Community > Posts By > Charles1962150

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Thu 06/27/19 02:43 PM
Edited by Charles1962150 on Thu 06/27/19 02:49 PM

If you read the Mueller report the IRA is a Russian organization that comes onto forums and post political commentary designed to mislead.

Exposing Russia’s Effort to Sow Discord Online: The Internet Research Agency and Advertisements

"On February 16, 2018, Special Counsel Robert S. Mueller III indicted 13 Russian individuals and three Russian organizations for engaging in operations to interfere with U.S. political and electoral processes, including the 2016 presidential election. This was a significant step forward in exposing a surreptitious social media campaign and holding accountable those responsible for this attack. The indictment spells out in exhaustive detail the breadth and systematic nature of this conspiracy, dating back to 2014, as well as the multiple ways in which Russian actors misused online platforms to carry out their clandestine operations.

Throughout the indictment, Mueller lays out important facts about the activities of the Internet Research Agency (IRA)—the notorious Russian “troll” farm—and its operatives".

Here’s Everything The Mueller Report Says About How Russian Trolls Used Social Media

"Special counsel Robert Mueller’s report on Russian interference in the 2016 election and the Trump campaign provides one of the most detailed looks at how Russia’s Internet Research Agency — the infamous Kremlin-linked troll farm — tried to hijack the 2016 election and swing the vote in favor of Donald Trump".

Russia worked hard to recruit social media users to campaign for Trump

"We already knew that the Internet Research Agency (IRA), which is essentially a farm of bots and trolls, exposed 126 million Americans on Facebook to Russian-backed propaganda during the 2016 US presidential election. But today's release of the redacted Mueller report has shed light on new details, including the great lengths the IRA went to in using social media to provoke social discord in the US. The report from Special Counsel Robert Mueller, titled "The Investigation Into Russian Interference In The 2016 Presidential Election," highlights how the IRA created thousands of accounts on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube and Tumblr to create posts in "support for the Trump Campaign and opposition to candidate [Hillary] Clinton".

The Mueller Report Shows Just How Much Russia Trolled Americans in Real Life, Too

Through email leaks and propaganda, Russians sought to elect Trump, Mueller finds

"In what will stand as among the most definitive public accounts of the Kremlin’s attack on the American political system, the report of special counsel Robert S. Mueller III’s investigation laid out in precise, chronological detail how “the Russian government interfered in the 2016 presidential election in sweeping and systematic fashion.” "

Nadler sees Hope Hicks transcript as a tool to challenge Trump "

A crazy man with his finger on the BOOM button. This is how close we came to war.

White House blocks Conway from House oversight hearing

'WASHINGTON (AP) — The White House said Monday it will not allow presidential counselor Kellyanne Conway to appear before a House committee looking into allegations that she repeatedly violated a federal law that limits political activity by government workers'.

Iran says talks with US impossible; US says it wants talks

"UNITED NATIONS (AP) — Iran's U.N. ambassador warned Monday that the situation in the Persian Gulf is "very dangerous" and called talks with the U.S. impossible in the face of escalating sanctions and intimidation, while the U.S. envoy said the Trump administration's aim is to get Tehran back to negotiations".

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Thu 06/27/19 02:36 PM
Edited by Charles1962150 on Thu 06/27/19 02:42 PM

If you read the Mueller report the IRA is a Russian organization that comes onto forums and post political commentary designed to mislead.

Exposing Russia’s Effort to Sow Discord Online: The Internet Research Agency and Advertisements

"On February 16, 2018, Special Counsel Robert S. Mueller III indicted 13 Russian individuals and three Russian organizations for engaging in operations to interfere with U.S. political and electoral processes, including the 2016 presidential election. This was a significant step forward in exposing a surreptitious social media campaign and holding accountable those responsible for this attack. The indictment spells out in exhaustive detail the breadth and systematic nature of this conspiracy, dating back to 2014, as well as the multiple ways in which Russian actors misused online platforms to carry out their clandestine operations.

Throughout the indictment, Mueller lays out important facts about the activities of the Internet Research Agency (IRA)—the notorious Russian “troll” farm—and its operatives".

Here’s Everything The Mueller Report Says About How Russian Trolls Used Social Media

"Special counsel Robert Mueller’s report on Russian interference in the 2016 election and the Trump campaign provides one of the most detailed looks at how Russia’s Internet Research Agency — the infamous Kremlin-linked troll farm — tried to hijack the 2016 election and swing the vote in favor of Donald Trump".

Russia worked hard to recruit social media users to campaign for Trump

"We already knew that the Internet Research Agency (IRA), which is essentially a farm of bots and trolls, exposed 126 million Americans on Facebook to Russian-backed propaganda during the 2016 US presidential election. But today's release of the redacted Mueller report has shed light on new details, including the great lengths the IRA went to in using social media to provoke social discord in the US. The report from Special Counsel Robert Mueller, titled "The Investigation Into Russian Interference In The 2016 Presidential Election," highlights how the IRA created thousands of accounts on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube and Tumblr to create posts in "support for the Trump Campaign and opposition to candidate [Hillary] Clinton".

