Community > Posts By > ellgee1976

ellgee1976's photo
Wed 04/16/08 08:47 PM

ellgee1976's photo
Wed 04/16/08 08:45 PM

BLOW DRY her hair upside down with lots of mousse......then spray with ice mist!!! Thats what I used to do!!!laugh laugh laugh

now THAT's some big hair! lmao wtg gypsy!

ellgee1976's photo
Wed 04/16/08 08:41 PM

Should we go for teased hair or a side pony ??

backcomb the daylights out of it! side ponys were for younger girls...the catapult bangs were for high school

oh..and take pics.. LOTS of pics..this is perfect blackmale stuffs! lol

ellgee1976's photo
Wed 04/16/08 08:39 PM
catapult bangs!!

ellgee1976's photo
Wed 04/16/08 07:34 PM

More prayers for you and your baby girl! I ahve read all of this and you are doing what is right for you and her so keep going!flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

thank you, i apreciate it

ellgee1976's photo
Wed 04/16/08 07:21 PM
Edited by ellgee1976 on Wed 04/16/08 07:25 PM

If you are the least bit concerned about your child's welfare...immediately get protective services involved and stay the hell out of the bars yourself!!!
I am sorry if I am sounding a bit self-righteous here, but when you have children, it is no longer about your life. It is all about the children...and you chose to have them. Do the right thing DAMMMIT!

have you read this entire post? i realize it's lengthy, however, read it, and safe yourself from looking like an a$$

first off, do NOT presume you know how much i care about my children, or how concerned about her welfare i am, obviously you didn't read this, or you would understand more, and spew sh*t less


3rd, im 31 yrs old, if i chose to go to a bar and have a drink with a friend, there's nothing wrong with that, and considering i had 1/2 that drink down when the officer returned my phone call, considering the officer knew i was at the bar, and the officer knew i was sober enough to talk to him sensably, i seriously don't think i was doing anything wrong.

4th - you are PREACHIN to the choir when you tell ME that it's no longer about me, but about the children.

had you read this whole thread, you would have concluded that i DO care about my children, and you wouldn't have just attacked me for tryin to do what's best for my daughter, and my older 2 children

thanks for your 'concern'

ellgee1976's photo
Wed 04/16/08 07:11 PM

her father finally returned my phone call, i told him i wanted to talk to her before she went to bed, however, i was too late, she was already sleeping

i asked him if i could pick her up tomorrow after school, he said yes, that he'd bring her into school, and i could pick her up, he'd pick her up later that evening, just like normal.

he told me not to question her, he said that she's already spent most of the morning in the hospital getting checked out medically (when i saw her this afternoon, she handed me the wrist braclet so i have that)

he told me that she had to talk with SRS herself, and then he did.

his story, is that he got in from the field last night (he's a farmer), told her it was shower time, and then bedtime, while she was in the shower (he holds the shower head so the water doesn't get in her eyes) he noticed the bruises, and got mad. he took her to the police station once she got her jammies on.

he claims, that 'the situation' is taken care of, his wife's daughter (the one with the baby) claims that our daughter fell, however, she's moving out of the house this weekend.

i asked him if she's the one that did it, he says he's not certain, cuz he wasn't there, but he has a strong feeling it was her, not his wife, or her son.

i told him, i don't keep things from him that pertain to our daughter, it's not fair he does it to me, and that it should stop. he said he was furious last night, and not sure how to respond to my asking if our daughter was ok, that he handled it badly, and he appologized for it. i told him not to let it happen again, cuz above everything, i love my daughter, and want what's best for her, and he knows that, he agreed and said he did too.

now, in NO way, shape, or form is this settling well with me. im still going to talk with the lawyer in the morning, and hopefully get something started in a positive direction for my daughter, even if it's only a temp custody order

i've got to get her out of that house, and away from any danger she's in right now, the sooner the better

keep prayers comin please

ellgee1976's photo
Wed 04/16/08 06:49 PM

Directly talk too child services and express your concern, as far as getting the police report the officer was right if it is an "on-going investigation" they probably won't be able to let you see it regardless of a lawyer intervening. Talk to an attorney about working some kind of custody deal, and if your not able to take custody (due to not working) see if a grandparent or another guardian would be able too. Check up with the situation as much as possible (not daily but do a call in about once a week), the problem with a situation involving a child so young is that they may not be apt to telling the entire story much less the truth. Definatly get ahold of an attorney and child services.

i have talked to the SRS woman over the phone, she told me also that she cannot give details, however she'll keep me updated personally.

ddn122- thank you

MsTeddyBear2u - i agree, he isn't abiding by the rules of join custody. my attny for the divorce was from Legal Aide, he will be getting ahold of me in the morning, and i'll see what i can do as her mother about the situation, thank you

ellgee1976's photo
Wed 04/16/08 05:45 PM

I can't believe with a investigation that Dept. of Social services hasn't removed her from the house.... out of the cituation..... until they investigate it. What if it happens again?

