Community > Posts By > TexasScoundrel

TexasScoundrel's photo
Sat 02/09/13 07:31 PM

Tell me exactly what all the different stages of the human life form you are aware of and have proof of.

What piece of slime did we humans evolved from? What one celled animal did we spring from again? What form of life was it that crawled out of the ocean to eventually become human? And how exactly did it manage to do that?

Please enlighten me.

TexasScoundrel's photo
Sat 02/09/13 07:25 PM

I don't consider them to be "assumptions" at all. I derived at this hypothesis by logical deduction.

How you arrived at you conclusion is irrelevant. It's still an assumption without evidence.

TexasScoundrel's photo
Sat 02/09/13 07:10 PM

An "illusion" is something that we can see and we think is real.

You can't call consciousness an illusion because, like the mind, you can't see it.

You can's see a lot of things. Love, hate, emotions, thoughts... you can't see any of these things.

an Illusion doesn't have to be seen. I can create the illusion of wind by turning on a fan. You cannot see the wind.

That would have to be a large fan if you convince someone it is wind.

But in movies, I can see illusions are created all the time.

By "seen" that would include detected by any of our senses.

Wind is felt.

It is moving air.

Hence, the moving air created by a fan is also wind.

Yes, but it's artificial wind. Maybe the thing you call consciousness is also artificial.


Consciousness comes in degrees. It exists in everything and is everywhere.

even bacteria, cells, atoms, protons,

Unless you have some evidence to back this up I'm going to have to say you're making a pretty wild assumption.

TexasScoundrel's photo
Sat 02/09/13 06:40 PM

An "illusion" is something that we can see and we think is real.

You can't call consciousness an illusion because, like the mind, you can't see it.

You can's see a lot of things. Love, hate, emotions, thoughts... you can't see any of these things.

an Illusion doesn't have to be seen. I can create the illusion of wind by turning on a fan. You cannot see the wind.

TexasScoundrel's photo
Sat 02/09/13 06:38 PM

I can't prove it, but I believe that consciousness is the basis for everything.

Without it, there is no life.

Is algae conscious? What about carrots?

TexasScoundrel's photo
Sat 02/09/13 06:22 PM

Sounds like you just sabotage your own relationships because you don't really want to be in one Tex.


You guys are right. I really should just lie to her about being mutually exclusive, and tell how much I loooooooove her because that's really what women want to hear. Right?


TexasScoundrel's photo
Sat 02/09/13 04:17 PM
Are you insinuating something?

TexasScoundrel's photo
Sat 02/09/13 04:05 PM

Also concerning the "meaning of life" as it relates to an individual is quite different than the "meaning of life" as it relates to the whole.

Humans are probably the only beings who can claim that anything "has meaning." We are also capable of having an imagination which allows us to project our consciousness via our imagination anywhere we choose. In doing so, we can imagine what life might mean in general or for the entire universe.

Nothing 'requires' meaning. Nothing on its own can have any meaning.

What is meaningful is a matter of an individual conscious perspective.

I think if you go back and check my first post in this thread you'll discover I said something very similar to this.

Some feel that certain evidence does exist. Others are more hard core like you, and disagree. If you choose to say that their evidence is 'not conclusive' that is your opinion and conclusion.

I would say the evidence is overwhelming that life exists, everywhere, but you don't have to agree with me or anyone else.

I would also say that of all the stars and galaxies and planets that exist in this universe.... that to even suggest that only the earth has life, is preposterous and arrogant.

Yes, there is some evidence. But, not enough to convince me or the scientific community at large. There is enough to keep looking for more though.

Preposterous and arrogant? I said there is likely life on other planets. But, without more evidence, I must remain agnostic.

Why is the idea that there is no other life so absurd? Maybe the universe simply isn't old enough to have created life twice. If there is life out there it won't matter because it's too far away for us to ever fund it. Which is the same as it not being there at all.

TexasScoundrel's photo
Sat 02/09/13 03:43 PM

Yeah, I used to keep things around just to plant little seeds in a woman's imagination. Photographs of me with other women, feminine hygiene products, a pantie that would only fit a 90 pound woman. I could always tell which ones had found things.