The Mueller Report Shows Just How Much Russia Trolled Americans in Real Life, Too

Through email leaks and propaganda, Russians sought to elect Trump, Mueller finds

"In what will stand as among the most definitive public accounts of the Kremlin’s attack on the American political system, the report of special counsel Robert S. Mueller III’s investigation laid out in precise, chronological detail how “the Russian government interfered in the 2016 presidential election in sweeping and systematic fashion.” "

Nadler sees Hope Hicks transcript as a tool to challenge Trump "

A crazy man with his finger on the BOOM button. This is how close we came to war.

White House blocks Conway from House oversight hearing

'WASHINGTON (AP) — The White House said Monday it will not allow presidential counselor Kellyanne Conway to appear before a House committee looking into allegations that she repeatedly violated a federal law that limits political activity by government workers'.

Iran says talks with US impossible; US says it wants talks

"UNITED NATIONS (AP) — Iran's U.N. ambassador warned Monday that the situation in the Persian Gulf is "very dangerous" and called talks with the U.S. impossible in the face of escalating sanctions and intimidation, while the U.S. envoy said the Trump administration's aim is to get Tehran back to negotiations".

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Thu 06/27/19 02:23 PM

And if that isn't enough the vaccines can be just as bad..check this video out..

I checked this video and discovered it was another of those rubbish stories about the MMR vaccine. In case you didn't know, it all started here in the UK with a doctor who 'thought' he saw a connection between the MMR vaccine and autism. His research ws checked out and found to be faulty. He ignored the findings and continued to peddle his incorrect theory. As a result he was 'struck off' the list of doctors here, i.e. was no longer allowed to practice. What he did next was to go to the USA, so full of of gullible people (sorry Charles) and peddle his rubbish over there.

Initially the Trump believed him and said something during the 2016 campaign to the effect that this doctor was right. Fortunately, Bill Gates had a quiet word with him and now even the Trump accepts that this is rubbish. After all Bill Gates is doing great things in the world of medicine with the profits his company makes. Sadly, the reason that the Trump listened to Bill was solely because Bill is very rich, like Trump. That's the only reason. He only listens to rich people like himself. Fortunately this time he is right, not because he has any intelligence himself, but because a fellow rich man convinced him.

Bill is of course absolutely right and if any evidence was needed about who is a conspiracy theorist, it is anyone who read the nonsense spouted by this video.

Read the evidence? Yes, I just did rofl

Just like I've said MULTIPLE times, Most of the time all he posts is half-truths and whole lies. Usually, when someone refuses to tell the whole truth, that means they have given you a half-truth. If you only have a half-truth to go by, it's easy to find the rest of the truth if you are willing to dig a little.

People like this, they prey on the ignorance of others. Those that are willing and weak enough to accept a have truth without a thought to the rest of it. From there it turns into "make it up as you go". And if you keep saying it long enough, it will finally turn into the truth.

Kinda like that "Agenda 21" thing. Some people are so narrow-minded they will believe the hoax that was started before they will go read and find out what Agenda 21 really is. These people are weak minded and closed off in their own minds. They will believe a lie or a half-truth over everything else. Who else does that sound like? Trump.

He refuses to face facts. He isn't as popular as he thinks he is. Right now, every Democrat running is ahead in the poles. Trump's own internal polling showed that. And what did Trump do when he found out? He fired all his internal posters. Saying they were wrong. Again, not wanting to face facts. Just the other day he was blowing off his mouth about how he may not accept the 2020 election results if it turns out to be against him. He may not want to leave the White House.

And that's understandable. Trump knows what's waiting for him when he takes his last walk off of the White House grounds. Besides the obstruction case being built against him as we speak, New York is waiting for their turn to take a bite. Trump, right now, he's in deep shyt. And he knows it. Trump, even though he acts like a spoiled brat with a little idiocy mixed in. He's smart enough to know the real trouble he is in. And he will try to do anything to avoid it. Including running for president again. Because, if elected it will be another 4 years before anyone can do anything with him legally. 4 more years to try to come up with a way to beat the system. And get out of it. Scott free.

Trump arrives in Japan for G-20. What to expect from meetings with China's Xi Jinping, Russia's Putin

"OSAKA, Japan – President Donald Trump arrived Thursday for the G-20 summit in the city known as "the kitchen" of Japan, but he's not here for the internationally renowned scorpion skewers or octopus balls. "

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Thu 06/27/19 01:39 PM

Well what do ya know Charles we actually agree on are right..if it wasn't for Trump we wouldn't have had to have that 4.6 billion dollar aid at the border..simply because we wouldn't have had a border..we would have had hundreds of thousands if not millions pouring into our country from all parts unknown..bringing just about every disease known to man with them..except ebola..whoa ..and of course as they piled into all the waiting rooms for free medical aid on the tax payers back we ourselves would have been piling in as well while having to pay out the butt for whatever infectious disease they brought with them..and infected us with..and of course unable to work for however long it took to recuperate..and losing income..and depending on how telling what else..

As our cities and towns became inundated with all these ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS in the name of the UN MIgration Pact flooded in with them they would bring crime as well,.oh but that's right "they're all good people" who don't have any disease or crime..and the cost to the tax payer in the form of services and harm being brought would have been exorbitantly greater..

