Community > Posts By > Charles1962150

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Tue 07/09/19 07:35 PM
Judge blocks DOJ motion to withdraw legal team on census case

"The federal judge overseeing the census case in the Southern District of New York has blocked the government's motion to withdraw its team of lawyers who had been working on the case previously".

Lying to federal judges have consequences. But go ahead, Donald. Issue that executive order. Let’s find out where exactly Chief Justice Roberts patience ends with you!

The supreme court has already ruled. Barr's real argument is "we didn't get our way". That's why the DOJ didn't provide any real justification for it. When you appeal a decision back up to the supreme court that has already failed your argument should be stronger the next time around. Crocodile tears isn't a legal argument Barr.

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Tue 07/09/19 06:49 PM
Judge's order on government lawyer shake-up adds hurdle for Trump in U.S. Census dispute

"WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A judge in New York on Tuesday denied the U.S. Department of Justice’s request to shake up the legal team that was handling cases on the 2020 Census, adding another hurdle to the Trump administration’s bid to put a contentious citizenship question on the survey".

Chuck Schumer Slams Trump's Fox News Attack: 'Dictators' Do That

"Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) rebuked President Donald Trump on Tuesday for his recent attack on Fox News ― a network that has generally treated him with favorable and sometimes fawning coverage ― comparing the commander-in-chief to a dictator".

Pelosi Applauds U.S. Women's Soccer Team For 'Patriotism,' Invites Players To Capitol

"House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) congratulated the U.S. Women’s National Team for their “inspiring” victory over the Netherlands in the Women’s World Cup on Sunday.

“Congrats to @uswnt for winning w/ strength, unity & patriotism,” Pelosi tweeted after the team secured their fourth World Cup title. “By popular, bipartisan demand & with @USRepKCastor &@RepLaHood, co-chairs of Soccer Caucus, I’m pleased to invite the players to the US Capitol as a team or individually to celebrate your inspiring victory".

Trump dossier author Steele gets 16-hour DOJ grilling

"Christopher Steele, the former British spy behind the infamous “dossier” on President Donald Trump’s ties to Russia, was interviewed for 16 hours in June by the Justice Department’s internal watchdog, according to two people familiar with the matter"?


"Fox News chief political anchor Bret Baier commented on Robert Mueller's first public remarks since the conclusion of his investigation, pointing out that the special counsel clearly demonstrated that President Donald Trump's insistence that the report showed "no collusion" and "no obstruction" was inaccurate".

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Tue 07/09/19 05:52 PM
Edited by Charles1962150 on Tue 07/09/19 06:11 PM

I think most English people don't do 'hate' it is such a waste of energy and achieves nothing. Personally I find your POTUS to be greatly amusing, I continually laugh at what he says and does. laugh

Yep, while the majority of our country feels embarrassment. I don't believe we've ever had a president so laughed at, as Trump is. There is no hate here. Just the truth. The truth that Trump and what's left of his supporters just can't handle. The English, they see Trump for what he really is. Canada, they see Trump for what he really is.

Russia and China & NK, they see him for what he really is. Except they laugh at him. Then we have to read about in the news. While Trump just keeps on going. Ignorant to what's real. He is "inept". Any president that would even remotely consider starting WW3 over an unmanned drone, poking the bear with the wrong people, Iran, about the only country who isn't one bit afraid to go into a battle using chemicals or germ warfare, that's about as "inept" as you can get. Stupid, ignorant, moronic, idiot, you name it. All names fit.

And that not counting the other crazy shyt he's done. I've said this before, for every one thing that he does that seems OK, he will do something stupid. And usually so stupid, It cancels out any "good" thing he might have done. And that's not even counting the fact he's a crook that deserves to be in jail. Especially after what he pulled on the 4th of July. He pitches this big party on the taxpayer dime. But refuses to tell how much it costs us.

And his supporters, they just accept it without question. But want to get upset with those of us who do want to know. They get upset with those of us who call it what it is. They wish to say we "hate". It has nothing to do with hate When it's stealing from the tax payers. The taxpayer that has a right to know where millions of taxpayers dollars are squandered by Trump.

As I said in another post. I'm sure the ambassador is glad to not have to deal with Trump.

