Community > Posts By > Logan1976

Logan1976's photo
Mon 09/14/09 05:11 PM

So, tell me. How many of our babies are expendable? Many will die, don'cha know. And for what good reason?

for your FREEDOM to sit here and post in the comfort of your own home and not worry about it coming here! oh and i'm one of those 'babies' you are are talking about :D

Except fighting over there doesn't stop it from coming here that is a propaganda lie. Other than that thank you for volunteering to keep this country safe.

It's not all propaganda....some yes...not all.
Thank you Isaac. Thank you very much. What you have done and what others are doing does make a difference. Please do not listen to those that say otherwise. That point of view is the real propaganda driven by a Socialist agenda. I have no agenda. American freedom and following our Constitution is what is important. And you help protect both. I appreciate that more than I can say.

You have no agenda? rofl You are trying to make socialists of people that are not socialist except in your imagination.

I support our troops too and have family members where were in the service of our country, but they stood for the rigths to all opinions even those they didn't agree with.
I stand by my previous statement. I offer no appologies. The idea that fighting in the war on terror is noble but ineffective is a LIberal/Socialist lie. Liberals have adopted the Socialist platform. Socialism has proved to be nothing more than a set of ideals used to find fault with other forms of government. It offers no real lasting solutions. Perhaps some here are Socialists and dont even know it.

Logan1976's photo
Mon 09/14/09 04:37 PM

Yea, they need to have their hands slapped for that one. Kids are already exposed to too much in our regular programs and ads and stuff.

They should have thought of a less sexual joke to play maybe.
Yea they should have played "Bowling for Columbine" the part where Mickey Moore is all mad at Walmart for selling ammunition. That would have been funny.

Logan1976's photo
Mon 09/14/09 04:27 PM
If the government plan were completly free and paid for by Sasha and Malia selling girl scout cookies it would still be wrong. The federal government has no right to be in the health insurance business period.

Logan1976's photo
Mon 09/14/09 04:24 PM

He is not being factual in this.

If this is so, point out (with specific examples) why. Otherwise, all you have is an empty claim.

It's not our duty to enlighten you. What is the point of Obama going out of his way to give specifics if you refuse to listen.

All that nonsense is the same crap that is being passed off to people as the truth for the past few months.
Joe Wilson is right. Obama lies.

Logan1976's photo
Mon 09/14/09 04:15 PM

The chocolate thing is somewhat of a myth. I've known personally of two dogs and have from friends about other dogs that have eatin quite a bit of chocolate and been nothing more than happily satisfied. One dog that I know of ate a one pound bag of mini candy bars.
Actually chocolate contains theobromine a stimulant that causes heart problems and a diruretic affect on dogs. Some types of chocolate have more than others. It has killed dogs and caused problems for other dogs. My buddy does not believe this but when he gives his dog chocolate we see some symptoms.

Logan1976's photo
Mon 09/14/09 04:09 PM
God can do whatever he likes thats his business. Its up to us to deal with the here and now. This guy should not be out of prison let alone be a leader at a church. I hope he does not do this again.

Logan1976's photo
Mon 09/14/09 03:00 PM

So, tell me. How many of our babies are expendable? Many will die, don'cha know. And for what good reason?

for your FREEDOM to sit here and post in the comfort of your own home and not worry about it coming here! oh and i'm one of those 'babies' you are are talking about :D

Except fighting over there doesn't stop it from coming here that is a propaganda lie. Other than that thank you for volunteering to keep this country safe.

It's not all propaganda....some yes...not all.
Thank you Isaac. Thank you very much. What you have done and what others are doing does make a difference. Please do not listen to those that say otherwise. That point of view is the real propaganda driven by a Socialist agenda. I have no agenda. American freedom and following our Constitution is what is important. And you help protect both. I appreciate that more than I can say.

Logan1976's photo
Sun 09/13/09 12:35 PM
Obama was lying.

Logan1976's photo
Sat 09/12/09 04:05 PM

There are thousands of people there today, but many of them are not affiliated with eachother, there are groups that don't even like eachother but all have on common enemy... Obama.

I'd like to know who all these groups are. Anyone know?
Groups??? Like Organizing For America, Acorn,the ACLU,NAACP ???

Logan1976's photo
Fri 09/11/09 07:11 PM

Very simple:

3 words.

Explain building seven.
It was an imperfect building built by imperfect men and it fell due to extreme stress and damage. You cant believe everything on the internet. Thats how WW1 got started. LOL! Maybe the liberal socialists(please excuse my redundancy) executed their plan to cause the war on terror so that they could in turn promise hope and change and win the pres. election.

