB) 43.30%
Newfoundland & Labrador (NL) 43.40%
Nova Scotia (NS) 50.00%
Prince Edward Island (PE) 47.37%
Ontario (ON) 46.41%
Qu�bec (QC) 48.22%
Saskatchewan (SK) 44.00%
Northwest Territories (NT) 43.05%
Nunavut (NU) 40.50%
Yukon (YT) 42.40%

Universal health care don't come free you know. Switzerland has about the same tax rates if you want to look it up and yes, they have universal health care too. I think we're all doomed but we need something, what do we do?

Is this income tax or all combined taxes and fees? For instance, the U.S. claims to only collect a couple thousand a year on "taxes" per person. However, they are only speaking of income tax. There are state income taxes, sales taxes, vehicle registrations, various permits, fees for licenses, social security, medicare, property tax, inflation, etc.

Drivinmenutz's photo
Tue 10/08/13 07:31 AM

Logic is not a trait of being a republican ........ we all know thislaugh

Nor is it of being a democrat....

Drivinmenutz's photo
Fri 10/04/13 01:48 PM

The republicans have painted themselves into a corner and cannot find a way out that is less than humiliating. I hope this is the final nail in the coffin of the republican party as it is and something good rises from the ashes. Something that is good for all people and not just the top 1%.

You are right, republicans have painted themselves in a corner. Had they been smart, they would have let this ACA through. If the system failed, it could become ammo in the next campaign, winning them ground.

Not sure if I would like republicans to be rid of, as they hold the democrats at bay. Either party unchecked would wreck our country in a single 4 year term...

Wish we could abolish both, and actually have elections not based on a party system, but on actual ideals, plans, and information.

Drivinmenutz's photo
Wed 10/02/13 10:16 AM

why I wish we had more cameras,, yeah, I said it

the 'other news' about the incident, with video...

he was driving too close, and should be held 'legally' accountable, but that's not justification for the bikers behavior towards what was not just the driver, but the FAMILY in the car

Im not even so sure that he was responsible fore driving too close. Seems they were driving erratically, he got cut off... He stopped for a bit, then sped off. Perhaps he was met with aggression? If that were the case, I cannot blame him for his actions.

Drivinmenutz's photo
Wed 10/02/13 09:58 AM

Well they did it again they took a stand against affordable health care.

I would be so impressed had they shut down the government to stop the funding for the NSA and its mega domestic spying program.
..................and WHICH Party loves Freedom?laugh surprised


Drivinmenutz's photo
Wed 10/02/13 09:53 AM

After the senate rejected the bill that defunded the ACA the house passed a bill to delay implementation for a year just to be rejected by Harry Reid and the senate. Then the house passed a bill to exclude congresses exemption from the ACA and once again rejected by Reid and the senate.
I'd like to ask who are the ones not willing to compromise and work together?

Really, i may be out of touch a bit, but they really tried to put congress on this plan?

Drivinmenutz's photo
Wed 10/02/13 09:51 AM

Well they did it again they took a stand against affordable health care.

I would be so impressed had they shut down the government to stop the funding for the NSA and its mega domestic spying program.

Uh, what makes you think that Obamacare will actually make health care more affordable?

What makes you think it won't?

New taxes on medical equipment and supplies, doctors no longer being able to refuse insurance companies, and possible(likely) increase in "red tape"...

Drivinmenutz's photo
Mon 09/30/13 09:43 AM
Edited by Drivinmenutz on Mon 09/30/13 09:45 AM

It's not like the federal government doesn't pay its debt payments. If our deficit was zero, then the national debt would shrink over time, as well.

What we need to do is raise taxes and close the deficit, and eventually build a cash reserve for emergencies that come up.

I agree that our deficit needs to be worked on. I have an issue with the ramifications, economically, involved with raising taxes during a recession...
Building a cash reserve may not be a bad idea, if and only if, we somehow fix our spending problem, or else those reserves will never exist regardless of taxes. In fact, what is likely to happen is a dependency on the new income to maintain spending hikes. Then we are at ground zero once again. Historically this has happened multiple times.

