Community > Posts By > Shoku

Shoku's photo
Mon 11/23/09 06:47 AM

Shoku said
Now, the way you do it is a little bit different. Instead of ignoring the number of legs on a giraffe you jump back to an earlier position and say the legs don't have anything to do with it. They are most certainly related to the last post and train of thought and so you burden me with the task of looking back for where you said something to prove that you said it and then the full sum of acknowledgment you give me is at best dropping any fight you can't win.
You see this is a very good example of our differing approaches. To you it seems to be a “fight”. To me it is (or should be) simply a conversation.
Well no. The thing is I don't see how you can view it as anything but a fight with the way you conduct yourself.
I'm playing a game by the rules.

I'm trying to speak in a way that you'll understand what I'm saying but you're constantly telling me I've got it wrong. I'm fine with being told that I'm wrong as that gives me the ability to x out an item on the list and move on but when I've narrowed things down and proceed with the image I've let you build and you still tell me it's wrong something smells fishy.
If you “narrow it down”, but I don’t agree with what I think you’ve narrowed it down to, then what would you suggest I do?
Not mislead me.

Or you could address the way I've narrowed it down and show that I jumped to conclusions to early and missed an important option.
With what you've been doing you just bring up something you said as if that's enough to make things work but I want to see how that connects to other things you've been saying.

Be truthful and tell you that I don’t agree, followed by trying to explain it in terms I think will show it more clearly, or lie and tell you I do agree?
I'm very fixated on truth.

I am willing to take full responsibility for my own shortcomings in being able to explain it in a way that you can understand it. But if it always come back as something that looks to me to be different from what I said, then it smells just as fishy to me.
Break it down so you can tell me what makes it look different. For all I know this might be like you rejecting everything I say because you don't like my accent.

With JB it feels more like she just has a short attention span and always tries to jump back to what she wants to, well, not "talk about" so much as "say." It's kind of the most and least extreme in terms of ignoring what other people say.
I have to say I feel the same way about you as you say you feel about JB – the short attention span. That is why I must “jump back” – to show how what I am saying “now” relates to what I was saying “then” – because you are apparently unable to make the connection.
I'm trying to build a system so I want what you've currently said to match what you've said previously. Much of what I say is aimed at getting you to refine concepts but you keep wiping away the refined version as if to go back to when I hadn't narrowed things down.
As I said above, if what you’ve refined it down to does not appear to me to match my intended meaning, then what would you suggest I do? Leave it there and build on what I consider to be an error, or go back to before the error occurred and try a different way?
Don't jump back. Build back.

But other things like how you act as if I said I want justice or revenge here (and chopped up the quotes enough that people can't see I didn't say that without scrolling back up to look) and in to the reason people hate talking to you. That's called quote mining (and you do some of it implicitly,) but that's a dishonest thing to do.
You are the one that specifically stated the reason for asking the questions was justice, and immediately following that implied that revenge was also a factor. It seems to me that you projected your own perspective on others, and then denied that it was your perspective by dnying you want revenge.
The question was asking about other people. I answered it in terms of other people.

They get frustrated talking to you. There are only a couple of general reasons one person gets frustrated talking to another. It's easiest to picture with children. When a child is trying to express a concept that they understand but may not be able to fully express to someone else and they have tried to explain it to the point of exhaustion that's one reason. Another is when they are being outwitted.
Well it is definitely true that some people get frustrated talking to me. I cannot deny that in the face of this very conversation. But it is also true that some other people do not get frustrated with me.

And there is another scenario that produces frustration, also easily illustrated with children. Ever seen a child get frustrated with a schoolwork? They’re not “trying to explain” something and they’re not being “outwitted”. They’re running up against a continued failure in attempting to grasp a concept or perform a required action.
Isn't that the same as being outwitted but taking the person out of it?
That might actually be a better example for the second type of frustration than what I gave.

Well no, it blurs the first option too much. They're frustrated there because the authority has placed the burden of understanding on them rather than the person who first explained it. If their teacher had to explain math to them and couldn't go home until they understood it would be just like my first option.

But if you’re implying that you perceive me to be trying to “outwit” you, I would say “No moreso than I perceive you to be doing the very same thing.”
But if I'm not implying that you don't perceive me that way? laugh

It's nice to get a more direct admission of your motives.

Now, with someone frustrating people by being dense to what they are saying revenge is not immediately a motivation. After all, it's like like you wish revenge on the handicapped for being slower.
No, it's when they are dense to what you are saying but then turn around and show that they have the capacity but just aren't using it that there is a sense of being wronged. For someone to have wasted your time in such a way acts to greatly magnify the frustration.
If you’re referring to something that has happend in our conversation, I’m afraid you’ve lost me.

Specifically “it's when they are dense to what you are saying but then turn around and show that they have the capacity but just aren't using it”.

I don’t recall that happening.
Simple example with abra: "that's begging the question/scarecrow argument/false dichotomy/etc."
"That's an ad hominem attack."

He understands what a fallacy is and that you can't use them in arguments. Whenever I said he was using some fallacy or other he couldn't see the problem with it.

And the declarations of victory certainly didn't do anything to ease tensions. I understand that's basically about ego stroking, or for more sinister purposes to manipulate an opponent, but either way it is basically spitting in their faces.
I’m not sure how that even applies, since I don’t think I’ve ever “declared victory” any more than you ever did.
You veil it better than abra or JB but your posts to each other most certainly took that tone around page 40.

