Community > Posts By > leahmarie

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Sun 03/16/08 10:40 PM
Glad you guys got a laugh out of it.

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Sun 03/16/08 10:39 PM

A comedy about 45 million people with no health care in the richest country on earth........

madman..... you described it aptly ..... a comedy .... a joke ... a sick joke, which is why it is called sicko. The movie has been twisted to fit the way Left Liberals think. Sicko is a fitting name for those who push this sick drivel.

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Sun 03/16/08 10:37 PM
Obama is a racist and anti-American. He is not fit to be president, let alone be the nominee. Hillary is a socialist, and I am not into her way of thinking. Therefore, my choice is John McCain.

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Sun 03/16/08 10:35 PM
Hillary will be the Republican nominee now that Obama is damaged goods with the Rev. Wright scandal. McCain will beat Hillary and win. drinker drinker

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Sun 03/16/08 03:51 PM
This was sent to me via email from a friend who has a good sense of humor.

Watch for these consolidations in 2008.

1.) Hale Business Systems, Mary Kay Cosmetics, Fuller Brush and W. R. Grace Co. Will merge and become: Hale, Mary, Fuller, Grace.

2) PolyGram Records, Warner Bros., and Zest Crackers join forces and become: Poly, Warner, Cracker.

3.) 3M will merge with Goodyear and become: MMMGood.

4. Zippo Manufacturing, Audi Motors, Dofasco, and Dakota Mining will merge and become: ZipAudiDoDa .

5. FedEx is expected to join its competitor, UPS, and become: FedUP.

6. Fairchild Electronics and Honeywell Computers will become: Fairwell Honeychild.

7. Grey Poupon and Docker Pants are expected to become: PouponPants.

8. Knotts Berry Farm and the National Organization of Women will become: Knott NOW!

9. Stop & Shop Supermarkets and A&P Supermarkets will become: Stop & P.

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Sun 03/16/08 03:29 PM
Edited by leahmarie on Sun 03/16/08 03:36 PM
The mainstream media is only now beginning to focus heavily on Barack Obama’s controversial minister, but only because of the blogs on the Internet. What have these bloggers come up with?

Rev. Wright's church displays the red, black, and green flag of the pan-African movement beside its pulpit, and its motto is “Unashamedly Black and Unapologetically Christian.” The church’s “Black Value System,” with its focus favoring African-Americans, would be racist, if it were advocated by a white church in lieu of a black one.

Why is Wright racist? Wright delivered a sermon using the terms “white arrogance” and “the United States of white America.” In the context of his sermon, the term "white arrogance" was used by Wright to blame America for the world's woes. The church members in attendance that day included Obama. Didn't Obama say he is unaware of Wright's racist and anti-American rehortic? By the way, Obama's best selling book “The Audacity of Hope” takes its title from a Rev. Wright sermon.

Wright also delivered sermons blaming America for starting the AIDS virus, training professional killers, importing drugs, and creating a racist society that would never elect a black candidate as president.

And let's not forget that Wright’s church gave a lifetime achievement award to Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, who has called whites “blue-eyed devils.” I suppose Obama is also unaware that Wright has visited Castro’s Cuba and Col. Gaddafi’s Libya.

However, Obama can do all the lying he wants on MSNBC, FOX, and CNN .... I saw all of those interviews. The facts remain, that according to Obama, he has been a member of Wright's church since 1991, and he never knew about Wright's anti-Americanism and racism. Additionally, Obama on these same shows declared he had a close association with Wright before he joined his church. When you have belonged to a church for over 17 years and have had a close association with the Reverend of the church well before you joined the church, how can you not know of Wright's racist/anti-American leanings?! It would be virtually impossible, particularly when you are a supposedly intelligent, well-educated man from the finest private school in Hawaii, from Columbia, and from Harvard. All of these facts not only raise legitimate questions about Mr. Obama’s fundamental beliefs about his country but also his truthfullness. Obama's wife proved she is a racist a few weeks ago, and now we are learning Obama is no better than she.

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Sat 03/15/08 12:33 AM

over 20 years ago I made one of worst mistakes in my life, I let my dream leave me and he went back to the USA. I am looking for him since many years, just knowing that he lives in Columbus Charles Alex Thomas 46 years old
maybe now living in Natha Ave
before living in Milgen Road

Does anybody know him?
please contact me

If he means that much to you, spend the money and hire a detective agency to track him down. This is a really stupid way of doing things.