'A pompous fool': Trump trashes U.K. ambassador who disparaged his administration

"A day after declaring the United States would “no longer deal with” the British ambassador who disparaged his administration, President Trump lobbed several personal insults at him on Twitter.

“The wacky Ambassador that the U.K. foisted upon the United States is not someone we are thrilled with, a very stupid guy,” Trump tweeted early Tuesday. “He should speak to his country, and Prime Minister May, about their failed Brexit negotiation, and not be upset with my criticism of how badly it was handled".

Trump brands UK ambassador 'very stupid guy' as Theresa May gives Darroch 'full support'

"Donald Trump today branded British ambassador Sir Kim Darroch ‘wacky’ and a ‘very stupid guy’ as the fallout from his leaked comments on the US administration continued.

The US president’s latest trademark Twitter rant came as Theresa May pledged her ‘full support’ to Sir Kim, who enraged the US president by describing his administration as "inept" in leaked advice".

Trump Spins Environmental Record In White House Speech

"President Donald Trump downplayed his assault on environmental protections and touted a short list of accomplishments Monday, in a bid to recast his record of deregulating polluters and aggravating the climate crisis ahead of next year’s election".

Trump's July Fourth celebration cost military at least $1.2 million - Pentagon

"WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Pentagon said on Tuesday that President Donald Trump’s celebration of U.S. Independence Day, which included bringing tanks and equipment to Washington, cost the military at least $1.2 million".

This figure is just the military, there is much more cost to come. Estimated 92 million.

Bend over, spread your cheeks and say, THANK YOU MR. TRUMP!! You don't even have to use any grease!! I wish it was just his supporters that had to take the hit for this.

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Tue 07/09/19 02:25 PM

I think most English people don't do 'hate' it is such a waste of energy and achieves nothing. Personally I find your POTUS to be greatly amusing, I continually laugh at what he says and does. laugh

Yep, while the majority of our country feels embarrassment. I don't believe we've ever had a president so laughed at, as Trump is. There is no hate here. Just the truth. The truth that Trump and what's left of his supporters just can't handle. The English, they see Trump for what he really is. Canada, they see Trump for what he really is.

Russia and China & NK, they see him for what he really is. Except they laugh at him. Then we have to read about in the news. While Trump just keeps on going. Ignorant to what's real. He is "inept". Any president that would even remotely consider starting WW3 over an unmanned drone, poking the bear with the wrong people, Iran, about the only country who isn't one bit afraid to go into a battle using chemicals or germ warfare, that's about as "inept" as you can get. Stupid, ignorant, moronic, idiot, you name it. All names fit.

And that not counting the other crazy shyt he's done. I've said this before, for every one thing that he does that seems OK, he will do something stupid. And usually so stupid, It cancels out any "good" thing he might have done. And that's not even counting the fact he's a crook that deserves to be in jail. Especially after what he pulled on the 4th of July. He pitches this big party on the taxpayer dime. But refuses to tell how much it costs us.

And his supporters, they just accept it without question. But want to get upset with those of us who do want to know. They get upset with those of us who call it what it is. They wish to say we "hate". It has nothing to do with hate When it's stealing from the tax payers. The taxpayer that has a right to know where millions of taxpayers dollars are squandered by Trump.

As I said in another post. I'm sure the ambassador is glad to not have to deal with Trump.

'A pompous fool': Trump trashes U.K. ambassador who disparaged his administration

"A day after declaring the United States would “no longer deal with” the British ambassador who disparaged his administration, President Trump lobbed several personal insults at him on Twitter.

“The wacky Ambassador that the U.K. foisted upon the United States is not someone we are thrilled with, a very stupid guy,” Trump tweeted early Tuesday. “He should speak to his country, and Prime Minister May, about their failed Brexit negotiation, and not be upset with my criticism of how badly it was handled".

Trump brands UK ambassador 'very stupid guy' as Theresa May gives Darroch 'full support'

"Donald Trump today branded British ambassador Sir Kim Darroch ‘wacky’ and a ‘very stupid guy’ as the fallout from his leaked comments on the US administration continued.

The US president’s latest trademark Twitter rant came as Theresa May pledged her ‘full support’ to Sir Kim, who enraged the US president by describing his administration as "inept" in leaked advice".

