Community > Posts By > no1phD

no1phD's photo
Wed 04/04/18 08:51 AM
Not a clear-cut question I suppose for each break up it's different.... I would imagine if you split up on bad terms you stop doing for each other .. immediately..

But for others that's not the case..
Take myself for instance.. I still go over and cut the grass and shovel the snow and occasionally will clean my exes house for her.. even cook the occasional meal for her.. and our boys.. I do it to help out.. to help lighten her load to make life a little easier...but
Some of my friends think this is odd most all of my divorced friends think I'm crazy..

I don't think it's odd our crazy ..I just think it's my way of helping out... but I find myself sometimes feeling guilty if I don't feel like going over to do these things for her... or I struggle with not going.. over to help out a little.... I think to myself !..nobody cleans my house nobody cuts my grass I do this stuff myself... but then I feel guilty for even thinking such a thought...
I feel ashamed for not wanting to help her out... even if it is just too do the dishes for her so it's one less thing to do with when she gets home from work... now I don't do this all the time of course.. but on occasion I do..... I was just wondering is there a time a point in time when you just stop doing these things for your ex.. and become okay with it... look after your own life so to speak... and is there anyone else out there that feels the same way... you still do things for your ex but wonder if you should be doing these things at all..?

no1phD's photo
Wed 04/04/18 08:37 AM
If you have to ask you're the one being

no1phD's photo
Wed 04/04/18 08:22 AM
Personally I tell the people that matter to me I love them every chance I get....
I'm a bit touchy-feely that way LOL...

But saying I love you to someone is a declaration of a real deep sincere .. emotion... that I love you emotion for most people it is not tooken lightly.....

So when they say those words I love you they need to believe it they need to feel it... and in some cases you want the other person to feel the same way...... that's why declaring I love you in a new relationship can be a bit tricky if you say it too soon are you say it too late.. it's about timing I suppose... I find it best to say it as soon as you feel it truly feel it for the other person..... because love is all about taking risks.. we open ourselves up we open our hearts up we expose ourselves to the risk of being hurt at some point... hoping that never comes but knowing it will... but Having the courage to be okay with that then opening ourselves up to the possibility .of never being hurt

no1phD's photo
Wed 04/04/18 08:14 AM
Just leave in the morning and call it a night..
Sure !back in the day.. when the grass was greener and we were younger..sure..
But now that we are older and the grass is more Brown than green.. or should I say gray LOL.. casual hookups or less frequent..
Single daters in our age category need and want a little more than a one-night stand..
I'd imagine it's because we all know the clock is ticking down.. and the fact that we have been there and done that in the past... it does not really hold the same exciting Intrigue it once did.... it's not to say casual one-night-stands do not happen from time to time ..but I just don't think at a certain age you seek that out anymore.... it's not the underlying priority... don't get me wrong!.. if it happens and it works out that way great...but.. when it does... it always leaves a person .wanting for something deeper more real... because when the other person leaves in the morning your still single
..alone...and looking for a fulltime date ..
And as far as your underlying question goes... your own age slightly below your age slightly above your own age... it's all good just as long as you're dating that's what matters

no1phD's photo
Mon 04/02/18 09:53 AM
To confess would be the admittance of guilt.... I do not feel guilty for my past Deeds good or bad... I sometimes feel remorse... I sometimes feel a little naughty..
. For the things I have done in the past..
But I do not feel the need to confess or ask of forgiveness.... whatever I have done I have done for good reasons.. naughty or nice... lifes guilty Little Pleasures.... the chance of getting your hand caught in the cookie jar... is what makes sneaking that cookie so

no1phD's photo
Thu 03/29/18 12:30 PM
I don't know I'm 87 and I think I look pretty good for my

no1phD's photo
Thu 03/29/18 12:28 PM
Or better yet we will just have our children stay home and they can video conference the teacher therefore alleviating any social interaction between student and fellow student.. isn't that where we're all headed anyways no more social interaction just stay in your little box.. think about it .. there are no more really good bars to pick people up in so we have online dating..
That's the wave of the future keep you in your house off the roads... and apart from each other in a social setting.. face to face
But instead in front of an LCD screen where the government and corporations can pom barge you.. and your children with product advertisement... and government propaganda..yup... God forbid you would want to go out of your front door unless it's to purchase

no1phD's photo
Thu 03/29/18 12:22 PM
Edited by no1phD on Thu 03/29/18 12:24 PM

Question....should the federal government install Armed UnderCover Officers at all schools in the united states?
...why!yes !..yes they should they should also install safe rooms in every classroom plus outfit each child with a bulletproof vest... this way we don't have to rely on parents teaching the children right from wrong or keeping loaded weapons from their Sticky Fingers... great idea let's place the ordinance of responsibility.. for our children's actions on the state.. or School Board... rather than where it belongs... on the child and parents themselves.... maybe a more proactive stance against bullying.. might help