I thought you didn't like when women played games? And yet, you're playing games with them? Sounds like you're hoping they'd be nosy.

Not at all. See my above post.

TexasScoundrel's photo
Sat 02/09/13 03:42 PM

Yeah, I used to keep things around just to plant little seeds in a woman's imagination. Photographs of me with other women, feminine hygiene products, a pantie that would only fit a 90 pound woman. I could always tell which ones had found things.

This is where we differ a lil TS... I would never create a imaginary scenario by planting the items you described. My purpose would not be to disturb someone's psyche... I would call that "head games"

No offence to anyone's M.O here but what would be the point again? To get a rise out of them? Start off on bad footing? Get rid of her?

I'll pass on this method.

If she doesn't go through my things she won't find any of that junk and there won't be any issue. If she does find them, she's in the wrong for violating my privacy and deserves what she gets. With any luck, she leave me and I've rid myself of a troublesome person in my life.

TexasScoundrel's photo
Sat 02/09/13 03:33 PM

Mingle2 is an illusion.

TexasScoundrel is an illusion.

This entire reality and everything in it is an illusion of the mind.

The mind, the brain, and everything that exists is a manifestation of consciousness.

so that would make everything an illusion.

If the universe turns out to be a simulation this would be correct. We'd all be examples of artificial intelligence running around inside an illusion.

However, the idea that consciousness is an illusion doesn't lead to everything being an illusion. We could be real and be fooled into thinking (I use the term "thinking" loosely in this context) we're conscious.

TexasScoundrel's photo
Sat 02/09/13 02:50 PM

Again, I'm not saying there's no life out there. I'm saying there's no hard evidence for it. Yes, the math suggests i'st likely, but that isn't evidence. We could be wrong about the math. We've been wrong before.

Do I think it's likely there's life out there somewhere? Yes. But, without good, solid evidence I remain agnostic about it. As I've pointed out in the past, if there is life out there it's unlikely we'll every know it because of the vast distances. We can be pretty sure there's no other life within 100 light years because we haven't picked up any radio singles from them. And they don't have to be trying to make contact with us for us to see them in this way.

Here's a video with Steven Hawking talking about it.

Math isn't evidence? Try telling that to the scientists who have presented their "proof" of how the Twin Towers collapsed without explosives. LOL laugh laugh

Math isn't evidence? See if you can find one scientist or physicist who will agree with that statement.


Bacteria from Mars found inside ancient meteorite

Martian bacteria arrived on Earth on a meteorite which smashed into the Antarctic 13,000 years ago, Nasa scientists believe.

Their fossilised remains have been found in the rock, which was blasted out of Mars 16 million years ago as the solar system was forming.

The meteorite, called Allen Hills 84001, made headlines in 1996 after fossils were found in it. Scientists believed they were bacteria from Earth that contaminated the rock while it lay in the frozen wastes.
But a Nasa report now says there is strong evidence they originated on Mars, according to The Sun.

Dr Emily Baldwin, deputy editor of the UK's Astronomy Now magazine, said: "Many scientists argued that what looked like fossils in the meteorite were really caused by the explosive event, such as an asteroid impact, that blasted the rock out of Mars in the first place.

"But the Nasa team is now saying they have proved that they could not have been produced by the blast itself.


In your first you're comparing apples and oranges. Using math to explain how a building crashed is VERY different from calculating odds.

As for your second point, it's still mot conclusive evidence. They found something that LOOKS LIKE it may have been alive a at some time in the past. This is very different from discovering actual life on another planet.


TexasScoundrel's photo
Sat 02/09/13 11:19 AM

It's a day like my birthday and new year's and christmas where I get to feel crap about myself and the fact that I am single and lonely, with my life just passing me by.

It's the world rubbing it in that nobody really cares about me apart from my family, as if I didn't already know that and needed to be reminded of that fact. It depresses the hell out of me.

Something you may like, that I used to do was to invite all my single friends over for "Orphan's Thanksgiving." It was for everyone that didn't have family in the area to spend time with during the holiday. I'd cook a good meal, serve wine and we'd all have a fun. Much better than feeling lonely.

