Community > Posts By > LookinForSparks

LookinForSparks's photo
Sat 05/10/08 01:20 PM
And Peccy, I don't say or do things to "impress" anyone, I'm the real me and just who I am in any situation and just freely speak what's on my mind. Now if you say and do what you do because you're trying to impress folks, then fine, that's your thing, but it's just not my thing at all.... not that I'm indifferent OT what people think, I love hearing folks different views on things and sometimes I even learn new things or will look at something in a different light based on what other's think.... but I don't seek anyone's approval of what my feeling or thoughts are about something and quite frankly could give a rats ass if someone is going to be impressed or likes or dislikes my thoughts.... lol

LookinForSparks's photo
Sat 05/10/08 01:12 PM
WTF Winx? You post a quote that mentions NOTHING about games.... then say I need to post this under games????

Do you often just make up connections where none exist to change the subject, or what? lol

LookinForSparks's photo
Sat 05/10/08 01:05 PM
All I saw in that video is one man smearing another with only two little sound bites coming from the other.... would have to see more of what O'Reilly was saying in that segment to know if there was any merit in it... but since I do watch Fox news all the4 time because I feel it's the ONLY major news spot to get the real truth about things, I'd find it hard to believe that had he miss-stated any facts, that he wouldn't admit and correct those mistakes right away because I see them do that on Fox news all the time when they make a mistake. From what little I could pick up on what O'Reilly was saying is that in or around the time of the Malmedy Massacre the American troops had also had instances where they shoot down prisoners and he seemed to be saying that throughout our war history mistakes such as that have happened.... how that is degrading the American troops or dishonoring them is beyond me!!!

So what was your point in posting this, and what are you trying to say? lol

LookinForSparks's photo
Sat 05/10/08 12:42 PM
Winx..... new impression now... sensitive and is now pissed off... lol

And yes darlin, we are in the forum of rating profiles because that is the heading that BEST matched what I was asking in my post.... but still not just asking people to rate my profile, but instead give honest answers to their first impressions of the other's posting in here.... it's not rocket science, just simple fun and blunt honesty... and I have no problem hearing what other's first impressions are of me either, I quite enjoy it.... just as I enjoy saying what my impressions of others might be.... kind of fun if you ask me!

LookinForSparks's photo
Sat 05/10/08 12:37 PM
Premium_person..... maybe chasing wildflower27203??? lol

LookinForSparks's photo
Sat 05/10/08 12:32 PM

Winx..... a romantic.... but maybe she doesn't see sexuality a part of the romantic notions she has, and sees sex as something bad instead and is offended by others who enjoy sexuality.... maybe she thinks the romantic thoughts, gestures and topics of discussion that match what she wants to hear from a person is the main thing in a connection she wants to find???

laugh That's funny.

You asked us to rate your profile. Your profile states that your main interest is sex. Compatibility requires more than looks and sex. It includes common interests outside of the bedroom.

I didn't ask anyone to "rate" my profile darlin.... I asked people to give an honest first impression of the previous person who post in here.... not for everyone to rate my profile or to keep on commenting about me.... seems maybe no one reads the initial post and what I was looking for.... I've been trying to give my first impressions about the people posting in here.... can you all do that for the other people posting? lol

LookinForSparks's photo
Sat 05/10/08 12:29 PM
Peccy..... the pot calling the kettle black when he bashes me for my choice of default pics.... just look at your own.... lol

gladiolus68.... yes, I like my self darlin... don't you like your self? Wet fantasies? Care to explain what that means? lol

LookinForSparks's photo
Sat 05/10/08 12:23 PM
To answer Winx..... yes, I have many other interest and am deep and passionate about many things in life, but you can't cover all of that in a few short sentences on a profile... and yes, whether a person admits it or not, an initial attraction and sexual chemistry and passion is the START of making a connection if you ask me and all the rest follows! So yes, I do present that aspect and yes, sexuality and passion are important to me and is a MUST in the type of connection I seek.... but that is truly JUST the starting point, there is way more depth to follow once an initial attraction and connection is started!

LookinForSparks's photo
Sat 05/10/08 12:17 PM
Winx..... a romantic.... but maybe she doesn't see sexuality a part of the romantic notions she has, and sees sex as something bad instead and is offended by others who enjoy sexuality.... maybe she thinks the romantic thoughts, gestures and topics of discussion that match what she wants to hear from a person is the main thing in a connection she wants to find???

LookinForSparks's photo
Sat 05/10/08 12:09 PM
PATSFAN..... not sure, just know he likes to say "gone fishing", rather than to say things in these forums, maybe he doesn't know what to say?

SimplyElla..... maybe would like the same thing she said her first impression of me was about? lol

LookinForSparks's photo
Sat 05/10/08 12:04 PM
robert1652.... intellectual with a dry sense of humor???

lifestooshort6.... someone who is offended by sexuality maybe? lol

LookinForSparks's photo
Sat 05/10/08 11:57 AM
Edited by LookinForSparks on Sat 05/10/08 11:57 AM
I doubt many will play along with this one, but could be interesting if folks would! The game is this, just give your brutally honest first impression of the person who last posted in the topic.... can be anything, but just take a peek at their profile and give an honest description of what your first impression is based on that first glimpse of them!!!

Could be interesting and will give folks an idea of what impressions they are putting out there, whether they are true or not!

LookinForSparks's photo
Sat 05/10/08 11:38 AM
Now come on, women can definitely have "happy endings" too.... and like I said, men or women, don't know anyone who doesn't like that if they are being honest about it.... so why do you say because she's a woman, that can't happen? Didn't say you had to be the one to give the massage.... lol

LookinForSparks's photo
Sat 05/10/08 11:35 AM
I don't see any way to "rate" a person's profile on here, am I missing something?

