Community > Posts By > sushi

sushi's photo
Mon 05/26/08 05:42 PM
Warmachine, let me guess, you're in your 30's, right? I thought so. No need to reply as I'm gone from this. If there's one thing I despise is baby pundits who've been through nothing. Good luck with your endeavors. Meredith

sushi's photo
Mon 05/26/08 05:30 PM
War Machine, please tell me where you get your info. I'm sure you're right. I wish I could do something about it and everything bad that has happened since Adam ate the apple. All I can do is hope you can see that killing and war is not new. Ask Abe why he ordered the destruction of most of the South (kids, women and all) in his March to the Sea. Who instigated the Battle of Gettyburg which resulted in one of the biggest war casualities known to man. We're getting into human nature here. I wish I knew what to do, but I don't and all the retoric in the world will ever change that. All I know is that of this minute, I'm sitting here in Texas with the BBQ pit going, the AC running, and I feel pretty safe. For whatever our government is up to, it seems to be working.

sushi's photo
Mon 05/26/08 05:05 PM
By the way, let's impeach LBJ and JFk--the biggest war hawks the world has ever known. At least JFK kept Cuba off our backs. As for the guy who wrote before me--go on to France. I hope you can afford it. Plus the French don't like Americans much anyway. I've never done anything to a Frenchman so I don't know why. No, I'm not nieve(sp) stupid, or anything that you want to call me. I just been on this earth a lot longer than many of you. I've studied, witnessed, been there. Print this page out and read it in about 30 years. You'll see what I mean, and as I'll be long gone, you'll see what I'm driving at, and I'll not be here to say I told you so. I have earned the pleasure and priviledge to know that will happen. Happy Memorial Day although you haven't earned the right to be happy

sushi's photo
Mon 05/26/08 04:47 PM
Hi, Catch Me!!!

sushi's photo
Mon 05/26/08 04:44 PM
Hey Sam, Let's impeach Abe, Ike, Truman, Washington, to name a few of the big ones. Now, go live in Keyna, Cuba, Cambodia, or anywhere else who may treat you better.

sushi's photo
Mon 05/26/08 04:28 PM
Boo, Hiss, Tiffany. Where are you gonna go where some degree of that doesn't happen. Just keep voting.

sushi's photo
Mon 05/26/08 04:15 PM
Thanks Lindyy, Same happened to me. I really didn't want him dead, but I sure didn't want to have to fight for war widow benefits either.

sushi's photo
Mon 05/26/08 04:12 PM
Don't worry. The rude and cruel aren't really rude and cruel--just bored.

sushi's photo
Mon 05/26/08 04:00 PM
France--Nope-too expensive. Norway, Nope--too cold. Sorry, I'll stay right here, imperfections and all. Oh, how about Mars? Receent photos have shown that Mars, like the moon, is rich in nothing but possible ice tracks of a zillion years ago.

sushi's photo
Mon 05/26/08 03:54 PM
Cherry, I've been divorced for 25 years. In retrospect, it's the best thing that ever happened to me. I've learned so much and done so much and grown so much. Being single is one of life's greatest lessons, even though you won't know it for awhile. Hang in there. I'm 61 and kinda know what I'm talking about.

sushi's photo
Mon 05/26/08 12:30 PM
If your puppy was a stray, he probably didn't get his first distemper shot. Ask your vet if he can stay overnight and get IV fluids. Yeah, I know, $$$$. I've spent a few myself with my 3 rescued dogs. I love them dearly.

sushi's photo
Mon 05/26/08 12:21 PM
Humans, as most, animals are self-serving, However, I can't think of where else I'd want to live--China, no; myramar (Burhma) HELL NO!; India-Nope; France-Nope; the moon-possibility.

sushi's photo
Mon 05/26/08 12:14 PM
Of course not! Do you have any ideas? I don't and I've beeen voting for XXyears.

sushi's photo
Mon 05/26/08 11:57 AM
Ok, you win, maybe. BUT I don't nor have I researched any of the above crimes to see if they are within the powers of the Pres. I'd hate to get into the secrets of any of our past leaders. We'd probably find worse. However, we, as American, are still here despite $3.89 a gallon for gas.

sushi's photo
Mon 05/26/08 11:48 AM
Oh, Rob. "Being Stupid in a no Stupid Zone." That's really funny. I do like your sense of humor, honestly.

sushi's photo
Mon 05/26/08 11:43 AM
Sorry Rob, Stupid is not an impeachable offense. We're all stupid

sushi's photo
Mon 05/26/08 11:33 AM
A very reverant Memorial Day to all. I hear and read all sorts of poo poo about impeaching Bush for this, that, or other. Do any of you scholars know what impeachment is--don't head to Google--not fair. I'm going by what I remember in Gov. class. Impeachment, I believe, is a formal indictment for breaking a law! No US President that I know of has EVER been impeached. Andrew Johnson was aquitted for whatever he did. Nixon got out before proceedings were to begin about his lying about his role in the Watergate cover-up. Clinton was quitted for his role in lying under oath about messin' with Monica. Hell, I don't blame him. Married to Hillary, I'd have lied to God. What happens after impeachment. Do you go to prison? Do you go to hell? Look it up for me as I'm lazy. Impeach Bush! For What??!! Making serious mistakes? Lying under oath befor a senate committee? Tell me what I'm seeing wrong here. Oh, by the way, Richard Nixon will go down in history as one of our greatest leaders. Even if he was an AH, he got us out of Vietnam with a shred of dignity and open up negotions with China, who would liked to have seen us fall off the face of the earth for some reason.

sushi's photo
Fri 05/23/08 03:46 PM
Wow! Don't we pundits know it all. How did ya'all find out all of this stuff? Do you have sources that I don't know about? The truth is, we do not have privy to all that's going on. I don't think any of us really wants to know. So far, I think it's for the best 'cause I can still go shopping with out too much fear of terrorist intervention. CIA, go ahead, check my background, listen in on my phone conversations, break into my computer. You'll sit there and be dead from boredom within 15 min.

sushi's photo
Fri 05/23/08 09:46 AM
Fanta, they're guinea pigs, not gerbils. I tried to mail you last night but you won't talk to us older girls. Love ya' anyway.

sushi's photo
Fri 05/23/08 07:43 AM
OK, folks. The votes are in. Now, let's address the issues that are real. Who would you rather see as our First Lady, the person the world really watches and pays attention to, First Lady Bill Clinton? Michelle Obama? or Cindy McCain.

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