To answer your question of how much more taxes, I propose something like what we had before Bush got into the White House, or at least tax capital gains as regular income.

I commend you for understanding that the famous "loop hole" everyone keeps talking about (where the upper 1% only pay 15% in taxes) is actually talking about capital gains. From an economics standpoint raising capital gains would #1 discourage investors from investing in stock, and #2 decrease the value of retirement plans.

Another thing to think about is the fact that many people, particularly middle class, get ahead through real estate. Either they have land handed down to them, or they buy a house or apartment building instead of renting, to build equity. This would also fall under capital gains.

The issue I see, is not in attacking a demographic or class of people, but in massive corporations, internationally, dodging taxes. We need to look into companies like google, Pfizer, and other companies, paying zero tax, because they can arrange all income to appear to be made in other countries (with no tax), and all expenses to occur in the U.S. If we could close this loop hole, while simultaneously lowering our high corporate tax rates, perhaps we could attract more business in the U.S. thereby, increasing government revenue as jobs start pouring in (and by the loophole being closed). It would be a win-win, instead of a win-lose (unless you happen to be the upper echelon of one of these companies).

Just a thought...

Drivinmenutz's photo
Fri 09/27/13 01:10 PM

maybe cause the invitation was delayed till the gov there finished
destroying evidence of their participation


Another reason is the political ramifications on our administration during sensitive times. The Obama administration had gained approval by killing Bin Laden, and "cutting off the head of Al-Qaeda". We were led to believe that this would cripple that terrorist faction.

Seems it didn't work as planned. To admit that would hinder the campaign advantage.

Unfortunately any party and any campaign (with a very few exceptions) would do the same thing.

It's called politics.

Couple these together, and i believe we have answered the OP.

Drivinmenutz's photo
Fri 09/27/13 12:55 PM
I also have a fear. As we attempt to bleed those that are lining their pockets, they keep getting richer and doctors are now taking pay cuts. I see this happening as we speak. Doctors are getting laid off or take a cut in pay, while the hospital CEO gets a $200,000 bonus this year, on top of his already seven figure income.

Doctors, even at $200,000 a year, are very under paid. If we don't make provisions to protect them from blanket policies that go after those that actually do get overpaid, then our entire system will come crashing down around us over the next decade or so.

Drivinmenutz's photo
Fri 09/27/13 12:41 PM
Edited by Drivinmenutz on Fri 09/27/13 12:57 PM

What is missing from the debate is what a racket healthcare has become.

Our for profit healthcare system is a scam and those who have created this disaster are stuffing their obscene pockets with cash. Lets face it if health care was affordable as it was for my parents generation we would not even be discussing this.

I have a Cadillac plan myself so I have no horse in the race except for the type of future I leave for my kids or future grand kids. The future looks grim for all and SOMETHING needs to be done!

I have to admit, yes, the for-profit system we have developed is a scam. Yes, there are too many people lining their pockets on a system that seems to bleed from average person.

I agree that health insurance, in general, was a terrible idea economically. It adds too much red tape, and now there are hundreds of thousands of workers that are providing no actual benefit, but are now collecting money from the average person.

In fact, there are a few doctors offices, and clinics who refuse government insurance, and many of them refuse all insurance unless the bill is catastrophic. The resulting bill paid for these clinics is about $40 for a doctor visit (you can often make the visit on the day of scheduling).

So yes, I agree, something needs to be done...

That being said; I have a few issues with the new healthcare plan...

First of which is forcing doctors offices and clinics to accept payment via insurance. This, by itself, would either severely jack up the prices at all the cheaper, more efficient clinics/offices mentioned above, or shut them down.

Second of which are the taxes that are being placed on medical equipment/supplies/etc. This would also have an affect of increasing cost of care, forcing people to use insurance more often.

Third, which may or may not be the case, is the potential for increasing that infamous "red tape" that gums up our system and further increases costs, while at the same time, lowers quality of care as physicians spend several hours a work day filling paperwork instead of treating patients.