Trump Spins Environmental Record In White House Speech

"President Donald Trump downplayed his assault on environmental protections and touted a short list of accomplishments Monday, in a bid to recast his record of deregulating polluters and aggravating the climate crisis ahead of next year’s election".

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Tue 07/09/19 12:19 AM
First Democratic candidate drops from White House race

"Washington (AFP) - Congressman Eric Swalwell became the first candidate to drop out of the Democratic Party race for the White House Monday, as debates and fundraising drive a narrowing of voter focus on the sprawling field.

The 38-year-old California representative never garnered more than one percent support in polls, according to Real Clear Politics -- though he got a slight boost in the June 26-27 party debates when he suggested that frontrunner Joe Biden, the 76-year-old former vice president, "pass the torch" to a younger generation".

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Tue 07/09/19 12:02 AM
Trump takes parting Brexit shot at Theresa May, says he won't 'deal' with U.K. ambassador

"President Trump lashed out Monday at British Prime Minister Theresa May and the U.K. ambassador who described the administration, in diplomatic cables leaked to the press, as “dysfunctional” and “inept.” Trump said the U.S. would no longer “deal with” the ambassador from America’s closest European ally".

The British have always been our #1 ally. But even they don't want to have much to do with Trump. Maybe they see what more and more Americans are seeing. A crooked, corrupt administration. Something tells me, Kim Darroch, the British ambassador to the United States, is happy not to deal with Trump.

On Sunday night, Mick Jagger paused his band’s show at Massachusetts’ Gillette Stadium to take in the perfect New England summer evening. He said he hoped everyone had a great July 4th weekend — and added that the Fourth had always been a “touchy holiday for us Brits.” “In fact, the President made a very good point in his speech the other night,” Jagger deadpanned. “He said, ‘If only the British had held on to the airports, the whole thing might have gone differently for us.’” --Rolling Stone, July 8, 2019

The Rolling Stones Let It Loose, Troll Trump at Massachusetts Gig

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Mon 07/08/19 11:49 PM
Well, here we go again. More Trump obstruction. Former White House lawyer Annie Donaldson repeatedly told the House of Representatives Judiciary Committee that the White House had directed her not to answer questions about various incidents described in Mueller's 488-page report.

The White House is now obstructing the investigation into the obstruction of the Mueller investigation. Trump is creating more and more layers of swamp.

So if there is nothing to hide, why is the White House ordering people to refuse to answer questions? This transparent administration isn't so transparent after all. Never has been.

White House directs former aide not to answer over 200 questions in congressional probe

"WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump's White House prevented a former aide from answering more than 200 questions posed by Democrats in Congress who are investigating whether Trump interfered with Special Counsel Robert Mueller's Russia probe, according to a transcript released on Monday".

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Mon 07/08/19 09:21 PM

Trump Rages At Fox News, Says It's Now Worse Than 'Fake News CNN'

"President Donald Trump lit into his once-favorite network on Sunday, saying Fox News is now even “worse” than his longtime bête noire, CNN.

Trump also said the network “forgot the people who got them there.”

He tweeted".

No, I think it's a little more "common sense" than that. Whether they wish to completely admit, FOX has to see what the biggest part of the USA sees. His Corruption and misuse of power. Amongst other things. Like trying to start WW3 with Iran over an unmanned drone being shot down.


Commentary: 10 worst things Trump has done

"In his first year in office, President Donald Trump has done many positive things – from enforcing Barack Obama’s red line in Syria to recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, withdrawing from the Paris climate agreement, driving the Islamic State from its physical caliphate, getting NATO allies to kick in more money for our collective security, reversing Obama’s Afghan withdrawal, enacting historic tax and regulatory reforms, and installing conservative judges who will preside for decades.

But his record of conservative achievement has been overshadowed by a series of self-inflicted wounds. On Wednesday, I gave my list of the 10 best things Trump has done in his first year in office. Here are the 10 worst".

Daily Republic. media bias landing page.

These media sources are slightly to moderately conservative in bias. They often publish factual information that utilizes loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes) to favor conservative causes. These sources are generally trustworthy for information, but may require further investigation.

Charles, will you put the same bias disclaimer with the sources you use?? Seems only fair that your readers are aware of the biased sources you post!!

Why? People see what I use. They can do the research just as well as I can. They can take the same sources I use to check and see just how close to the truth most anything is. I give people real sources. Not some made up bullshyt that some Joe Blow posted on youtube. As far as my personal comments may be, that's up to the reader.