And to think we backed out of the UN Migration Pact..really"..then why are they there..well it's so the IDIOT dems can import votes because they know the rest of the U.S is waking up and walking away from the MORONS that want open borders and think that we can feed,clothed and medicate the whole PHUCKING world on tax payers backs some who are only one pay check away from homelessness themselves

We pass a 4.6 billion dollar aid bill for illegal immigrants while our people sleep on the streets with rats..when did we ever pass a bill like that for them..
And ya know what we will get for all this that we do.. an increase in higher taxes crimes, disease, rape murder..over crowded schools stretched until broken..and more democratic votes and low wages..but hey that's all collateral damage.. ..and to think..IF IT WASN'T FOR TRUMP ..slaphead

SOooo as the dumb azz democratic candidates buy votes and tell people about their college loan forgiveness that they'll never get.promise reparations that they'll never get and try to appeal to the illegal immigrant masses by speaking Spanish and handing them everything our own homeless don't get..they continue to bash Trump and blame him for all their misdeeds..while trying to frame him for impeachment yea ..we have Trump to blame for that 4.6 billion dollar aid package..whoa

SOooo like the BS investigation somewhat continues and as the numbers seem to increase coming over our borders..why some say just about every disease is coming through the border as those numbers are increasing coming from the ebola epicenter could never get here and infect..we the tax payer just keep paying for the demise of our country..when is it suppose to end..truth is it's not..because it's all part of the push towards a New World far as where it's headed ..we only need to look to the UK..Italy and Sweden to glimpse into the future they hold for us...Here's a small part...


Border Agents Getting Sick From Illegal Aliens, Worry About Contracting Ebola From African Illegals

Illegal Immigrants Cost Texas $12.36 Billion A Year—10% Of State Budget

..and as a side note..even if a person is cured of ebola ..they can still infect..I heard where they are only catching about 50% of those in Africa who are infected ..not to can carry it in their semen up to two years and still pass the test..or in other parts of the body and still test clean..but hey why worry about ebola..a good flu could kill as many as easily or those so called "mysterious diseases" that are being found more each day..but we don't need to worry about ebola because there are other diseases that can do just as good of a job..probably why millions died between 1918-1920 with the "Spanish flu" but hey why worry could never happen again..spock

But ya see it's the Dems and some Reps and those other countries leaders who have put their citizens lives at risk while destroying their culture as well as incentivizing people to risk their lives to get here or there and many lives have been lost along the way as well..but hey..If it wasn't for

But to think 'WE THE PEOPLE" never even had to right to vote on whether we wanted this for our who did? Because I don't know about anyone else..but I sure would like to know who to hold accountable when things get much worse..and they will..tick ..tock .. and to think if it wasn't for Trump..I suppose it's all about one's

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Wed 06/26/19 08:41 PM
First Lady Melania Trump’s ‘Be Best’ Hypocrisy

"First lady Melania Trump has vowed to protect children everywhere, but it seems she may have forgotten about the ones at the U.S.-Mexico border".

Trump tweets his reactions to democratic primary debate

"Trump tweeted his initial reaction to the first 2020 Democratic presidential debate: ”BORING!"

The focus was on American citizens.. a topic that bores Trump.

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Wed 06/26/19 07:56 PM
Edited by Charles1962150 on Wed 06/26/19 07:56 PM
'It's On': Twitter Lights Up Over News Of Mueller Testimony

"Twitter was set alight on Tuesday by the announcement that Robert Mueller had agreed to testify before Congress on July 17.

The former special counsel will appear in open session before both the House Judiciary and the House Intelligence Committees to answer questions about his investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election and possible Trump campaign collusion. In his report on the probe, Mueller stopped short of exonerating the president of criminal activity".


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Wed 06/26/19 07:21 PM
Senate passes $4.6B border aid measure; Pelosi seeks talks

"WASHINGTON (AP) — The GOP-held Senate on Wednesday passed a bipartisan $4.6 billion measure to deliver aid to the southern border before the government runs out of money to care for thousands of migrant families and unaccompanied children".

If anyone but Trump was the president, this most likely would have never happened. I've always thought that it was a little odd how this jumped up to the forefront of everything almost to the day Trump was sworn in. Until he was sworn in this problem didn't exist. Not to this magnitude. It's just a little odd. Just like the huge caravan that was headed this way. As soon as the midterms were over, so was that. It just went away. I kinda believe that when Trump leaves in 2020, ALL this and other troubles will leave with him. The border problem will just go away. We will see.

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Wed 06/26/19 07:02 PM
Do Democrats want a candidate who shares their values or can beat Trump? Voters are split

"Democratic voters are evenly split on whether they care more about the 2020 candidates’ policies or whether those candidates beat President Donald Trump, according to a poll from the PBS NewsHour, NPR and Marist".

NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist Poll Results

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Wed 06/26/19 03:21 PM
Trump says he 'decided not to kill a lot of Iranians' after drone shootdown

"WASHINGTON — President Trump touted his decision to call off a strike against Iran in an interview on Fox Business Network Wednesday morning. The aborted strike came after the U.S. military accused Iran of shooting down an American drone over international waters on June 20".

