Community > Posts By > Logan1976

Logan1976's photo
Fri 09/18/09 07:06 PM

drinker Obama is going to appoint me to be the czar of dating sitesdrinker

How come Bush didn't appoint you? He already had too many? LOL

I thought Obama was for change?
What is he changing? Trying to have more czars than Bush?

There aren't any czars here in America anyway so not a valid question.

Hussein calls then czars. Where'd he pick up that term from, Bush?

No he doesn't.
Dont look into her eyes!!!!! She'll cast a spell on you!!! She has a degree in advanced liberal science. The US government has always looked for ways of gaining more power over the people. Czars are all the rage now. Remember those propaganda movies from back in the day. "In the almost definite(probably gonna happen anytime now)event of a nuclear bomb being dropped on your town put your head between your legs and say the pledge of alliegence." LOL:banana:

Logan1976's photo
Fri 09/18/09 07:43 AM
Sock it to me!

Logan1976's photo
Fri 09/18/09 07:41 AM
Why is everyone concerned with race? A good majority of the replys I've read are reffering to Obama's skin color. Everyone left or right. LET IT GO!!!!! He is a human being. Now based on his character, Do you agree with him or not?

Logan1976's photo
Fri 09/18/09 07:36 AM

I think former President Carter was correct in what he stated. Racism is alive and well in this country.

I am sure that every country in the world has racism and this is no secret at all . The reality is Barack Obama is a president and therefore all his programs are open to criticism and debate .
It does not matter what his back round is the fact is he is a politician and his politics is on the table for everyone to see and criticize .

Political debate is one thing but people are crossing the line and spreading hate and lies. They use the political debate as a Smoke Screen for racists.
So you gonna close the door to debate??? Sounds like tyrrany.

Logan1976's photo
Fri 09/18/09 07:30 AM
More Czars than the Romanoffs. No socialism/communism here. Boo ur right Bush lost his way abandoned free market principles, got liberal and the door was opened a little further for socialism. We did'nt get here over night. Obama is just the current face for tyrrany. He did'nt start the fire,but he is letting the mf'er burn. The Y2K czar.....they gave in to panic on that one. Just another brick in the wall.

Logan1976's photo
Thu 09/17/09 09:15 PM
I have met some ACORN "employees" they call themselves volunteers. Some of them get paid more than I do per hour. Im not sure how you can be a "volunteer" and get paid??????????????

Logan1976's photo
Thu 09/17/09 09:12 PM
Too bad there is no vaccine for stupidity. Give me two,for good measure. Im kinda fat.

Logan1976's photo
Wed 09/16/09 07:52 PM

This song sounds like very good Nationalist Socialist propaganda-even more so than the original lyrics. Congrats!

Do you even know what a Nationalist Socialist is by definition? Tell me and then tell me how it applies here.
Come on. Both of yall Boo and Dragon are true National Socialists. It is so freakin' obvious. I have been saying that since the first time I saw yalls posts. For cryin' out loud. We all know it to be true by your statements. Im not denying the fact that I am a Constitutional Conservative Capitalist and that carries more of a stigma. Be true to yourself if nothing else.

Actually to be quite honest I have no bloody clue what a nationalist socialist is, seriously I don't. I have pretty much just lived my life, minded my own business and survived fairly well. All I know is that it must be pretty bad because lots of folks use those two a lot here. And I don't always know if they know what they are talking about either.
Its not bad in the sense that it makes you a bad person. Socialism sounds good to many people but in the end it is bad for them. Most politicians have developed socialist ideals. Many Americans have as well. Some have embraced it and others have let it happen thinking they cant do anything about it. But we the people have the power if we choose to take it. If we do not choose so then we are powerless. BTW I am grumpy alot.

Logan1976's photo
Tue 09/15/09 08:38 PM
I must not be a PC cuz I cant figure out how to get a pic in this reply box. Stupid me. But I was shocked. That test shows me to be slightly right and slightly libertarian????? Most of the questions were too subjective. I mean these decisions have to be made on a situational basis. I reserve the right to change my mind at any moment. Dont I??