no1phD's photo
Thu 03/29/18 12:19 PM
Wow!! I must have been smoking some really good weed when I made this topic LOL

no1phD's photo
Thu 03/29/18 12:15 PM
Now we only see one side of the moon it's in the same rotational orbit.. as our planet..
Now the back side of the moon that we never get to see .. isn't as heavily impacted by craters as the side that faces us....
Which makes me wonder how does any asteroid or Comet large enough to leave such craters on the face of the Moon Escape our gravitational pull and end up hitting the moon... and not us... you think it would be the other way around the heavily impacted side would be facing away from us and the Lesser impacted Side of the Moon facing us... just a thought...

no1phD's photo
Thu 03/29/18 12:02 PM
How can you tell he is the right one look behind his right ear it says in bold print ...right

no1phD's photo
Tue 03/27/18 05:42 PM
Thinking I can't believe I agreed to work a split shift...omg....but.... that's life..

no1phD's photo
Mon 03/26/18 05:12 PM
Sure I would date myself but the discussion of who's going to be on top or not would be very

no1phD's photo
Mon 03/26/18 05:10 PM
Hmmm... I don't necessarily agree that being single makes you happy.... I know lots of married couples or people in relationships that are quite happy...
Happiness is a state of mind... of course your environment could play a part in your happiness a relationship can play a part in your happiness... but happiness comes from within... single or not...

no1phD's photo
Fri 03/23/18 10:21 AM
He could just have the grass is greener syndrome... he enjoys being with you but he does not see the relationship as potential long-term material... sure he's happy with you right now but when he thinks about long-term he probably knows it won't happen... so he keeps the option of meeting someone with the potential for a long-term relationship open..... this is typically what I do... I meet someone they're great I really like them but when I think about having a long-term committed relationship with them if I don't see that happening...well.. then I keep my options open... there's nothing wrong with hanging out with somebody while you're still looking... you shouldn't flirt right in front of their face with someone else... but what you do on your own time in the privacy of your own home should be your business....
And if the other person is snooping are looking at your phone well.... shame on them... live in the moment I say.. if you're enjoying someone's company then enjoy it for what it is... don't hold out any expectations for anything longer than a good time right now...

no1phD's photo
Tue 03/20/18 09:42 PM
Besides the great mind-blowing sex what do I miss...
Ummm.. someone hogging the bed..
Hmmmm.... wait a minute I don't really miss that..hmmmm.. someone coming into the bathroom while I'm having a shower and leaving the bathroom door open letting all the hot steam Escape...
Ohhh.. nope I don't miss that either LOL...

What I do miss is sharing time with someone.. even if we're just lazing around the house... I miss holding hands and feeling connected to my partner..
I miss the soft morning afternoon and evening kisses.. I miss the laughter I miss the togetherness....

But I don't miss finding toothpaste in the sink.. or hair for that matter LOL

no1phD's photo
Tue 03/13/18 04:22 PM
Edited by no1phD on Tue 03/13/18 04:23 PM
I am totally guilty of being a Shopaholic..
My wardrobe and my closet full..
I'm starting..well!!!... I have a pretty good start on my second watch box.. each box holds 8 watches... I have more Aeropostale t-shirts than any one person should have.. I literally could open up my own Aeropostale store..Lol... I guess it is a little bit of self-entitlement.. maybe growing up with little has something to do with it...

Any new purchase tends to make you feel good.. about where you are in life...
But you should never spend more than you can afford to .... sometimes buying a new outfit or new watch is better than spending the money on something like alcohol drugs gambling.. women..Lol... but I think I finally reached a place in my life where I have more than I need and I'm happy with what I have... so hopefully oh wait a minute is that a... Rolex watch on sale online that I just saw... got to go....Ttyl..

no1phD's photo
Sun 03/11/18 09:10 PM
Is there a mrs. Or mr. Right in a relationship I don't know but there's a mr. And mrs. Right or wrong... that much I do know

no1phD's photo
Fri 03/09/18 07:35 AM

anyone who pleasures in causing pain.

.hmmm.. sometimes Pleasure and Pain go hand-in-hand...wink

no1phD's photo
Wed 03/07/18 07:15 PM
Let's see put it to the test.

Not interested.. in beautiful fit well-rounded youthful woman who has her s*** together.. please if this is you don't bother messaging

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