Community > Posts By > alnewman

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Mon 12/22/14 02:53 PM
Edited by alnewman on Mon 12/22/14 02:51 PM

Major Corporations usually worry about running out of oil on the planet.
But its not oil we should be worried about its water, and for Nestl� CEO to mention all that about water he surely knows the imminent future and how essential water is...
.an everyday commodity that many of us take for granted

Only an idiot would take the essence of life for granted. And to be so trite on such an important resource is just....

"When Nestle subsidiary Poland Spring came to the tiny town of Fryeburg, Maine, USA nearly a decade ago, residents noticed that their water was vanishing. Lake levels were lowering. Streams were getting smaller. Nestle was pumping the aquifer under their town for all it could get.

When the citizens of Fryeburg spoke up, Nestle unleashed an aggressive, divide-and-conquer strategy. It sued the town, nearly bankrupting several local activists. It worked to ensure that local regulatory boards were friendly to its position and it took its case all the way to the state Supreme Court. But Nestle also set up a Poland Spring shop for local outreach, and established the Fryeburg Business Association -- staffed by a Nestle employee -- to lead a charm offensive. Local schools even have a bottled water vending machine and Nestle hands out bottles of water to people in the town.

That's right - a town sitting atop one of America's most famous aquifers is being sold its own water... in plastic bottles. Nestle is boldly planting a story -- telling the residents, even the children, of Fryeburg to get used to drinking their own spring water through Nestle's plastic bottles."

Oh, did I mention that Nestle is Swiss? But I guess that should have been obvious by the Ayn Rand remark in the Crooks and Liars post.

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Mon 12/22/14 02:45 PM
North Korea's Internet down; cause unknown

Experts say there are four possibilities.

- The North Koreans themselves could have withdrawn their IP space from the wider Internet, as Syria has done in the past. "That, under normal circumstances, would be the best explanation for what we're seeing," said Matthew Prince, CEO of content delivery network provider CloudFlare.

That could be a pre-emptive move to prevent any online attacks, including any U.S. retaliation, from reaching the country.

- China Unicom could have cut North Korea off from the Internet. Technically, that would look no different than if North Korea itself had done so. The U.S. has asked for China's help in blocking North Korea from the Internet.

- The North Korean Internet could be under a denial of service attack. It's impossible to know how much bandwidth flows into North Korea, but it's likely quite small. One indicator that it's an attack is the intermittent, up and down, quality of the North Korean Internet over the past day. Prince said it's "probably risky to speculate that that attack is being launched by any state-based entity."

"If I were speculating, it's equally as likely that it's some plucky 15-year-old in a Guy Fawkes mask."

"Because there is such a minimal amount of activity in and out of North Korea, the level of sophistication you would need to disrupt that network is relatively de minimis" as well, he added.

- Today is the day the routers happened to go down in North Korea for reasons unrelated to any attack or other reason. "It could be even that there were power gird problems," said Cowie.

There was no immediate response from the State Department or White House to questions about whether the outage was a result of the "proportionate response" President Barack Obama promised last week to the crippling cyberattack on Sony, which U.S. officials say was orchestrated by Pyongyang.

no photo
Mon 12/22/14 02:28 PM

Amir rice was 12 years old last month when a cop shot him dead.

No one blinked an eye.

Nobody blamed Obama, nor Holder, the blame rests on the policemen who killed the boy.

The two dead cops in Brooklyn was killed by a criminal lunatic.

However the cop who killed a 12 year old boy is also a criminal in a uniform.

Guess he went out in the morning and decided to go and bag him a 12yo?

There ought to be some sort of Charge against him,but I doubt he went and made a conscious decision to go and murder that Kid!
I have to agree in part, I don't think he made a conscious decision either.

It was a sub-conscious decision.

Doubt that!
you can doubt it all day, but the cop shot a twelve year old boy.

If he didn't kill him in a conscious decision, that leaves the sub-conscious decision that comes from racial indoctrination which says all Blacks are dangerous.

White cops don't kill 12 year old white kids, in fact, neither do Black cops.

You "I doubt that" is rooted in denial.

While I accept your base argument, I would contend that the indoctrination is not racial, not denying that racial is a component but not the main stream.