Logan1976's photo
Tue 09/15/09 08:28 PM

I agree. We do need some sort of plan that would provide insurance to all Legal Citizens of the US.
Forget the idea of Co-ops.
The plans BHO is trying to present could work if, he would get off his high horse and make consessions.
One important one would be is to get Gov. out of it. Find a way for it to be privatized and non-profit. He wants too much control.
Another consession would be to make it mandatory for all Gov. workers including Politicians. If Politicians like it so much, they'd vote again to include themselves.

You really don't know what Obama has been trying to say all this time, do you. I don't even know why you bother to respond to this thread. Heck you can't even show simple respect for your fellow American's vote, when you post a picture like that of Obama. Why the hell should anyone listen to anything you have to say when you are that crude. I might expect that from a juvenile. It's a shame someone your age can be so childish. You just managed to make a jackass of yourself.
Please dont be so mean BOO BOO. If you cant play nice we will take away your free membership.

That's interesting, considering I am not displaying the president in a disrespectful demeaning way. I'm not fostering the same old lies about this health care plan that have been debunked repeatedly. I'm not posting as many articles I can find to dismiss this administration on a daily basis.

If you have the authority to take this free membership away from me, go right ahead, but don't expect me to be afraid of you. You of all people shouldn't lecture me about playing nice. But if you want me out of here that bad, go for it.
I was just kiddin' around. You know like 'O crap not my free membership!!!' And I have absolutly zero authority.

Interestingly enough my rather benign but heartfelt reply was considered insulting and deleted and I was repremanded by the site via email, which of course they have every right to do, it's their site. Yet my president is depicted in a demeaning, and rather racist manner and it's 'not' considered insulting. I am a bit confused by that but so be it. That should give you some measure of satisfaction.

I'll go ahead and apologize, Willing, for calling you childish. It was not so much your response, that caused knee jerk reaction but your dipiction of our president, the man I voted for legitimately as an american and a voter, that set me off. I would wager that might have been the idea, but even if it was not I should have had more sense than to react to it.

But if that portrayal of Obama is considered appropriate, there's nothing I can do about it. Now maybe this too will also be considered off limits, I don't know anymore, I guess I will find out if you no longer see me around.

Some days I can handle the negativity in here, some days I can't. The past few days it's been harder and harder to deal with it. If I am not banned for this reply, I will try to be less reactive. But if people continue to riducule and demean my choice for president, I will just ban myself...
It has happend to me several times. Im sure that does not surprise you.LOL. Did you notice they removed the post where I originally started this? Its no fun being censored. But,what can you do? Such is life in the USA?

Logan1976's photo
Tue 09/15/09 07:03 PM

Obama was lying.

Oh, stop now. You've been putting that statement on many threads. You're drive-by posting with it.
Thats not cool. Witness the oppression of the people at the hands of tyrrany. OBAMA LIES!!!

It's called baiting, IMO, when someone posts that one sentence on a bunch of threads in the form of drive-by posting.

Btw, it's YOUR opinion that he lies.
I did'nt even realize it at the time. But when you pointed it out. I could not resist. Its your opinion that its my opinion BTW. LOL. Thats cool how anyone can say sumthin and then put LOL and it makes it all better. LOL

Logan1976's photo
Tue 09/15/09 06:44 PM

I agree. We do need some sort of plan that would provide insurance to all Legal Citizens of the US.
Forget the idea of Co-ops.
The plans BHO is trying to present could work if, he would get off his high horse and make consessions.
One important one would be is to get Gov. out of it. Find a way for it to be privatized and non-profit. He wants too much control.
Another consession would be to make it mandatory for all Gov. workers including Politicians. If Politicians like it so much, they'd vote again to include themselves.

You really don't know what Obama has been trying to say all this time, do you. I don't even know why you bother to respond to this thread. Heck you can't even show simple respect for your fellow American's vote, when you post a picture like that of Obama. Why the hell should anyone listen to anything you have to say when you are that crude. I might expect that from a juvenile. It's a shame someone your age can be so childish. You just managed to make a jackass of yourself.
Please dont be so mean BOO BOO. If you cant play nice we will take away your free membership.

