Community > Posts By > no1phD

no1phD's photo
Wed 10/11/17 03:55 PM
That's what I like about you tech savvy guys..
You can have a conversation between yourselves and nobody around you has an idea of what you're talking

Besides we all know the pesky problem of gravity will be solved hello what was George Jetson's wife's name??.. she was smoking

no1phD's photo
Wed 10/11/17 03:52 PM
And is it just me or does anybody else feel like this conversation just got a little

no1phD's photo
Wed 10/11/17 03:50 PM
Edited by no1phD on Wed 10/11/17 03:51 PM

Offline I would have to chase them down use chloroform on them

You are such a modern man, I still believe in the caveman way, Bonk Bonk, then grab a handfull of hair and drag her back to my mancave.
Some things should never be modernized...
..yes. but you're overlooking their hair extensions.. my way there's no embarrassing
One deep wiff. and they're in
The tag and bag method I call it

no1phD's photo
Wed 10/11/17 03:44 PM
And you will notice I said women not little girls..noooo.. that would be creepy

no1phD's photo
Wed 10/11/17 03:43 PM
All I can say to this topic is nothing wrong with women dressing a little sleazy ...sometimes..... I have so little to live for let's not take that away from me shall where did I put my Kleenex

no1phD's photo
Wed 10/11/17 03:39 PM
Online dating is changing the nature of society..

I'll say it's a lot easier to convince a woman
To come to my place... and then lock her in my sub basement... online then it is offline..
Offline I would have to chase them down use chloroform on them... lock them into my trunk of my car... and then there's all the screaming and shouting..omg...
So much easier of course I'm only kidding I use a van not the trunk of a

no1phD's photo
Wed 10/11/17 03:17 PM

How truly lucky/blessed I am to have someone so amazing in my life...
. Sounds like someone's got a man friend..
Lucky fella.... anybody I know???.

no1phD's photo
Wed 10/11/17 03:10 PM
Reacher are settler..?
Hmmm.. well sometimes I like a reach-around...but.. other times I settle for the normal way...
Is there a normal way???...
Is this microphone even on?? test test 123.. test.... why do I bother!! nobody bloody well listens to me

no1phD's photo
Wed 10/11/17 03:07 PM
Speaking of lusted-after..
Don't you just love it when scammers participate in the forms..hmm.. it adds such a Nuance of realism to the whole thing..
Lol.... mama says be careful what you wish for.. wait a minute!!!. She never said that..
All she ever said to me was..
Omg are you still here!!!!.. when you going to move out.... I want my sewing room back lmao..

no1phD's photo
Wed 10/11/17 11:49 AM
How to catch a man..
The same way women have been doing it since the start of time..
Flash a bit of skin flash a nice smile..
Dote over him cook for him sex him up..

And then once you caught him..

You slowly make all the above disappear.. overtime..... women such tricky

no1phD's photo
Wed 10/11/17 11:47 AM
First thought this morning..

Hmmm.. now how did I get my hand stuck in there???

no1phD's photo
Wed 10/11/17 11:43 AM
.. I need to find three more marbles.

no1phD's photo
Wed 10/11/17 11:42 AM
Note to self time make sure you're tucked in all the way before you zip up

Ouch ))))))..son of a box of raisins))))...lmao

no1phD's photo
Wed 10/11/17 11:40 AM
Holds his hands far apart from each other and says

I swear to God it was this big.

no1phD's photo
Wed 10/11/17 11:39 AM
A woman's nightly prayer..
Came running into topic room as fast as I could..yup
. It is about me!! well all except for the thinks before he speaks part..
Sooo..not my

no1phD's photo
Tue 10/10/17 03:46 PM
I feel rejected every time I go outside to play with the family dog ..and he sits there looking around like he's waiting for someone else to come out and play..
And then he gives me a look like..
Omg.. okay!!..if I really have to!! Let's Play..
and get this over with.... but I swear to God if somebody else walks in the yard I'm ditching your *** for them..shocked


no1phD's photo
Tue 10/10/17 03:41 PM
Edited by no1phD on Tue 10/10/17 03:43 PM
. This message is going out there to that very special someone..ohhh yeah!! you know who you are...
Chicka boom chicka boom chicka boom..
Yeah!...wink wink...

no1phD's photo
Tue 10/10/17 03:19 PM
I feel rejected every time my mother slaps me in the face.. ouch but mama what did I do???..... you didn't do anything Junior except be

no1phD's photo
Mon 10/09/17 09:02 AM
Ummm.. I'm confused is open relationship..
Just a nice way of saying cheating..???


no1phD's photo
Mon 10/09/17 09:01 AM
How to spend Leisure Time.
Slides a box of Kleenex across the table to the Op... pretty sure you'll figure out what to do with