I don't try to shove what I think down anyone's throat. If whoever doesn't like It, I don't care. It's my personal thought. It's up to the reader to decide how they feel about my thoughts and how far they want to take them. It's up to the reader to follow through and try to find how much truth is in what I posted. Not do like your typical Trump supporter and take it on blind faith. I've said this in my threads before. If you don't agree, you're more than welcome to post what you find.

As long as it's not some far-right crazy azz bullshyt that no one can believe. As long as you don't lean so far to the right that you need a pole in the ground to prop up on to keep you from falling over. As long as you don't outright just lie, I've got no problem. Even though I know I'm off topic. I'll say this if most who post to this thread was like you and Ms. H when she is around, this thread would be a whole lot more interesting.

People who post far right lies and bullshyt, they are not helping the Republican Party one bit. If anything, they make the Republican party as a whole look like a party of crazy, illogical people. So far, to the general public, the party looks like people who just want to argue, fight and some even try to kill just because others see things differently. All this has hurt the Republican party. Look at the Republican-controlled Senate. They sit back on there thumbs and let Trump do as he pleases. This doesn't help the Republican party either.

This thread is headed towards 30 thousand views. I hope people have gotten what they are looking for in this thread. There has been a well of knowledge posted here.

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Mon 07/08/19 02:45 PM
Edited by Charles1962150 on Mon 07/08/19 02:47 PM

Trump Rages At Fox News, Says It's Now Worse Than 'Fake News CNN'

"President Donald Trump lit into his once-favorite network on Sunday, saying Fox News is now even “worse” than his longtime bête noire, CNN.

Trump also said the network “forgot the people who got them there.”

He tweeted".

No, I think it's a little more "common sense" than that. Whether they wish to completely admit, FOX has to see what the biggest part of the USA sees. His Corruption and misuse of power. Amongst other things. Like trying to start WW3 with Iran over an unmanned drone being shot down.


Commentary: 10 worst things Trump has done

"In his first year in office, President Donald Trump has done many positive things – from enforcing Barack Obama’s red line in Syria to recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, withdrawing from the Paris climate agreement, driving the Islamic State from its physical caliphate, getting NATO allies to kick in more money for our collective security, reversing Obama’s Afghan withdrawal, enacting historic tax and regulatory reforms, and installing conservative judges who will preside for decades.

But his record of conservative achievement has been overshadowed by a series of self-inflicted wounds. On Wednesday, I gave my list of the 10 best things Trump has done in his first year in office. Here are the 10 worst".

Daily Republic. media bias landing page.

These media sources are slightly to moderately conservative in bias. They often publish factual information that utilizes loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes) to favor conservative causes. These sources are generally trustworthy for information, but may require further investigation.

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Mon 07/08/19 02:36 PM
Edited by Charles1962150 on Mon 07/08/19 02:38 PM

During the Presidents inauguration speech the national media made a strong attempt to say not may people showed up. This was proven incorrect.Now the national media tried trashing the President concerning the July 4th celebration. For days they claimed few would show up.

Well guess what? So many showed up there was no space available from the Lincoln Memorial back to and including the Washington Monument. they claimed he would politicize his speech which he did not. Evven some of the media reporters are admitting his speech was about those who gave their lives for our nation.

The national media continues to discredit themselves and they don't seem to care that the country realize they are lying. Much of what they say is slanted to a one world government and financial system. They hate national patriotism.

The 4 July celebrations allegedly included 'our latest tanks' - something no previous POTUS has ever done. Apparently they were WW2 tanks that were decommissioned in 1957. Russians must think the USA is a big joke. The whole thing seemed to be nothing more than an attempt at proving how wonderful he is in the hope he will get elected for a second term. Obviously he was careful not to say outright how wonderful he is, he said all the right things to get the people voting for him. Although he has apparently also said that he will not recognise a Democrat victory. He will say they got in by unfair or illegal means. He still won't accept that more people voted for the Dems at the last election. I think the next election will be some of the most interesting TV to be seen when it comes. I can't wait!

If you go back through history, every 4th July, no matter the president at the time, it always draws a huge crowd. It always has. People come to see the fireworks. No matter the president. So, no matter who says "Trump drew a huge crowd this 4th July, It's nothing to brag on. It is a huge thing in Washington. And it always has been. No matter the president.