So adding it all together they should feel they've been wronged and have a desire to "get even." If they're not acting on it they have got some especially strong character but as I'm trying to talk to you in a way you'll understand and you've clearly stated that your understanding is that they are immature and closed minded this leaves only the option that they should want revenge upon you.
I don’t recall ever “clearly stating that [my] understanding is that [anyone is] immature and closed minded”.
Well just within this post you've done it implicitly by adding in the explanation of a child doing schoolwork. Would you like to state that you were not saying that the rest of us are frustrated because we don't understand you concepts?

And don’t talk to me about “chopping up quotes”. Your very first post in this thread consisted of no less than twenty four separated quotes, “chopped up” to suit your needs, followed by several more of the same. So you can call the kettle black all you want. But don’t be surprised when the kettle calls you black in return.
I interject but I'm talking about chopping them up in the editing sense. I very rarely omit any content in what I'm quoting and that's only if it's basically the closing sentence that didn't really add any meaning.

What I am complaining about from you is the editing of my context. You pluck out single sentences stripping them entirely away from what came before and after and by doing so you change the meaning.

I would not have much objection to your shortened quotes if you responded to them in their original context but you are either intentionally not doing so or lack the ability to recognize the context.
Interstingly enough, I feel pretty much exactly the same way about the way you treat quotes.

And I don’t usually considered them to be “editing out meaning”. Only that they are the most succinct expressions of the point we wish to reply to. Either that or they are points on which subsequent statements rest and the point is not agreed upon, so there is no reason to include the subsequent, dependent argument.
My subsequent argument is there to explain what I meant by the point nine times out of ten.

I would have to concede that I am no match for you.
Glad you can admit it.

Shoku's photo
Mon 11/23/09 06:28 AM

Just wanted to note that Bohm's ideas about The Holographic Universe also points to a concept that what we consider "reality" (i.e. "physical") has an underlying "non-pysical" nature.
The Matrix?? LOL
That's not a bad analogy. drinker
It's not significantly different from solipsism.
Seems to me like it is. There are multiple individuals in the Matrix, and as I understand it, Bohm's theory doesn't say anything about individuals at all, only the nature of reality.
"I'm real but everyone around me and likely even my own body is illusionary." That's exactly what it is.
Well it may say that to you, but that's not what it says to me. To me it says, there is me and there are others, and those others are just as real as me.
As it doesn't say anything about individuals we're not precluded from having many others in the same situation.
So it fits solipsism perfectly.
Apparently, you and I have very different ideas about what consititutes solopsism.
How so? We seem to agree that solipsism doesn't have any problem with there being other people in an illusion.
But "we" don't.
"As it doesn't say anything about individuals we're not precluded from having many others in the same situation."

How is that not us agreeing?
Maybe this is just a misunderstood referent.

I was referring to the Holographic Universe idea.

I don’t see how either the Holographic Universe, or “other people in the same situation” equates to solipsism. As I understand it, the Holographic Universe theory says nothing at all about individuals and so can’t be equated with solipsism in any way. And the idea of “other people” is contrary to the very foundation of solipsism.

Well we can take it one step further than solipsism and say that we're not real either. As just characters without knowledge flow from the player into us we're nothing more than an illusion.

Shoku's photo
Mon 11/23/09 06:24 AM

What thread has asked is if there is evidence for a designer. "We can't know" is a vote that there is not evidence.
"That there's no evidence is missing the point" is flat out wrong because the point is all in "is there evidence for it?" If you want to talk about how important having evidence is or isn't do it in a thread about that.

I have presented what I considered to be "evidence" and it was rejected. I even declared that this thread was at a dead end yet people are still posting.

Yes there is evidence. That is my answer. I gave my answer and my evidence. Now if people still want to chit chat and drag this thread out forever, I guess that is their choice.

So why don't you stick to the subject of the thread? If we all did that, this thread would have died after three pages.

You can let it die now. It's a dead thread. All who post now are just defending their egos.

No, I just like some form of resolution.

But I thought you had said repeatedly that you just had an opinion. Are you saying that your opinion counts as evidence and if so how do you handle anyone with the opinion that you're wrong?

If you have read the entire two threads you would have found what I presented as "evidence" of intelligent design and designers. My 'evidence' is not an opinion. That it is or is not "sufficient evidence" is an opinion. I'll not start going in circles on the subject again.

I have resolved it to my satisfaction. I accept, understand and believe my evidence. If you want some form of 'resolution' of your own just do as everyone else has done and refuse to consider my evidence as evidence. Hence for you, the matter is closed. There is no "evidence."

Of course we continue to disagree on that point, but .... oh well. huh

Oh right, so your evidence is that a design has to have a designer.
Nobody has outright thrown that out. Instead what they've done is tell you that you're doing it in the wrong order. The only thing that makes something a design is if it had a designer, right?

Apparently you have not read my evidence. That's okay, you probably would not follow it or make the connection anyway.

Why do you continue to press this issue anyway? You can find closure to this matter by simply concluding that "there is no evidence" just like everyone else did.

Because I don't conclude that there is no evidence for something. That would require negative evidence and such a thing is impossible.

What I want is for you to show evidence of it or to say that you have none. NOT call me unfit of mind.

Butterfly wing. Eyespot. Design. Designer.
Did you have anything else that doesn't immediately come to my mind?

I have already shown my evidence (and I was right, --you apparently don't follow it or don't get it.) If you don''t accept or comprehend the evidence I submitted, then it must not be enough evidence for you. You can now conclude that "I have none." That is your conclusion and your closure on the matter. But don't ask me (or expect me) to say "I have none." I gave examples of today's designers and where science is headed.. inevitably towards creating and designing life itself, and even universes and black holes, and that is not enough for you to see where that is going. You don't get it. We are the designers of this and future universes.

How many times do I have to explain to you that "we design things" is not evidence for what people are talking about here?
"The Dodo is extinct." "Nu uh, I have a dog." "We're not talking about dogs here." "But they're the same size!"

What evidence do you have for an intelligent designer before life on Earth? I remember the butterfly stuff but I'm kind of involved with talking to three people in here and I've got exams looming overhead so it's a bit difficult to recall everything you've said.

Shoku's photo
Mon 11/23/09 06:21 AM

This leaves the interesting question of what reason there could be to behave morally if our bodies are not even a part of us so much as something we're using.
Again, the car/driver analogy works fairly well here.

What reason is there for abiding by the “rules of the road”, if our cars are not a part of us but something we’re using?

Because there are other drivers using cars and we’re all using the same roads, so we have (i.e. make up) rules that allow everyone the opportunity to use their cars to get where they want to go with minimal conflict.
So if we crash a body we have to hope an astral ambulance gets to us quickly and pay big astral bucks for the whole ordeal?
Personally, I would hope for a physical ambulance, but you can wait for an astral ambulance if you want. laugh
I'm more on the note of "does our body have airbags or do our astral selves smash their (important part) open as it comes to a sudden halt and maybe snap their (connective section) in half as they recoil from it?"

Does the body have airbags for the soul?
Back to the game analogy again…

Do the characters have airbags or do the players smash their (important part) open as it comes to a sudden halt and maybe snap their (connective part) in half as they recoil from it?

Does a character in a game have airbags for the player?

The questions don’t really apply.
Actually that's rather how I meant it. If we're just in a game and the consequences of smashing into each other with cars are a lot of the car and then a fade out and fade back in where we can do whatever we want all over again then who gives a shlt about the rules of the road?
Only those who want to use the roads, and care about others using the roads, care about the rules of the road. If you don’t want to use the roads, or don’t care about anyone else who wants to use the roads, then there’s no reason for you to care about the rules of the road.
Why care about people? They're just things.
I don’t happen to agree with that, but I would agree that someone who does wouldn’t care about them.
You've said it's like a car and when I tried to find a way that mistreating a car affected a person you dismissed it saying that it was like a character in a video game and that you couldn't hurt yourself by wrecking it.

How is it any more than "just a thing"?
You have apparently mistaken "using a more accurate analogy" for "dismissal".

The "things" I am referring to (including the "character") are a part of the game, the "person" I am referring to is the creator/player of the game.

I didn't say or mean the person was like the car. I meant the body is like the car and the person is like the driver.
And when do we ever interact with anything but the body?
If you consider communicating with someone else as “interacting” with them, then I would say we interact with things other than bodies all the time, if indirectly.

And while it’s true that most people are (or at least believe they are) unable to interact directly with anything other than their own body, that is not necessarily true of everyone – as evidenced by literally millions of anecdotal reports, not to mention scientific studies, such as those done by PEAR into man/machine interfaces and remote viewing.
Here's a good example of you starting to do what I complained about Abra doing: PEAR's random number maker isn't random or used professionally but you've just ignored that and thrown them onto the list of evidence again.

If we stole the rims off of some character the player could just load up a back up save or a different character altogether.
Sure, if that’s what the rules of the game said and you were playing by the rules.
I don't like this answer. There are two things you could be doing here.
A: agreeing with me and dropping the subject.
B: disagreeing with me here by implying that those aren't the rules for this game but not giving any kind of explanation for that.

What reason is there to treat other characters nicely?
The same reason one treats other’s property nicely in “real life”. It usually leads to enhanced ability to achieve one’s goals and purposes. That is, it leaves one to focus on personal goals and obtain assistance from others with common goals, instead of fighting off reprisals or having to “go it alone” without any assitance from anyone else.

But if those things were not a factor, then you’re right – there would be no reason for it.
Once anybody figures out how to exploit the system to do these things without getting caught word travels fast. Are our players all just much stupider than their characters or something?

If you look at the internet where everyone is explicitly aware that they are controlling characters that have basically no back-connection to them there's none of the social boundary.

Look at email accounts. If somebody wants to do something that infringes on people's rights they just make a new account and scam or whatever until they can't do it with that account anymore and then they throw it away and keep doing it on a new one. This plays out the same way in basically every MMO.
Advertising astral underwear services may be meaningless in the plane where our players are actually at but if the actions of their characters are any indication there are plenty of them that thoroughly enjoy the simple act of ruining other people's fun. Why don't they start up babies with offensive-racist features and then take the first opportunity to put bullets between the eyes of as many people as possible and then start up another character and do it again and again until they're banned from the game at which point they just get a proxy and keep doing it until the game spirals downward into a bloated mess nobody wants to be involved with?
Well, now you’re asking me for other people’s reasons and purposes for playing the game, which I cannot answer for them.
Bullshlt. You can so. You don't have to tell me about a particular person's reasons, you can just list potential reasons so as to show that it makes sense.

So what's a potential way to keep people from dicking up the game? I can think of two ways right now but I'm concerned with how you solve the problem.

The best I can do is again compare it to something simple like basketball.

Different people have different reasons for playing basketball. Some play it for exercise. Some play it for fun. Some play it to make money. Some people play it simply for something to do. Some people play it for different reason at different times. And some people like to watch it, but not to play it – also for various reasons. And some people think it’s a stupid, pointless game. But no one has to play it, and no one has to follow the rules if they do play it.

And the same thing applies to computer-based MMORPGs. And the same thing applies to the “universe game”.

The main difference is that, from a human perspective of the universe game, very few believe they have a choice in the matter.

This still doesn't explain where the people are who are breaking the rules.

Shoku's photo
Sun 11/22/09 06:04 PM

This leaves the interesting question of what reason there could be to behave morally if our bodies are not even a part of us so much as something we're using.
Again, the car/driver analogy works fairly well here.

What reason is there for abiding by the “rules of the road”, if our cars are not a part of us but something we’re using?

Because there are other drivers using cars and we’re all using the same roads, so we have (i.e. make up) rules that allow everyone the opportunity to use their cars to get where they want to go with minimal conflict.
So if we crash a body we have to hope an astral ambulance gets to us quickly and pay big astral bucks for the whole ordeal?
Personally, I would hope for a physical ambulance, but you can wait for an astral ambulance if you want. laugh
I'm more on the note of "does our body have airbags or do our astral selves smash their (important part) open as it comes to a sudden halt and maybe snap their (connective section) in half as they recoil from it?"

Does the body have airbags for the soul?
Back to the game analogy again…

Do the characters have airbags or do the players smash their (important part) open as it comes to a sudden halt and maybe snap their (connective part) in half as they recoil from it?

Does a character in a game have airbags for the player?

The questions don’t really apply.
Actually that's rather how I meant it. If we're just in a game and the consequences of smashing into each other with cars are a lot of the car and then a fade out and fade back in where we can do whatever we want all over again then who gives a shlt about the rules of the road?
Only those who want to use the roads, and care about others using the roads, care about the rules of the road. If you don’t want to use the roads, or don’t care about anyone else who wants to use the roads, then there’s no reason for you to care about the rules of the road.
Why care about people? They're just things.
I don’t happen to agree with that, but I would agree that someone who does wouldn’t care about them.
You've said it's like a car and when I tried to find a way that mistreating a car affected a person you dismissed it saying that it was like a character in a video game and that you couldn't hurt yourself by wrecking it.

How is it any more than "just a thing"?
You have apparently mistaken "using a more accurate analogy" for "dismissal".

The "things" I am referring to (including the "character") are a part of the game, the "person" I am referring to is the creator/player of the game.

I didn't say or mean the person was like the car. I meant the body is like the car and the person is like the driver.
And when do we ever interact with anything but the body? If we stole the rims off of some character the player could just load up a back up save or a different character altogether.

What reason is there to treat other characters nicely? If you look at the internet where everyone is explicitly aware that they are controlling characters that have basically no back-connection to them there's none of the social boundary.

Look at email accounts. If somebody wants to do something that infringes on people's rights they just make a new account and scam or whatever until they can't do it with that account anymore and then they throw it away and keep doing it on a new one. This plays out the same way in basically every MMO.
Advertising astral underwear services may be meaningless in the plane where our players are actually at but if the actions of their characters are any indication there are plenty of them that thoroughly enjoy the simple act of ruining other people's fun. Why don't they start up babies with offensive-racist features and then take the first opportunity to put bullets between the eyes of as many people as possible and then start up another character and do it again and again until they're banned from the game at which point they just get a proxy and keep doing it until the game spirals downward into a bloated mess nobody wants to be involved with?

Shoku's photo
Sun 11/22/09 05:53 PM

What thread has asked is if there is evidence for a designer. "We can't know" is a vote that there is not evidence.
"That there's no evidence is missing the point" is flat out wrong because the point is all in "is there evidence for it?" If you want to talk about how important having evidence is or isn't do it in a thread about that.

I have presented what I considered to be "evidence" and it was rejected. I even declared that this thread was at a dead end yet people are still posting.

Yes there is evidence. That is my answer. I gave my answer and my evidence. Now if people still want to chit chat and drag this thread out forever, I guess that is their choice.

So why don't you stick to the subject of the thread? If we all did that, this thread would have died after three pages.

You can let it die now. It's a dead thread. All who post now are just defending their egos.

No, I just like some form of resolution.

But I thought you had said repeatedly that you just had an opinion. Are you saying that your opinion counts as evidence and if so how do you handle anyone with the opinion that you're wrong?

If you have read the entire two threads you would have found what I presented as "evidence" of intelligent design and designers. My 'evidence' is not an opinion. That it is or is not "sufficient evidence" is an opinion. I'll not start going in circles on the subject again.

I have resolved it to my satisfaction. I accept, understand and believe my evidence. If you want some form of 'resolution' of your own just do as everyone else has done and refuse to consider my evidence as evidence. Hence for you, the matter is closed. There is no "evidence."

Of course we continue to disagree on that point, but .... oh well. huh

Oh right, so your evidence is that a design has to have a designer.
Nobody has outright thrown that out. Instead what they've done is tell you that you're doing it in the wrong order. The only thing that makes something a design is if it had a designer, right?

Apparently you have not read my evidence. That's okay, you probably would not follow it or make the connection anyway.

Why do you continue to press this issue anyway? You can find closure to this matter by simply concluding that "there is no evidence" just like everyone else did.

Because I don't conclude that there is no evidence for something. That would require negative evidence and such a thing is impossible.

What I want is for you to show evidence of it or to say that you have none. NOT call me unfit of mind.

Butterfly wing. Eyespot. Design. Designer.
Did you have anything else that doesn't immediately come to my mind?

Shoku's photo
Sun 11/22/09 05:50 PM

I think the broken up posts thing isn't working so well JB. I'm getting replied to less even though it should be easier for people to do so.
Naw, I think your just wearing them out, good on you! When it was just me and creative we tend to get wore out first.
Is that what this is all about? "Wearing them down?"

If so, what is the purpose or end result of doing so?

My purpose in answering all the questions is to provide information that will allow a better understanding of my views.

What is the purpose in asking them?
Well, for whatever it's worth, I have genuinely enjoyed reading your posts Sky. I have found much of what you have posted to be quite interesting and enlightening.

You have helped me to gain some deeper insights into the various possibilities of the true essence of reality. drinker

People will praise you if you make them think they are thinking but abhor you if you actually make them think~
People who believe that platitude aren't thinking.
Why not? Because you don't like it?
No, because it's false.
You're false.

See how far that got us? Hint: not far.

Now please tell me why it's false. Please explain.

Shoku's photo
Sun 11/22/09 05:49 PM

Shoku said
Now, the way you do it is a little bit different. Instead of ignoring the number of legs on a giraffe you jump back to an earlier position and say the legs don't have anything to do with it. They are most certainly related to the last post and train of thought and so you burden me with the task of looking back for where you said something to prove that you said it and then the full sum of acknowledgment you give me is at best dropping any fight you can't win.
You see this is a very good example of our differing approaches. To you it seems to be a “fight”. To me it is (or should be) simply a conversation.

Well no. The thing is I don't see how you can view it as anything but a fight with the way you conduct yourself. I'm trying to speak in a way that you'll understand what I'm saying but you're constantly telling me I've got it wrong. I'm fine with being told that I'm wrong as that gives me the ability to x out an item on the list and move on but when I've narrowed things down and proceed with the image I've let you build and you still tell me it's wrong something smells fishy.

With JB it feels more like she just has a short attention span and always tries to jump back to what she wants to, well, not "talk about" so much as "say." It's kind of the most and least extreme in terms of ignoring what other people say.
I have to say I feel the same way about you as you say you feel about JB – the short attention span. That is why I must “jump back” – to show how what I am saying “now” relates to what I was saying “then” – because you are apparently unable to make the connection.
I'm trying to build a system so I want what you've currently said to match what you've said previously. Much of what I say is aimed at getting you to refine concepts but you keep wiping away the refined version as if to go back to when I hadn't narrowed things down.

But other things like how you act as if I said I want justice or revenge here (and chopped up the quotes enough that people can't see I didn't say that without scrolling back up to look) and in to the reason people hate talking to you. That's called quote mining (and you do some of it implicitly,) but that's a dishonest thing to do.
You are the one that specifically stated the reason for asking the questions was justice, and immediately following that implied that revenge was also a factor. It seems to me that you projected your own perspective on others, and then denied that it was your perspective by dnying you want revenge.
The question was asking about other people. I answered it in terms of other people.

They get frustrated talking to you. There are only a couple of general reasons one person gets frustrated talking to another. It's easiest to picture with children. When a child is trying to express a concept that they understand but may not be able to fully express to someone else and they have tried to explain it to the point of exhaustion that's one reason. Another is when they are being outwitted.

I've outlined the way to outwit me in a recent post and creative had a more elegant description of it so I shouldn't need to work very hard to show it's more the first variety here.

Now, with someone frustrating people by being dense to what they are saying revenge is not immediately a motivation. After all, it's like like you wish revenge on the handicapped for being slower.
No, it's when they are dense to what you are saying but then turn around and show that they have the capacity but just aren't using it that there is a sense of being wronged. For someone to have wasted your time in such a way acts to greatly magnify the frustration.

And the declarations of victory certainly didn't do anything to ease tensions. I understand that's basically about ego stroking, or for more sinister purposes to manipulate an opponent, but either way it is basically spitting in their faces.

So adding it all together they should feel they've been wronged and have a desire to "get even." If they're not acting on it they have got some especially strong character but as I'm trying to talk to you in a way you'll understand and you've clearly stated that your understanding is that they are immature and closed minded this leaves only the option that they should want revenge upon you.

And don’t talk to me about “chopping up quotes”. Your very first post in this thread consisted of no less than twenty four separated quotes, “chopped up” to suit your needs, followed by several more of the same. So you can call the kettle black all you want. But don’t be surprised when the kettle calls you black in return.
I interject but I'm talking about chopping them up in the editing sense. I very rarely omit any content in what I'm quoting and that's only if it's basically the closing sentence that didn't really add any meaning.

What I am complaining about from you is the editing of my context. You pluck out single sentences stripping them entirely away from what came before and after and by doing so you change the meaning.

I would not have much objection to your shortened quotes if you responded to them in their original context but you are either intentionally not doing so or lack the ability to recognize the context.

I would have to concede that I am no match for you.

Shoku's photo
Sun 11/22/09 05:22 PM

This leaves the interesting question of what reason there could be to behave morally if our bodies are not even a part of us so much as something we're using.
Again, the car/driver analogy works fairly well here.

What reason is there for abiding by the “rules of the road”, if our cars are not a part of us but something we’re using?

Because there are other drivers using cars and we’re all using the same roads, so we have (i.e. make up) rules that allow everyone the opportunity to use their cars to get where they want to go with minimal conflict.
So if we crash a body we have to hope an astral ambulance gets to us quickly and pay big astral bucks for the whole ordeal?
Personally, I would hope for a physical ambulance, but you can wait for an astral ambulance if you want. laugh
I'm more on the note of "does our body have airbags or do our astral selves smash their (important part) open as it comes to a sudden halt and maybe snap their (connective section) in half as they recoil from it?"

