Community > Posts By > OpenWounds

OpenWounds's photo
Mon 11/23/09 03:06 PM
wow? Is this still here?

I bet somebody's taken my seat by now...

OpenWounds's photo
Tue 11/18/08 02:17 PM
oh, great. Now, when i brush my teeth tonight, i'll be thinking about my bum wiggling. It shoudlnt though. It's firm, like mutton.

OpenWounds's photo
Tue 11/18/08 01:14 PM
I do get confused myself actually. I know a girl who looks amazing, and she's stalling for ages, afraid to ask this guy out in case he doesnt like her and bla bla bla. I just don't understand the insecurity, but i see it with so many girls.

I think a lot of us have something about us we really dont like, and we assume that everyone else on the planet hates it as much as we do

OpenWounds's photo
Tue 11/18/08 01:10 PM
Oh i'm totally nuts. I make normal people uncomfortable

OpenWounds's photo
Mon 11/17/08 01:06 PM
how many of you i took with me.

OpenWounds's photo
Mon 11/17/08 01:04 PM
Something, anything a bit unusual.

OpenWounds's photo
Sun 11/16/08 03:27 PM
Oh i'm very aware of why i'm single. I'm bad at meeting people, and tend to be instantly defeatist about any potential match. I'm my own worst enemy, and very aware of it.

OpenWounds's photo
Sun 11/16/08 03:04 PM
my singing talent never really went beyond growling

OpenWounds's photo
Fri 11/14/08 02:47 PM
sounds about right

OpenWounds's photo
Fri 11/14/08 02:45 PM
I'm always nice. Unless i'm trying to be mean. But then when i'm mean i'm not actually mean. Im wierd.

OpenWounds's photo
Fri 11/14/08 02:42 PM
doesn't seem fair, really.

I guess the world can just be a ***** sometimes.

OpenWounds's photo
Fri 11/14/08 02:38 PM

I do want to wait for her, but my question was is she being serious? I just don't want to get my hopes up and she ends up not wanting me. I'm not gonna sit around waiting for her, I'll move on and live my life. She does want to be my friend we still talk and will continue to talk. As far as I can tell she is being genuine as shes always talking about school work and how shes in honors classes. I definitely think shes worth the wait I want to get to know her better and see if we work as a couple. Thanks for all the response.

Then wait. If you get burned, that's life, but if you get impatient and walk away from something that could have been good, then you'll always wonder and regret. Just give it a few months, you dont have to be waiting dilligently forever or anything.

OpenWounds's photo
Fri 11/14/08 02:34 PM

Did she say specifically what she thought you would not be able to do? I don't think I would let this one slide. You will likely not get a job there, but not even being allowed to fill out the application is just ludicrous. Someone dropped the ball BIG TIME. Only you can decide if this is a battle worth waging war over.
I called the 7/11 Corp. when I got home and they told me, and I quote, "It's 7/11's policy to not hire anyone that can't do everyting that is expected". Oh yeah, did I mention that their is a step to get to the registers? Not a ramp, a step. Sounds to me like the 7/11 Corp. is "Handicap Phobic"

Is that even allowed? I thought all these places had to be wheelchair-friendly. You can't actually openly discriminate against the handicapped with stuff like that, surely? A ramp should, by rights, be a requirement, not an option.

OpenWounds's photo
Fri 11/14/08 02:21 PM
natural born outcast, right here. I'm the guy who always sits in the corner and doesnt say much.

OpenWounds's photo
Fri 11/14/08 02:18 PM
I dont shave on days off. Seems like a waste of effort if im not going to leave the house.

OpenWounds's photo
Fri 11/14/08 02:10 PM
If she's worth it to you, you'll wait. If she isnt, then what's the problem?

OpenWounds's photo
Fri 11/14/08 02:08 PM
I'd say something, but i seem to have been expressly forbidden from doing so.

OpenWounds's photo
Fri 11/14/08 02:04 PM
The girl i want should be getting the guy she wants right about now. I wish i wasn't alone tonight.

OpenWounds's photo
Fri 11/14/08 01:51 PM
I dont need to know if people like me or my damn profile. I spent five minutes on it, and thats all you're getting.

OpenWounds's photo
Fri 11/14/08 01:44 PM
I could think of nothing more exciting than watching a small, smelly, incommunicable person do basically nothing for five hours. I pity you, man.

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