Blacks have always been conceived in the realm of discrimination that while being in a state of improvement has now become a means of invoking division and hatred on a mass scale. But now that have been incorporated into a larger group labeled as activist, enemies of the state. But then the racial component definitely promotes them to the head of the group.

But what must be corrected is not the racist segmentation as that just keeps the people divided, but the violent component of the police state. The racial component needs to be shelved and all work together to correct the actual wrong. It does no good to have a valuable ally as an enemy because of the psychology of division the real enemy uses to keep justice separated.
my post was actually to condor, however you make a good point.

Oh, I realized that but you made a point worth expanding upon.

no photo
Mon 12/22/14 02:27 PM
Nestle CEO Doesn't Think Water Is A Basic Right, Should Be Privatized

"Amidst the fast and furious tweets of often contradictory information regarding the manhunt for the Boston Marathon bomber, this little gem caught my eye: "Nestle CEO wants to privatize water". Now at first I thought that the headline was merely a grabber to talk about the booming bottled water industry, but then I watched the video and realized, no this guy really thinks that it is a great virtue to be able to privatize water in the future.

There's no question that global climate change and the population boom has resulted in vital resources like water being in short supply. But listen to this guy fly his Ayn Rand freak flag and ask yourself, does this sound like he's interested in protecting a resource for impoverished populations or looking to make a buck?"

Nestle Wants Water Privatized, Previously Drained Millions of Gallons of Water from Arkansas Rivers

"Companies should own every single bit of water on the planet, according to Nestle's former CEO and now-Chairman Peter Brabeck-Letmathe. His position, shared by many others in his ranks, is one of profits over people and corporate rights over human rights. They advocate a sort of survival-of-the-richest, where only those with money should have access to "privileges" like water.

Making rounds several years after its creation, a video depicting Brabeck-Letmathe suggests that while 1.5% of the world's water is for human usage, the other 98.5% "is not a human right". He states that it's this majority of water that should be "valued" through privatization. In other words, because the water is being treated as a human right (when in his mind it isn't), it is being taken for granted. In order to ensure it's used in an efficient manner, he suggests private corporations have access to owning it.

As if this isn’t frightening enough, Brabeck-Letmathe equates his position to that of Monsanto (another vile corporation who puts profits above people)."

One takes your food and the other takes your water leaving those refusing to be a slave to die as a matter of corporate right.

no photo
Mon 12/22/14 12:28 PM
Edited by alnewman on Mon 12/22/14 12:32 PM


Whoa what, you see a pony go by?

no photo
Mon 12/22/14 12:27 PM

Amir rice was 12 years old last month when a cop shot him dead.

No one blinked an eye.

Nobody blamed Obama, nor Holder, the blame rests on the policemen who killed the boy.

The two dead cops in Brooklyn was killed by a criminal lunatic.

However the cop who killed a 12 year old boy is also a criminal in a uniform.

Guess he went out in the morning and decided to go and bag him a 12yo?

There ought to be some sort of Charge against him,but I doubt he went and made a conscious decision to go and murder that Kid!
I have to agree in part, I don't think he made a conscious decision either.

It was a sub-conscious decision.

Doubt that!
you can doubt it all day, but the cop shot a twelve year old boy.

If he didn't kill him in a conscious decision, that leaves the sub-conscious decision that comes from racial indoctrination which says all Blacks are dangerous.

White cops don't kill 12 year old white kids, in fact, neither do Black cops.

You "I doubt that" is rooted in denial.

While I accept your base argument, I would contend that the indoctrination is not racial, not denying that racial is a component but not the main stream.

Blacks have always been conceived in the realm of discrimination that while being in a state of improvement has now become a means of invoking division and hatred on a mass scale. But now that have been incorporated into a larger group labeled as activist, enemies of the state. But then the racial component definitely promotes them to the head of the group.

But what must be corrected is not the racist segmentation as that just keeps the people divided, but the violent component of the police state. The racial component needs to be shelved and all work together to correct the actual wrong. It does no good to have a valuable ally as an enemy because of the psychology of division the real enemy uses to keep justice separated.

no photo
Mon 12/22/14 08:29 AM

no guns in the grown up world!

Guess that shows you didn't watch the clip.