I pray that it all works out... poor little girl, and you are beside yourself....

apparently, that has to be a judge's decision, instead of SRS or even mine

ellgee1976's photo
Wed 04/16/08 04:45 PM
"Any genuine ladies left?"

nope, we're fresh out...we're all women here..sorry

ellgee1976's photo
Wed 04/16/08 04:25 PM

Pure 100% gard A beef baby......smokin

exactly what is 'gard A beef' lily? lmao *winks*

ellgee1976's photo
Wed 04/16/08 04:22 PM
Edited by ellgee1976 on Wed 04/16/08 04:23 PM

You're being played. Someone is telling you the wrong thing in hopes of something going away quietly.

I don't care what bass-ackward hick town someone lives in, there are specific regulations that local courts MUST follow in regards to any divorce decree and petitions filed WITH the court. He cannot assume custody if you truly have a "joint custody" arraingement.

One does not go to counseling and assume custody. That's not how the real world works. Until you contact a (decent) attorney, you will continue to be pushed around by whatever the cops want to tell you and the miserable SOB you call an ex-husband.

Sorry babes. I wish I was closer, I'd be able to do more. I contacted my attorney (Florida bar) and he doesn't have an associates or contacts in the state of Kansas. He basically told me the same thing, until you get someone who knows what they're doing, and is willing to WORK for you at it, you're at the mercy of whomever is telling you what they're telling you.

i may have been unclear..not assume custody, but continue with the custody he has, which is residential, joint, and shared

this is nothing i wish for more, than to have full custody of her right now, with him having every other weekend if even that

ellgee1976's photo
Wed 04/16/08 04:07 PM
Edited by ellgee1976 on Wed 04/16/08 04:07 PM
ok...i just got off the phone (again)

go with this for a bit ok?

IF his new wife did this to my daughter

IF he presses charges (altho the police already are)

IF he choses to keep his marriage

i've now been told, all he has to do is go to couseling to keep custody of her!? WTF???

anyone? help me understand this?

ellgee1976's photo
Wed 04/16/08 03:29 PM
thanks to everyone that's posted, your advice, your prayers, your thoughts, your conscerns...

thank you to everyone

ellgee1976's photo
Wed 04/16/08 03:14 PM

Police reports are public acces, they may not show exact details, but you can see any and all calls to that house, and the minor details. If there has been alot of calls for "domestic violence" that builds the case stronger for you to have her in your home. No matter who the calls were for or about.

and if they get divorced over this? then where does that leave us? i can't tell you how much i want her with me, instead of with him

ellgee1976's photo
Wed 04/16/08 03:12 PM

I can put myself in his place.

If I got re-married and the person I brought into my daughters life in some way was harming her, I'd send her to her fathers until I could figure out what to do. Her safety is the most important.

I'm a mama bear, I'll swat my child, but I'll swat anyone that swats my child.

if he sent her to my house, that's his way of 'admitting defeat' on this issue, in HIS eyes, so no, he won't do that..but yes, i do see what you're saying

ellgee1976's photo
Wed 04/16/08 03:10 PM

I agree with Lily. I'd like to see that. You know my thoughts, babes. I read this entire thread. I'll call ya later tonight when I'm at work assuming you're still at Becky's. flowerforyou

i'll be here, still at becky's

ellgee1976's photo
Wed 04/16/08 03:02 PM

You can go to the police station and ask for all the police reports from an address..... No names...just the address. Thn you might be able to build a better case too.

i don't see what good having police reports from an address would do for me..

considering, according to the officers, my lawyer will have to subpoena the police reports for THIS case, i can't just ask for them, due to it being an 'ongoing investigation'

ellgee1976's photo
Wed 04/16/08 02:59 PM

Kristi, i have no doubt he's choking on that pill right now, like i said, i don't think he's at fault. however, im sure he's beating himself up more than i ever could.

I'd like to take that challenge..... If he was really beating himself up, he'd hand her back to you...Like he should.

If I ever met him in a dark alley.... His wife wouldn't be able to recognise the body...

He makes me SOOOOOOOOO angry.

lily put yourself in his place..

HE brought this woman AND her kids into our daughter's life, and this is the outcome of that grave mistake!

in the mean time, im pissed at him, throwing in my face how long he's known this woman, how wonderful she is blah blah blah, and then THIS happens.

however, i can't blame anyone, i don't feel he had anything to do with it, i think he may have walked in on it, or finally saw something that he HAD to question.

but yes, i AM pissed, and yes i DO blame him to an extent. know who you marry, KNOW who you marry!

ellgee1976's photo
Wed 04/16/08 02:54 PM

Contact Childrens Services, find out who the case worker is, and stay in close contact with him/her.

I'm not sure if your divorce decree states you can call or the amount of times you can call her, but keep in constant contact with that house and her. I know you go to the school to see her, have the teachers write letters. At this point you can also contanct a local "Womens" service and they at times can offer free counsel (lawyers and such)

I keep you in my prayers everynight doll....:heart:

firstly, i've called the case worker, she told me that she can't give me information on this case, however, if something happens again, she'll notify me, and once the investigation is thru, she'll send me the 'findings' paper, the paper with the conclusion of the investigation.

also, the divorce papers say nothing about how often i can call, so i'll start calling nightly, so that im the last voice she hears

3rd, the teachers all know of this situation, it started when spring break ended, they all know, and the documentation that i have is from her teacher, and now the officers have copies of those papers also

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