TexasScoundrel's photo
Sat 02/09/13 11:12 AM
Edited by TexasScoundrel on Sat 02/09/13 11:13 AM
Yeah, I used to keep things around just to plant little seeds in a woman's imagination. Photographs of me with other women, feminine hygiene products, a pantie that would only fit a 90 pound woman. I could always tell which ones had found things.

TexasScoundrel's photo
Sat 02/09/13 07:00 AM

Seeing how meaning requires drawing correlations, and life does not, it seems clear to me that the question is misguided.


A very good point.

TexasScoundrel's photo
Sat 02/09/13 06:58 AM

In the most I believe in what you say if a kid only knows what he's been shown in life who's fault there's or there upbringing that's the point of this forum I'm trying to understand why they give up so early in life and its not the majority of kids but respect for your comment

When I was young, I remember a lot of others that fell through the cracks. Some wound up in prison. Some over dosed. Some killed themselves. But, most came to terms with the world and did alright. In other words, they grew up.

The problem may be we shelter kids too much. We adults hide all our little trespasses from them like cheating on taxes or not returning the extra change we were given by mistake and when they discover it they see adults as hypocritical. They realize they were lied to about a lot more than Santa and the Easter bunny and become bitter about it.

I have no clue if I'm right about this or not. It's just a thought.

TexasScoundrel's photo
Sat 02/09/13 06:42 AM
Again, I'm not saying there's no life out there. I'm saying there's no hard evidence for it. Yes, the math suggests i'st likely, but that isn't evidence. We could be wrong about the math. We've been wrong before.

Do I think it's likely there's life out there somewhere? Yes. But, without good, solid evidence I remain agnostic about it. As I've pointed out in the past, if there is life out there it's unlikely we'll every know it because of the vast distances. We can be pretty sure there's no other life within 100 light years because we haven't picked up any radio singles from them. And they don't have to be trying to make contact with us for us to see them in this way.

Here's a video with Steven Hawking talking about it.

TexasScoundrel's photo
Sat 02/09/13 05:36 AM

If you've never met the person, you're not in love with them. You're in love with an idea of who you want them to be. The person is a made up fantasy because you've filled in the empty spaces. No one will ever be as perfect as your imagination. So, you're destined for disappointment.

I used to believe this and to a certain extent it is true. Nevertheless, you can't speak to someone on the internet for months without getting a reasonable idea of what they are like and whether or not there could potentially be something between you, assuming that they aren't just a total liar.

I met someone on here. We had stuff in common and a friendship developed. I told her that I had a good feeling about her and that I thought that she was my kind of girl. I looked forward to getting her messages every day and I was extremely honest and open about myself and my feelings. It is true that I kept telling her that what I want is a proper girlfriend and without an actual meeting none of it was real. We connected at some level though and when we did meet and I asked her why shhhhe had made that decision she said that there had been something about what I had said in my emails that made her feel that it was right. Neither of us was sure how it was going to work out but who can ever really be sure about that even with someone that they've known for years?

By all means be careful when you do this and don't go about telling people that you only know from the internet and perhaps a couple of phone calls that you are in love with them. You can develop genuine feelings for them nevertheless and it can be romantic. If it isn't romantic it isn't going anywhere anyway and it's only romantic if you think that it might be going somewhere.

Yes, you are probably in love with what you want them to be but what you want them to be may just be your girlfriend and you may be prepared to just accept everything else about them if they are prepared to accept you for who you are as well.

Tell that to Manti Te'o.

TexasScoundrel's photo
Sat 02/09/13 04:21 AM
Your photos are good, but it may help to have a good head shot.

Your profile is too short and contains at least one negative statement. Don't talk about what your "NOT" looking for. Talk about what you are looking for. Think of yourself as a high priced product. Your photos are package package and your profile is your advertizement. Talk about the life you lead and make them see what you have to offer. Be yourself and show a little humor.

TexasScoundrel's photo
Sat 02/09/13 04:14 AM
You have a good photo and your headline is AWESOME! You may consider changing they way you say things though. Instead of "I've been through a lot of challenges" try something like "I'm a man that takes challenges head on."