Where there are no guns is not a grown up world but the manifestation of psychopathic/sociopathic individuals that refuse to grow up. They are still of the juvenile manifestation of my dad is bigger than your dad or I am bigger than you. They come up with a false dichotomy they are gods and deserve to dictate the actions of others, the "Supreme" authority.

Authority, an illusion of a diseased psyche, based entirely in violence and built upon the erroneous and dogmatic belief that some people are masters who have the moral right to issue commands, and others are slaves who have a moral obligation to obey the masters.

Slavery, the belief in the legitimacy of "authority" is the belief in the legitimacy of slavery. Ultimately, "authority" is the idea that man can become God and through "jurisdiction" dictate the law.

no photo
Mon 12/22/14 08:11 AM

If you had any sense you'd invest in some Swiss-Francs!

Actually I have better sense than to invest in any fiat currency. I understand the difference between asset and joke.

But being you brought it up, it does seem the Swiss banks are good for something:

Data shows Swiss hauled stolen Jewish gold for Nazis

Yep,I hope Tomato got himself elected again!
Seems you or him have never heard of the 250Million in Gold,turned over to the American Authorities at End of WWII,which subsequently was "Disappeared",either by Stupidity or Design!
You seem to really have a Woody for Switzerland,considering the US-Misdeeds,it was you Guys after all who created and sustained Hitler straight through WWII!

After WWII the Swiss give up a token of what they stole, in 1997 they again gave up a small token of what they stole. But have they gave up all they stole, not now nor ever, that is the nature of the Swiss.

And the US and Hitler, I need to see this, but then you can't come up with anything, can you? But I can come up with more of what I posted about the Swiss, it is so well documented.

The US is far from innocent of anything but don't sit there and pretend the Swiss have some moral standing, they don't.

no photo
Mon 12/22/14 07:58 AM

Quite sure I'm not the only one, have met way too many with that capability. But as George Carlin used to say: "You're not in the club."

Nope,you're just displaying the Symptoms of Chronic Cyanide Poisoning!
Those cussed Seeds do that!
Better knock it off!

Just another half baked analogy from one that hasn't a clue of what they are speaking about but feels they must instill some misguided belief in others.

no photo
Mon 12/22/14 07:23 AM

stepfather is not the father

the father called for peace

I don't understand why some are so determined to glorify and justify and applaud this death,,,

and yet call others ******** and thugs,,,,,

You will defend the family no matter what. BTW the dead thugs mom was right there with the step dad nodding and supporting the step dad.

Btw, most step dads are considered the child's dad as well.
no justice no peace.

What Justice?
More empty Slogans?
Brown was an Idiot,and his Actions that day led to his Demise!
Then the smart Bunch,in the name of Justice for a Thug went and burned down their Own Neighborhood,as they did in LA after the Rodney King Verdict,as they did in Watts,Liberty City and other Places!
Mind you,their own Neighborhoods!
Real smart!whoa slaphead

I wonder how the poor defenceless shopkeeper is doing. Remember the one that was terrorised by the dead thug. I wonder how all this has affected his life.
well,the "Justice-League" burned out his Shop during the early "Undocumented Christmas-Shopping"!

So another pile of conjecture:

Ferguson Rioters Loot Store Michael Brown Allegedly Robbed

The Fact is that the Fools consistently tear up their own Neighborhoods!

Not really, that is a statement based on the emotion of the moment. Fools would be like the Swiss that burned and destroyed their own country and then tried to steal territory in the South of France but were stopped by the Romans and made to stay where they had destroyed.

Just whom was responsible, psychopaths supported by statist that believe and give them authority and Solipsist that contend that knowledge of anything outside of one's own mind is unsure, hence there is no such thing as objective truth.

no photo
Mon 12/22/14 07:05 AM

Amir rice was 12 years old last month when a cop shot him dead.

No one blinked an eye.

Nobody blamed Obama, nor Holder, the blame rests on the policemen who killed the boy.

The two dead cops in Brooklyn was killed by a criminal lunatic.

However the cop who killed a 12 year old boy is also a criminal in a uniform.

Guess he went out in the morning and decided to go and bag him a 12yo?

There ought to be some sort of Charge against him,but I doubt he went and made a conscious decision to go and murder that Kid!
I have to agree in part, I don't think he made a conscious decision either.

It was a sub-conscious decision.

Doubt that!

