Community > Posts By > elanher

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Mon 12/22/08 09:32 PM
I think Bond would win unless we are talking about Timothy Dalton. In that case I think Jack Bauer would win.

How about Oprah vs Dr. Phil?

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Mon 12/22/08 09:28 PM
I would think one of those tests would have came out if you were pregnant. Sometimes one is a dud, but usually not both. If it says no it usually is no. False positives come easier than false negatives. Go to the health dept tomorrow. They only charge a few bucks if anything and then you will know for sure.

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Wed 12/17/08 10:12 PM

I do not like it when you touch my breasts. laugh :tongue:

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Wed 12/17/08 10:04 PM

apparently its a beautiful woman who feels real

No man robots?

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Wed 12/17/08 10:01 PM

Depends on how realistic the robot is. Will this robot be all like Mr. Data?

There will be an option for it to come equipped with a cat named Spot.


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Wed 12/17/08 09:58 PM
Depends on how realistic the robot is. Will this robot be all like Mr. Data?

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Wed 12/17/08 09:53 PM
The opening scene in the original Star Wars is my favorite.

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Wed 12/17/08 09:51 PM
The article I read said the parents also wanted a swastika on the cake. I would have made the cake, but only with the kids name. The kid shouldn't be punished because his parents are douche bags.

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Wed 12/17/08 09:43 PM
It's doubtful you will get many views without a picture.

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Wed 12/17/08 07:39 PM
I just wanted to point out that ADD has nothing to do with how tall you are.
Anyway, good luck. Hope you find what your looking for flowerforyou

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Tue 12/16/08 09:50 PM
I drive through them on purpose every time there isn't traffic and I'm sure a cop wont see me.

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Tue 12/16/08 09:14 PM
I haven't seen the new one, but I really liked the original.

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Tue 12/16/08 09:06 PM
Those were not the good old days.

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Tue 12/16/08 08:39 PM
I take it that pic was inappropriate slaphead laugh

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Tue 12/16/08 08:01 PM
Do people actually believe he's alive? Americans must be the dumbest people on earth if they're still buying that bs. He was probably nothing more than a fictional character to begin with.

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Tue 12/16/08 12:27 PM
There isn't a law that says fines have to be paid in dollars. It just needs to be paid. Last time I checked pennies were a form of currency. The government issued the damn thing they should take them. It's bs.

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Tue 12/16/08 06:03 AM

I am a vegetarian and eat mostly fresh foods, so I'm already most of the way there. I wasn't aware that this was something harmful to this extent until recently. Wow... you are possibly the MOST judgmental person on the forums. I posted this to inform anyone who may not know, not to get some Amy Winehouse wannabe to tell me something obvious.

I just noticed what you said to HK. What makes you think she was directing anything at you? I think she was just saying what she thought. It's called an opinion. Theres no need to take offense and name call.

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Tue 12/16/08 12:07 AM
We have been doing gluten free, dairy free, and pretty much soy free in my household for around 3 years. The first year I spent 3 quarters of my shopping trip reading labels. Let me tell you just because the label doesn't say gluten wheat, rye, barley, etc. doesn't mean it's not in there. I bought so many products only to get them home and realize they had gluten in them. Some companies are nice enough to tell you, but not all of them. Luckily there are websites where you can find a list of all ingredients now. We do mostly organic food so in the process of me learning I found all of the organic markets I shopped at had actual gluten free sections. In fact most organic stores have a section for special diets. If they don't most have employees that are pretty knowledgeable and will do what they can to guide you if you're lost.
The elimination diet is the only way to be 100% sure if you have an issue with gluten or anything else. There is a "chance" you can find out through other methods. For instance sometimes allergies can found through blood tests. There is also a test specifically for celiac disease. For intolerance's doctors usually do titers which allows them to compare inconsistencies in the immune system to find the problem. None of these methods are completely accurate and some may give different results each time a test is done. There is another method which I plan on looking more into at some point it's called electro dermal screening. It is suppose to find all allergies, intolerance's, and deficiencies in your body. Most naturopath's have a set up to do it.
I think a gluten free diet can be beneficial for anyone out there. Not only can it help with issues listed in the article above is has also been shown to help many others. A lot of people expect once they change their diet everything will immediately be better. It does sometimes take time though. Often people see positive changes the first few weeks, but it can take several months for gluten to get out of your system completely, so it may take longer for others. Also you shouldn't remove all gluten from your diet at once. I say this because for some there can be ill effects when removing it all at once. The reason this happens is because your body is addicted to it so your body reacts like a drug addict without drugs when it is taken away immediately. If you make changes slowly there shouldn't be a problem.
As HK said it can be very expensive. It really just depends on what you eat. If you eat a lot of bread it can really add up. The average gluten free loaf is $5-6 and it's about half the size of a regular loaf. Some of it's really disgusting with odd texture too. I must have tried 20 or more different kinds before I finally found one that was good and I bake it myself. I do a lot of baking actually. I'm not sure that it cuts my costs, but things taste much better. It is a really hard change to make, but has been well worth it in my house.

no photo
Fri 12/12/08 09:26 PM

Messier is a poophead.

Gretzky was a whiner.

Gordie Howe is a god!!

Let's Go Red Wings!!

Ouch, lol

How dare you talk about King Messier like that

You are close with Gordie Howe, but, Hes not a God, He was just as old as god when he finnaly retired hehe

laugh Thats why we call em the Old Wings.

no photo
Fri 12/12/08 09:25 PM

Messier is a poophead.

Gretzky was a whiner.

Gordie Howe is a god!!

Let's Go Red Wings!!

Steve Yzerman was the biggest whiner ever. At least Gretzky had an excuse.

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