LookinForSparks's photo
Sat 05/10/08 11:32 AM
How about a massage with a guaranteed "happy ending"? Don't know anyone, man or woman that doesn't love both being massaged and having "happy endings".... even if they've had it before..... lmfao!

LookinForSparks's photo
Sat 05/10/08 09:11 AM
Over 95% of the American people as well as over 95% of our elected officials overwhelmingly supported us going into Iraq and it was for a whole slew of reason's not just the WMD threat, which by the way, every major intelligency agency in the world agreed with, there were many, many reason's to do what we did, and literally EVERYONE at the time agreed with it. Hell, you were probably one too, and now don't have the conviction, integrity, and character to follow through on the very tuff commitment we all jointly made ! Thank God there are some brave and courageous men and women who do understand the reasons for the grave choices we made and why we made them and who have the wisdom, courage and integrity to see our commitments through, even when the going gets tough or becomes unpopular, because they know what is at stake for our future generations if we don't see it through!

I have absolutely zero respect for all of you folks that now want to act like it's all Bush's fault and that he lied and deceived everyone when the FACT is, he told us all about how what we would be entering into would be a "years long" type of war and that this new war against terror and the radicals we are fighting will be one long and tough road, but one we must face, and at the time, almost everyone was behind the actions we took and for the right reasons.... but you hypocrites that now act like you never were and have done a 360 degree turn and just want to cut and run and not see through this grave and very serious commitment to fighting this threat are about the lowest scum on the planet to me.... not only are you complete cowards with no convictions or integrity, but you also prove you're a bunch of damn idiots who can't make any decisions and stand by them and will change your mind about important issues that effect our children's futures strictly based on the next "conspiracy theory" that is put out there, rather than looking at facts and reality! Thank God there are still some people who make difficult choices with great forethought and who have the conviction and integrity to see those choices through.... that I can respect.... but this cowardly flip flopping all over the place based on the next social or political whim that seems to become popular and then lying about what your previous convictions and choices were.... is truly about as unrespectable as it can get!

LookinForSparks's photo
Sat 05/10/08 08:01 AM
It amazes me ho0w almost everyone now wants to just abandon the Iraq situation and act like they have always been against us going in there in the first place and that there was no valid reasons for doing so. The FACT of the matter is the an over whelming majority of Americans were 100% behind us going into Iraq at the time that decision was made and almost every Congressman and Senator in our government voted to do so, and they voted to do so for many reason's and the fact that Saddam might have had WMD's as literally every intellegency agency in the world thought, was by far not the only reason EVERYONE thought we needed to go into Iraq, that was only one of the many reasons for doing so. But the bottom line is over 95% of normal American citizens as well as over 95% of our elected government officials all thought we should do so.... and our president told us that if we took this action, we would be entering into a war unlike any we had been into ever before because we are dealing with radical terrorist that do not exist in just one organized location or country and he correctly told us that this was going to be a "years long" type of war, maybe even a generation type of war, and he stated these facts correctly! And yet still EVERYYONE was still behind that decision to do so and to remove Saddam from power because after 911 him being in power was too great of a risk!

Yet today almost everyone acts like they were never for the war or going in and doing what we did, and almost every democratic member of our government now claims they were against it, even thought almost everyone of them voted to do exactly what we did, and they all now claim the ONLY reason they voted to do so was because of the WMD information and that they were lied to by the President... what a spineless and cowardly thing to say or do.... that is complete bull****, and anyone who was so irresponsible to have only voted to go to war for that ONE singular reason are complete idiots to begin with, and the reality is everyone voted to take the actions we did for all the reasons we had to do so and fact is that was the right choice! Yet now that the war has indeed turned out to not be easy and has indeed shown that we are fighting a "years long" war against the radical terrorist just as our President told us it would be, most everyone, citizens and elected officials have all forgot about all the reasons why we really went into this, acted like they never supported that decision, flat out lie about supporting it, and now just want to abandon it all together.

Than God there are still some men and women of honor who truly did understand all the valid reasons why we had to take the actions we did, and still understand we must prevail once we did enter into what we did... and thank God these honorable and brave men and women have the courage and wisdom to be strong and follow through on what we have entered into and will do everything they can to prevail against the most significant treat of this generations life time, and that they are strong enough to do this even now that it has turned into the long and hard battle that we knew it would when we made the choice to take this action which was supported by almost literally every American at the time! And thank God that some people have the character and integrity to stand by their choices and to honor the commitments we make when we make such major choices!

And shame on all of those false, cowards who were fully on board and supported this whole thing from the start who now lie about that and who now want to abandon everything that they once fully supported just because it now has become fashionable to bash our actions because it has indeed been a difficult thing to achieve! I, for one, pray that these cowards and liars are not going to be the same men and women that we choose to run our country next.... if so, my children's future will indeed be very bleak indeed. I just hope there are still enough brave and true Americans left in this country that has integrity and the strength to do what they know has to be done to prevail in this war on terror that we can finish the job and that we will choose leaders who has this same understanding of the treats we face and what MUST be done, despite the whims of the political and social environment that exist right now!

LookinForSparks's photo
Fri 05/09/08 11:15 PM
When they portray them selves to be something other than the "real" them... or when they fall for other's who are pretending to be something they aren't!

LookinForSparks's photo
Fri 05/09/08 11:11 PM
Are you having a drunken love orgy? lol

LookinForSparks's photo
Fri 05/09/08 08:16 PM
Tied at 2 votes for the shower pic and two votes for the second to last one.... this was suppose to help me decide, not make if harder.... lol

So someone has to break the tie.... come on now!