Ignorance, from the Latin verb ignorare: "to not know even though necessary information is present, because that information has been willfully refused or disregarded. Ignorance carries blame. The masses are in a state of ignorance.

The question is why? The answer starts with the emotions and to construct one's life around the emotions.

"One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious. The latter procedure, however, is disagreeable and therefore, not popular." - Carl Jung

no photo
Sun 12/21/14 09:05 PM
In this episode aired in the early 1960s, author, commentator and scholar Dan Smoot discusses how the right to keep and bear arms is an indispensable ingredient of freedom.

From two laws on the books from 1934 and 1938, a declaration that a constitutional government can not be instilled until their repeal and now today, not only no repeal but so many more.

But pay close attention to the New World Order as mentioned then, in 1963.

no photo
Sun 12/21/14 08:04 PM

I actually believe the mention of Sharpton would be spin,, in a story about a criminal killing two officers,,,,before taking his own life

laugh laugh

perhaps in mingle world LACK of spin has been redefined as spin,,,drinker

"I have spoken to the Garner family and we are outraged by the early reports of the police killed in Brooklyn today," civil rights activist Rev. Al Sharpton said in a statement. "Any use of the names of Eric Garner and Michael Brown, in connection with any violence or killing of police, is reprehensible and against the pursuit of justice in both cases."

And no race intonations as it was just Hispanic and Asian that were murdered?

no photo
Sun 12/21/14 06:24 PM

another violent tragedy

a few months back an anarchist couple set out to kill themselves some cops too

and before that , some folks upset about being called out about using public land for private purposes set up camps with armed citizens prepared to take down 'authorities'

whether its animous against a cop or animous/fear around a race or nationality,,,,

its another tragedy, and more lost lives, unnecessarily cut short,,,

Twist and spin, twist and spin, you forgot to mention Sharpton, Holdem, and Odumbo, again.

no photo
Sun 12/21/14 05:18 PM

Police officers turn their backs on New York Mayor Bill de Blasio as he is accused of having 'blood on his hands' over anti-police sentiments

Still falling for the emotional appeal I see.

Go fly a Kite or catch a Lizard,Mister!

Problem is,you don't see!

BTW,you still chewing those Apricot-Kernels?

Oh,do you approve of Assassination then?

Yep, emotional appeal, thinking with the limpic brain and occasionally the stem.

And it does not seem to be I that doesn't see, is it? It is not I that refuses to see and question.

Yes I love my B17 or Laetrile. Keeps me sharp and healthy. You should try some but then that will never happen, will it? But this stuff is almost as good as Cannabinoids. Don't do big pharma because that would make me just plain stupid.

Don't forget to take your medications now.

Thought you'd be still on that Crap!
When you have time,look up the Symptoms of Chronic Cyanide-Poisoning!
I don't need any Medications,Sunshine!laugh
Leaving that Crap to you!
Hope you're enjoying your daily Dose of Hydrocyanic Acid!
Does wonder for the Brain!
Starves it of the necessary Oxygen!
The results are astounding!laugh

Shows just what you know. Already know your ability at research is weak at best, almost nonexistent. And being you are calling it crap must mean just the opposite, you actually don't know.

Love to feed you info as you seem little to know what to do with it. And it would only be one totally ignorant that would distill the cyanide and take it.

"Bitter almonds" have been used as a medical remedy for thousands of years by cultures as diverse as the ancient Egyptians, Chinese, and Pueblo Indians. In 1802, a chemist discovered that distilling the water from bitter almonds released hydrocyanic acid. In the 1830s, the source of this hydrocyanic acid was purified and called amygdalin. It was thought to be the active ingredient in bitter almonds.

But then you are the "big pharma" supporter so I would suggest staying away as their solution might kill you but then no more so than all the other concoctions they promote.

And as for my brain seems to be ahead of your wouldn't you say?

But what does all this have to do with the topic at hand other than a continuation of responses based on emotions? You have already posted the one on the childish tactics of the police over something the mayor did that was actually correct. Now do you have one with children or pregnant mothers?

no photo
Sun 12/21/14 05:00 PM

With so many concern over this one case, should the protestors' on mingle2 not be addressing concerns and issues regarding the NRA; and peoples rights to bare arms'?

