Community > Posts By > kelp1961

kelp1961's photo
Sun 10/09/11 11:14 AM

peace of mind...serenity

Snap. I would also add laughter

laugh yep feels good to laugh for sure.

kelp1961's photo
Sun 10/09/11 10:53 AM
peace of mind...serenity

kelp1961's photo
Sun 10/09/11 10:49 AM
waving Welcome. Good luck in your search.

kelp1961's photo
Sun 10/09/11 10:46 AM
waving Welcome Sang.

kelp1961's photo
Sun 10/09/11 10:45 AM

The door is open. Welcome to the site. Wishing you luck in your search. drinker


kelp1961's photo
Sun 10/09/11 10:44 AM
waving welcome..and good luck with your search.

kelp1961's photo
Sun 10/09/11 10:43 AM
waving welcome

kelp1961's photo
Sun 10/09/11 10:41 AM
Welcome and good luck to ya.waving

kelp1961's photo
Sun 10/09/11 10:40 AM
waving Welcome..and thanks.

kelp1961's photo
Sun 10/09/11 10:24 AM
waving welcome

kelp1961's photo
Fri 10/07/11 10:40 AM

woah spam alert. lol did you just quote everybody?... but me? what biggrin

ha..I hate when that happens...sorry, nothing eyes just get tired....your response was worthy as well...I should have just did a post that quoted everyone here in this thread rocks!

kelp1961's photo
Fri 10/07/11 09:11 AM
Edited by kelp1961 on Fri 10/07/11 09:12 AM

i recently left my husband, im not going back. im sure i will hear that 1001 times, "please stay away, dont go back", that isnt even an issue here. ive been thru complete hell with this man, there is no going back. ive endured the mental and verbal abuse for a few months now, not to mention the repeated cheating... i just cant do it anymore. he is a classic sociopath, me being a psychology major should have been the first one to see this coming. im not perfect by any means, but i was a good, faithful and loyal wife. i tolerated things that not many if any woman would. i even took in and cared for his ex wife who was ill. im so bitter right now ad i know that i have to get over this anger and bitterness, if i dont then he still controls me thru my emotions. i dont lvoe easy but i love hard... i gave my whole heart and soul, i think once you give a person that, a part of you never returns when its over. its not that i fell outta love... i grew tired. he isnt the man i met and married. idk... im just rambling i reckon....

It takes a lot of strength to get out of those situations so if you are able to stay out of it and start a new life, good for you.

Having been through similar my best advice, if you wanted it, would be to get counseling. Reason being, all that damage that he has done to you in all this time has altered your mind. I did not get counseling and have been working through things so slowly that it has effected me in my later relationships. From choosing the wrong man to how I dealt with him after the choice, I made bad choices from my mind not being right. To help your coming choices get some counseling so you will suffer less down the road.

Good luck.


kelp1961's photo
Fri 10/07/11 09:10 AM

I have been in your shoes. He didn't cheat that I know of but he gambled. He was verbally abusive but not physically although there were times I did fear that might happen. I know now that I should have ended it long before I did. For years we lived in the same house but separate lives. I concentrated on raising my boys. It has been 2 years since we separated and 8 months that we have been divorced. It took awhile until I was able to realize that his behavior was his problem and not mine. Although my friends felt I should jump back into the dating pool, I knew myself well enough to know that I was not ready. I had spent so much time taking care of my family that I didn't even remember who I once was. I am getting to know the real me again.

Everyone is different. You know what you need better than anyone else. Put the past behind you and be happy that you are free to make new choices for yourself. Get over the bitterness. Instead look at him as the fool who threw away the gift of your love. He may never know what a fool he was but you do and that is all that you need to move forward. He didn't deserve your heart. I hope in time that you find someone who appreciates you and cherishes you. In the meantime enjoy getting to know yourself again. I did and I found that I really do like the person I am. Good Luck in your new lifeflowerforyou

Very well said..

kelp1961's photo
Fri 10/07/11 09:06 AM

i recently left my husband, im not going back. im sure i will hear that 1001 times, "please stay away, dont go back", that isnt even an issue here. ive been thru complete hell with this man, there is no going back. ive endured the mental and verbal abuse for a few months now, not to mention the repeated cheating... i just cant do it anymore. he is a classic sociopath, me being a psychology major should have been the first one to see this coming. im not perfect by any means, but i was a good, faithful and loyal wife. i tolerated things that not many if any woman would. i even took in and cared for his ex wife who was ill. im so bitter right now ad i know that i have to get over this anger and bitterness, if i dont then he still controls me thru my emotions. i dont lvoe easy but i love hard... i gave my whole heart and soul, i think once you give a person that, a part of you never returns when its over. its not that i fell outta love... i grew tired. he isnt the man i met and married. idk... im just rambling i reckon....

