Community > Posts By > BeautyBrownEyes

BeautyBrownEyes's photo
Thu 08/14/14 05:51 PM
will someone tell me how to post pictures in the thread(s)? How are ya'll doing that? Don't see any type of upload or attach links


BeautyBrownEyes's photo
Thu 08/14/14 05:44 PM

No, and I'm almost frantic with worry!
They never stay out this late without at least calling.
And I don't know if they took clean undies with.scared

No worries.
They're at the Ho-down with my pants.

lol too cute

BeautyBrownEyes's photo
Thu 08/14/14 05:43 PM

No, and I'm almost frantic with worry!
They never stay out this late without at least calling.
And I don't know if they took clean undies with.scared

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh bigsmile bigsmile

too cute

BeautyBrownEyes's photo
Thu 08/14/14 04:28 PM
Edited by BeautyBrownEyes on Thu 08/14/14 04:40 PM
There is an upscale biker bar at gessner and 249 area for all you Houston people. It's great. I think it would be fun if we all gather, a group of guys and gals, and all have group fun, meeting there together. So we can see and meet all the people we've been talking online with. Just to socialize, laugh together, have a few drinks. We could even wear those stick on name tags with our screen names lol laugh this way we would all know everyone with a name tag is from mingle2, and we could all gather together lol. Group partyyyyyy !!!! lol :wink:

They even have a real nice outside patio with tables and chairs. The lighting inside is so cool and pretty, dim cozy and a bit romantic. They have red and blue lights all inside.

The music is great, a good mix of some light rock, and some danceable funk lol :wink:

It's called "Revolution (Bourban Social). Some of you Houston people may already know about it. It's a fairly new place and is becoming a hit. Great business there.

We should plan it for a Saturday evening.

It would be fun. And give people chances to meet, etc. :wink:

Lots of people are all tatted (tatood) up in there, and some bring their bikes at times. You can also eat there, it's just a great place; menu is good, burgers, appetizers, etc.

So guys bring your Harleys' ! :banana:


BeautyBrownEyes's photo
Thu 08/14/14 04:22 PM
Edited by BeautyBrownEyes on Thu 08/14/14 04:22 PM

Uhmmm... i hope so..
Anyway thank you... and yes i can say also goodluck for me.sad2

What you put into mingle you will get out of mingle. there is a search where you can look through pics and say yes or no, then they can email you. its a start. you have to do a visual here, or profile like first. my opinion. thats what i do. so have fun with it. main thing. bigsmile

All good points! :wink:

Personally I don't look for men; men look for me LOL

This is a real cute thread! happy

BeautyBrownEyes's photo
Sun 08/10/14 07:09 PM
rainbow trout:

1 Corinthians 7:9 But if they cannot contain, let them marry: for it is better to marry than to burn.

(clapping) (smile)

BeautyBrownEyes's photo
Sun 08/10/14 05:16 PM

I recently just went through a barrage of judgment from a person I thought understood my beliefs. It was out of no-where that this person told me that I was a Luke-warm Christian due to me being okay with sex before marriage.

It hurt not only being called a person that God wants to spit out of his mouth, but more so because I cared for this girl. We had come to an agreement before hand, and I thought we we're on the same page. But then out of no-where, she one eighties on me, but I don't blame her at all for feeling this way.

As someone who believes/knows Jesus died for my sins, I know just how BIG God really is, but I also have a lot of confidence in Him knowing me inside and out as well. I am a sinner, and will sin for the rest of my life, but I am just tired of so many people who go through condemnation and persecution on a daily basis that end up doing this to each other!

It's all about God, Jesus, and the Holy spirit in the end, but at the same time, apart of me really does just want that intimacy in a sexual relationship with another human being.

What do you think? No judgement here at all, I'm just wondering what others believe on this topic.

"""""No judgement here; I'm just wondering what others believe on this topic"""""""

No judgement. I don't condemn people for what they do either. Because if you want to have sex, that's your business, and that's between you and God. I am the kind of person who is still going to accept a person the way they are, in other words, as long as they don't impose it on me, out of common respect. With things in general.

