Community > Posts By > Rubicat

Rubicat's photo
Sun 08/31/14 08:58 PM
Good Morning guys - little early for most of you but I am about 8 hours ahead of you.I Only know most of you from reading your posts but I really am trying to get out of my cocoon so need to socialise.waving waving waving waving

Rubicat's photo
Sun 08/31/14 11:07 AM
How about invite him for dinner, cook his favourite meal feed him strawberries for dessert sit next to him so he can smell your perfume and talk very softly so he has to lean in close to hear you. When you talk to him touch him also very softly.Whispering in his ear will get you the prize!

Rubicat's photo
Sat 08/30/14 11:02 AM
Perfectly stated intersite! The thing is women have this constant pressure to look good and the majority of men dont really care about how they look. Once a woman is over 50 she kind of becomes invisible to men.
Yes I want a man still at my age and even a sexual relationship but I wont have one night stands or take second best so I stay single.All I ask for is a man who cares about personal hygiene,dresses neatly and has a sense of humour and great manners but there arent many 50 plus men around who fit the bill so I ehguess I will stay single!

Rubicat's photo
Sat 08/30/14 10:58 AM
Perfectly stated intersite! The thing is women have this constant pressure to look good and the majority of men dont really care about how they look. Once a woman is over 50 she kind of becomes invisible to men.
Yes I want a man still at my age and even a sexual relationship but I wont have one night stands or take second best so I stay single.All I ask for is a man who cares about personal hygiene,dresses neatly and has a sense of humour and great manners but there arent many 50 plus men around who fit the bill so I guess I will stay single!

Rubicat's photo
Sat 08/30/14 10:32 AM
I guess a lot of people lie on these sites so you have to be kind of a detective to get past them.There are guys on here as well who post fake profiles and pics aplenty.I am not looking for younger guys and they just keep on trying to contact me.I prefer a long distance relationship because I would like to get to know the person first.I have been on and off these websites for years but have never really got onto forums or given them much attention because I was always too busy. I am enjoying reading the posts at the moment to see what is going on.Well that is just my 2 cents worth. P.S. I Belonged to another well known dating website for years without really using it and when I did start using it was removed for having a FAKE profile. Couldnt believe that one but I refused to log in with my FB login and I blocked so many scammers I guess thats why.

Rubicat's photo
Sat 08/30/14 10:23 AM
I guess a lot of people lie on these sites so you have to be kind of a detective to get past them.There are guys on here as well who post fake profiles and pics aplenty.I am not looking for younger guys and they just keep on trying to contact me.I prefer a long distance relationship because I would like to get to know the person first.I have been on and off these websites for years but have never really got onto forums or given them much attention because I was always too busy. I am enjoying reading the posts at the moment to see what is going on.Well that is just my 2 cents worth. P.S. I Belonged to another well known dating website for years without really using it and when I did start using it was removed for having a FAKE profile. Couldnt believe that one but I refused to log in with my FB login and I blocked so many scammers I guess thats why.

Rubicat's photo
Sat 08/30/14 07:47 AM
HI guys I am from South Africa and would like to chat to guys from the US or UK or Australia.The reason being South African men are just plain boring and I have family in those countrioes whom I visit. So chances are I could get to meet them

Rubicat's photo
Sat 08/30/14 06:55 AM
Hey Wallis dont be so negative.I guess you prob get disheartened because you havent met the right person. Hey I have been married twice and decided to get out of the dating scene because I obviously have poor taste in men. Well I jumped in again and got a little burrrned but it made me think about my life and I decided to stop letting life pass me by. I am making sime big changes in my life and feel full of energy.Dont stop living because you dont have a partner!

Rubicat's photo
Sat 08/30/14 06:34 AM
Also just activated my account again and got an avalanche of men of totally wrong age read scammers there. Looks like people dont actually read the profiles

Rubicat's photo
Sat 08/30/14 06:29 AM
Hello guys am back after a small hiatus during which I got burned a little but am getting right back in the saddle and hope to go on a fun ride this time

Rubicat's photo
Sat 08/30/14 06:12 AM
You dont have to be rude Oslo just block them I also get sick of the pretend widowers.I guess the idea is to make you feel sorry for them.Oh and another thing if you are even thinking of a relationship get them to call you via Skype or Viber first-the accents are a dead giveaway as to who they really are

Rubicat's photo
Sat 08/30/14 06:07 AM
Perhaps you should have been honest and said Sugar Mommy or Sugar Daddy! Just saying!

Rubicat's photo
Sat 08/30/14 04:55 AM
Well I just burnt my fingers on this website but am sensible so it was only my fingers! But what I learned is I need to get my life in gear and start living so it wasnt all bad.I feel I am starting my life fresh and no matter if I dont have a partner to share it with I am going to start enjoying every minute

Rubicat's photo
Thu 08/21/14 10:43 AM
I agree with this would like to get to know the person before we meet.I want to feel like I am meeting a friend.

Rubicat's photo
Tue 08/19/14 11:01 AM
Hello Texans ,have to say never met a Texan who doesnt have the gift of the gab and have visited TX a number of times.My sister is married to one as well. Actually I love the accent too.P.S. I am a South African and couldnt resist adding my five cents worth!

Rubicat's photo
Tue 08/19/14 10:48 AM
Hi there I am a South African Girl who has family in Rockhampton area.Would like to make friends with Aussie men 54 -64 age group in that area so we can meet up when I visit.P.S.I am 56 so this is not a scam

Rubicat's photo
Tue 08/19/14 09:59 AM
The nice part about being older is we are more relaxed.I dont feel I have to compete and if I dont find a man who makes me happy well I am quite happy on my own

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