Again, showing his idiocy. Like he thinks we would come out of a conflict unscathed by Iran. Millions of "us" stand a good chance of dying too. Right here on home ground.

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Wed 06/26/19 03:06 PM
Edited by Charles1962150 on Wed 06/26/19 03:14 PM


Charles you and the rest are so far behind ..WHERE IS THAT RUSSIAN COLLUSION you all ranted about for months..if you all couldn't get that right..what makes you all think you're right now..winking

Did Mueller really find ‘no evidence’ of Trump-Russia collusion?

"To assert “no evidence,” however, is another matter altogether. Jeffrey Toobin, CNN’s ubiquitous chief legal analyst, tells the Erik Wemple Blog: “One thing we know with certainty is that Mueller is not bringing a criminal case based on the collusion set of issues.” Toobin was addressing none of the journalism of recent days — merely the legal issues at hand. “But that doesn’t mean there’s no evidence of collusion. It only means there’s not a prosecutable case. There’s a world of difference between ‘no evidence’ and not enough evidence to bring an actual case,” Toobin says. "

This has been posted about over and over. You just refuse to have it that way. You just like going off on tangents that have already been covered over and over. That's why people keep saying you are off topic. You stay off topic most of the time.

Done with it. Back on topic.

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Wed 06/26/19 02:47 PM
Edited by Charles1962150 on Wed 06/26/19 02:59 PM
How We Left the Door Open for Trump to Do This to Children

"House Democrats, voting nearly in unison Tuesday night, countered human rights abuses worthy of the Hague’s attention with more words and money. I won’t waste space with the words, because it isn’t all that courageous to cuss out an administration for arguing in court to deny migrant children in government custody toothbrushes and soap — or for actually doing it, while also refusing citizen efforts to donate the supplies. Lawyers allowed into the Clint, Texas facility by virtue of the 1997 Flores settlement, which governs the treatment of children in U.S. custody, told The New York Times late last week that kids were being held far longer than the 72 hours they were legally allowed and that some as young as seven and eight, “many of them wearing clothes caked with snot and tears, are caring for infants they’ve just met” and that “toddlers without diapers are relieving themselves in their pants.” Another report detailed lice and influenza there. One lawyer observed that most of the children hadn’t bathed".

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Wed 06/26/19 02:28 PM
Edited by Charles1962150 on Wed 06/26/19 02:39 PM

Agenda 21 is one of the most famous and well-documented conspiracy theories. People who believe in that are in the same category as flat earthers.

It's been posted 2 or 3 pages back what Agenda 21 really is. And it's nothing like what the conspiracy nuts trying to make it out to be. I'll post a link to it once more.

Trump claims without evidence Mueller 'terminated' FBI texts: 'That's a crime'

"President Trump on Wednesday claimed without evidence that former special counsel Robert Mueller “terminated” records of communications between FBI agents who exchanged text messages during the campaign and Mueller’s investigation".

U.S. House panel votes to subpoena Trump adviser Conway on Hatch Act

"The House Oversight Committee voted on Wednesday to subpoena testimony from White House counselor Kellyanne Conway after a federal agency recommended that she should be fired for repeatedly violating a law that limits the political activities of federal employees".

He has already told her to ignore it. It's another nail in the Trump casket already.

Ralph Nader: Trump Is the Most Impeachable President in American History

"Donald Trump is the most impeachable president in American history. Many Democrats, however, are running away from the word “impeachment” for tactical political reasons. Some Democrats say they have a sworn duty under the Constitution to present articles of impeachment for a vote in the House of Representatives, regardless of the refusal by the Republican-controlled Senate to hold a trial".

Republicans want Donald Trump to ignore the Democratic debate fray. He’s making no promises.

"WASHINGTON – For the first time in more than three years, President Donald Trump will not be at the center of the nation's biggest political showdown.

Many Republicans hope it stays that way.

As 10 Democrats climb on stage Wednesday for the first presidential debate of the 2020 election, Trump will be half a world away, en route to the annual G-20 summit in Japan. When the second group of Democrats debates a day later, the president will be meeting with world leaders to discuss thorny issues such as Iran, North Korea, and global trade".;_ylt=AwrC1zEJ3hNdoQ0A1hbQtDMD;_ylu=X3oDMTEyZXFmYmMwBGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwMzBHZ0aWQDQjc1MDZfMQRzZWMDc3I-

This is simple. The real reason they want him to go to Japan while the debates are going on, they want him to keep his mouth shut and not make a fool of himself. Which, we all know he's really good at the opening mouth and sticking his foot in it up to his knee. The Democrats already stand a huge chance of beating him. They don't want Trump to help them any more than he already has.

Every time he tells one of his flock to not obey a subpoena, he helps the Democrats with their obstruction case. That's eventually going to go before a federal judge. And that's when this will really get interesting.
We all know Trump is a little off in the head. So does Iran.

Trump-Iran news: Tehran says White House 'afflicted by mental retardation'

"Iranian president Hassan Rouhani has said the White House is "afflicted by mental retardation" after the Trump administration imposed sanctions on the country's supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.