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Sat 03/15/08 12:26 AM
So, what do you think? Do you believe Obama still has a chance at the presidency now that all of the cable news channels are carrying the story about Rev. Wright? I don't believe Obama didn't know about Wright's wild rhetoric. I saw Obama on three different cable channels. He stated he had been going to Wright's church for 17 years and never knew the guy was anti-American and racist. That is completely unbelievable. If Obama is telling the truth then he is a fool. So it doesn't matter if he is a fool or a liar, he doesn't belong in the White House.

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Fri 03/14/08 12:41 PM

Hillary dropped the Rodham when she went after the bid for the presidency. The average man doesn't like a woman retaining her maiden name. Therefore, Hillary is leaving Rodham out so as not to alienate the white male whose vote she needs to win the presidency.

I think that is sexist and presumptive. The average man? Back that up... with a verifiable and valid source.

I don't have a "verifiable and valid source" other than family, friends, neighbors, and co-workers. I realize this is not a scientific source, but sometimes means such as I referred to are just as good as expensive polling data. At any event, hey guys, how about voting on this and we will have an unscientific poll?

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Fri 03/14/08 12:37 PM
I saw this on TV. According to the news reporter, these people were selling the animals. Somehow or other, things got beyond them where they wound up with too many animals. However, the newscaster said that doesn't matter. They will be charged on individual counts of cruelty to animals for each animal found abused.

The TV showed a picture of the inside of the trailer. It was unreal. There were little crates where two and three animals were stuffed into each one. Each crate was piled on top of the other, which is why they were able to put so many animals into one trailer. The sheriff said as he approached the trailer, the smell was putrid .... he never encountered anything like it in his life. Most of the animals were in real bad shape, missing paws and other terrible things.

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Fri 03/14/08 12:25 PM

Though this news may be two days old
it was only this morning that was I told
so if all of you can spare me a minute
please know that Al Franken is running for Senate
Clinton or Obama they can't decide
Florida's election has been set aside
Just keep them both in the Senate
And make Al Franken our president

I thought the humor was when Hillary and Obama became candidates for the presidency. Talk about humor, have you seen the Saturday Night Live sketches? It seems the Obama camp is angry about them .... claims SNL is against him and for Hillary. laugh

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Fri 03/14/08 12:22 PM

(March 14) - Democrats are increasingly worried about their chances for victory in November after a series of attacks by Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton on rival Sen. Barack Obama's leadership, credibility, readiness as commander in chief and, now, his ability to win the White House.


interesting been going all this time without rodham in her name
now it is back hhhmmmmmmmmm


wonder if they been reading jsh threads


imagine that

Hillary dropped the Rodham when she went after the bid for the presidency. The average man doesn't like a woman retaining her maiden name. Therefore, Hillary is leaving Rodham out so as not to alienate the white male whose vote she needs to win the presidency.

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Fri 03/14/08 02:28 AM

I have a perfect solution to the problem of the president. We hire a voodoo witch doctor to reserect teddy roosevelt. He was the last worthwhile pres. we had. laugh laugh laugh

Personally I'd have thought JFK.

However getting back to Obama. If he has a Pastor, was married by the Pastor, had his children baptized by this Pastor. Why have we seen threads where he is called a Muslim? Make up my mind here. I am trying to get a handle on all this but with all the mudslinging from both sides small wonder nobody can make an 'informed' opinion and decision.

Obama was a Muslim, but when he decided to go into politics, he became Christian since he felt he couldn't make it politically as a Muslim.

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Fri 03/14/08 12:40 AM
Edited by leahmarie on Fri 03/14/08 12:41 AM

yeah! way to go! lets base or opinion of a presidential candidate on what his pastor does! woo hoo!

sounds like you just did the same thing as those other people posting somebody elses thoughts instead of your own.


Something else I want to add is that Obama's pastor is the man who Obama says is his moral compass. This pastor is the man who inspired Obama's best selling book “Audacity Of Hope.” Indeed, we do need to look at Obama's pastor since Obama opened the door and extended the invitation.