Drivinmenutz's photo
Mon 09/23/13 12:58 PM

people don't seem to understand, when guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns...

i really don't see any gangsters willingly giving up their guns, i see them as wanting it to happen...

What about just gun registrations and federal gun-owner registries?

Russia is very different from the USA. Sure, the gun laws may superficially appear similar, the law enforcement drops off once you leave the big cities. Basically, if you're not in Moscow or St. Petersburg, you're out in the sticks and law enforcement is largely left to civilians, who have no problem with shooting first and asking questions later. Unfortunately, that ends up in firearm homicides.

Yet, most violent crimes (including firearm homicides) occur in metropolitan areas. This is a trend set worldwide. Another trend is the relationship to economic factors. Violence/crime always seem to follow poverty...

If there were guarantees that gun control would stop at the registration level, I would have no problem with it. There is no such guarantee.

Drivinmenutz's photo
Wed 09/18/13 05:23 AM

State Law Stopped Gunman From Buying Rifle, Officials Say
Published: September 17, 2013

WASHINGTON — The gunman who killed 12 people at the Washington Navy Yard on Monday test fired an AR-15 assault rifle at a Virginia gun store last week but was stopped from buying one because state law there prohibits the sale of such weapons to out-of-state buyers, according to two senior law enforcement officials.

Signs of Mental Illness Seen in Navy Gunman for Decade (September 18, 2013)
The Caucus: After Navy Yard Shooting, a New Look at Gun Control (September 17, 2013)

Instead, the gunman, Aaron Alexis of Texas, bought a law-enforcement-style shotgun – an 870 Remington pump – and used it on Monday as he rampaged through the Navy facility, said the officials, who requested anonymity because of the continuing investigation.

“The gun was broken in half and he had it in a bag,” one official said of the Remington. “He went inside the building and assembled it in a bathroom.”

The gunman then perched himself above an atrium where he fired down on people who had been eating breakfast, officials said, adding that he used shotgun shells that had roughly a dozen large ball-bearing-like shots in them, increasing the lethal nature of each shot.

“When he discharged, the pieces of lead would spread the farther they went,” the one see whole article....

Hmmm, well for the families of the people in this room this is great news. The law saved lives.

You conclusions are so flawed, I don't know where to begin.

You think that lives were saved because he was forced to use a Remington 870 shotgun instead of an AR15 rifle? I guess you don't know that a 12 gauge shotgun is considered the most deadly weapon for close quarters combat and are commonly used by military and swat teams for work in buildings. The shotgun has far less range than a rifle but distance isn't required in "urban" warfare.

If weapons like the AR15 were banned, and nutcases like this were forced to used 870s, the death toll would probably go way up! It is much easier to kill someone with a shotgun.

This is a reasonable concern. AR 15's and even the real assault weapons (the military issue ones) are designed to wound (albeit mortally) and have little stopping power. Shotguns are designed to stop and kill. Not to sound morbid, but I've seen people run several blocks after taking a couple rounds to the torso before dropping. People that do enough close quarters often change weapons to a larger caliber, or go with shotguns. Either way, when chaos falls, it is easier for the untrained person to hit a target with a shotgun than a rifle. Also, those who use shotguns don't have to sacrifice as much range as many think.

Drivinmenutz's photo
Wed 09/18/13 04:59 AM

I know I am happy about the lives saved by this law.

Yep, now he'll buy it off the street along with deadlier ammo giving the criminal that sold it to him more money to buy more.

Problem solved! slaphead

Stop buying the nra fearmongering...

He is dead so no such luck the shotgun was enough to get him and 12 others dead. Actually he took the gun off one of the armed security in the atrium and shot more people with the GUN HE TOOK OFF THE ARMED SECURITY THAT WAS THERE TO DEFEND THE PEOPLE....


Using this logic, our first step towards stricter gun laws is disarming law enforcement. In all fairness people would be more willing and open minded about new laws if this were to happen...

Drivinmenutz's photo
Wed 08/28/13 12:05 PM
I have said this before...