In a live televised address, Mr. Rouhani branded the sanctions against the Ayatollah and other senior officials, including Iran's foreign minister Mohammad Javad Zarif, "outrageous and idiotic".

An exasperated Mr. Rouhani said: "You sanction the foreign minister simultaneously with a request for talks?"

Other than Putin, the rest of the world seems to have the same impression of Trump!

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Wed 06/26/19 02:43 AM

If you read the Mueller report the IRA is a Russian organization that comes onto forums and post political commentary designed to mislead.

Exposing Russia’s Effort to Sow Discord Online: The Internet Research Agency and Advertisements

"On February 16, 2018, Special Counsel Robert S. Mueller III indicted 13 Russian individuals and three Russian organizations for engaging in operations to interfere with U.S. political and electoral processes, including the 2016 presidential election. This was a significant step forward in exposing a surreptitious social media campaign and holding accountable those responsible for this attack. The indictment spells out in exhaustive detail the breadth and systematic nature of this conspiracy, dating back to 2014, as well as the multiple ways in which Russian actors misused online platforms to carry out their clandestine operations.

Throughout the indictment, Mueller lays out important facts about the activities of the Internet Research Agency (IRA)—the notorious Russian “troll” farm—and its operatives".

Here’s Everything The Mueller Report Says About How Russian Trolls Used Social Media

"Special counsel Robert Mueller’s report on Russian interference in the 2016 election and the Trump campaign provides one of the most detailed looks at how Russia’s Internet Research Agency — the infamous Kremlin-linked troll farm — tried to hijack the 2016 election and swing the vote in favor of Donald Trump".

Russia worked hard to recruit social media users to campaign for Trump

"We already knew that the Internet Research Agency (IRA), which is essentially a farm of bots and trolls, exposed 126 million Americans on Facebook to Russian-backed propaganda during the 2016 US presidential election. But today's release of the redacted Mueller report has shed light on new details, including the great lengths the IRA went to in using social media to provoke social discord in the US. The report from Special Counsel Robert Mueller, titled "The Investigation Into Russian Interference In The 2016 Presidential Election," highlights how the IRA created thousands of accounts on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube and Tumblr to create posts in "support for the Trump Campaign and opposition to candidate [Hillary] Clinton".

The Mueller Report Shows Just How Much Russia Trolled Americans in Real Life, Too

Through email leaks and propaganda, Russians sought to elect Trump, Mueller finds

"In what will stand as among the most definitive public accounts of the Kremlin’s attack on the American political system, the report of special counsel Robert S. Mueller III’s investigation laid out in precise, chronological detail how “the Russian government interfered in the 2016 presidential election in sweeping and systematic fashion.” "

Nadler sees Hope Hicks transcript as a tool to challenge Trump "

A crazy man with his finger on the BOOM button. This is how close we came to war.

White House blocks Conway from House oversight hearing

'WASHINGTON (AP) — The White House said Monday it will not allow presidential counselor Kellyanne Conway to appear before a House committee looking into allegations that she repeatedly violated a federal law that limits political activity by government workers'.

Iran says talks with US impossible; US says it wants talks

"UNITED NATIONS (AP) — Iran's U.N. ambassador warned Monday that the situation in the Persian Gulf is "very dangerous" and called talks with the U.S. impossible in the face of escalating sanctions and intimidation, while the U.S. envoy said the Trump administration's aim is to get Tehran back to negotiations".

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Wed 06/26/19 12:01 AM
Edited by Charles1962150 on Wed 06/26/19 12:55 AM
Mueller to Testify on Russia Probe Before Congress

"Special Counsel Robert Mueller has agreed to testify before Congress on July 17 on his investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election, the House Judiciary Committee and House Intelligence Committee announced Tuesday night".

18 U.S.C. § 1503 defines "obstruction of justice" as an act that "corruptly or by threats or force, or by any threatening letter or communication, influences, obstructs, or impedes, or endeavors to influence, obstruct, or impede, the due administration of justice." - Cornell Law School, Legal Information Institute

You may notice that "endeavors to" part: Trump endeavored to obstruct when he ordered WH aides, doesn't matter if they carried it out, and promulgated a public campaign of misinformation to cover his tracks. Trump took direct involvement, like editing/drafting press statements he knew were false, and it's clear his intent was to obstruct, regardless of the underlying reason(s).

"On several occasions, the President directed aides not to publicly disclose the emails setting up the June 9 meeting,” according to Mueller’s report. Before the emails became public, Trump personally “edited a press statement” for Donald Trump Jr., who attended the meeting, promulgating a cover story that the meeting was about Russian adoptions. It was Trump himself who deleted a line in the press statement that acknowledged the meeting was with an individual who his son was told: “might have information helpful to the campaign."