When you get right down to it, it was nothing but a thinly veiled Trump rally. Most were invited, guests. The huge crowd is a given. Trump had nothing to do with the crowd. Even though Trump and his supporters wish to believe it was all Trump. That's just not historically true.

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Mon 07/08/19 02:17 PM

"Commentary: 10 worst things Trump has done" Sorry Charles but some of those 10 items I do not view as bad or wrong. Guess it depends on your perspective of life!!

It depends on the reader. It also came from someone a little further to right. But not leaning so far to the right that they fall over and can't be believed.

New York clears the way for the release of Trump's state tax returns

"NEW YORK (Reuters) - New York state on Monday cleared the way for Democrats in the U.S. Congress to obtain President Donald Trump’s state tax returns, raising the possibility of fresh avenues of inquiry for lawmakers investigating his finances".

Crowd Chants “F*** Trump!” After U.S. Women’s World Cup Victory On Fox News Broadcast

"History was made today when the U.S. Women’s Soccer team won against the Netherlands, marking its second World Cup title in a row and their fourth total. Many Americans celebrated the win in a sports bar in Lyon, France and it was covered on Fox News by Greg Palkot. As he talked about the win, the crowd started chanting “F*** Trump!” during the live broadcast".

Sex trafficking charges against Epstein could rock Trump's Cabinet

"Former hedge fund manager Jeffrey Epstein was arrested Saturday on a complaint by the Public Corruption Unit of the Southern District of New York, with an assist from the FBI’s sex trafficking division. The 66-year-old pleaded not guilty Monday to charges he sexually abused and exploited dozens of minor girls between 2002 and 2005, as part of an investigation with consequences that could reach the White House".

Trump's swamp keeps getting bigger and stinkier.

Why the Trump White House Is Caught Up in the Jeffrey Epstein Scandal

"In the years since Mr. Epstein was first accused of sexually abusing minors, one of Mr. Trump’s Cabinet officials has been accused of letting him off easy".

Trump appears to revoke invite to White House for US women’s team after World Cup win

"After the World Cup triumph by the U.S. women's national team, President Donald Trump appeared to backtrack on a promise he made last month to invite the squad to the White House regardless of Sunday's outcome.

"We haven't really thought about it," Mr Trump said, according to Voice of America, after the 2-0 US win over the Netherlands in the final. "We'll look at that."

In June, Mr Trump had tweeted: "We haven't yet invited Megan [Rapinoe] or the team, but I am now inviting the TEAM, win or lose."

Mr Trump made that comment while castigating Ms Rapinoe, a USWNT co-captain who went on to be named the most valuable player of the World Cup.

"I'm not going to the f------ White House," Ms Rapinoe had said, in comments that went viral".

Some more of that lying for no reason.

Trump shares fake Ronald Reagan quote suggesting Reagan predicted Trump's election — in 1987

"President Trump on Monday shared on Twitter a post that claimed President Ronald Reagan predicted in 1987 that Trump would someday be president. The post included a real photo of Trump and Reagan shaking hands, but the quote appears to be false. "

GOP scoffs at a law allowing the release of Trump's state taxes

"ALBANY, N.Y. (AP) — President Donald Trump's New York tax returns could be given to Congress under a new law in his home state that was signed Monday by the Democratic governor and dismissed by Republicans as a partisan game that wouldn't stand up in court".

Border Patrol agents disciplined over offensive Facebook posts

"The Department of Homeland Security has disciplined federal agents who posted offensive and sexually degrading content about Central American migrants and Democratic lawmakers on social media, acting Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kevin McAleenan told ABC's "This Week".

One of the first things I was taught before I became a policeman was "PROFESSIONALISM" These men, some are X city policemen. Most are X military that should know what "PROFESSIONAL" means. You are supposed to carry yourself in a certain manner.

You're not supposed to act like you are some backward, backwoods militia. You're supposed to carry yourself in a respectful manner at all times. To yourself, the job and the people you are there for. No matter if it is on your free time. A policeman is a policeman 24 hrs a day 7 days a week. 365 days a year. They all deserve losing their jobs for this. The border patrol is officers of the law. Just as much as anyone else with a badge. The same is expected of all officers of the law.