We should be addressing the NRA and asking why they feel they have a right to represent gun owners and squander away our rights. They, much like yourself, little understand what a "right" really is. And to those that don't know rights, don't have any.

no photo
Sun 12/21/14 04:52 PM

stepfather is not the father

the father called for peace

I don't understand why some are so determined to glorify and justify and applaud this death,,,

and yet call others ******** and thugs,,,,,

You will defend the family no matter what. BTW the dead thugs mom was right there with the step dad nodding and supporting the step dad.

Btw, most step dads are considered the child's dad as well.
no justice no peace.

What Justice?
More empty Slogans?
Brown was an Idiot,and his Actions that day led to his Demise!
Then the smart Bunch,in the name of Justice for a Thug went and burned down their Own Neighborhood,as they did in LA after the Rodney King Verdict,as they did in Watts,Liberty City and other Places!
Mind you,their own Neighborhoods!
Real smart!whoa slaphead

I wonder how the poor defenceless shopkeeper is doing. Remember the one that was terrorised by the dead thug. I wonder how all this has affected his life.
well,the "Justice-League" burned out his Shop during the early "Undocumented Christmas-Shopping"!

So another pile of conjecture:

Ferguson Rioters Loot Store Michael Brown Allegedly Robbed

no photo
Sun 12/21/14 04:41 PM
Edited by alnewman on Sun 12/21/14 04:57 PM

Browns death, while a tragedy, he brought on himself. If he hadn't robbed the store it might never have happened.....

The death in NY was senseless! I wholeheartedly disagree with the findings of the GJ on that one! Killed for selling loose cigs! How can that be justified???!!! But then NY cops, the Gov, and the Mayor, are above the least the voters seem to think so or they would choose better leadership!

But this whole concept of only blacks suffering injustice at the hands of police is nothing but racial BS!

Police don't care whose rights they abuse or who they shoot! Less than 3% of their "police homicide" or "death by police" victims are black.

Why aren't they protesting about the "black on black" homicide which is the largest on record and voting for change rather than stirring up misdirected racial animosity with the likes of Not-so-Sharpton and Jackasson, and now the congressional black caucus adding to the injustice? These idiots have just negated what we have been working 50 years to overcome!

How senseless can a people be?

A wise man once stated "Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country."

Isn't every death caused by an officer worth the same attention, or only when they're black?

You seem to have unification confused with the current state of affairs. Theirs is not to unify but to divide. And in division to deflect so as to not draw attention to reality.

no photo
Sun 12/21/14 04:38 PM

stepfather is not the father

the father called for peace

I don't understand why some are so determined to glorify and justify and applaud this death,,,

and yet call others ******** and thugs,,,,,

You will defend the family no matter what. BTW the dead thugs mom was right there with the step dad nodding and supporting the step dad.

Btw, most step dads are considered the child's dad as well.
no justice no peace.

What Justice?
More empty Slogans?
Brown was an Idiot,and his Actions that day led to his Demise!
Then the smart Bunch,in the name of Justice for a Thug went and burned down their Own Neighborhood,as they did in LA after the Rodney King Verdict,as they did in Watts,Liberty City and other Places!
Mind you,their own Neighborhoods!
Real smart!whoa slaphead

Probably something they learned from the Swiss:

Why is "CH" the abbreviation for Switzerland?

"The reason Caesar wrote about the Helvetians is that they decided to migrate en masse to Gaul (present-day France), either because the barbarians from the north (present-day Germany) were encroaching on their territory or because they thought France would be easy pickings. In any case the Helvetians were determined - Caesar says they burned their villages before starting their long march. The Romans, however, didn't like the idea of hundreds of thousands people on the move close to their territory and forcefully asked them to stay put, which request culminated in the famous (to the Swiss) battle of Bibracte (58 BC) in which the courageous Helvetians were defeated by the dastardly Romans and sent back to their original dwelling place."

no photo
Sun 12/21/14 04:12 PM

If you had any sense you'd invest in some Swiss-Francs!

Actually I have better sense than to invest in any fiat currency. I understand the difference between asset and joke.

But then to one that believes is statist and suffers from solipsism, the only safe haven is that which controls. All the little sheeple that wait for the next thought so they know what is next.

But being you brought it up, it does seem the Swiss banks are good for something:

Data shows Swiss hauled stolen Jewish gold for Nazis

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