That's interesting, considering I am not displaying the president in a disrespectful demeaning way. I'm not fostering the same old lies about this health care plan that have been debunked repeatedly. I'm not posting as many articles I can find to dismiss this administration on a daily basis.

If you have the authority to take this free membership away from me, go right ahead, but don't expect me to be afraid of you. You of all people shouldn't lecture me about playing nice. But if you want me out of here that bad, go for it.
I was just kiddin' around. You know like 'O crap not my free membership!!!' And I have absolutly zero authority.

Logan1976's photo
Tue 09/15/09 06:21 PM
In a perfect world we the people would all be constitutionaly conservative(as it is our document with the purpose of protecting our rights from being taken away by the federal government) and socially speaking there would be a degree of difference from state to state and so on.

Logan1976's photo
Tue 09/15/09 06:10 PM

Obama was lying.

Oh, stop now. You've been putting that statement on many threads. You're drive-by posting with it.
Thats not cool. Witness the oppression of the people at the hands of tyrrany. OBAMA LIES!!!

Logan1976's photo
Tue 09/15/09 06:09 PM

Obama was lying.

Oh, stop now. You've been putting that statement on many threads. You're drive-by posting with it.

He can't help himself, it's a feel good kinda thing. :laughing:
Freedom of speech. OBAMA IS A LIAR!!!

Logan1976's photo
Tue 09/15/09 06:04 PM

This song sounds like very good Nationalist Socialist propaganda-even more so than the original lyrics. Congrats!

Do you even know what a Nationalist Socialist is by definition? Tell me and then tell me how it applies here.

He's 29, he's not sure who he is yet.
Actually a National Socialist is a Liberal. The Socialist Party candidate for President of the US,Norman Thomas said this in a 1944 speech "The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism. But, under the name of 'liberalism', they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program,until one day America will be a socialist nation, without knowing how it happend. I no longer need to run as Presidential Candidate for the Socialist Party. The Democrat Party has adopted our platform."

Logan1976's photo
Tue 09/15/09 05:48 PM

This song sounds like very good Nationalist Socialist propaganda-even more so than the original lyrics. Congrats!

Do you even know what a Nationalist Socialist is by definition? Tell me and then tell me how it applies here.
Come on. Both of yall Boo and Dragon are true National Socialists. It is so freakin' obvious. I have been saying that since the first time I saw yalls posts. For cryin' out loud. We all know it to be true by your statements. Im not denying the fact that I am a Constitutional Conservative Capitalist and that carries more of a stigma. Be true to yourself if nothing else.

Logan1976's photo
Mon 09/14/09 06:22 PM

The dog that ate the pound of mini bars was a dachshund? I don't know maybe they're like tiger sharks and can eat anythingohwell

My darn neighbor has one of those. I assume its name is Wiener,because just about everyday this 10yo kid stands outside yellin' WIENER!!!WIENER!!!WIENER!!! or maybe the kid has Tourettes syndrome. Either way enough with the WIENER!!! laugh

Logan1976's photo
Mon 09/14/09 05:24 PM

he, ted kennedy, drove off a bridge. he had been drinking. his companion drowned. he did not report it for 10 hours. it is said he dove in after looking for her.
the past is the past, and the present is the present. what r u going to do about this incident, and all the others that have happened to others.
the senator did some wrong things...maybe of his own making, but in the years that followed, he tried to make up for things.
i still maintain that he has done more for health care, seniors, and the disabled than any other person dead or let him alone.flowerforyou
Its pretty easy to do "good" things with other peoples money.

Logan1976's photo
Mon 09/14/09 05:16 PM

it just shows that ACORN is a corrupt organization that is full of criminals who are all about cheating taxes, I bet obama can find jobs for these people in his admin since he has so many tax cheats working for him already!

Had to bring Obama into, didn't ya?
Obama is all about ACORN. They got like 52 million $'s of stimulus money.

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