I am not saying the government is our enemy. They are not necessarily out to enslave us, yet. It is, however, the natural course of any entity to seek expansion, power, and control (this is seen as "progression". Innocent enough until it crosses a line. This line has been crossed many times, by many countries throughout history. There is no reason to think we are an exception, but plenty of reasons to fear that we are not. The second amendment is a tool to help keep these forces at bay.

Heck, if we can't enforce our current laws why bother making new ones? Unless we are relying on an "honor" system... Hmm...

Drivinmenutz's photo
Wed 08/28/13 11:58 AM

lol.. Canadians have this "holier than tho" attitude... i guess they think that there was no Indians in Canada, only in America...whoa

both countries displaced and murdered the natives, but the Canadians don't seem to remember that...

Moe, W2, Lonely ... Come on guys Seriously,
slaves? Indians? Stepping In?

This thread is about gun control and how things need to change and i'm not seeing anything you wrote address the real issue. That's a American Thang I've dealt on here before... Bob & weave eh? it's annoying

You're way doesn't work!
Stand all proud... wait for the boogyman government to come get you, while your own blood, pucks you up... it's ridiculous

even disregarding Jeanne's questionable hysteria ....ummm.... I mean history lesson....if our government or any of the governments she named, wants to exterminate you....a couple glocks and Winchesters from that there kitchen cabinet ain't gonna stop 'em

hell folks they bombed a daggone hood in philly where I grew up

all the sat. night specials hidden under matresses in the ghetto didn't stop 'em on that

irrespective of your opinion on gun control....the US Govt does not need gun control ...if they comin' they comin as one big army

gun control is for people like me who'd like to see my children safe in their school where no "crazzzzie azzholes who got mama's gun cuz that woman be half crazy too" is gonna come shoot up the classroom

cus they be some CRAZY SHYTE....nuff said

Well please go convince the US government that they don't need gun control then, and maybe they would stop pushing that agenda with the frenzy they are pushing it.

If they don't want to have all the lethal guns, why are they stocking up on ammunition like there is a shortage of it?

"Jeanne's questionable hysteria?" Oh I guess genocide and extermination is a boring concept to you.

Yes, if there is a battle, they will probably win or do a lot of damage, if the military blindly follows orders, -- but if no one fights back for lack of having any weapons themselves it could just be another extermination.

I repost the following because this happened RECENTLY! But of course NO ONE believes this could happen HERE, even after America exterminated Native Americans, and Canada exterminated Native Canadians.

5. Closer to home, Guatemala established gun control in 1964. From 1964 to 1981, 100,000 Mayans, unable to defend themselves against their ruthless dictatorship, were arrested and exterminated.
6. Uganda established gun control in 1970. From 1971 to 1979, 300,000 Christians, unable to defend themselves from their dictatorial government, were arrested and exterminated.

7. Cambodia established gun control in 1956. From 1975 to 1977, one million of the “educated” people, unable to defend themselves against their fascist government, were arrested and exterminated.

8. In 1994, Rwanda disarmed the Tutsi people and being unable to defend themselves from their totalitarian government, nearly one million were summarily executed.

no one is advocating disarming Americans

gun control is not necessary for those crimes u described

genocide was the topic of my senior thesis for my history degree

being watchful is fine....using inflammatory rhetoric is not....banning of firearms is not the reasonable controls agenda but the gun nuts can't seem to use the discernment required by human intelligence to understand that

but well nevermind

can't have a reasonable convo with the unreasonable

on the QT don't mess w/ me and glock

so it's not like I am ..well never mind

I with respect to your studies, perhaps you have discovered that many of those responsible for making laws pertaining to "gun control" were, in fact, the same ones committing the crimes. Therefore gun control wouldn't have prevented these from occurring as the law makers weren't held to the same laws.

Furthermore I would like to point out, that the laws these "gun nuts' are against, are blanket ones like magazine capacities, and outlawing firearms based on looks (hidden behind the "assault weapons" bans. Incrementalism is alive and well, and it seems that there is a bigger push to make new rules instead of enforcing those already in place.

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