Community > Posts By > BeautyBrownEyes

BeautyBrownEyes's photo
Wed 03/25/15 02:51 AM
"How do you feel about unfaithfulness; and how would you handle it if it happened?"

For me, it would be totally over! If someone would cheat on me, any loving feelings I had for them would be gone. No sense in going back and trying again.

BeautyBrownEyes's photo
Wed 03/25/15 02:50 AM

For me, I would have to say:
Drug use
General dishonesty
Over jealousy
Being overly passionate about what I consider to be stupid **** (like clothes on a dog. If dogs were meant to wear clothes, they would have thumbs and dress themselves...)
Frivolous spending
And finally, poor decision making...

That all being said, I'm not your normal 23yo man. I have been very successful in life because I don't put up with bull ****.

Great post Mickey! Very mature for your age then... you're on the right track!

You have some real good ones here. Oooohhhh and especially cheating ... oh another great topic that brings to mind ....

"How do you feel about unfaithfulness; and how would you handle it if it happened?" I'll go start that topic/new thread! drinker cheers!

BeautyBrownEyes's photo
Tue 03/24/15 06:45 PM
Ok, I just made new thread, we can post in that one on that topic too.... neato ... great topic :smile: See this thread: Topic: List 10 Can't Stands (Traits You Prefer Not To Deal With)

BeautyBrownEyes's photo
Tue 03/24/15 06:43 PM
List 10 Can't Stands (which traits on which you'��d prefer not to compromise. Things you would not want to put up with in a relationship. Therefore, you would not rather be in a relationship with that person. These will be different for everybody. I will start :smile: (Don't list more than 10, because no one is perfect, and more than 10 would really be too many. There is no perfect person, if you wait around for the perfect person, you will be alone, because no one is perfect) .

Drinking like a fish (socially/occasionally is ok with me lol)
Impulsive spending
Being unorganized


BeautyBrownEyes's photo
Tue 03/24/15 06:25 PM

I sometimes think people (both genders) sort of stop putting effort into keeping their relationship alive after they've moved in and/or gotten married. First time's always brilliant, but sort of as if they've reached their goal: a relationship, then 'sag' on the settee and stop tucking their tummies in, burp during and after dinner etc. Figuratively of course. but that kind of feel. Almost taking each other for granted. And I think this sometimes happens real fast.
If ppl kept treating each other as if they were still dating, divorce rates might actually drop.

yes... sometimes people might do what it might take to get a person, but then they don't do what it takes to "keep" a person. Important. And also would make another good topic! You go girl !

BeautyBrownEyes's photo
Tue 03/24/15 06:22 PM
Edited by BeautyBrownEyes on Tue 03/24/15 06:37 PM

As long as you don't have man boobs...

Oh dear god, no man boobs!!! noway
Maybe we should make a list of 5 NO WAYS!
Guess we did those before, so much happens here, I keep losing track, lol. But NO friggin man boobs! Hair on back at least you can wax, but man boobs...
Silly thing is, if you are with a man and grow older, you will still love him even when he does get man boobs, hair on his back, hair growing out of his ears, on is his ears and eyebrow hairs about 3" long. But thinking about hooking up with someone who's got all that, freaks me out. ohwell Just a high 'eeeewww' level

I'm side tracking ... see what mayhem man-boobs can cause?!?!

OOOHHH !!! 5 No Ways.. would be 5 Can't Stands! LOL TOO CUTE.

Actually can't stands may or can also be things you just can not tolerate, kind of thing. I thought of making that as another topic starting another thread, List 10 Can't Stands (which traits on which you'��d prefer not to compromise. Things you would not want to put up with in a relationship, like for me, I can't stand rudeness; I would not be with someone who was rude a lot of the time). Then another topic started with List your 10 Must Haves: preferences that indicate which important qualities in a partner that you must have. :smile:

BeautyBrownEyes's photo
Tue 03/24/15 06:15 PM
Edited by BeautyBrownEyes on Tue 03/24/15 06:27 PM

Pick five essential character qualities which discerns for you whether or not someone has the inner goods necessary to sustain a healthy relationship.


Do you do this to promote your own private services or collect information to put on your group facebook page?

After the several posts by you in which you promote them, I am suspicious of your intentions or motivations.

I think in fairness to this community you should offer full disclosure.