Does the body have airbags for the soul?
Back to the game analogy again…

Do the characters have airbags or do the players smash their (important part) open as it comes to a sudden halt and maybe snap their (connective part) in half as they recoil from it?

Does a character in a game have airbags for the player?

The questions don’t really apply.
Actually that's rather how I meant it. If we're just in a game and the consequences of smashing into each other with cars are a lot of the car and then a fade out and fade back in where we can do whatever we want all over again then who gives a shlt about the rules of the road?
Only those who want to use the roads, and care about others using the roads, care about the rules of the road. If you don’t want to use the roads, or don’t care about anyone else who wants to use the roads, then there’s no reason for you to care about the rules of the road.
Why care about people? They're just things.
I don’t happen to agree with that, but I would agree that someone who does wouldn’t care about them.
You've said it's like a car and when I tried to find a way that mistreating a car affected a person you dismissed it saying that it was like a character in a video game and that you couldn't hurt yourself by wrecking it.

How is it any more than "just a thing"?

Shoku's photo
Sun 11/22/09 05:20 PM

What thread has asked is if there is evidence for a designer. "We can't know" is a vote that there is not evidence.
"That there's no evidence is missing the point" is flat out wrong because the point is all in "is there evidence for it?" If you want to talk about how important having evidence is or isn't do it in a thread about that.

I have presented what I considered to be "evidence" and it was rejected. I even declared that this thread was at a dead end yet people are still posting.

Yes there is evidence. That is my answer. I gave my answer and my evidence. Now if people still want to chit chat and drag this thread out forever, I guess that is their choice.

So why don't you stick to the subject of the thread? If we all did that, this thread would have died after three pages.

You can let it die now. It's a dead thread. All who post now are just defending their egos.

No, I just like some form of resolution.

But I thought you had said repeatedly that you just had an opinion. Are you saying that your opinion counts as evidence and if so how do you handle anyone with the opinion that you're wrong?

If you have read the entire two threads you would have found what I presented as "evidence" of intelligent design and designers. My 'evidence' is not an opinion. That it is or is not "sufficient evidence" is an opinion. I'll not start going in circles on the subject again.

I have resolved it to my satisfaction. I accept, understand and believe my evidence. If you want some form of 'resolution' of your own just do as everyone else has done and refuse to consider my evidence as evidence. Hence for you, the matter is closed. There is no "evidence."

Of course we continue to disagree on that point, but .... oh well. huh

Oh right, so your evidence is that a design has to have a designer.
Nobody has outright thrown that out. Instead what they've done is tell you that you're doing it in the wrong order. The only thing that makes something a design is if it had a designer, right?

Shoku's photo
Sun 11/22/09 05:17 PM

Just wanted to note that Bohm's ideas about The Holographic Universe also points to a concept that what we consider "reality" (i.e. "physical") has an underlying "non-pysical" nature.
The Matrix?? LOL
That's not a bad analogy. drinker
It's not significantly different from solipsism.
Seems to me like it is. There are multiple individuals in the Matrix, and as I understand it, Bohm's theory doesn't say anything about individuals at all, only the nature of reality.
"I'm real but everyone around me and likely even my own body is illusionary." That's exactly what it is.
Well it may say that to you, but that's not what it says to me. To me it says, there is me and there are others, and those others are just as real as me.
As it doesn't say anything about individuals we're not precluded from having many others in the same situation.
So it fits solipsism perfectly.
Apparently, you and I have very different ideas about what consititutes solopsism.
How so? We seem to agree that solipsism doesn't have any problem with there being other people in an illusion.
But "we" don't.

"As it doesn't say anything about individuals we're not precluded from having many others in the same situation."

How is that not us agreeing?

Shoku's photo
Sun 11/22/09 01:51 PM

Shoku described the general pattern/style of argument here very concisely with this analogy...

"Look at the giraffes five legs and you must see how my point stands.

"Those only have four legs."

To be unrelenting you can ignore that they have four legs and keep saying that they have five but to actually participate in a discussion the way Bushido, Creative, and myself expect people to you have to say something about the four legs.

Di gave three great posts in a row concerning this very thing(the ethical procedure involved in an intellectual argument) in the burden of proof thread.

In order for one to reasonably continue proposing an argument, when the opposition presents counter-evidence, that evidence must be considered. Upon consideration, it must be shown as either irrelevant, insufficient, or incorrect in order to show that it does not deny nor refute the original claim against which it was posed.

The counter evidence which has been given in this thread, that directly addressed the irrelevant nature or insufficient amount of the evidence presented has been ignored for the most part. Instead, the claimant, upon having been given a logical or common sense refutation of his/her claim, has avoided that completely, and instead held to the original claim for the original reasons given, or in some cases completely changed the content and/or form of presentation in such a way that it no longer applied to what was being considered. As Jeremy says, and Shoku has applied since... moving the goalposts around in the middle of the game in order to avoid facing the fact that the opponents kicker is dead on.


Ya but we all kind of know people who support spiritualism don't understand how that's not good argument procedure.

I've been trying to avoid the near legalese tone of the middle of that to be sure it wasn't the reason they don't get it, and I think we've got enough evidence of that by now~

Shoku's photo
Sun 11/22/09 01:20 PM

What thread has asked is if there is evidence for a designer. "We can't know" is a vote that there is not evidence.
"That there's no evidence is missing the point" is flat out wrong because the point is all in "is there evidence for it?" If you want to talk about how important having evidence is or isn't do it in a thread about that.