First things first stop beating yourself up over it.....being a psych major you should now that when you are in a situation or too close to the situation the classic signs aren't visible to gave it your best shot you fell in love and domestic abuse happened because he attacked your self worth successfully....what I would do is whatever makes you feel good about you...find your center get back to your core through social activities and hobbies you enjoy but gave gave up yourself and its time to take it whatever it is that makes you the unique and loveable individual you are.....and last but not least forgive yourself and don't are on the path to self-actualization and no one can take away that or you but you

very nicely put

kelp1961's photo
Fri 10/07/11 09:04 AM

abusive relationships, how do you get thru it?

Keep busy, by worrying about you for a while.
Return to your 'whole' self.
Get yourself happy with who you are.
There is strength in this.
Mourn, then put it away.
You are right, they will forever own
a piece of you.
You gave them that right, once.
You mingle.
A new attraction does wonders for the soul :-)

:thumbsup: :thumbsup:

kelp1961's photo
Fri 10/07/11 09:04 AM

Do you feeling the abusive behaviour has led to trauma which may need to be addressed? Do you feel you need to work on boundaries and insecurities which may have made you prone to entering this type of relationship? Remember there is a difference between psychology (academic) and therapy/counseling (application). You take good care of yourself now.


kelp1961's photo
Fri 10/07/11 09:02 AM

now i can remember why i DO NOT date and SHOULD NOT date! a man contacted me from this site approx a week ago. i was extremely honest about what im dealing with and gone thru. he doesnt text but gave me his number portraying himself to be a man who cares and offering his friendship. i told him it was easier to text than for me to sit on the phone for hours talking, as i have MUCH i have to do. i had merely left my husband a coupel days prior to this and have to find a job, home, car, furnishing since i left wiht only a handful of clothes, dealing with being sick, running and hiding from him, etc... so because i was unable to call him in approx a weeks time i get an email this morning telling me what a piece of crap i am, im a game player, im worthless, etc... WOW! see, it doesnt even pay to be honest... im floored! it seems there are people out there that thrive off of other ppl's hardships. im a magnet for the sociopathic/narcissitic personalities i swear.... funny part, there are MANY on this site who ive become close personal friends with for years who can tell him he was so very wrong in his diagnosis of me. im so sorry i coudlnt put my entire life on hold to sit on the phone for hours talking... im so aggrivated right now.... WOW

For the time being I recommend using this site for support, chatting venting etc..exploring not look for a are likely not yet in the right place emotionally, physically, mentally, financially, etc to be able to make a level headed decisions about that, there are some really unworthy people here (not the ones you see in the formus for the most part) but the others..scammers etc who creep around int he back ground...anyway, chat maybe, even flirt...but keep it on not invite them into your private world private e-mail addresses, phone numbers etc....and yes find a support group and other activities. Here in sacramento..we have a wonderful group called Weave=Women Escaping a Violent Environment.look it up on line..maybe they can refer you to a place near you.

kelp1961's photo
Thu 10/06/11 10:49 PM
Seems to me that justification is as subjective as the claim itself…given to a multitude of variables based on the environment in which it is concluded and presented by the individual…to say that it is a public affair seems to attempt to apply a majority rules value to it …

kelp1961's photo
Thu 10/06/11 08:21 PM

Just be glad you don't experience 1337 speak on a regular basis here.laugh

hmm...googling now...but a little afraid.

yes very glad we don't experience that..I would be even more lost than I am now. I was going to try to reply in 1337 speak but I don't even know where all those symbols are on my keyboard.
p.s. To all the "proper english" police reading this post, please pardon any punctuation, spelling and/or grammar errors you may see. Please also dare not to correct. I am communicating that to you now to save you some time.
this will be the signature line on all my post. :wink:

rofl wow!

You're new here. Give it some time and you'll realize not to take everything so seriously all the time. I know this was a more serious thread, but there's no need to feel offended by any of it.

Hope you enjoy the site! :smile:

kelp1961's photo
Thu 10/06/11 08:10 PM

Just be glad you don't experience 1337 speak on a regular basis here.laugh

hmm...googling now...but a little afraid.

yes very glad we don't experience that..I would be even more lost than I am now. I was going to try to reply in 1337 speak but I don't even know where all those symbols are on my keyboard.
p.s. To all the "proper english" police reading this post, please pardon any punctuation, spelling and/or grammar errors you may see. Please also dare not to correct. I am communicating that to you now to save you some time.
this will be the signature line on all my post. :wink: