Community > Posts By > TexasScoundrel

TexasScoundrel's photo
Mon 02/11/13 11:44 AM

Here's the evidence. Men and women cannot be just friends.

To start with, it is not a very serious scientific experiment...simply because the sample taken is too small to produced a general rule. 249 adults in 7,000,000,000 (approximate amount of humans in the planet as for right now) can not constitute a serious study.

Secondly, while there is conclusive evidence that would indicate that men and genetically conditioned to be more prone to have sex with as many mates as he can this is just a mere impulse... and urge if you will. Now if a man can not control his primal instincts then maybe he should move to the middle of the jungle, because he has no place in modern society.
I usually have the urge to kill people that say stupid ****...but i count to 10, i take a deep breath and i carry on. In order to function in society you control your self.

Thirdly, it also depends on how you define "friendship" that can be a very ambiguous and personal term. Not all people expect the same level of confidence and trust when it comes to friendship. Some people consider guys that hang around or that go out with you friends, while others would define a friend as someone that is willing to do anything for you.

Well, the Scientific American thought it was conclusive enough to publish it. You'll just have to forgive me if I give their opinion more weight than yours.

Obviously these men can control their impulses. They remain "friends" with the women and don't generally rape them.

These friendships were defined by the friends themselves. If I say I'm friends with another person and that person agrees, the definition we have is the one best suited to our friendship.

Oh for goodness sake; do you base all your assumptions on these articles? I have dozens of male friends that are like my brothers. I have male friends that are married and in relationships. This is just a study and proves nothing other than the people that were surveyed believe this.

I base my opinions on my own thoughts and feelings as well as the best evidence I can find. But, what you're saying here doesn't surprise me because it's exactly what the research predicted women would say.

TexasScoundrel's photo
Mon 02/11/13 11:30 AM

offtopic sorry! sue me!
A lot of you ARE shallow pigs. lol
Because they are entirely too used to the dolled up version of porn to appreciate what natural beauty is and the way love feels.
NO woman can compete with porn no matter what she does or looks like.
She can be hotter than hell and a shallow pig will get tired of her in a few months and be looking for something new to feast his eyes on and wank to while she waits for his libido to return.
Stupid excuse for variety.
If they want variety? stay single.
Do you have any idea how hard it is to carry a man's children and look like a porn star afterwards?
Could YOU do it?
Where is your responsibility to look good?
I don't see very many men trying to look like a young hot guy. lol

Style your hair for an hour or more every day.
Put on a full mask of makeup for another 30 minutes.
Whiten your teeth every day.
Pay for a facial every week.
Pay for hair color, extensions, cutting, styling, treatments.
Pay for body color, hair removal, lotions and exfoliators.
Pay for expensive lingerie to be a doll for you.
How about paying for more boobs then what he's satisfied with?
Or putting your boobs BACK the way they were before??
How about paying for the tummy tuck so you can hide that you had 2-3 of his children?? Or realizing they will throw your belly button in the trash and cut you a whole new one?
Then there's pedicures, manicures, exercising every day, constant dieting.
Women are now cutting up and bleaching their private parts to make it look perfect.
This is all just the physical and money spent....we haven't even mentioned the emotional aspects.
All the while, I haven't seen a real gorgeous "porn like" man in my age group at all. You should get what you deserve, and appreciate it...or yes.. you are a shallow pig

I am. A woman's looks really is all I care about.

TexasScoundrel's photo
Mon 02/11/13 11:01 AM
Here's the evidence. Men and women cannot be just friends.

TexasScoundrel's photo
Mon 02/11/13 10:29 AM
We've covered this already. YOu may find it unattractive, but clearly many other men don't. So, I don't see that women cutting their hair is making them unattractive to men. Perhaps to you, but to all men? No, of course not. So no, I don't think women making this change are saying no to men in general. Just those who specifically don't find short hair attractive, like you.

Alright then, let's try making it more personal.

A woman is married to a man. She knows he is very fond of her long hair. But, she decides to cut it off anyway. She knows this will make her less attractive to him. So, is this a conscious effort on her part to become less attractive in his eyes?

TexasScoundrel's photo
Mon 02/11/13 10:20 AM

Ok, I can not reply based on personal experience regarding why woman cut their hair simply because I am not one lol but I can approach the subject from a scientific / sociological analysis.
While what you stated, TexasScoundrel, it is true: long healthy hair it is a desirable feature in woman from an evolutionary point of view. Assuming that those features have a decisive impact on a man's choice when it comes to partners would be to underestimate greatly how human Psyche its build. Yes, it is undeniable that our brains are full of preconceptions created to identify better partners but at the end, in modern day society, they are nothing more that evolutionary left overs... much like the wisdom teeth. What i am trying to say is that while it is undeniable that a clear skin, good looking long hair, a good proportion in the hips, etc. have an subconscious impact on how a man chooses his partner, that impact is lower as we become more evolved as individuals and as society. Humans have evolve (socially) to a point that has never been reach by any other animal previously... and certainly physical features that evokes a sense of better chance of survive in a hostile environment are far less influential than lets say, the fact that she has a good personality, a good job and you two share the same hobbies... Unless of course you are a very primal instinct based male... but at that point i would have to ask woman, why do they choose to date a clearly less evolve specimen of man hahaha, which happens...i mean, Red Necks still get laid, right? and they are barely human hahahaha.
On the same sense, TexasSxcoundrel, you would have to ask why some man decide not to exercise? When its obvious that a body in good shape indicates to females, from an evolutionary point of view, that the male has better chance of provide through hunting, and better chance to fight aggressors while protecting the family / pack. Yet you still see a great number of skinny and chubby / fat guys that get laid... why? simply because that type of things have cease to be of vital importance in modern world.

I'm not saying long hair is the only thing. Obviously it's only a tiny part of a woman's overall ability to attract.

What I'm asking is;

If a woman knows cutting her hair short will make her less attractive to men (in general), is she saying no to men by cutting her hair? Is she making a conscious effort to become less attractive?

LoL i don't want to go over this again hahaha, what i originally replied already answer your question in its full, you just have to consciously read it.
But to keep it short and simple: Question: "Is she making a conscious effort to become less attractive?" / Answer: "no".

Wow, that was so easy wasn't it? Why are so few able to just answer the question?

On a side note, I have dyslexia. The way you wrote before is difficult for me to read because it all sort of runs together (you didn't space things into paragraphs). This isn't your problem, it's mine. If I didn't read it all carefully enough, I'm sorry and will try to do better in the future. Every post deserves to be read and understood.

TexasScoundrel's photo
Mon 02/11/13 10:08 AM

What you were asking is why women cut their hair short if it makes them unattractive to men. What I was saying was that there are many men out there who are clearly attracted to women with shorter hair.

I have already agreed that women with short hair can and do find men that want to date them. But, this has nothing to do with the question I'm asking.

Maybe it would help if I were more vague.

If a woman changed something about her appearance that she know would make her less attractive to men, is she saying no to men by making such a change.

TexasScoundrel's photo
Mon 02/11/13 09:59 AM

Ok, I can not reply based on personal experience regarding why woman cut their hair simply because I am not one lol but I can approach the subject from a scientific / sociological analysis.
While what you stated, TexasScoundrel, it is true: long healthy hair it is a desirable feature in woman from an evolutionary point of view. Assuming that those features have a decisive impact on a man's choice when it comes to partners would be to underestimate greatly how human Psyche its build. Yes, it is undeniable that our brains are full of preconceptions created to identify better partners but at the end, in modern day society, they are nothing more that evolutionary left overs... much like the wisdom teeth. What i am trying to say is that while it is undeniable that a clear skin, good looking long hair, a good proportion in the hips, etc. have an subconscious impact on how a man chooses his partner, that impact is lower as we become more evolved as individuals and as society. Humans have evolve (socially) to a point that has never been reach by any other animal previously... and certainly physical features that evokes a sense of better chance of survive in a hostile environment are far less influential than lets say, the fact that she has a good personality, a good job and you two share the same hobbies... Unless of course you are a very primal instinct based male... but at that point i would have to ask woman, why do they choose to date a clearly less evolve specimen of man hahaha, which happens...i mean, Red Necks still get laid, right? and they are barely human hahahaha.
On the same sense, TexasSxcoundrel, you would have to ask why some man decide not to exercise? When its obvious that a body in good shape indicates to females, from an evolutionary point of view, that the male has better chance of provide through hunting, and better chance to fight aggressors while protecting the family / pack. Yet you still see a great number of skinny and chubby / fat guys that get laid... why? simply because that type of things have cease to be of vital importance in modern world.

I'm not saying long hair is the only thing. Obviously it's only a tiny part of a woman's overall ability to attract.

What I'm asking is;

If a woman knows cutting her hair short will make her less attractive to men (in general), is she saying no to men by cutting her hair? Is she making a conscious effort to become less attractive?

TexasScoundrel's photo
Mon 02/11/13 09:48 AM

Yes it is. There are many illnesses that cause hair loss.

The same illnesses cause the same hair-loss in men, so you must be saying that the majority of us men are looking extremely unhealthy too by keeping our hair short. This point makes the least sense of any of the generalizations you are trying to defend.

The question isn't about why men cut their hair. Besides, women are attracted to different things in men than men are attracted to in women. And no I'm not going to get into what those things are in this thread.

TexasScoundrel's photo
Mon 02/11/13 09:43 AM

Oh, so you're speaking for all of us men now on what we find attractive?

I said "generally."

Long, thick hair is an indicator of several years of good health. A healthy woman is more likely to not only survive pregnancy, but also give birth to healthy children. Therefore, it's makes evolutionary sense for men to be attracted to women with long, thick hair because men that were in the past were more likely to have healthy offspring that lived long enough to have children of their own and pass on the "likes long hair" gene.

Long, thick hair is NOT an indicator of good health. They have nothing to do with each other.

Yes it is. There are many illnesses that cause hair loss. Although many of them have been almost eliminated in modern cultures. shortfire8521 mentioned that she has such a condition.

Her condition is hereditary. It's not an illness.

Doesn't matter. The point is that hair loss is often an indication of poor health.

TexasScoundrel's photo
Mon 02/11/13 09:41 AM

some women actaully look very nice with shorter hair and like to style it. Personally I think short hair is too high maintenance.

but most of us have outgrown the gene evolution that says we must look nice for men. We look nice for ourselves

so it's about time that men outgrow the likes long hair gene seems, once againm a little high school....jmho

also perhaps (probably) some of us are interested in men who care more about what we are like on the inside

So, if men don't like it, forget men. The problem with it is that we don't out grow our genetic programming for a very long time. Like thousands of years. The reality is that men are generally attracted to certain physical characteristics. Long hair, a hip to waist ratio of 1 to 0.7, firm breasts, clear eyes, blemish free skin.

Your philosophy on this matter equals ideology over reality. You seem to think you can attract a man no matter how ugly you make yourself. But, are the men you attract the kind you'd want to get involved with?

I know a woman. She's smart, funny, socially gregarious and has a good job. But, she also weighs almost 400 pounds. She can't get a man to sleep with her unless she pays him. Now, is this the fault of men?

Seeing as there are many women out there with shorter hair who have boyfriends and husbands, it seems to be fine with many men. Why should women have to cater to the desires you say men have when clearly there are men who are attracted to women with shorter hair as well?

GENERALLY! I'm speaking in general terms. As I've already said, the fact that there are exceptions to the rule doesn't mean the rule is untrue.

If you took a photo of twin women, one with long hair and the other with short, more men are going to prefer the one with long hair.

I'm not talking about exceptions, though, as there are many, many women out there with shorter hair who are dating or married.

Oh good lord.

I never said women with short hair couldn't find a date. I said women with long hair are more likely to find dates assuming all other things are equal.

TexasScoundrel's photo
Mon 02/11/13 08:29 AM
Edited by TexasScoundrel on Mon 02/11/13 08:43 AM

Oh, so you're speaking for all of us men now on what we find attractive?

I said "generally."

Long, thick hair is an indicator of several years of good health. A healthy woman is more likely to not only survive pregnancy, but also give birth to healthy children. Therefore, it's makes evolutionary sense for men to be attracted to women with long, thick hair because men that were in the past were more likely to have healthy offspring that lived long enough to have children of their own and pass on the "likes long hair" gene.

Long, thick hair is NOT an indicator of good health. They have nothing to do with each other.

Yes it is. There are many illnesses that cause hair loss. Although many of them have been almost eliminated in modern cultures. shortfire8521 mentioned that she has such a condition.

TexasScoundrel's photo
Mon 02/11/13 08:23 AM

some women actaully look very nice with shorter hair and like to style it. Personally I think short hair is too high maintenance.

but most of us have outgrown the gene evolution that says we must look nice for men. We look nice for ourselves

so it's about time that men outgrow the likes long hair gene seems, once againm a little high school....jmho

also perhaps (probably) some of us are interested in men who care more about what we are like on the inside

So, if men don't like it, forget men. The problem with it is that we don't out grow our genetic programming for a very long time. Like thousands of years. The reality is that men are generally attracted to certain physical characteristics. Long hair, a hip to waist ratio of 1 to 0.7, firm breasts, clear eyes, blemish free skin.

Your philosophy on this matter equals ideology over reality. You seem to think you can attract a man no matter how ugly you make yourself. But, are the men you attract the kind you'd want to get involved with?

I know a woman. She's smart, funny, socially gregarious and has a good job. But, she also weighs almost 400 pounds. She can't get a man to sleep with her unless she pays him. Now, is this the fault of men?

Seeing as there are many women out there with shorter hair who have boyfriends and husbands, it seems to be fine with many men. Why should women have to cater to the desires you say men have when clearly there are men who are attracted to women with shorter hair as well?

GENERALLY! I'm speaking in general terms. As I've already said, the fact that there are exceptions to the rule doesn't mean the rule is untrue.

If you took a photo of twin women, one with long hair and the other with short, more men are going to prefer the one with long hair.

TexasScoundrel's photo
Mon 02/11/13 08:16 AM

Of course; I wouldn't wear clothes that don't fit properly. I wear dress clothes five days a week and a uniform twice a week; so by the weekend I want to relax. I was at a hardware store covered in paint, sawdust, and just dirt from working outside. I had to pick up a few things for the project I was working on. I had two guys flirting with me yet I looked like hell. I also have guys chatting with me when I am in biking shorts, tank top, and helmet hair from my bike helmet. Fact is; I live in cowboy country. Dressing up here is a dress shirt and jeans. If you dress up; you are considered stuck up and people won't give you the time of the day.

I'm not saying women should wear ballgowns to the rodeo. I'm saying a person can look good in anything as long as it fits. It sounds to me like everything yo had on was appropriate for where you were at the time. So, you got good reactions from others.

TexasScoundrel's photo
Mon 02/11/13 08:07 AM

some women actaully look very nice with shorter hair and like to style it. Personally I think short hair is too high maintenance.

but most of us have outgrown the gene evolution that says we must look nice for men. We look nice for ourselves

so it's about time that men outgrow the likes long hair gene seems, once againm a little high school....jmho

also perhaps (probably) some of us are interested in men who care more about what we are like on the inside

So, if men don't like it, forget men. The problem with it is that we don't out grow our genetic programming for a very long time. Like thousands of years. The reality is that men are generally attracted to certain physical characteristics. Long hair, a hip to waist ratio of 1 to 0.7, firm breasts, clear eyes, blemish free skin.

Your philosophy on this matter equals ideology over reality. You seem to think you can attract a man no matter how ugly you make yourself. But, are the men you attract the kind you'd want to get involved with?

I know a woman. She's smart, funny, socially gregarious and has a good job. But, she also weighs almost 400 pounds. She can't get a man to sleep with her unless she pays him. Now, is this the fault of men?

I know some very good looking men that are dating and even married to what most men would find very unattractive in looks and weight. Beauty to them truly is in the eye of the beholder as they accept these women for their personalities and not the looks. Not every man is that shallow.

Yes, there are exceptions to the rule. But, that doesn't mean the rule is untrue as a whole. I'm not talking about the people you know. I'm talking GENERALLY.

An attractive looking woman is simply going to have more options when it comes to men than an unattractive one.

It's not shallow of men to prefer a healthy woman over an unhealthy one. All the things men find attractive in women's looks are indicators of good health.