I have presented what I considered to be "evidence" and it was rejected. I even declared that this thread was at a dead end yet people are still posting.

Yes there is evidence. That is my answer. I gave my answer and my evidence. Now if people still want to chit chat and drag this thread out forever, I guess that is their choice.

So why don't you stick to the subject of the thread? If we all did that, this thread would have died after three pages.

You can let it die now. It's a dead thread. All who post now are just defending their egos.

No, I just like some form of resolution.

But I thought you had said repeatedly that you just had an opinion. Are you saying that your opinion counts as evidence and if so how do you handle anyone with the opinion that you're wrong?

Shoku's photo
Sun 11/22/09 01:16 PM

I keep my goals a little more clouded though as it keeps things from turning into endless retaliation spirals.
That need for revenge is what causes the spiral. And personally, I think that indicates just how transparent your goals really are.
I dont think that is accurate at all. I do not post for revenge, how silly, what a petty reason, no if I wanted revenge it would be intimate.

I post becuase the topics are interesting and you guys have points of view starkly different so it makes it fun.

Also most forum goers are very easy going about this stuff, its pretty rare someone starts with the ad homs, and personal attacks.

The adversarial nature of my, creative and abra discourse has everything to do with a lack of effort by abra to really even engage at the level he claims to be an authority on in science.

Well yes, the nondisclosure of my motives is due to not knowing who I'm talking to until I know if it will be an issue or not. If it's not an issue people don't need to hear it anyway so it's fog all around.

Really though, it's unjust how they behave so balancing things out should in all fairness be on your mind. If you're acquainted with the dangers I mentioned you know better than to let it drive you but a more moderated form of it probably expresses itself through you.

Shoku's photo
Sun 11/22/09 11:21 AM

I think the broken up posts thing isn't working so well JB. I'm getting replied to less even though it should be easier for people to do so.
Naw, I think your just wearing them out, good on you! When it was just me and creative we tend to get wore out first.
Is that what this is all about? "Wearing them down?"

If so, what is the purpose or end result of doing so?

My purpose in answering all the questions is to provide information that will allow a better understanding of my views.

What is the purpose in asking them?
Well, for whatever it's worth, I have genuinely enjoyed reading your posts Sky. I have found much of what you have posted to be quite interesting and enlightening.

You have helped me to gain some deeper insights into the various possibilities of the true essence of reality. drinker

People will praise you if you make them think they are thinking but abhor you if you actually make them think~
People who believe that platitude aren't thinking.
Why not? Because you don't like it?

Shoku's photo
Sun 11/22/09 11:20 AM

I think the broken up posts thing isn't working so well JB. I'm getting replied to less even though it should be easier for people to do so.
Naw, I think your just wearing them out, good on you! When it was just me and creative we tend to get wore out first.
Is that what this is all about? "Wearing them down?"

If so, what is the purpose or end result of doing so?

My purpose in answering all the questions is to provide information that will allow a better understanding of my views.

What is the purpose in asking them?
And you’re getting your so-called “justice” by asking question? Well … ummmm … more power to ya!


You three are relentless…
Well I notice you’re still posting. And so far, you have the highest “reply count” (measured by number of quotes replied to). So in a contest of relentlessness, I would have to concede that I am no match for you.

…it's no wonder people want revenge.And again, you’re getting your revenge by asking questions???


I keep my goals a little more clouded though as it keeps things from turning into endless retaliation spirals.
That need for revenge is what causes the spiral. And personally, I think that indicates just how transparent your goals really are.

I was talking about relent in regards to particular points. How long did it take abra to stop saying there are only 100 atoms in our universe after I explicitly explained how there were not 100?

There was no argument that I was counting wrong.There was no argument that the numbers I had given resulted in the same end point.

Only very far down the road did he switch over to the calculus approach but that argument was just "anything less than infinity is nothing compared to infinity." He hasn't defended or conceded that point either, though at least he didn't repeat it for so long.

"Look at the giraffes five legs and you must see how my point stands.
"Those only have four legs."
To be unrelenting you can ignore that they have four legs and keep saying that they have five but to actually participate in a discussion the way Bushido, Creative, and myself expect people to you have to say something about the four legs.

Now, the way you do it is a little bit different. Instead of ignoring the number of legs on a giraffe you jump back to an earlier position and say the legs don't have anything to do with it. They are most certainly related to the last post and train of thought and so you burden me with the task of looking back for where you said something to prove that you said it and then the full sum of acknowledgment you give me is at best dropping any fight you can't win.

With JB it feels more like she just has a short attention span and always tries to jump back to what she wants to, well, not "talk about" so much as "say." It's kind of the most and least extreme in terms of ignoring what other people say.

But other things like how you act as if I said I want justice or revenge here (and chopped up the quotes enough that people can't see I didn't say that without scrolling back up to look) and in to the reason people hate talking to you. That's called quote mining (and you do some of it implicitly,) but that's a dishonest thing to do.

Well, I'll just give an example:
I would have to concede that I am no match for you.
Thank you. I'm glad you've finally accepted the reasonable position.

If you throw a smiley on the end of that it would become humorous (and nearly is without it because we all know you wouldn't say that in that context,) but if you treat it like that's actually a legitimate part of the discussion is there any wonder why people get a bad taste in their mouth thinking about initing another helping of that?

Shoku's photo
Sun 11/22/09 11:00 AM

I think the broken up posts thing isn't working so well JB. I'm getting replied to less even though it should be easier for people to do so.
Naw, I think your just wearing them out, good on you! When it was just me and creative we tend to get wore out first.