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Sun 07/07/19 11:59 PM
Trump Rages At Fox News, Says It's Now Worse Than 'Fake News CNN'

"President Donald Trump lit into his once-favorite network on Sunday, saying Fox News is now even “worse” than his longtime bête noire, CNN.

Trump also said the network “forgot the people who got them there.”

He tweeted".

No, I think it's a little more "common sense" than that. Whether they wish to completely admit, FOX has to see what the biggest part of the USA sees. His Corruption and misuse of power. Amongst other things. Like trying to start WW3 with Iran over an unmanned drone being shot down.


Commentary: 10 worst things Trump has done

"In his first year in office, President Donald Trump has done many positive things – from enforcing Barack Obama’s red line in Syria to recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, withdrawing from the Paris climate agreement, driving the Islamic State from its physical caliphate, getting NATO allies to kick in more money for our collective security, reversing Obama’s Afghan withdrawal, enacting historic tax and regulatory reforms, and installing conservative judges who will preside for decades.

But his record of conservative achievement has been overshadowed by a series of self-inflicted wounds. On Wednesday, I gave my list of the 10 best things Trump has done in his first year in office. Here are the 10 worst".

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Sun 07/07/19 05:57 PM
Trump reaches career-high approval, yet faces a range of re-election risks: Poll

"Bolstered by a strong economy, Donald Trump reached the highest job approval rating of his career in the latest ABC News/Washington Post poll and runs competitively for re-election against four of five possible Democratic contenders. Yet he remains broadly unpopular across personal and professional measures, marking his vulnerabilities in the 2020 election.

Forty-four percent of Americans approve of Trump’s overall job performance, up a slight 5 percentage points from April and 2 points better than his peak early in his presidency. Still, 53% disapprove, keeping him at majority disapproval continuously for his first two and a half years in office, a record for any president in modern polling".

Which sounds to me like the majority of Americans don't approve of him. And if it stays that way on up to the election, we will wave by-by to him as president. And he will be saying "hello" to the NY AG. Then his troubles will start. All his corruption will hopefully catch up with him.

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Sat 07/06/19 11:39 PM
Edited by Charles1962150 on Sat 07/06/19 11:39 PM
Trump golf count.

"Days Trump has spent at Mar a Lago:


Cost of flights to Mar a Lago (24 so far):*


Days Trump has spent at Bedminster:


Cost of flights to Bedminster (20 so far):*


Trump has visited his clubs once every this many days since his inauguration:


Projected visits to golf clubs in four years:


Projected visits in eight years:


Total times Obama played golf during his eight-year Presidency:


*Cost estimates for Trump's travel to Mar a Lago and Bedminster are from The Washington Post. At this point, the number of flights to Bedminster is one more than common counts of his "visits" because of an extra round trip on Air Force One to return to the White House for six hours during the weekend of July 4, 2017.

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Sat 07/06/19 08:54 PM
Edited by Charles1962150 on Sat 07/06/19 09:05 PM
Trump administration is 'inept and insecure', says UK ambassador

"The Trump administration has been labeled "inept", insecure and incompetent in leaked emails from the UK ambassador to Washington.

Sir Kim Darroch said that the White House was "uniquely dysfunctional" and "divided" under Donald Trump.

But he also warned that the US president should not be written off.

The Foreign Office said the leak of the memos to the Mail on Sunday was "mischievous" but did not deny their accuracy".

TRUMP, JULY 4, 2019

"In June of 1775, the Continental Congress created a unified army out of the Revolutionary forces in camps around Boston and New York and named after the great George Washington, Commander in Chief. The Continental Army suffered a bitter winter of Valley Forge, found glory across the waters of Delaware, and seized victory from Cornwallis of Yorktown. Our army manned the airports, it ranned the ramparts, it took over the airports, it did everything it had to do. And at Fort McHendry, under the rocket's red glare, it had nothing but victory."

This is what Fox News has done to many people in this country.

Ten warning signs of a potentially unsafe group/leader.