The Mueller Report - Volume II for Dummies
((( A ))) ------Mueller did find evidence Trump had obstructed justice in 10 areas--------

Pages 15 - 156

1. The Campaign's Response to Reports About Russian Support for Trump (15 - 23)
2. The Presidents Conduct Concerning the Investigation of Michael Flynn (24 - 48)
3. The President's Reaction to Public Confirmation of the FBI's Russia Investigation (48 - 61)
4. Events Up to and Surrounding the Termination of FBI Director Comey (61 - 77)
5. The President Efforts to Remove the Special Counsel (77 - 90)
6. The President's Efforts to Curtail the Special Counsel Investigation (90 - 98)
7. The President's Efforts to Prevent Disclosure of Emails About the 6/9/16 Meeting Between Russians and Senior Campaign Officials (98 - 107)
8. The President's Further Efforts to Have the Attorney General Take Over the Investigation (107 - 120)
9. The President's Conduct Towards Manafort, Flynn, [READACTED] (120 - 133)
10. The President's Conduct Involving Michael Cohen (134 - 156)

page 157

"Our investigation found multiple acts by the President that was capable of exerting undue influence over law enforcement investigations, including the Russian-interference and obstruction investigations.

The incidents were often carried out through one-on-one meetings in which the President sought to use his official power outside of usual channels. These actions ranged from efforts to remove the Special Counsel and to reverse the effect of the Attorney General' s recusal; to the attempted use of official power to limit the scope of the investigation; to direct and indirect contacts with witnesses with the potential to influence their testimony."

Page 8 Paragraph 3 & Page 182, paragraph 1 (CONCLUSION)

" If we had confidence after a thorough investigation of the facts that the President clearly did not commit obstruction of justice, we would so state. Based on the facts and the applicable legal standards, we are unable to reach that judgment. Accordingly, while this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him."

((( B )))-----Mueller did not indict Trump because of DOJ policy of not indict a president and said accusing Trump of committing a crime would place burdens on his ability to carry out his Constitutional duties.------

Page 1, Paragraph 4:

"We first describe the considerations that guided our obstruction-of-justice investigation...:

The Office of Legal Counsel (OLC) has issued an opinion finding that "the indictment or criminal prosecution of a sitting President would impermissibly undermine the capacity of the executive branch to perform its constitutionally assigned functions " in violation of "the constitutional separation of powers." ... this Office accepted OLC ' s legal conclusion for the purpose of exercising prosecutorial jurisdiction.

And....we recognized that a federal criminal accusation against a sitting President would place burdens on the President's capacity to govern and potentially preempt constitutional processes for addressing presidential misconduct. "

Volume II, Page 15, Paragraph 2

"Consistent with our jurisdiction to investigate federal obstruction crimes, we gathered evidence that is relevant to the elements of those crimes and analyzed them...while refraining from reaching ultimate conclusions about whether crimes were committed,..."

((( C )))----Mueller said Congress should apply the laws to his findings because no one is above the law.----------------

Page 8, Paragraph 2

"....we concluded that in the rare case in which a criminal investigation of the President' s conduct is justified, inquiries to determine whether the President acted for a corrupt motive should not impermissibly chill his performance of his constitutionally assigned duties. The conclusion that Congress may apply the obstruction laws to the President's corrupt exercise of the powers of office accords with our constitutional system of checks and balances and the principle that no person is above the law."

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Tue 06/25/19 11:53 PM
Edited by Charles1962150 on Tue 06/25/19 11:57 PM

The unsanitary condition's at the boarder are being caused by massive amounts of people crossing the boarder illegally. Like trying to treat 10,000 people in a hospital designed for 1,000 people. and it's the democrat's who have refused to fund making things better, still.

Over all, by allowing near 100,000 people a month to cross the boarder and refusing to fund better facilities the democrat's are completely responsible for the crisis that now exists. They've known this would happen just to blame the President. The democrat's have engineered this disaster for political purposes.

If this was true, Why didn't the Republicans do something about it while they were in charge for two years? Republican dictator wannabe. House and Senate. More of that, Blame the Democrats without a leg to stand on. When the Republicans are just as much if not more at fault.

Why didn’t Trump push for wall funding when the Republican party was in control?

"Sometimes it seems that the Democrats forget to bring up simple facts in the debate over Trump’s government shutdown. The question the Democrats should be asking is if President Trump really thinks this funding is so critical, why didn’t he push for his glorious wall when the Republicans controlled the Senate, Congress and the executive branches of government? Could it be that he feared that he would not get support from his own party and have no one to blame? The Democrats need to be repeatedly asking, “Why is the wall so crucial now, but it wasn’t so urgent last year or the year before?

Border wall fight didn't really start until after GOP lost House

"While President Donald Trump has repeatedly made clear his desire to build hundreds of miles of wall along the Mexican border since early in his campaign for President, the GOP Congress never really came close to approving billions of dollars for the wall, though there were certainly opportunities for Republicans at several points to win as much as $25 billion for the border while the GOP was in charge of Congress in 2017 and 2018 – but those efforts failed as most GOP lawmakers backed away from possible bipartisan immigration compromises".

Why GOP-run Congress didn’t fund Trump’s wall

"What happened to President Trump’s wall in this week’s bipartisan budget deal is a good way to look at the new political dynamic in Washington.

For it is a new dynamic. Up to this point – the cabinet confirmations, the Supreme Court justice, the regulatory rollbacks – all could be done with a GOP majority in Congress and a Republican in the White House".