Is that what this is all about? "Wearing them down?"

If so, what is the purpose or end result of doing so?

My purpose in answering all the questions is to provide information that will allow a better understanding of my views.

What is the purpose in asking them?

That remark is evidence that they don't give a rats *** about our views, they just want to push their own upon us.

So why should we share them?

Actually the first post in the first thread was evidence of that. You haven't been asked for opinions, you've just been presenting them of your own volition.


So have you.

If you don't like my opinions then you don't have to read them. laugh laugh huh
Liking something and adopting it as your own are two very different things.

Besides that, everything that comes out of your mouth is your opinion. Do you think everyone wants to hear YOUR opinion?
Well no, that's what being objective is about. Objectivity has the opinion stripped away if you're doing it right.

This is the second time you have mentioned (to me in particular,) that I have been expressing my opinion "without having been asked for it." Do you have a problem with that? Do you think everyone should just keep their opinions to themselves until they are "asked" or just me? Or is it just women in general expressing their opinions that you have a problem with? I'm just wondering where this kind of remark is coming from.

Here's where it's coming from:

That remark is evidence that they don't give a rats *** about our views, they just want to push their own upon us.

So why should we share them?

If people don't ask for an opinion why are you belittling people ('they don't give a rat's *** about anyone else') for not being interested in hearing it? Sometimes people are busy and they've got a particular project or goal they're working on-
so it's where you share your opinion that matters. If someone made a thread about how to make a faster pinewood derby car and you came into it to share the opinion that "pinewood derby cars are stupid" that... well, that's basically the wrong place to be sharing that opinion. You could go find a thread about what people think about pinewood derby cars and share it there or even make your own topic for it but repurposing that first one is like stealing it.

So really what we've got hear is me asking you to respect other people's property. This thread isn't here to give you a platform to tell people what you think about spirits but you're treating it like that's what it is.

What thread has asked is if there is evidence for a designer. "We can't know" is a vote that there is not evidence.
"That there's no evidence is missing the point" is flat out wrong because the point is all in "is there evidence for it?" If you want to talk about how important having evidence is or isn't do it in a thread about that.

Shoku's photo
Sun 11/22/09 10:49 AM

This leaves the interesting question of what reason there could be to behave morally if our bodies are not even a part of us so much as something we're using.
Again, the car/driver analogy works fairly well here.

What reason is there for abiding by the “rules of the road”, if our cars are not a part of us but something we’re using?

Because there are other drivers using cars and we’re all using the same roads, so we have (i.e. make up) rules that allow everyone the opportunity to use their cars to get where they want to go with minimal conflict.
So if we crash a body we have to hope an astral ambulance gets to us quickly and pay big astral bucks for the whole ordeal?
Personally, I would hope for a physical ambulance, but you can wait for an astral ambulance if you want. laugh
I'm more on the note of "does our body have airbags or do our astral selves smash their (important part) open as it comes to a sudden halt and maybe snap their (connective section) in half as they recoil from it?"

Does the body have airbags for the soul?
Back to the game analogy again…

Do the characters have airbags or do the players smash their (important part) open as it comes to a sudden halt and maybe snap their (connective part) in half as they recoil from it?

Does a character in a game have airbags for the player?

The questions don’t really apply.
Actually that's rather how I meant it. If we're just in a game and the consequences of smashing into each other with cars are a lot of the car and then a fade out and fade back in where we can do whatever we want all over again then who gives a shlt about the rules of the road?
Only those who want to use the roads, and care about others using the roads, care about the rules of the road. If you don’t want to use the roads, or don’t care about anyone else who wants to use the roads, then there’s no reason for you to care about the rules of the road.
Why care about people? They're just things.

Though there is a well known game existence where characters in the game having airbags for the player makes sense: the Matrix. I can understand why you would steer clear of that but I can also understand why to steer clear of the whole notion of what you're proposing but it hasn't stopped you~
I don’t believe you actually understand the whole notion of what I’m proposing, so I can understand why you would say that. People tend to reject things they don’t understand – some more acrimoniously than others.A lot of people keep rejecting what I've been saying but I try not to treat them like they don't understand it out of respect.

Now, when instead of rejecting it they just discard it that's a different story but you know~

Shoku's photo
Sun 11/22/09 10:46 AM


Kant's assessment on the nature of judgment in Critique of Pure Reason describes many of the arguments given in this forum along with their evidence very well. There is a pattern of applying evidence which only belongs to specific concepts and/or categories of knowledge to that which the evidence does not apply, cannot apply.

Add to that the attempt to refute logic, while using it to do so.


Shoku's photo
Sun 11/22/09 10:45 AM

Just wanted to note that Bohm's ideas about The Holographic Universe also points to a concept that what we consider "reality" (i.e. "physical") has an underlying "non-pysical" nature.
The Matrix?? LOL
That's not a bad analogy. drinker
It's not significantly different from solipsism.
Seems to me like it is. There are multiple individuals in the Matrix, and as I understand it, Bohm's theory doesn't say anything about individuals at all, only the nature of reality.
"I'm real but everyone around me and likely even my own body is illusionary." That's exactly what it is.
Well it may say that to you, but that's not what it says to me. To me it says, there is me and there are others, and those others are just as real as me.
As it doesn't say anything about individuals we're not precluded from having many others in the same situation.
So it fits solipsism perfectly.
Apparently, you and I have very different ideas about what consititutes solopsism.
How so? We seem to agree that solipsism doesn't have any problem with there being other people in an illusion.

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