1. Absolute authoritarianism without meaningful accountability.
2. No tolerance for questions or critical inquiry.
3. No meaningful financial disclosure regarding budget, expenses such as an independently audited financial statement.
4, Unreasonable fear about the outside world, such as impending catastrophe, evil conspiracies, and persecutions.
5. There is no legitimate reason to leave, former followers are always wrong in leaving, negative or even evil.
6. Former members often relate the same stories of abuse and reflect a similar pattern of grievances.
7. There are records, books, news articles, or television programs that document the abuses of the group/leader.
8. Followers feel they can never be "good enough".
9. The group/leader is always right.
10. The group/leader is the exclusive means of knowing "truth" or receiving validation, no other process of discovery is really acceptable or credible.

Ten warning signs regarding people involved in/with a potentially unsafe group/leader.

1. Extreme obsessiveness regarding the group/leader resulting in the exclusion of almost every practical consideration.
2. Individual identity, the group, the leader and/or God as distinct and separate categories of existence become increasingly blurred. Instead, in the follower's mind, these identities become substantially and increasingly fused--as that person's involvement with the group/leader continues and deepens.
3. Whenever the group/leader is criticized or questioned it is characterized as "persecution".
4. Uncharacteristically stilted and seemingly programmed conversation and mannerisms, cloning of the group/leader in personal behavior.
5. Dependency upon the group/leader for problem solving, solutions, and definitions without meaningful reflective thought. A seeming inability to think independently or analyze situations without group/leader involvement.
6. Hyperactivity centered on the group/leader agenda, which seems to supersede any personal goals or individual interests.
7. A dramatic loss of spontaneity and sense of humor.
8. Increasing isolation from family and old friends unless they demonstrate an interest in the group/leader.
9. Anything the group/leader does can be justified no matter how harsh or harmful.
10. Former followers are at best-considered negative or worse evil and under bad influences. They can not be trusted and personal contact is avoided.

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Sat 07/06/19 08:47 PM
Biden says he was wrong in comments about segregationists

"SUMTER, S.C. (AP) — Former Vice President Joe Biden on Saturday apologized for recent comments about working with segregationist senators in his early days in the U.S. Senate, saying he understands how his remarks could have been offensive to some.

“Was I wrong a few weeks ago?” Biden asked a mostly black audience of several hundred in Sumter during the first day of a weekend visit to South Carolina. “Yes, I was. I regret it, and I’m sorry for any of the pain of misconception that caused anybody".

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Sat 07/06/19 04:40 PM
Trump Begins Long Golf Weekend, Bringing Taxpayers' Tab To $108 Million

"President Donald Trump began a three-day golf weekend Friday, making his 16th visit to his New Jersey golf club since entering office and pushing his total travel and security costs for his hobby to $108.1 million".

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Sat 07/06/19 02:29 PM
America Ignores Trump And Wishes Obama A Happy 4th of July

"The American People Are Celebrating the 4th With Their Last Legitimately Elected President".

"It makes sense that much of the country would ignore Trump and honor Obama on the 4th of July. Barack Obama was the last legitimately elected President Of The United States. One can only imagine, Donald Trump’s rage when he finds out that the trending hashtag wishing the president a happy 4th of July was for Obama. Most Americans like Obama in a way that will never happen for Donald Trump".


"Happy 4th of July" messages abounded on Twitter for the President on Thursday. However, it seems that well-wishers did not have the U.S.'s current sitting president, Donald Trump, in mind.

In fact, as "Happy 4th Mr. President" trended on Twitter, it was messages aimed at Trump's predecessor, former President Barack Obama, that flooded the social media platform.

"Happy 4th Mr. President. Your leadership, integrity, and intelligence are sorely needed and missed," one Twitter user wrote, sharing an image of Obama in the White House".

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Sat 07/06/19 01:54 PM
If you are full of hate and gullible. People that will believe anything and don't mind spreading lies. If you are OK with media lies and made up stories, this is the place for you.

"A questionable source exhibits one or more of the following: extreme bias, consistent promotion of propaganda/conspiracies, poor or no sourcing to credible information, a complete lack of transparency and/or is fake news. Fake News is the deliberate attempt to publish hoaxes and/or disinformation for the purpose of profit or influence (Learn More). Sources listed in the Questionable Category may be very untrustworthy and should be fact-checked on a per article basis. Please note sources on this list are not considered fake news unless specifically written in the reasoning section for that source".