I can tell you that I am in the same boat as the girl you care about who you are talking about here. I have a thread about this, but lost track of it.... and it is probably in one of the many, many pages here, somewhere to be found.

I do not have sex outside of a marriage context, and I won't. There are many Christians struggling with this issue, refraining from sex for God, until marriage, trying to follow the bible in this area of their lives. I relate, as it is not easy. We all have the same desires and feelings as you. Also, when a man really loves and cares about a woman, and she feels this way, and wants to wait until marriage to have sex, he will wait, and respect that, and continue to court her, hoping that the relationship will lead to something long-term and meaningful, IE: marriage. And if he is really in love with her, he will also set goals toward marriage, move forward in those goals, and share those goals with her. There is also help in churches, if you would like pastoral counseling regarding the sex issue in your life, to be able to become stronger in that area of your life. Personally, for example, I don't want to be sexual outside of a marriage type of context, because if I do, I feel like I hurt God. It doesn't spiritually agree with me. That is also because I am committed to God. And also because I am "connected" to him. He convicts my spirit, if I sin, just like I'm sure he convicts yours if you sin. And once you know what is sin, you become accountable for it. Fornication is sex outside of a marriage context. The bible clearly talks about fornication being a sin, and to "flee from fornication". There are ways to help "not lead us into temptation" and that's what we're suppose to do. Like don't spend a lot of time alone in a home with a member of the opposite sex; get out in the public and do things together. Don't talk about sex, because it could lead to sex. You can guard yourself in these ways.

There are Christians who are indeed also like, "I am committed to God, but don't talk to me about saving sex for marriage". They are not fully committed to God.

This is not about judgement. A lot of Christians struggle with this issue, and we are all here to help eachother as Christians. You are seeking so you asked for support in this area. Now God is giving it to you. There are a lot of sexually transmitted diseases out there also, so you have to be careful for that reason also.

Or, consider the fact that you may not be in love with her, otherwise, you might be willing to wait and plan toward a marriage, as I explain above.

BeautyBrownEyes's photo
Wed 06/04/14 06:59 PM
No, I don't believe it is too forward for a Christian lady to say hi first, or any lady for that matter. I don't see anything necessarily wrong or too forward about it. Although, guys do appreciate more when they search through a crowd, and pick out a lady they like, and contact her first, introducing himself, and showing interest. But there are also times when sometimes guys may be shy too, and/or afraid of rejection, so they also like and appreciate at times when a lady shows some sweet flirtatious interest, to let a guy know she's interested in getting to know him. Then a man's approach feels even easier to them. So if you happen to stumble across a profile you like, that you just can't pass up writing to the guy, do let him know it (wink).

BeautyBrownEyes's photo
Sun 06/01/14 04:12 PM
I figured it out! It is through the "Who's Online" listing. When you click on the Who's Online link, each user listed online has an "Instant Message" link! when you click on the instant message link, that brings up the chat box, so you can chat with them one on one lol

BeautyBrownEyes's photo
Sun 06/01/14 09:35 AM

I am seeing little chat/box messages pop up on the bottom of my screen, from other users. But I can not see or find where the "chat" link(s) are to be able to initiate chat with users one on one like that, in those little private chat boxes which come up. I can't find any links at the top of the page via this website which say "chat" or anything. Can any one tell me how to start a chat like this with other users? What do you click on? And where is it located?

If I am not mistaken, then you have to be a site "Friend" of another member in order to use the chat-box to chat with that other member.

Naaaa .... that can't be right, because I am not a site friend of any of the members I am seeing these chat boxes from.

BeautyBrownEyes's photo
Sat 05/31/14 11:36 AM
I am seeing little chat/box messages pop up on the bottom of my screen, from other users. But I can not see or find where the "chat" link(s) are to be able to initiate chat with users one on one like that, in those little private chat boxes which come up. I can't find any links at the top of the page via this website which say "chat" or anything. Can any one tell me how to start a chat like this with other users? What do you click on? And where is it located?

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