Trump’s manufactured border “crisis” scares Republican voters — but not lawmakers

"For months leading up to the midterm elections, President Donald Trump crisscrossed the country warning Americans about the urgent crisis at the border: A migrant caravan was about to “invade,” he said.

At the time, polls showed Republicans responding to the “crisis” viscerally. Undocumented immigrants crossing the border topped the list of issues angering Republican voters, according to a survey conducted by Reuters and Ipsos. A Republican-led Congress had yet to fund Trump’s wall. By November, 37 percent of Republicans cited immigration as the country’s top problem, according to Gallup — up 17 points from October.

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Tue 06/25/19 11:17 PM
How can the U.S. avoid war with Iran?

"Over the past two weeks, long-simmering tensions between Iran and the United States have nearly boiled over. The two nations had been engaged in back-and-forth tough talk and subtle adversarial moves for months. Then, seemingly all of a sudden, each day the news was filled with stories of escalation by one side or the other that brought the countries to the edge of military conflict".

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Tue 06/25/19 03:30 PM
Edited by Charles1962150 on Tue 06/25/19 03:36 PM

The LACK OF EVIDENCE about the Trump Russian Collusion proves that it was the Democrats and their followers who were spreading the propaganda..

Did Mueller really find ‘no evidence’ of Trump-Russia collusion?

"To assert “no evidence,” however, is another matter altogether. Jeffrey Toobin, CNN’s ubiquitous chief legal analyst, tells the Erik Wemple Blog: “One thing we know with certainty is that Mueller is not bringing a criminal case based on the collusion set of issues.” Toobin was addressing none of the journalism of recent days — merely the legal issues at hand. “But that doesn’t mean there’s no evidence of collusion. It only means there’s not a prosecutable case. There’s a world of difference between ‘no evidence’ and not enough evidence to bring an actual case,” Toobin says".

In other words, no one ever said there was no evidence. If you would read before you post the absolute crap, half-truths, and whole lies, People might take you a little more serious and stop ignoring you most of the time.

If you would actually try and catch up with the rest of us, you would know we are way past this. We are watching the Democrats slowly make an obstruction case.

I'm going to go ahead and say it. If they wish to delete this paragraph, I guess they can. This isn't an attack on you. It's just the truth. But part of the reason people keep complaining about you is that you refuse to talk about the subject matter. We are over here talking about an obstruction case. While you are way off over there still blathering about God knows what. Either that or popping off at someone. And you actually think that people are going to pay attention to what you post. You're just a wolf howling into the wind. And you've brought it on yourself.

Alright, done with this. moving on. Back on topic.

The Obstruction Case Against Trump that Barr Tried to Hide

"For nearly a month, the American public has been under the impression, thanks to a four-page "summary" by Attorney General William Barr, that Robert Mueller could not decide whether President Donald Trump had obstructed justice because of “difficult questions of law and fact,” Barr suggested that the special counsel, after 22 months of investigation, simply couldn’t make up his mind and left it to his boss to decide.

FBI opened obstruction case against Trump before Mueller was appointed, court files show

"A newly unsealed court document reveals the FBI opened an obstruction of justice case against President Trump before Special Counsel Robert Mueller was appointed to investigate Russia’s interference in the 2016 election".

Here are the 11 instances of potential obstruction of justice by Trump outlined in the Mueller report

"In a press conference Thursday morning, Attorney General William Barr told reporters that the final report in the special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation included 10 instances in which President Donald Trump might have obstructed justice in the Russia investigation". "

Ex-DOJ prosecutors: Trump would have been charged with obstruction if he weren't president

Trump's subpoena stonewall is his most dangerous outrage yet. Why even have a Congress?

A Constitutional Showdown Between the White House and Congress Just Got Closer

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Tue 06/25/19 02:40 PM
Edited by Charles1962150 on Tue 06/25/19 02:46 PM

You seriously post something from Maddow? That is the same as someone posting from Hannity or Rusch!! All very biased sources for anything!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I've said this before, and I will say it again. Bias doesn't even come into play with me. What does, is it the truth? Did it really happen? If I can prove that what was said, no matter the bias if I can prove its truth. It really did happen, that's what matters. All these crazy conspiracy theories are blown out of the water by the truth. No matter the bias.

President threatens Iran with 'obliteration' as Melania announces new White House press secretary

"Donald Trump has threatened Iran with “obliteration” if the country launches any attack on US forces.

“Iran’s very ignorant and insulting statement, put out today, only shows that they do not understand reality”, Mr Trump tweeted Tuesday morning.

His comments came after Iranian president Hassan Rouhani hit out at the “hard-hitting” sanctions ​introduced by the Donald Trump administration on Monday against the country’s supreme leader Ali Khamenei, calling the action “mentally retarded” in a live TV address".

Donald Trump threatens 'overwhelming force' against Iran if it attacks 'anything American'

"WASHINGTON – President Donald Trump threatened Tuesday to use "overwhelming force" against Iran if it attacks U.S. assets or personnel.

"Any attack by Iran on anything American will be met with great and overwhelming force. In some areas, overwhelming will mean obliteration," Trump wrote on Twitter".