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Fri 03/14/08 12:27 AM

oh yes the US is the worst place in the whole world...yawn

I wouldnt be taking any opinion polls in the Middle East right now....:angry:

maybe you should....and maybe you'd meet some of those terrorists you don't think exist....I know you'll have a lot in common with the terrorists but be careful not to lose your head over them...

your comments are thinly veiled attempts to antagonize and get a rise out of me. I dont know why you personalize everything I say,and then attack me... maybe your hot for me..? :wink:

Hey, leave him alone. I'm the one he's hot for! laugh

well Im hot for you leah....devil


I'll be darned; I'm hot for you too! How about that? devil (Bet you didn't expect that one?! laugh)

You two should get together. Just be sure to film it when you do and post it on Youtube so the rest of us can enjoy it. devil

Sounds like you want to film it? happy

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Thu 03/13/08 10:31 PM

Can't understand why the BF would allow her to do that for 2 years. They were together 16 yrs I think they said.

Maybe she was cheating on him and when she got stuck he figured this was a good way to stop her cheating ass, especially with her ass being stuck on the toilet seat! laugh laugh

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Thu 03/13/08 10:29 PM

laugh Hillary probably would make a pretty good madam :tongue:

MirrorMirror ......

Nooooooo ..... Bill would grab all the girls and wouldn't pay up! devil

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Thu 03/13/08 10:23 PM

i think your all mindless zombies that post whatever the politicians spread around like it's all fact. face it you know the facts about as well as anybody else and since you claim everybody else is hiding them then you must be as well. stop listening to other people and think for yourself for a change. maybe thats the problem with this damned country, nobody can think for themselves. we vote for who were told is the best people but have no choice in who they are. then everybody like me who refuses to vote gets told we can't complain cuz we didn't vote. well guess what? we're the only ones who should get to complain cuz we're not perpetuating this little lost sheep syndrome you call democracy.


You are calling us mindless zombies. I checked out your profile to figure out where you are coming from. I want to remind you that this is what you posted about yourself under the "About Me" section,

"surgeon general's warning: talking to and or around [azrae11] can have serious adverse effects to a person's mental and physical health, also has been known to cause mental retardation in children and small puppies if exposed for long periods of time. if you have come in physical contact with [azrae11] consult a doctor immediately. if oral contact has occurred flush mouth with water and contact you local poison control center. if sexual contact has occurred may god have mercy on your soul."

Considering what you posted on your profile about yourself, you shouldn't be so quick to call those of us on this thread names.

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Thu 03/13/08 10:16 PM
Edited by leahmarie on Thu 03/13/08 10:26 PM

yeah! way to go! lets base or opinion of a presidential candidate on what his pastor does! woo hoo!

sounds like you just did the same thing as those other people posting somebody elses thoughts instead of your own.


Yes, we do need to base our opinion of a presidential candidate on what his pastor does. It is part of the candidate's ability to render good judgment. It is important for the president of the USA to have judgment skills.

Obama has proven he doesn't have the ability to judge people. Otherwise, he never would have affiliated himself with an anti-American, racist pastor and supported him with large gifts of money for over 20 years. The only reason Obama is distancing himself from this pastor is because he is running for president and the Right Wing has picked up on this.

Obama's pastor, Rev. Wright, claims that America invented the AIDS disease for the sole purpose of wiping out African Americans plus what was noted above and even more. There is a tape floating around on cable TV that gives a glimpse of this pastor's rhetoric. Watch cable and you will catch it.

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Thu 03/13/08 10:07 PM

And Obama's pastor, who married Barack and Michelle, is a raging anti-American racist who is openly preaching in church his support for Obama for President.

Obama has given serious cash to support the church of this man and has been very active, as well as using words from the 'pastor's' speech in his book title.

The pastor is a good friend of Louis Farrakhan and travelled to Libya with him to meet Omar Kadafi. Fact.

Cable news played a video with some of Obama's pastor giving one of his racist sermons. The stuff this Wright said was unbelievable .... American invented AIDS to wipe out the African population in the USA .... Hillary will screw the blacks the way her husband screwed Monica Lewinsky .... at that point I turned it off .... this guy is not only anti-American, racist, but has a filthy mouth.