Logan1976's photo
Fri 09/11/09 06:53 PM

I too, wonder who is authorizing all the money BHO is wasting on TV commercials. What public service comes from a commercial with comedian George Lopez. BHO quote,"Late Night is a change I can believe in." Tell me, where is the public served here?

I don't barely even see any commercials for the healthcare change but I am berated with the anti healthcare.

It is such a waste of good money.

It is a shame.
I guess it all depends on weather your pitchin' or catchin'.

Logan1976's photo
Fri 09/11/09 06:04 PM
Its ok Yellow. Most of us got your point. Some people try to discredit others by putting words in their mouth or assuming bad motives. All the while acting as if they are better than you or me because of their "progressive" liberal ideals. Liberalism wich is socialism has proved to be nothing more than a set of ideals used to find fault with other peoples way of thinking and living. It has no practical application in society as a whole and is unsustainable to say the least.

Logan1976's photo
Thu 09/10/09 07:22 PM
If the government did all that crap. Why are all of you "truthers" still alive? Should'nt they be able to find and elimenate all of you?

Logan1976's photo
Wed 09/09/09 09:25 PM
Obama is lying to America.

Logan1976's photo
Wed 09/09/09 09:20 PM
Obama is lying to America.

Logan1976's photo
Wed 09/09/09 09:17 PM
Obama is lying to America.

Logan1976's photo
Wed 09/09/09 06:51 PM

I was just watching the Republican response to his speech.

Obama needs to stop being nice to the Republicans and use his Democratic advantage and get er done as far as I am concerned.

He is trying too damn hard to bring a group in that cannot be brought in.

Just do it, man.

And they talked of their form of healthcare reform and it is basically nothing new. Nothing at all. They do not want to change it.

Their only defense is to put a price on life. They are saying that the cost of saving lives is too much. It is actually less than the war in Iraq and that saved how many lives? Is still saving how many lives?

Sheesh, just get it worked out and passed already. He doesn't need the Republicans. He is much too nice in my opinion.

Yep. Just slam it down our throats whether we want it or not. Gotta love it when a political party basically says " We know what's best for you so just shut up and take it. The people make no difference. They have no voice. At least, not one that matters. As long as they agree with us, they will be heard. The ones that don't agree with us...well..they don't count anyway. "

What a GREAT way to run a country.

Great idea.

Let's just turn this country into a dictatorship while we are at it.

I mean, the Dems have control right now anyway.

let's just appoint ( oh wait....WE don't have to and WE wouldn't have a choice in the matter anyway if the Dems decided to go ahead and do that ) Obama " President for Life " and get on with it.

LOL, it sure doesn't feel too good huh? All of us "normal" folks have been at the mercy of the Republicans in this country for a long long time. Republicans/Conservatives feel they are the moral superior in this country, they feel they are the fiscal superior in this country, they feel they have the right to shove everything they feel is better for ALL down our throats, election after election, they push and shove and try to make everyone feel like they have something wrong with them because they are not like "the republican/conservatives" who by their own admission know what is best for the world and we should all be "happy" they impose their rules on us daily.

Obama should stop being nice to these folks, they have never considered being nice to anyone who did not fit them.
So two wrongs make it right?

Logan1976's photo
Wed 09/09/09 06:50 PM

Obama is an excellent public speaker. A genuine cult of personality.

Did you see him speak tonight?

Logan1976's photo
Wed 09/09/09 06:49 PM

I was just watching the Republican response to his speech.

Obama needs to stop being nice to the Republicans and use his Democratic advantage and get er done as far as I am concerned.

He is trying too damn hard to bring a group in that cannot be brought in.

Just do it, man.

And they talked of their form of healthcare reform and it is basically nothing new. Nothing at all. They do not want to change it.

Their only defense is to put a price on life. They are saying that the cost of saving lives is too much. It is actually less than the war in Iraq and that saved how many lives? Is still saving how many lives?

Sheesh, just get it worked out and passed already. He doesn't need the Republicans. He is much too nice in my opinion.
Force it on us. Thats not right. You should be ashamed. Thats not how America works little lady. Oh yea, one more thing. Liberals are Socialists. That is a fact. Go back to Russia. Please. Im asking not forcing.

actually, they can force it on us. That is how america works when you control both the executive and legislative branches.

and dude, please refrain from the name calling and stereotyping... it makes the rest of us fiscal conservatives look bad. The message itself is good, just stick to it instead lol
I did not call anyone any names. Liberalism is Socialism. I found that fact in the encyclopedia.

Logan1976's photo
Wed 09/09/09 06:42 PM
Edited by Logan1976 on Wed 09/09/09 06:43 PM

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