This man child never seems to know when to back off and shut up. If there ever was one that has constant diarrhea of the mouth, it's Trump. He just keeps poking the bear. These people, besides the fact they also have the power to “obliterate" us just as bad or worse. These people are not past the idea of germ warfare.

These people are connected to others that will do the job for them. I wouldn't put it past them to ask some neighboring country to send someone infected with only God knows what over here. Someone who is willing to spread some deadly disease all over New York City before they die themselves.

Something that can make this fake Ebola scare look like childs play. Something that can kill millions in just a few hours. This is the kind of people Trump keeps trying to fu%$ with. He is so stupid that he thinks they will retaliate only by forces on the ground or just firepower? This idiot better wake up. These people, if he keeps squeezing them, he's going to back them into a corner. And when he does, when he finally pokes the bear for the last time, It has the potential to get really ugly. Not just for them.

But also for people here stateside. They will find a way to get someone or many in here. Then, we are going to have something a whole lot bigger to worry about than the Southern Border crossings. Fu%^*NG around with a country that has the capability for germ warfare, that's just crazy.

2016. But still relevant.

Don't Let Iran Off The Hook For Chemical/Biological Weapons

"The Trump administration will need to be on its toes to enforce the 2015 Iran nuclear agreement—and stop the Islamic Republic’s developing chemical and biological weapons programs".

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Tue 06/25/19 02:41 AM

If you read the Mueller report the IRA is a Russian organization that comes onto forums and post political commentary designed to mislead.

Exposing Russia’s Effort to Sow Discord Online: The Internet Research Agency and Advertisements

"On February 16, 2018, Special Counsel Robert S. Mueller III indicted 13 Russian individuals and three Russian organizations for engaging in operations to interfere with U.S. political and electoral processes, including the 2016 presidential election. This was a significant step forward in exposing a surreptitious social media campaign and holding accountable those responsible for this attack. The indictment spells out in exhaustive detail the breadth and systematic nature of this conspiracy, dating back to 2014, as well as the multiple ways in which Russian actors misused online platforms to carry out their clandestine operations.

Throughout the indictment, Mueller lays out important facts about the activities of the Internet Research Agency (IRA)—the notorious Russian “troll” farm—and its operatives".

Here’s Everything The Mueller Report Says About How Russian Trolls Used Social Media

"Special counsel Robert Mueller’s report on Russian interference in the 2016 election and the Trump campaign provides one of the most detailed looks at how Russia’s Internet Research Agency — the infamous Kremlin-linked troll farm — tried to hijack the 2016 election and swing the vote in favor of Donald Trump".

Russia worked hard to recruit social media users to campaign for Trump

"We already knew that the Internet Research Agency (IRA), which is essentially a farm of bots and trolls, exposed 126 million Americans on Facebook to Russian-backed propaganda during the 2016 US presidential election. But today's release of the redacted Mueller report has shed light on new details, including the great lengths the IRA went to in using social media to provoke social discord in the US. The report from Special Counsel Robert Mueller, titled "The Investigation Into Russian Interference In The 2016 Presidential Election," highlights how the IRA created thousands of accounts on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube and Tumblr to create posts in "support for the Trump Campaign and opposition to candidate [Hillary] Clinton".

The Mueller Report Shows Just How Much Russia Trolled Americans in Real Life, Too

Through email leaks and propaganda, Russians sought to elect Trump, Mueller finds

"In what will stand as among the most definitive public accounts of the Kremlin’s attack on the American political system, the report of special counsel Robert S. Mueller III’s investigation laid out in precise, chronological detail how “the Russian government interfered in the 2016 presidential election in sweeping and systematic fashion.” "

Nadler sees Hope Hicks transcript as a tool to challenge Trump "

A crazy man with his finger on the BOOM button. This is how close we came to war.

White House blocks Conway from House oversight hearing

'WASHINGTON (AP) — The White House said Monday it will not allow presidential counselor Kellyanne Conway to appear before a House committee looking into allegations that she repeatedly violated a federal law that limits political activity by government workers'.

Iran says talks with US impossible; US says it wants talks

"UNITED NATIONS (AP) — Iran's U.N. ambassador warned Monday that the situation in the Persian Gulf is "very dangerous" and called talks with the U.S. impossible in the face of escalating sanctions and intimidation, while the U.S. envoy said the Trump administration's aim is to get Tehran back to negotiations".

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Mon 06/24/19 08:43 PM
AP Analysis: Trump moves show him to be an unreliable partner

"WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump’s abrupt decision against military strikes may have prevented open military conflict with Iran, but it also showed him anew to be an unpredictable, unreliable, partner at home and abroad".

I'm Very HAPPY he had a thoughtful, reflective moment when he was advised there would be at least 150 casualties. And that's certainly not counting a War. I never had a reason to thank Trump for anything, BUT THANKS for not getting us involved in a useless war we don't need. But stop poking Iran with a sharp stick too. I think they are being railroaded. It's not Ayatollah Khomeini there anymore. And the US should have never supported, then shielded the Shah of Iran, who probably killed 100's of thousands of people. The US needs to get out of the Middle East. Let's stay home, be peaceful, and enjoy what we have. Defend our Allies, of course, and not alienate them.

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