TexasScoundrel's photo
Mon 02/11/13 07:40 AM

some women actaully look very nice with shorter hair and like to style it. Personally I think short hair is too high maintenance.

but most of us have outgrown the gene evolution that says we must look nice for men. We look nice for ourselves

so it's about time that men outgrow the likes long hair gene seems, once againm a little high school....jmho

also perhaps (probably) some of us are interested in men who care more about what we are like on the inside

So, if men don't like it, forget men. The problem with it is that we don't out grow our genetic programming for a very long time. Like thousands of years. The reality is that men are generally attracted to certain physical characteristics. Long hair, a hip to waist ratio of 1 to 0.7, firm breasts, clear eyes, blemish free skin.

Your philosophy on this matter equals ideology over reality. You seem to think you can attract a man no matter how ugly you make yourself. But, are the men you attract the kind you'd want to get involved with?

I know a woman. She's smart, funny, socially gregarious and has a good job. But, she also weighs almost 400 pounds. She can't get a man to sleep with her unless she pays him. Now, is this the fault of men?

TexasScoundrel's photo
Mon 02/11/13 07:06 AM

I could care less how anyone dresses. I think if you feel comfortable; then wear what you want. I can remember my parents freaking out about girls wearing mini skirts and I vowed that I wasn't going to be like that. Me, I can dress from a military uniform, to long gown & heels; to just wearing a sweatsuit as I did yesterday to go out for some cold medication. Clothing does not make me the person I am; as its merely an outer dressing and nothing more. I have better things to worry about in life than worrying about what others are wearing.

I agree that clothes don't make the person. However, the clothes we choose do have an effect on how we're perceived by others. We all make snap judgements based on appearance. We can't help it, it's part of our evolutionary programming. Clothes are a big clue to who a person is. I have found, most of the time, you absolutely can judge a book by it's cover. Gangsters dress like gangsters and bankers dress like bankers.

It's my opinion that everyone should make an effort to look as good as they can, as often as they can within the context of what they're doing at the time. This is what "appropriate attire" means. What you wear to go shopping or to a job interview is going to be different than what you wear to work on your car or fix your plumbing. But, no matter what you're doing, there's no excuse for looking bad while you do it.

Again; who cares how someone dresses. I would obviously dress for an interview or the symphony but going shopping; nope. Sweats are just fine. I want to be comfy and when you are loading and unloading a vehicle; good chance of getting dirty and why would I care what anyone thought of me. I am buying groceries for my home not trying to meet someone. People really need to get overthemselves. I reserve my judgments for a person on actually talking to them so as long as the person has good hygiene; I don't care what they wear.

Sure, and why not a loin cloth? I understand they are very comfortable in the right weather.

You are missing the point. Nothing wrong with sweats (although I wouldn't be caught dead in them outside the gym). What looks bad is inappropriate clothes. A 300 pound woman in a halter. A fat man in pants that don't cover his butt crack.

I have said a number of times in this thread that anyone can look good no matter what style of clothes they're wearing. It's all about the fit.

TexasScoundrel's photo
Mon 02/11/13 06:51 AM
Furthermore, Things that are not alive (rocks, water, fire, clay, etc.) cannot even be self aware.

But, this raises a question in my mind. Do you think dead things that were once alive conscious? You know, after the "soul" has left.

TexasScoundrel's photo
Mon 02/11/13 06:13 AM

Because the way a woman looks is extremely important to men and women just don't take care of themselves in this part of the world. Many of us would prefer a thin, young fantasy to a real, overweight willing partner.

This is definately how Many Men think!

Yep. So, what are women going to do about it? My guess is not a damn thing except complain about men being shallow pigs.

TexasScoundrel's photo
Mon 02/11/13 06:08 AM
There are many here that I'd enjoy face time with. But a date? Like romantic? Only one has earned my affections in that regard, Nastasiya. But, sadly, she's deleted her profile after only a few posts. I miss her.

TexasScoundrel's photo
Mon 02/11/13 05:54 AM

Oh, so you're speaking for all of us men now on what we find attractive?

I said "generally."

Long, thick hair is an indicator of several years of good health. A healthy woman is more likely to not only survive pregnancy, but also give birth to healthy children. Therefore, it's makes evolutionary sense for men to be attracted to women with long, thick hair because men that were in the past were more likely to have healthy offspring that lived long enough to have children of their own and pass on the "likes long hair" gene.

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