"Reasoning: Extreme Right, Propaganda, Conspiracy, Failed Fact Checks
Country: USA
World Press Freedom Rank: USA 48/180


Breitbart News is a conservative news and opinion website founded in 2007 by Andrew Breitbart (1969–2012). He was a conservative commentator and entrepreneur “a former liberal from Los Angeles who became a conservative” wrote Jonah Engel Bromwich of the NY Times. Breitbart News under his leadership generated news coverage that was praised by the right for its populist, anti-establishment voice, on the left however, he was also accused of being a provocateur and misleading. Andrew Breitbart also co-founded the Huffington Post.

After Andrew Breitbart died in 2012, a former investment banker for Goldman Sachs, Stephen Bannon became the executive chairman of Breitbart. Under Bannon, the website became more nationalist and a vocal outlet of the alt-right movement. According to Sarah Posner from Mother Jones, during her interview with Bannon, he described Breitbart News as “a platform to the alt-right.” Bannon, who was chief executive of the Trump campaign, and then White House chief strategist for seven months before returning to Breitbart News, had stepped down from his position at Breitbart in 2018.

Larry Solov is the co-founder and CEO of Breitbart News and Alex Marlow serves as editor-in-chief.

Funded by / Ownership

After the death of Andrew Breitbart in 2012, Larry Solov became CEO and president of Breitbart News. In 2017, according to Politico, Larry Solov revealed the owner of Breitbart as “himself, founder Andrew Breitbart’s widow, Susie Breitbart, and the Republican mega-donor family, the Mercers.” Further, Solov also made a statement that he wants “to disclose as little as possible about financial and ownership structure.”

Analysis / Bias

Breitbart consist of various sections called Big Government, Big Journalism, Big Hollywood, National Security, Tech, Sports, and Wired.

Breitbart uses sensational emotionally loaded language in their headlines such as “Obama Loses 2 Million+ Followers During Twitter Fake Account Purge.” They utilize sources such as tabloid entertainment magazine Variety, and credible sources such as Bloomberg. as well as factually mixed sources such as the Daily Mail. Under the Big Hollywood section, they publish tabloid stories such as “Fashion Notes: Melania Trump is Posh and Proper for Final Day in England” utilizing fashion sources such as

In general, the majority of published stories favor the right and are highly pro-Trump in tone and story selection.

A factual search reveals numerous failed fact checks by IFCN Fact Checkers. Here are just a few of many as an example".

Russian State TV Laughs at Trump’s Fourth of July Parade

"A Russian state TV news program laughed at President Donald Trump’s Fourth of July parade this week. According to the Washington Post, the hosts of Rossiya 1’s 60 Minutes program ridiculed everything about Trump’s “A Salute to America” military extravaganza.

One of the hosts, Yevgeny Popov, chided the president, saying sarcastically, “The greatest parade of all time is going to be held today in Washington, that is what our Donald Trump has said.”

Popov roasted Trump, saying, “The American president announced he would show us the newest tanks.” But, “these are Abrams and Sherman tanks, used during World War II and withdrawn from service in 1957".

Trump sucks up to Russia just to get laughed at in the end.

Trump sucks up to Putin, embarrassing us yet again

"Whenever he gets in a room with Russian President Vladimir Putin, something comes over President Trump, his long and bizarre fanboy admiration bubbling to the surface. It’s almost as though he wants to convince Putin that he’ll do whatever is necessary to please him, the interests of the United States notwithstanding".

Trudy Rubin: Why Trump was in suck-up mode with autocrats before G-7

"President Donald Trump’s penchant for pummeling allies while pampering adversaries was perversely apparent in the last few days.

In the run-up to the G-7 summit in Quebec with Canada, Britain, France, Germany, Italy, and Japan he began a bizarre trade war with most of them (a war that will hurt U.S. workers and companies). He waged ugly phone and Twitter spats with French President Emmanuel Macron and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau".

no photo
Sat 07/06/19 01:29 PM
As Kamala Harris surges, a question looms: What to do about Iowa?

"Sen. Kamala Harris’s three-day trip to Iowa, which starts July 3, would have been just another 2020 campaign story only a week ago.

But after the first-term senator’s Miami debate takedown of former Vice President Joe Biden, Harris will arrive in Des Moines this afternoon under a far greater microscope now that she is surging in national and Iowa polls and is suddenly seen as a potential frontrunner rival to Biden".

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