Community > Posts By > elanher

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Tue 12/30/08 08:20 PM

My opinion is Clockwork Orange was one of the worst movies ever made. I turned it off after the first 10 min. It's horrid.

Your opinion doesn't even count since you haven't even watched it. :tongue:

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Tue 12/30/08 07:45 PM

Clockwork Orange

Throw Alexander in there also.

A Clockwork Orange is one of the finest films ever made.

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Tue 12/30/08 07:43 PM

The sequel to Starship Troopers was just horrible. Not that I cared for the first one.

they made a sequal to that?

They did... The plot was just lame and the acting was so bad words can't really describe it. I did find some comical value in it though since I sat through the whole thing. I mainly just wanted to see how bad it turned out.

I saw there is a part 3 btw...

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Tue 12/30/08 07:15 PM
The sequel to Starship Troopers was just horrible. Not that I cared for the first one.

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Tue 12/30/08 07:14 PM
My liver.

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Tue 12/30/08 09:59 AM

I think it's highly unlikely god exists. Until evidence is shown for me to believe otherwise then I'll still believe what I believe now. Even if he/she/it exists I would rather go to hell anyway because I refuse to worship a god who likes playing games with people.

Must mean, using your own logic that you don't believe in Air or Electricity see the effects of it, but not the product itself...perhaps the world is still flat in that case? :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Your statement makes no sense to me. Who said I worship air and electricity? Did you know science has proven air and electricity to exist? We know how they work and we see their effects. I have never seen any effects from god. Have you? If so I want to see proof. As far as it stands now people who believe in God rely solely on faith.

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Tue 12/30/08 09:36 AM
I think it's highly unlikely god exists. Until evidence is shown for me to believe otherwise then I'll still believe what I believe now. Even if he/she/it exists I would rather go to hell anyway because I refuse to worship a god who likes playing games with people.

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Tue 12/30/08 09:17 AM

I am amused that Mr Thomas uses the same talking points the right has used to create this mess we call america. Come on now Mr thomas we tried it your way for 8 long years and we are at the precipace of collapse. What will it take for you to see the light? When people are starveing to death in the streets ?

Theres no getting through to him. He is just another sheep bound to laws made up by someone else for him to follow. Do you really think he cares about people starving? When you reduce the burden of survival to a humane level by providing people a living wage, healthcare, etc. people will prosper. Whats the harm in that? Is it so bad for people to work together and even share? I think every system is corrupt, but how is it really worse than what we have now?

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Tue 12/30/08 08:49 AM

"A Night At The Roxbury"

Will Farrell is a jagbag who should just die. Everything he's in sucks, and he's not even remotely funny.

I couldn't agree with you can add Adam Sandler to that list too...he sleep walks through every fuggin movie he's the way...the worst movie I ever saw..." Punch Drunk Love "...Adam Sandler...

Happy Gilmore and Billy Madison are awesome. I have seen both probably 100 times and still find them funny.

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Tue 12/30/08 08:46 AM

"A Night At The Roxbury"

Will Farrell is a jagbag who should just die. Everything he's in sucks, and he's not even remotely funny.

He's been in a lot of bad movies, but I liked Old School. Anchorman was alright from what I recall as well.

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Tue 12/30/08 12:50 AM

People who believe in global warming probably also bought the thousand dollar generators for the year 1999-2000 crisis.

About recycling...I used to recycle but since our glorious leaders made it a law in our state to recycle or get fined they lost my support.Seattle and Washington leads the country in recycling because people wanted to do the right thing.They rewarded us by going through our garbage looking for recyclables and writing us a ticket if they find any.That sounds alot like Communism and thanks to the liberals of Seattle I throw everything in the garbage now.My long years of recycling starting in 1985 came to a end because of idiotic laws like this and I have no intention of recycling anything ever again.

To all you tree hugging,hemp wearing,stinky,pimple faced pot smokers...God gave us pointed teeth for a reason.To eat meat.Nothing I like more then sitting down after a hard days work and eating a huge steak with a side of fries.

Every time I fart I know it pisses Al gore off so I try to do it often!

Why does anyone that cares about the environment have to be tree hugging,hemp wearing,stinky,pimple faced pot smokers? You are the most judgmental person I have ever seen. You are just plain bitter. No wonder you are single. You know red meat is linked to colon cancer, right? It would be a shame if that steak you eat rots your colon. whoa

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Mon 12/29/08 10:53 PM
Manos the hands of fate is the worst, but MST3K was able to make it delightful to watch.

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Mon 12/29/08 10:13 PM
In theory a lot of it sounds good. Of course as long as as greed exists, corruption will also exist because people are easily deceived and intimidated.

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Mon 12/29/08 10:00 PM
One who returns the love I give them.

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Mon 12/29/08 09:57 PM
It's possible to have feelings, but not love.

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Mon 12/29/08 09:44 PM
I don't think age matters so much as long as theres chemistry, shared interests, and communication. Communication seems to be the reason most relationships fail or lack of I mean.

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Mon 12/29/08 09:29 PM
If liked them I would date them. A persons past relationships wouldn't influence my decision unless I knew violence was involved or something. Maybe they just married people that weren't right for them. It happens. On the other hand marriage is of no interest to me regardless of someones history.

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Mon 12/29/08 05:39 PM
Is it better to live or to die?

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Mon 12/29/08 03:07 PM
I forgive them, but that doesn't mean I keep them in my life.

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Mon 12/29/08 02:12 PM
Reality tv sucks. I watch tv to escape reality not join it.

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