LOL ... just starting a topic for discussion here is all. It's a great topic. I don't have any private services to promote lol. I don't collect information for anything. Not promoting anything, or not trying to promote anything. Just trying to be social and share in mingling like everyone else is here on this site in the forums for. To discuss, to socialize, to laugh, to visit, and have fun, and make friends, and get to know eachother. Those are my only intentions. That's it! Nothing like you're "being suspicious" about. Don't worry about things like that. I am not that kind of person. I am a very honest, and fun-loving person as a matter of fact :smile:

BeautyBrownEyes's photo
Tue 03/24/15 06:03 PM
all of these are great ! :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile:

BeautyBrownEyes's photo
Tue 03/24/15 06:03 PM

Open/fair minded.
Excellent sense of humor.
Likes shirtless profile pics.

I know that's only 4.
I'm not the demanding type.

like shirtless profiles? rofl rofl rofl

too cute

BeautyBrownEyes's photo
Mon 03/23/15 12:16 AM

Both are important, but love is most important.

BeautyBrownEyes's photo
Mon 03/23/15 12:08 AM
I like it! kindlightheart! :smile: Romantic and good sense of humor are good ones :smile:

BeautyBrownEyes's photo
Mon 03/23/15 12:02 AM

The five character qualities meaning also the qualities have to be past the superficial :smile:

BeautyBrownEyes's photo
Sun 03/22/15 11:59 PM
Pick five essential character qualities which discerns for you whether or not someone has the inner goods necessary to sustain a healthy relationship. :smile:

What qualities are they for you?

Here are mine for example. Some of yours can be the same, but you have to come up with five ... some of them may be what's important to you, everyone's may be different... as people are different. Everyone will have different things they can't stand (can't stand = things that would break a relationship for you). And everyone will have things they **must have**.

Here are the five qualities which are important to me, which lets me know a person has what it takes to maintain a healthy relationship.

. Faithful
. Honesty (words, actions and transparency)
. Committed
. Forgiving
. Giving

BeautyBrownEyes's photo
Sun 03/22/15 11:44 PM
Edited by BeautyBrownEyes on Sun 03/22/15 11:47 PM
major hugs ..... A dedication song for your mom ... think of her as a borrowed angel. here is the youtube link. Kristin Chenoweth - Borrowed Angels

And here are the words to the song: (Save for your mom; put in your prayer box or personal memoire place for her and for you)

They shine a little brighter, they feel a little more
They touch your life in ways no one has ever done before
They love a little stronger, they live to give their best
They make our lives so blest, so why do they go so soon?
The ones with souls so beautiful
I heard someone say--

There must be Borrowed Angels, here in this life
They come along, into this world, and make this world bright
But they can't stay forever
Cause they're heaven sent
And sometimes, heaven needs them back again

They reach a little deeper, they see what's in your soul
And even when they leave you know, you'll never let them go
The world's a little richer, just cause they came along
Their love goes on and on, so why do they go so soon?
The ones with souls so beautiful. I heard someone say--

There must be Borrowed Angels, here in this life
They come along, into this world, and make this world bright
They can't stay forever, cause they're heaven sent
And sometimes, heaven needs them back again

How else can you explain why they're here and not here to stay?
I believe there must be, must be

Borrowed Angels, here in this life
They come along, into this world, and make this world bright
But they can't stay forever, cause there heaven sent
And sometimes heaven needs them back again.
And sometimes heaven needs them back again.

BeautyBrownEyes's photo
Sun 03/22/15 11:33 PM

I lost my virginity right after..
my ex and I had our second child..

you always have something funny and entertaining to say ... laugh

BeautyBrownEyes's photo
Sun 03/22/15 11:32 PM

I have a kid almost your age, so I'm not really concerned with waiting at this point. I respect that you want to wait, but as Ana said, it's a choice you make. If that's what you believe, don't hope to wait. Just wait. Lord knows there are too many people overflowing the gene pool already who are not prepared to take responsibility for the consequences of getting laid, so maybe you're onto something. More power to you.


BeautyBrownEyes's photo
Sun 03/22/15 11:29 PM
Edited by BeautyBrownEyes on Sun 03/22/15 11:30 PM
no1phD - women usually have 10,000 words a day... compared to men you cutie lol

BeautyBrownEyes's photo
Sun 03/22/15 11:28 PM
lol no1phD :smile:

BeautyBrownEyes's photo
Sun 03/22/15 11:27 PM
fixed my post about love languages ... now you can really read it and understand it lol

BeautyBrownEyes's photo
Sun 03/22/15 11:21 PM

I baked my ex a birthday cake once.
. she just looked at it ,smiled at me and said... silly !!..we can't serve that to are....dinner guest...

. of course I was standing in the cake naked at the time
